The WWE Raw Report 1/19/15 – Raw Reunion And The Go-Home Show To Royal Rumble


Raw Pre-Show Notes

– Scott Stanford, Corey Graves, and Alex Riley host. It’s a Raw Reunion tonight with Hogan, Flair, HBK, Hall & Nash, Waltman, the New Age Outlaws, Jimmy Hart, and others.

– Daniel Bryan returns to Raw tonight to take on Bray Wyatt. They stole the show at last year’s Royal Rumble… Should be fun… Hopefully.

– We go back to last week’s Raw. Cena was unsuccessful in bringing back his “fired” buddies. Then we move on to the “main event” contract signing segment where Rollins winds up Curb Stomping both Cena & Lesnar… The announcers discuss the importance of the Triple Threat Title Match at Royal Rumble.

– Back to last Thursday on Smackdown. Seth Rollins has an altercation with Paul Heyman, he wants to cash in but Brock isn’t there… What a shock. Brock Lesnar IS however here tonight at Raw!!! The Champions at the go-home show to the PPV he’s defending the title on? How big of him! Corey Graves knows Rollins from NXT and believes he can win the title match. Alex Riley completely disagrees and thinks Lesnar is the man. Riley also hints at Heyman’s allegiance and where it truly lies.

– Last week on Smackdown Daniel Bryan made his return against Kane, which wound up being rebooked as a six-man where Bryan scored the win over Kane in the end. They have a return Bryan vs. Kane match this week on Smackdown. If Kane wins, Bryan is out of the Rumble. The announcers talk about Bryan’s health and the Authority still working against him.

– The announcers talk about their most memorable Royal Rumble finishes. They then talk about the strategy of the Royal Rumble.

– Backstage Renee Young interviews IC Champion Bad News Barrett. BNB says he will make history at the Rumble, Kane interrupts. Kane says BNB has been less than stellar since winning the title. Kane books Barrett vs. Dean Ambrose and instructs BNB that he better send a message to Ambrose. The announcers think Ambrose is making a mistake by screwing with the Authority recently.

– “Bold” Predictions are now called Raw Predictions, so at least they’re not blatantly ripping off the NFL anymore. Riley’s prediction is that he will enter the Royal Rumble and have a big night. Corey Graves thinks Shawn Michaels is going to Superkick someone. Stanford thinks Lesnar is going to kill someone…

WWE Raw Report 1/19/15 from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas

– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Video, also quick pictures of Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Jesse Owens, Muhammad Ali, and others… #KeepTheDreamAlive

– Yuck, “Tonight Is the night” opening returns after a week away. This is going to take some getting used to for me.

BROCK LESNAR & PAUL HEYMAN are out to kick off the show… Heyman starts to cut a promo, but Lesnar grabs the mic and says he’s here to fight!!! Lesnar calls out Seth Rollins right now. Brock says when he shows up, it’s business time. Rollins doesn’t come out….

BUT HHH DOES…. Out comes Triple Schnoz. HHH asks Brock if he wouldn’t have done the same thing Rollins did last week if given the opportunity. HHH points out Lesnar suplxed Rollins first. HHH says everyone needs to calm down, he will throw Brock a steak and work out a business deal with Heyman…

Brock asks HHH if he’s here to fix this issue, or to fight. Brock gets in HHH’s face. Crowd pops big….

AND THEN STEPHANIE MCMAHON RUINS THE SHOW…. UGH. Stephanie brings Kane & Big Show with her to the ring to act as muscle. Heyman tries to calm Brock down, but he won’t stand down from everyone in the ring…

Seth Rollins shows up on the Titan Tron, taunting Lesnar. Heyman dogs Rollins and the fans are eating everything up in this segment. Heyman goes on to claim Lesnar will walk out champion Sunday when….

JOHN CENA INTERRUPTS!!! Holy shit they’re cramming a lot into this segment. Cena say the match will be settled on Sunday, but he’s out here to talk to the Authority. Cena says the Authority screwing with him just fires him up, and it will help him win this Sunday night. Cena brings up the firing of Ziggler, Ryback, and Rowan. Cena says he’d do anything to get those guys their jobs back. John Cena calls the Authority piles of ashes, in fact they’re Ash-Holes….

Cena starts to leave but Stephanie stops him. She trash talks Cena and reminds John that the Authority is back because of him. Steph says Cena isn’t the man he used to be. Rollins adds in his insight from the Titan Tron. He talks about Cena failing to get the jobs back last week. Seth says Cena will fail again at the Rumble. Seth thinks Cena should take himself out of the Rumble title match. Seth flubs a line and Cena makes fun of him.

Cena tells the Authority and Lesnar they don’t have to like them, but they will respect him. He says when he wins Sunday he wants the fired guys to get their jobs back…. HHH says Cena had that chance and he failed miserably… HOWEVER, HHH will work with Cena to bring them back again. Tonight if Cena wins, all three of those guys will return. If Cena loses, he’s out of the title shot at Rumble… NOW let’s see how loyal John really is!!!

HHH says Cena won’t make the decision, but the WWE Universe will!!! Vote now on the app, do you want Cena to risk it all for the other three??? Cena looks at the fans with a concerned face.

There was a lot of good in this segment, though it did run long, like 22 minutes. Yikes… The one thing I didn’t care for was Lesnar’s heat with the Authority sort of just disappearing after Cena came out. It deflated Lesnar for the rest of the segment and just made him a prop for the HHH/Cena stuff.

–Commercial Break–

1. Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt

Wyatt’s entrance is already almost over after the break. Not sure if that’s because the last segment ran long or what. It’s all Bryan early, he sends Wyatt to the floor, and a dropkick through the ropes, and then Bryan with a dive off the top rope to the floor and damn he landed awkward, but seems fine… Bryan starts to do a YES! chant when KANE’s MUSIC hits, and out comes Corporate Kane towards the ring as we take a break like 2 minutes into the match.

Back from break, Wyatt has control with Kane sitting at ringside. Bryan tries a comeback but gets knocked off the top rope to the floor. Wyatt uses the old school boring nerve hold of doom. Bryan escapes but Bray plows him down with a flying body attack… Wyatt continues to punish Bryan, and if this is the offense they plan on him using in a potential Undertaker match, they best let sleeping dogs lie, because this is pretty bland. More nerve hold crap and a chinlock. Fans chant for Bryan. Bryan breaks free but Wyatt plants him with a clothesline so hard Bryan takes a back flip from it and goes to the floor… Back to commercial.

Back from break again, Wyatt lands a senton splash on Bryan for 2… Bryan back flips out of the corner to escape Bray and lays him out with a clothesline an a dropkick into the corner. YES! kicks in the corner and a top rope huracan rana!!!! Looked good…1……3………..Wyatt kicks out! Wyatt down on his knees, Bryan with more kicks but misses the big one. Wyatt charges but ends up outside the ring. Bryan nails a suicide dive on Wyatt…

As Bray gets in the ring and distracts the referee, Kane pulls Bryan off the apron and drives his head into it. Back inside the ring, Wyatt drives Bryan’s face into the buckle and lands Sister Abigail for the win… 16:12.

After the match, Kane CHOKESLAMS Bryan and starts drilling him with punches. Kane finally calms down and adjust his corporate tie… but then goes right back to pummeling Bryan… Kane says no one makes a fool out of him. Wudda Bitch.

–Commercial Break–

– Backstage HHH runs into Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. They want HHH to run around with them tonight. Shawn Michaels interrupts. Everyone mocks HHH’s suit… X Pac randomly jumps into the screen and starts doing crotch chops… So now the entire Kliq is on camera. Damien Sandow comes in dressed as X Pac and starts mocking him. Fun stuff. X Pac likes it. The Miz interrupts and says Sandow is HIS stunt double and makes Sandow go change. Miz throws up the Kliq sign, but the entire Kliq just stare at him as Miz walks off… Nash let’s out the funny comment of the segment “What is the hell kinda show are you running here?”. It got a good laugh.

That was a quick segment of the show.

–Commercial Break–

– Byron Saxton is in the ring to introduce the legends for the Legends Royal Rumble panel. It’s Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels & Ric Flair. Once they’ve all entered the ring Saxton asks them if they think Cena will get the fired guys’ jobs back tonight. Flair heels it up and says no, the others say yes.

Flair says Rumble 92 was the greatest moment of his career and hypes the match. Shawn Michaels talks winning back to back Rumbles and hypes the match. Shawn says there would be no Mr. WrestleMania without the Rumble. Hogan talks winning Rumbles 90 & 91, and puts over the competition and talent.

Saxton asks who they think will win this year’s Royal Rumble. Shawn picks Bray Wyatt. HBK & Hogan do some back and forth comedy. Hogan picks Daniel Bryan. And Flair picks Dean Ambrose. WOOOO!

The Big Show interrupts, and he’s insulted nobody picked him. He puts them down and says they’re all jealous of him. Show talks about beating Hogan in his first match, and chokeslamming Flair out of his top spot. Show claims Shawn left in 98 because Big Show was coming in. lol. Show calls them all has beens just wanting attention. Show says he’s winning at the Rumble because nobody can eliminate him.

Big Show asks the legends to get out of his ring. Flair asks Show is he’s done and removes his suit jacket…. Flair attacks Show with punches, chops, and woo woo woo… Flair comes off the ropes right into a KNOCK OUT PUNCH!!!!

Roman Reigns makes his way through the crowd…. Hulk & Shawn check on Flair outside while Reigns gets into the ring. Show tells Reigns to get out before something bad happens. The two men trade blows, Reigns counters a chokeslam and clotheslines Big Show OVER THE TOP ROPE!!! Show takes off backstage.

Reigns and the legends help Flair to the back.

Another 20+ minute segment.

– The WWE App vote has concluded. Renee Young is with Cena. 85% of the fans voted YES, Cena will wrestle tonight to try and get the jobs back. Some fans voted to screw Cena, but some voted in faith. Cena is happy, he wants that match… Whatever “that match” is.

–Commercial Break–

2. IC Champion Bad News Barrett vs. Dean Ambrose

It’s a little back and forth with Ambrose scoring some nice offense early. BNB comes back with a superkick to the throat and a boot. It’s not long before Dean comes back and dropkicks Barrett off the apron to the floor, and we’re off to commercials.

Back from break, BNB has control. Ambrose breaks a chinlock and nails the bulldog out of the corner. Flying Elbow Drop thingy gets 2 for Ambrose… Ambrose starts to run the ropes but sells his leg… BNB tries to take over, but Ambrose nails a big clothesline… Dean hobbles to the top rope, but Barrett crotches him. Barrett tries the Bullhammer , but Dean moves. Barrett still picks Dean up for Wasteland, but Dean wiggles out and nails DIRTY DEEDS and it’s all over in 8:12.

This new “push” for Barrett is doing wonders for both him AND he IC Title. Bravo WWE creative.

–Commercial Break–

– A New Royal Rumble “By The Numbers” Video airs. It’s different than the usual, definitely better than last years.

– The New Day are coming out, and I think the crowd is dead for the first time tonight… lol. The New Day cut a gospel style promo on their way to the ring, which still receives almost zero response from the crowd. Xavier Woods is sporting an injured ankle, so it’s Kofi & Big E in tag action tonight…

–Commercial Break–

3. Big E & Kofi Kingston (w/Xavier Woods) vs. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd (w/Adam Rose & Natalya)

I have no idea what this odd ass team thing is with Rose and crew. Kofi has control, but Rose distracts and the heels take over. Cesaro & Kidd land a suplex/cross body combo for 2… Cesaro knocks Big E off the apron and plants Kofi with a European uppercut. Cesaro with the Giant Swing into a Tyson dropkick. Kofi ends up knocking Cesaro off the apron and rolling Tyson up and that abruptly ends the match in 3:02.

Crowd makes no noise, Big E never tagged in, and I’m still scratching my head about this entire match.

Well from that garbage to……..


–Commercial Break–

– We’ve got Hall, Nash and X Pac out in the ring. Hey Yo. It’s survey time. Kevin Nash claims NWO created the entire Monday Night War. He pimps the WWE Network. Nash takes credit for WWE having to create DX, Stone Cold, and etc… He says NWO is responsible for everything great in wrestling… X Pac starts to speak, but is interrupted by…..

The Ascension???? Really???? People have to WANT to see you get the rub in order for the rub to work…. They call the NWO three old dogs needing to be pout out of their misery. Gigantic “YOU SUCK” chants, and they mean it!!! The Ascension cuts such a corny promo that I’m wondering if it;’s supposed to be this bad.

Giant “NWO” chant….

And then for no reason JBL jumps up…. JBL cuts an AWESOME promo about legends and the Ascensions crappy ass shoulder pads…

JBL called up a legend himself…. RON SIMMONS…. JBL removes his shirt to reveal THE APA….


The Ascension are surrounded by APA and NWO. lol… BUT WAIT…. IT’S THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS TOO!!!


Road Dogg cuts a promo and the Outlaws to proceed to beat the shit out of the Ascension….



NWO music plays the segment out as everyone celebrates…

And I’m hoping that’s the end of the Ascension…

–Commercial Break–

– HHH announces John Cena’s opponents for tonight, complete with a drum roll and comedy thrown in. That’s what makes this show so realistic and meaningful. Comedy bits with a drummer and trumpet player playing TAPS… Anywho, we learn that Cena will take on Seth Rollins, Kane AND Big Show, 3 on 1.

4. Natalya & Paige vs. Summer Rae & Alicia Fox.

The Bellas are on commentary. It’s back and forth, more Nattie and Paige until Summer kicks Nattie’s face off. Fox looks good but misses something and Nattie tags in Paige. Paige kicks Fox’s face off but Summer breaks it up. Nattie tosses Rae. Double team from Paige & Nattie. Then Paige locks Fox up into that scorpion cross lock thingy for the win in 3:00. That was about worthless.

We learn at the Rumble it’s the Bellas vs. Natalya & Paige. All thanks to Total Divas. Thanks again E! Network.

–Commercial Break–

– We learn of a 6-man elimination match during the Rumble pre-show. The New Day vs. Cesaro, Tyson, and Rose. Soooo does this mean they’re not in the Rumble? I really dunno WTF WWE is doing with the Rumble match, and I don’t think they do either…

5. US Champion Rusev (w/Lana) vs. R-Truth

Truth cuts a promo on Rusev that everyone is gunning for him in the Rumble. Truth knocks Rusev over the top rope, but Rusev comes back in and kills Truth. Accolade and this thing is over in 40 seconds. Bleh.

– Backstage Brock Lesnar bumps into Seth Rollins. They briefly mention Cena and Rollins taking him out of their title match. Lesnar says he will take Rollins out on Sunday.

–Commercial Break–

6. The Miz (w/Sandow) vs. Jey Uso (w/Jimmy)

We learn from an insert promo that Miz & Sandow are not only facing the Usos at Rumble, but they are also in the Rumble match! WOOOT! That’s all I needed to hear, comedy elimination is-a-cumin. Fans chant for Sandow, Miz dominates Jey. Jey comes back briefly, but Miz returns to offense and taunts the fans who chant for Sandow. Miz misses a charge into the corner and goes down. Jey lands the flying splash for the win in maybe 2:30… That seemed abrupt.

The announcers continue to trash cable networks charging $55 for the Rumble when you can get it for $9.99… Cummon people!

– A quick backstage promo from Hogan who stands by his call that Cena will win tonight.

–Commercial Break–

Add The New Age Outlaws vs. The Ascension to the Royal Rumble card. Okay, I’ll take that.

Handicap Match
7. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins, Kane, & The Big Show (w/J&J Security)

The Authority are seated at ringside, Big Show starts things off and drops Cena. Rollins tags in and does more of the same. cena finally lands a bulldog on Rollins which leads to Seth bringing in Kane. And now Kane takes over on offense. The heels continue to tag, Cena fights back on Big Show and tries to slam him, but Show falls on top of Cena for a near fall… Show steps on Cena as we head to commercial…

Back from break, Rollins has Cena down. Seth locks in a Sleeper. Cena breaks the hold by ramming Seth into the corner, but Rollins ends up on the middle rope and comes flying off with a BLOCKBUSTER for a near fall on John… Big Show comes in for a Vader Bomb thingy but Cena rolls out and Show MISSES!!!

Seth tags back in but misses the flying knee… Cena knocks Kane off the apron and hits all of his signature crap on Seth… Cena goes for the AA, but J&J Security stop it. Cena double clotheslines J&J off the apron. Rollins tries a sneaky roll up for 2… and a wicked kick lands on Cena for 2… Cena manages to get back up, AA ON ROLLINS!! 1….2…..Kane yanks Cena outside the ring!!! Big Show SPEARS Cena on the floor.

HHH & Steph stand over Cena on the floor as the referee reaches 7…8….9……. Cena beats the count!!!

Kane comes in for the Chokeslam on Cena…1……2…….Cena kicks out!

Seth Rollins sets up for the Curb Stomp when….



The Authority, Kane, Show, all distracted by Sting in the aisle, Cena rolls up Rollins…1……2……3!!!!!!

Cena wins! 13:34.

Ryback, Rowan, and Ziggler are coming back. Cena remains in the main event. And Sting has foiled HHH again….

Cena leaves through the crowd and HHH throws a fit…

The fans chant YES! as HHH says NO!!!… HHH screams for Sting. “We Want Sting” Chants….


Seth Rollins in the ring with Show and Kane, and LESNAR ATTACKS!!!!!!!

Show and Kane pull Brock off…. F5 ON KANE!!!


Rollins goes running out of the building and the crowd is going insane…. Lesnar stands like the beast in the center of the ring to end the show.



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