The WWE Raw Report 10/13/14


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Some quick Raw Pre-Show notes…

– Per the usual, tonight’s RAW Pre-show opens up with Byron Saxton, Alex Riley and Booker T at WWE studios in Stamford. They hype Big Show vs. Rusev and tonight’s guest stars, blah. We get a look at the feud with Seth Rollins, John Cena and Dean Ambrose. We also see Cena and Ambrose on MizTV from this past Friday night on Smackdown. Ambrose lays out Miz, but Cena lays out Ambrose. Riley says Ambrose has the advantage, but Booker insists Cena does. We get commercials and a look back at The Rock and Rusev from last week. They talk about Show vs. Rusev on tonight’s show before closing.

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WWE Raw 10/13/14 from the from the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia

– Dean Ambrose kicks things off in the ring. He talks about his issues with Rollins, the Authority, and Cena. Ambrose has gotten wise to The Authority’s plans, to have Cena and Ambrose beat the crap out of each other all the way up through Hell in a Cell so that neither is in a good position to defeat Seth Rollins.

John Cena joins Dean in the ring. Cena tells Dean to stop acting nutty, to shut up, and to get ready for Hell in a Cell for the biggest match of HIS career. Cena says Dean losing his temper is what will cost him a win. Cena talks about being a 15 time champions and says Dean is out of his league. A bunch of heelish comments from Cena to get the crowd to pop for Dean.

HHH and Stephanie interrupt from the stage. Corny back and forth stuff from the Authority duo. They wonder if Cena and Ambrose can get along as a team tonight or tear each other apart, leading to them making a triple threat tag team match. Cena & Ambrose vs. Tag Champs Goldust & Stardust vs. The Usos. When we return.

-Commercial Break-

1. TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: John Cena & Dean Ambrose vs. The Usos vs. Tag Team Champions Goldust & Stardust.

I thought they were going the way of a mismatched tag team champion angle, like HBK/Austin, Dude Love/Austin, etc, but the belts don’t appear to be on the line here. Match starts as soon as we return from break. It’s Cena and Ambrose in complete control of the Usos early, even using some double team moves. Cena tries an AA on one of the Usos, but they slip free and land a superkick, and the Usos take over on Cena. Cena tries to dive to tag in Dean at one point but ends up taking a Samoan Drop for 2… Jimmy Uso misses a splash in the corner, and both Cena and Jimmy tag to their partners at the same time. Hot tags to Jey & Ambrose. Dean kicksing some Uso ass, when Stardust grabs the Uso and pulls him out of the ring and drives him into the barrier… That’s the first thing the Dusts have done in this match, and we take a commercial break…

Back from break, The Dusts are now in control of Jey Uso. Jey fights his way free in the Dust corner and sends both Rhodes brothers to the floor. Jey tries to tag Jimmy, but Goldust yanks Jimmy off the apron. Ambrose goes running around ringside and takes out Goldust. With only one man left on the apron, Jey has to hot tag to John Cena… It’s Cena and Stardust going at it. Five knuckle shuffle, and an AA but Stardust lands on his feet… Jimmy Uso pulls Stardust to the floor, but Goldust attacks Cena with a powerslam. The Usos send the Dustbusters outside and hit stereo dives. John Cena then DIVES OFF THE TOP to the floor on all four of them… THEN, Dean Ambrose climbs to the top rope and does a FLYING ELBOW DROP to the group of guys standing on the floor… Funny stuff there…

Ambrose and Cena toss the Dust brothers back into the ring and simultaneously hit the AA and the Double underhook DDT on both Rhodes. Cena covers Star for the win in 15:00. Take that tag teams….

– The victory is short before HHH and Stephanie interrupt… HHH bumps the Hell in a Cell match up to tonight… It’s Cena vs. Ambrose TONIGHT, Contract on a pole… Anything Goes… TONIGHT…. Sounds like somebody’s been toying with the booking more than usual…

– We go back to last week and are reminded of AJ walking out on Emma, to allow Paige & Fox a win. We get a return match of sorts this week, it’s Fox & Paige vs. AJ and another partner, but who? Find out next!

-Commercial Break-

2. Divas Champion AJ Lee & Layla vs. Paige & Alicia Fox.

Insert promo screen in the corner with AJ talking to Layla, and saying they can get along for one night. Layla wasn’t buying it. AJ has Fox in trouble early and begs Paige to tag in, but Paige refuses. Finally Fox gets AJ down and Paige wants in, but Lee recovers and goes after Paige, so Fox is tagged right back in. The heels take AJ down and Lee tries a tag to Layla, but Layla drops off the apron and walks away smiling… AJ shows them all though, as she blasts Fox with a Shining Wizard next and picks up the win in 1:45.

Fox & Paige try and double team AJ after the match, but Lee escapes, skipping away with the title.

-Commercial Break-

– HHH and Stephanie are backstage talking about Ambrose & Cena beating each other up later. Randy Orton interrupts. Randy is fine with Seth Rollins being the future and wanting the spotlight, but he says Seth better not steal HIS spotlight. Orton want to wrestle the loser of the Cena/Ambrose match tonight in Hell in a Cell. The Authority are good with that… So Randy wants to wrestle a loser… Sounds about right.

– Bray Wyatt & Erick Rowan Promo. A little more extensive and elaborate than the first video. The words “It’s Coming” on a pregnant belly is shown to close the vignette again. Is he bringing in a half-sheep child?

– Dolph Ziggler on his way to the ring for action next.

– PINK…. Lots of PINK… Breast Cancer Awareness…

-Commercial Break-

3. IC Champion Dolph Ziggler vs. Randy Orton.

Cesaro on commentary. No IC Title on the line. Ziggler gets surprising control early on, Randy moves from an elbowdrop but Dolph fakes it and maintains control. Orton finally takes over after countering a headlock with a back suplex. Ziggler fights back with a big standing dropkick, but Orton takes right back over and suplexes Dolph stomach first onto the top rope. Orton poses for the crowd who actually applaud him. Cesaro’s commentary is not so hot. Ziggler whips Randy into the barricade, but Orton comes back and whips Dolph’s shoulder into the ring post. Orton tries for the suspension DDT, but Ziggler backdrops him to the apron and dropkicks Randy to the floor. Randy Orton teases leaving the match when Seth Rollins starts to stroll out to the ring. Orton looks confused, but the match goes on after this break.

Back from break, we learn that Seth coming to ringside pissed Randy off and Orton took control after back suplexing Ziggler onto the announce table. Orton has control with Rollins watching on from the aisle. It’s all Orton on this side of the break, Randy tries a Suplerplex, but Ziggler fights back and knocks Randy down to the mat. Ziggler tries to balance on the top rope, but Orton crotches him on the buckle and this time Randy lands a top rope SUPERPLEX… Lots of battling back and forth spots, with Orton finally hitting the suspension DDT. Randy tries the RKO, but Ziggler counters out and more back and forth leading to a Ziggler Superkick… Rollins is shown smirking.

Ziggler tries the Zigzag but Randy holds the ropes. WHY DOES HE GO FOR IT WHEN THEY’RE HOLDING THE ROPE? Why Dolph, Why? Dolph tries the FAMOUSER, but Orton catches him in the air and turns it into a powerbobm position. With Dolph on Orton’s shoulders, and his crotch in Randy’s face, Orton throws Dolph up into the air and down into an RKO…. Big pop from the crowd for a sweet finishing spot… Orton gets the pin in 18:00.

Now that was a long match. For TV standards, no complaint.

Randy Orton tries to celebrate his win, but Seth Rollins enters the ring. Orton is pissed off that Rollins is stealing his spotlight, Rollins smirks and hits Ziggler with the Curb Stomp. We learn there’s a Rollins vs. Swagger match tonight, might be next.

– Jacob Goodnight is back… See No Evil 2… Released Monday. No theaters this time…

-Commercial Break-

4. Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter) vs. Seth Rollins.

Swagger with a short hair cut now, thanks to one of my kids for pointing that out. Two full minutes of counters and reversals before Swagger gets control. Rolling knocks Jack off the ropes and Swagger sells his arm. Seth starts to work over the arm of Swagger while the fans chant “We the people”. Swagger fights back with a bad arm to hit a belly to belly suplex, but Rollins rolls out of the ring before Jack can land a Swagger bomb. Jack follows him outside and clotheslines Seth to the floor. “We The People”. And NOW it’s RANDY ORTON who starts to slither his way down to the ring to watch Rollins. Now it’s Seth who seems upset at Orton being at ringside. We’re off to commercials.

Back from break, Seth’s been in control through the commercials. Swagger starts to fight back but Seth lands a Pelé kick and a splash in the corner. Fans start up a “YOU SUCK” chant at Seth as Rollins goes back to the arm of Swagger. Jack comes back with an awesome looking Wheel Barrel Suplex for 2… Seth does the SHAWN MICHAELS FLIP into the corner and back down, and Swagger backdrops him and a SWAGGER BOMB gets 2…. Rollins escapes a Powerbomb, but Swagger catches Seth off the middle rope with belly to belly takeover. Swagger hits a shoulder to the front of the knee and tries the Ankle Lock, but Seth counters and hits a SUPERKCIK to Swagger on his knees. Jack still fights back, tries another Ankle Lock, then tries another Wheel Barrel Suplex, but Seth rolls through with a Victory Roll, and hooks Swagg’s tights for the 1…2…3 in 15:12.

The match barely ends before Randy Orton jumps into the ring and lands an RKO on Swagger… Orton and Rollins have a stare down and exchange words. Rollins shows off his Money in the Bank briefcase to Orton.

Some good that briefcase does… How the hell can you cash in your opportunity at a title shot when the champion works once every 5 months. What a rip off!!!

-Commercial Break-

– Renee Young with Dean Ambrose. Cena is losing tonight and Dean is going on to HITC to face Rollins. Were you expecting him to say something else?

– The Big Show with Tom Phillips. Phillips points out Rusev has never been pinned or tapped out, Show says Rusev has a glass jaw. Show promises to show Rusev what he learned in sensitivity training.

– Rusev makes his way out to the ring, with Lana at his side. His match with Big Show is next.

-Commercial Break-

– Lana gets her chance to trash the United States. It’s Columbus Day, so we will attack Christopher Columbus. He ran the Indians off their land and created casinos? And the Indians lost all their money in the casinos, just like the Atlanta Braves will lose their “baseball games”. Umm, wow… Not sure how true any of that is, but it gets a lot of boos, especially the Braves comment. Rusev gets in a couple of lines as well, Big Show’s actions will have consequences… “USA” chants… Rusev says Big show will be CRUSHED.

5. The Big Show vs. Rusev (w/Lana).

Bell sounds and Rusev charges right into a BIG BOOT and some chops from Show. Rusev is tossed outside, Show follows and chops him some more and throws him into the barricade. Rusev is throws back inside the ring, and knocked right back out the other side. Rusev thrown into the barricade again, and back inside Show lands a giant Elbowdrop… Atlanta Braves chants throughout the crowd, Show throws up the tomahawk chop right back… Show has his way with Rusev until Rusev lands a big dropkick. Rusev takes over on a DROPKICK. Rusev stomps on Show’s back and knocks Show out of the ring to take us into commercial.

Back from break, Rusev has show in a chinlock. Show breaks free, but Rusev goes back to work on Show’s back and then another chinlock. Show breaks free again and headbutts Rusev down. BIG SHOW WITH A FLYING ELBOW off the middle rope, but misses!!!!! And Rusev right back to this chinlock crap again. And Show escapes… AGAIN. Show slams Rusev like a rag doll and calls for the KO Punch, but Rusev ducks and lands the jumping side kick to Show’s chest and LOCKS IN THE ACCOLADE!!!!

Show is in the Accolade and MARK HENRY IS OUT!!! Rusev releases the hold, and stomps Show’s back, then LOCKS IT IN AGAIN!!! Accolade locked in again, and MARK HENRY ATTACKS RUSEV… Rusev gets the DQ win and rolls out right after the Henry interference at 14:00….

Henry tries to check on Big Show, but Show is upset that Henry interfered. Henry and Show are cool with each other though. The giant Russian flag drops from the ceiling, Rusev waves a flag on the floor, but Mark Henry & Big Show corner Rusev outside… Rusev charges at Mark Henry and knocks him back, but turns around into a KO PUNCH FROM SHOW!!!! Rusev gets knocked out on the floor….

Show leaves with Henry, Lana stands over Rusev looking concerned.

-Commercial Break-

– Chrisley Knows Best Plug. New season starts tomorrow… Chrisley and children are in the front row… Todd Phillips is at ringside to interview him. He’s much more… normal, here. He actually makes sense and seems competent.

Ugh, a Sheamus match. Ugh, a Miz match. Double Ugh….

6. US Champion Sheamus vs. The Miz (w/Damien Sandow).

At least we have Sandow out here to save this poop. Sandow is hilarious outside, doing all the offensive motions of Miz, and selling body parts when Miz gets hit. Sheamus finally throws Miz out onto Sandow. Miz returns to the ring and takes control. Sandow continues to entertain on the floor, getting “We Want Sandow” chants. Sandow is laying outside pretending to hold a chinlock, makes this match almost bearable. Sheamus begins to battle back, but Miz cuts him off with the kneeling DDT for 2… Sheamus throws Miz outside, and Sandow does a somersault on the floor and sells his knee… lol…

Sheamus follows Miz outside… Miz climbs under the ring. Sheamus hits Sandow with a Brogue Kick on the floor while Miz comes out the other side of the ring and slides inside to beat the count. Sheamus is counted out in just under 6:00.

– I was literally just about to celebrate the fact that it appeared this Nene Leakes lady skipped the show, but here she is. Argh. Backstage vignette, Natalya, Brie Bella, Rose Mendes and Naomi are at Nene’s “STAR” dressing room. Boring. Cameron and a few other Divas pop up and there’s some terrible back and forth crap with Cameron and Nene. I can only imagine this is leading to a multi-woman tag match. Girl Bye…

-Commercial Break-

– Nene Leakes is introduced prior to the start of the following 6-ladies tag. Leakes joins Rosa at ringside.

7. Brie Bella, Natalya & Naomi (w/Rose Mendes) vs. Nikki Bella, Cameron & Summer Rae.

My how the Bellas have fallen. This match is pretty much the heels beating up on Natalya. No Tyson Kidd with headphones this week. Brie gets a hot tag and stakes it to Summer Rae. Brie with a running knee to Brie’s face for 2. Cameron breaks it up, Naomi, Natalya, and Cameron all end up on the floor. Nikki tags in to go after Brie, but Brie counters out of Nikki’s finish and hits a sit out facebuster for the win in just under 4:00. Somehow I don’t think that finishes the Bella feud.

Nene Leakes joins the ladies in the ring for celebrating. I’m sure the announcers were shilling Real Housewives or clothing lines or something for Nene throughout the match, wasn’t really listening… Lawler has done his best to slide in the Cleveland Browns beating the Steelers throughout the night… Good for him… and the Browns…

-Commercial Break-

– Usos & Sheamus vs. The Dust Brothers & Miz on Smackdown… Same crap, different week.

– Renee Young with John Cena. How lucky we are to get this match tonight, so says Cena. John runs this ship and he’s winning tonight.

– Bray Wyatt Promo on… Bray Wyatt… Nice. He will never be alone. Cool audio effects and visuals for this vignette.

– The Authority make their way down for the main event.

-Commercial Break-

– With the Authority seated at ringside, the two men in the match are introduced next, followed by Seth Rollins, and then followed by Randy Orton, followed by Kane… What is this dog and pony show crap… So the entire Authority are now at ringside for the match.

8. John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose – No Holds Barred Contract On A Pole Match.

The match starts at about 11pm, promising… Ambrose stomps Cena down and tries for the contract, but Cena yanks him down. Now Cena takes Ambrose down with a pair of Fisherman Suplexes, but Dean dodges a bulldog and throws Cena outside… The two men begin fighting up the aisle, Cena tries an AA on the stage, but Ambrose counters with a suplex on the steel. Ambrose makes it back to the ring and climbs for the contract again, but Cena again knocks him off the ropes. Cena plods his way up the pole, but Dean pulls him down. Cena tries an AA, but Ambrose counters and lands his big clothesline… Dean tries for the Double Underhook DDT, which Cole now calls Dirty Deeds, so it looks like the move has officially been changed. Cena counters and applies an STF. Ambrose BITES Cena to get releases… Cena is throws outside and Ambrose dives out onto him.

Both men fight right in front of the Authority. Orton gets in Ambrose’s face, and Dean slaps him. Meanwhile, Cena attacks Dean from behind. Cena throws Ambrose into Kane, Orton and Rollins. Cena starts to climb the pole, but with no DQ, Orton attacks Cena, and then Kane & Rollins join in attacking both Cena & Ambrose. Cena & Ambrose clear Orton & Rollins from the ring, and while Cena nails Kane with an AA, Ambrose climbs the pole. Rollins runs off.

Dean holds the contract in his hand, but doesn’t pull it down yet, he wants Cena to see it. Ambrose mocks Cena with a “you can’t see me”. Cena starts to step towards Ambrose, but Dean yanks the contract down for the win in 6:45. Probably for the best this wasn’t on PPV.

Orton stared down Cena after the match because they will meet at the PPV inside the Cell as well. Cena vs. Orton, that’s never been done before…

Ambrose stands in the ring with his contract. HHH & Steph stand with Rollins on the stage.

End show….

Very heavy on the rasslin side this week. About 80 minutes of actual in-ring product… It’s a rarity, but they do this once in a great while. Very few promo segments this week, which is somewhat shocking. Nothing overly exciting, but Orton vs. Ziggler was a nice change of pace from the usual suspects and the finish needs to be seen. I liked Rollins vs. Swagger okay too (for a Swagger match). Enjoyed the Wyatt promos this week. Sandow was fun again this week and completely steals the show in otherwise boring matches. Hoping this leads to something for Sandow instead of a second burial. Nothing was super bad on this show, it was something to watch.


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