The WWE Raw Report 10/6/14 – THE ROCK RETURNS!!!


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Some quick Raw Pre-Show notes…

– Tonight’s WWE RAW Pre-show kicks off with Byron Saxton, Booker T and Alex Riley at WWE studios in Stamford, CT. We see fans making their way into the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. They hype Big Show vs. Rusev and the live interview with Roman Reigns. They plug WWE Shop and we get a video looking at Seth Rollins, John Cena and Dean Ambrose. We get Network commercials and come back to a promo for Rusev vs. Big Show.

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WWE Raw 10/6/14 from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY

– Raw kicks off with a video from last week featuring Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and the green slime gimmick. I was hoping after a week they’d realize how corny this was and try and erase it from the storyline. Guess I forgot who we are dealing with.

– Well, Rollins is out to the ring to kick off the show, and he’s still pissed about the slime, but he has a video replay of the end of last week’s Raw when he, Orton, and Kane took out Cena and Ambrose. The new stooges, Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury come out to ringside and ask Seth Rollins to leave the ring because he’s a marked man. Rollins says he knows that, and he loves it, he lives for it.

John Cena hits the ring and Rollins goes running off through the crowd to escape. I can only guess what will happen next…

Yuuuup, there it is… DEAN AMBROSE IN THE CROWD, FROM BEHIND, AMBROSE ATTCKS SETH…. Rollins runs back to ringside, but Cena meets him for a fight. Ambrose dives off the barricade onto both men, and Rollins goes running to the back… “Ambrose” chants as HHH’s music begins to play…

And here’s the Authority. Stephanie whines a little about the chaos. HHH babbles for a minute himself. HHH doesn’t like the crowd reaction, so he makes them cheer louder. They book JOHN CENA & DEAN AMBROSE VS. SETH ROLLINS & KANE & RANDY ORTON…. It’s a handicap match… Oh joy, I can’t wait. For those wondering, yes that was said with sarcasm…

– We’ll be back with 6-man tag action.

-Commercial Break-

1. IC Champion Dolph Ziggler & The Usos vs. Cesaro, and the Tag Champs Goldust & Stardust.

Before the match, the Usos get a insert corner screen promo where they mock the Dust characters, and then say “bros before weirdos”. Uuus…Oooo. Jey Uso is driven backwards into the ring steps by Goldust before the match can start and he’s laid out selling a head injury. Hot crowd, chanting for both the Usos and Ziggler. The heels start in control of the match on the already wounded Jey. Cesaro makes a mistake and Jey makes a leaping tag to brother Jimmy. Jimmy Uso all over Cesaro and hits the running butt smash in the corner, but it ends there. Cesaro takes control and the Dusts come in to triple team… But Jey & Dolph even things up… We get a brief 6-man brawl, before the heels lay out all 3 babyfaces on the floor as we take a commercial break.

Back from break, Jimmy Uso is taking the heat. But it’s only for a moment, hot tag to Ziggler… Dolph goes off on all three… Sleeper on Cesaro… Cesaro manages to break it with a drive in the corner, but Dolph right back with a Famouser, but it’s broken up…. The Dusts are thrown to the floor, Usos double dive outside onto them… Cesaro surprises Ziggler with a European Uppercut..1…..2….Usos break it up! Stardust tags in and hits a layout inverted DDT….1….2….ZIGGLER KICKS OUT!!!!

Tag to Jimmy Uso… Stardust misses a clothesline, and Dolph and the Usos hit a TRIPLE SUPERKICK on Stardust!!!! And Jimmy comes flying off with a splash for the win in 13:30.

– Kathy Lee and Hoda from the TODAY SHOW are on Raw next… I hope the fans bury Kathy Lee… I assume this is to promote breast cancer awareness…

-Commercial Break-

– Oh my… It’s Adam Rose and his Rosebuds WITH Hoda and Kathy Lee… They’re Rosebuds tonight… I can’t be more excited that we’re getting all of this out of the way in one segment. The ring is set up for an interview segment with Kathy and Hoda, the crowd craps all over them. Kathy asks “What did we do?”. The do their damndest to get the crowd behind them, putting over Brooklyn and Raw. The Adam Rose plays throughout their promo as they sip on “gift wine”. I think it’s to hide the crowd crapping all over the segment. Hoda does a “crazy dance”, and Kathy Lee spanks her… Kathy begins to dance and Hoda spanks her with the wine bottle…

This is promoting breast cancer awareness by the way… Rose teaches Kathy and Hoda how to fall back off the apron into the hands of his Rosebuds…Kathy chickens out, gets booed, and then goes through with it. Waste of space, waste of time, waste of everything, but you know what? It’s over!

– Wyatt Family promo follows, more on the “release” of Luke Harper. Harper’s been set free of the Wyatt Family because he’s ready. I wasn’t aware the idea was to release members, I thought the idea was to get people to join. I knew it was only a matter of time before they tried to get Harper out on his own, he’s too talented and too big for them to leave in a stable. They love pushing the big guys… Personally, I love Harper, but I feel removing him from the Wyatts isn’t necessary in order to give him a push. But we’ll see…

-Commercial Break-

– Bo Dallas in the ring. We go back to last week and the issues between Dallas and Mark Henry from Raw. Apparently Smackdown doesn’t count.

2. Bo Dallas vs. Mark Henry.

Bo is sporting a serious face tonight, no promo either. Henry rushes to the ring and Bo bails. Match starts and Henry beats him down. Bo finally bails outside again, but Mark follows him out. Dallas is thrown into the table, the ring post, and then upside down into the barrier. Henry sets up for the World’s Strongest Slam on the announce table, but Dallas slides over the back and rolls in the ring to beat the count. Mark Henry is counted out in 12:00. Bo wins for a third time, and Henry is pissed as Dallas scoots off…

-Commercial Break-

– 15th Anniversary of Smackdown coming this Friday.

– Seth Rollins slime in the briefcase replayed again for the second time tonight, 50th time in the last week. Who the hell thinks this is so funny that it needs replayed this many times? Never mind, I know the answer to that. Then we take a look back at tonight’s opening segment brawl and the main event match that was made for tonight.

– Dean Ambrose makes his way out to the ring… So he’s in three segments of the show tonight? Not really complaining given the other options, just seems odd. If somebody had to be in three segments though, I’m good with this choice. Ambrose has issues with John Cena getting “up in his space” in Dean’s feud with Seth Rollins. We go back to last week’s Smackdown, it was Cena and Ambrose vs. Orton & Kane. Cena leaves the match to chase Rollins, and Ambrose gets double teamed. Ambrose is TRYING not to dislike John Cena, but Cena keeps giving him reasons to make that hard.

Ambrose calls John Cena out… Crowd HATES Cena in Brooklyn. “John Cena Suuucks” chanted to the tune of his theme music. Cena acknowledges the fans hating him, then calls Dean out on wanting to do the same thing to Rollins, and diving onto Cena earlier tonight. Dean admits he doesn’t give a crap about Cena, and says he knows Cena feels the same. Ambrose says they can either coexist tonight or he will drop Cena right now… Crowd pops for every threat Dean makes at Cena…

Cena has no problem dropping Dean’s ass either. Cena gets to say “ass” because he’s cool like that. John repeats most of what Dean says in his own words and tells Ambrose not to give him a reason to dislike Dean as well. I guess Cena has forgotten about the Shield days. Ambrose gets pissed, says he’s off the Coney Island, and wishes John Cena good luck tonight in a 3 on 1 match…

Dean implies he’s leaving Raw.

-Commercial Break-

– “During the break” there just happened to be a WWE Cameraman in the Subway… He filmed Dean Ambrose get on the Q train and head for Coney Island. Wow, WWE cameras are EVERYWHERE…

– HHH is backstage mocking John Cena going into the main event alone. HHH promises Cena that Rollins will have to start the match.

3. Brie Bella vs. Summer Rae (w/Layla).

Brie has one arm tied behind her back, because Nikki Bella said so… At least according to Michael Cole… I wouldn’t know because the angle apparently took place on the WWE App, because that’s how important this is. Summer takes advantage of a one armed Brie. Layla gets involved, but Brie pulls Summer into Layla and they crack heads… Nikki hits a running knee to the face of Rae and scores the pin in just under 2:00. Nikki is pissed… again.

Brie leads the fans in a huge “YES” chant.

– The Miz and stunt double Damien Sandow are apologizing to Kane for comments made last week. Miz offers a fruit basket in forgiveness. Sandow gets a huge pop. Kane doesn’t like Miz, so he makes him wrestle Sheamus tonight. That seems to be a theme now, Sheamus has to wrestle whoever pisses the Authority off. Gotta get him on the show somehow I guess. Miz stomps off, and Sandow grabs the fruit basket, then leaves. Comedy genius. 😛

-Commercial Break-

4. Jack Swagger (w/Colter) vs. Tyson Kidd (w/Natalya).

Sadly, this is only booked to further some crap angle on Total Divas. Tyson wears headphones to the ring these days. Swagger is over with the fans. Tyson bails outside early and uses Natalya as a shield when Swagger comes after him, old school Macho & Liz there. It works though, Tyson takes a cheap shot on Swagger and takes over. Swagger comes back with the Swagger Bomb, but Kidd manages to take control again. Tyson tries the Sharpshooter, Swagger counters for an ankle lock, but neither succeed. Kidd lands a wicked kick from the apron and climbs the ropes, but Swagger yanks him down and applies the Ankle Lock. Tyson gets close the ropes and asks Nattie to push the ropes towards him, but she doesn’t, and Kidd has to tap… Swagger wins in 3:10.
Tyson isn’t happy with Natalya afterwards…

– We go to WWE Headquarters with Edge & Christian, they’ll be hosting a Smackdown special tonight on the WWE Network!

-Commercial Break-

– We get Michael Cole in the ring “interviewing” Roman Reigns via satellite. Assuming this was pre-taped… Reigns will return. Blah, blah blah.

– Brothers of Destruction DVD/Blu Ray released tomorrow.

-Commercial Break-

– A video highlighting many stars and segments throughout the history of the WWE set to the promo the Warrior cut on Raw the day before his death. This is to hype the WWE Network and all the legendary stars and battles you can see. Seems kind of shameless using the Warrior like that, but it was done with taste.

5. El Torito (w/Los Matadores) vs. Hornswoggle “Mini-Gator” (w/Slater Gator).

Hornswoggle is in the Gator costume crawling to the ring again. Horny tries to wrestle on all fours. Crowd craps all over this. Torito gets on top and chokes Horny with the cape and knocks him out. I believe that’s illegal. Greatest chant ever…. “THIS IS STUPID”…. CROWD DESTROYS THIS MATCH. Horny thinks Slater is Torito and gives him the Gator roll. Torito then knocks Titus off the apron. Torito ends the match with a top rope moonsailt in 2:20. This was just awful, crowd let them have it.

Another segment that makes me just wonder, WHY?

– Back to last Raw, Big Show yanks the Russian flag down. Show had to apologize on Smackdown and then he was forced to take a “Sensitivity Training” class. Ugh. Well, that’s the USA for you. Big Show is here tonight, but Rusev and Lana are out next to respond.

-Commercial Break-

– Bo Dallas challenges Ziggler for the IC Title tomorrow night on Main Event.

– Rusev and Lana are out to respond to Big Show’s actions and apology. We were supposed to have Show vs. Rusev tonight but he’s suspended for what he did last week with the Russian flag. Lana says the fans committed a hate crime by supporting the Big Show. Rusev calls Big Show a coward and then calls him out because he knows Show can’t come. Crowd craps on it…

THE ROCK’S MUSIC HGITS… THE ROCK, THE ROCK, THE ROCK… HE’S REALLY HERE!!!!! Talk about out of nowhere…. Wow, that was unexpected… Rock sporting a jacket promoting the USA and Brooklyn, NY….

The Rock makes his way out to the ring… Crowd is on their feet in shock, but it’s true, the Rock is here to a massive pop… Massive “HOLY SHIT” chant follows the theme music. Rock confronts Rusev and Lana. Rock tells them two thing… KNOW YOUR ROLE… Fans finishes with “Shut Your Mouth”. Rock begins to detail his day by time, and mocks Rusev pulling his shorts up to his nipples and his “Moscow Moose Nipple”. Rock starts name dropping areas of NYC.

Lana interrupts Rocky. She tells Rocky not to interrupt. Rock tells her to stop dressing like a Soviet street walker. Rusev cuts a promo, Rock tells him his breath smells like Chewbacca’s hairy balls. Rocky then says how hot Lana is but she walks like somebody shoved a Smirnoff bottle up her “Putin”. The Rock with the “it doesn’t matter line”. Rock says he knows Rusev has beaten everyone so far. Rock doesn’t hate them for being Russian, but because they’re assholes.

Rusev removes his medal, teasing a fight with The Rock. Rock cuts a promo, says he’s gonna whip Rusev’s ass and ROCK ATTACKS RUSEV….

Rock dumps Rusev out of the ring with ease and asks for more. Lana and Rusev take of… If Ya Smell What The Rock Is Cookin….

And after that, nobody even remembers that Big Show was backstage. lol

-Commercial Break-

6. Divas Champion AJ Lee & Emma vs. Alicia Fox & Paige.

Good old Emma. AJ doesn’t look too thrilled to have Emma as her partner. “CM Punk” chants start immediately. AJ goes after Paige early, Paige gets womanhandled and tags to Fox. Emma tags in as well. Emma rolls Fox up and dances at the same time. Emma misses a charge in the corner and the heels take over, but locks in the Tarantula and does some dancing. AJ has seen enough and abandons Emma. Paige nails Emma with a superkick and the RamPaige DDT for the win in 4:00.

– Another Wyatt Family promo… This time he sets Erick Rowan free… That is NOT a good idea. It’s Coming.

-Commercial Break-

7. US Champion Sheamus vs. The Miz (w/Sandow).

I THINK the US Title still exists. “Damien Mizdow” chants, because that’s how “good” this match is. Crowd is almost nonresponsive to this boring pile of poo. Sheamus in control and Miz bails for a commercial. Those poor fans in attendance have to keep watching though.

Back from break, Miz with a chinlock. “Sandow” chants because again, this match is BRUTAL. “We Want Sandow”. Sandow takes a cheap shot on Sheamus and the crowd pops big, lol… “Sandow’s Better”. Sandow asks the crowd for an applause and they reply. Sheamus comes back, crowd could care less. Sheamus with a powerslam and sets up for the Brogue. Sandow pulls Miz out of the ring. Sheamus comes out and attacks Sandow, allowing Miz to take over. Miz and Sheamus back inside, Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick, Miz moves and Sandow eats the kick. Miz cradles Sheamus and wins in 10:00+ of torture.

Sheamus chases them off with a steel chair.

-Commercial Break-

– Smackdown week on WWE Network.

– Jerry Lawler welcomes a group of breast cancer survivors in the crowd.

– Up next, we have the fammous journalist Joan Lunden out to talk about Breast Cancer Awareness and her current battle with the issue. To be honest, I wasn’t even aware she had this cancer, so this is a bit of a shock to me. The crowd is polite and let her speak about the issue. Lunden runs down the names of the breast cancer survivors at ringside. The fans applaud.

-Commercial Break-

– Nene Leakes on Raw next week. I don’t watch that type of Real Housewives crap so I have little knowledge or care about this.

8. John Cena & Dean Ambrose vs. Kane, Randy Orton & Seth Rollins.

Handicap match time. Well it’s 11, so this isn’t going on for too long I don’t believe… Remember, Dean is off at Coney Island. Rollins has to start off, but he tags Kane before a hold is applied. Kane gets his licks, then it’s Orton’s turn, and with Cena down ROllins tags in. Cena tries to fight back but Rollins hits a top rope “Blockbuster” neckbreaker. Cena battles back again, but the heels triple team to cause a DQ in 5:00. Third DQ in a row on Raw, not counting the PPV.

They triple team Cena, and Dean Ambrose’s theme hits. Ambrose comes out with a Hot Dog Vending cart and sets up the umbrella and pushes it to ringside. Ambrose has ketchup and mustard in a holster around his waist like they’re guns. Kane and Orton come to attack Dean, but he draws the condemants like they’re guns and squits them in their eyes and attacks them with the hot dog cart. Ambrose then attacks Seth, dives out of the ring onto him, and dumps Sauer Kraut and Relish on him. Ambrose then grabs the Tongs and squeezes Seth’s nuts.

Kane goes after Ambrose, but Cena stops him with an AA. Rollins goes crawling away…

HHH’s music hits because he’s pissed. AND THE MATCH IS MADE. John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose is made for the Hell In A Cell PPV, and the winner gets to meet Seth Rollins inside the Cell. Ambrose lays Cena out with a double underhook DDT move and the show closes with Ambrose’s theme.

Lots of bad, but Ambrose and Rock sell this episode. Skip EVERYTHING else… Even the 6-man was only so-so tonight.


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