The “OH MY GOD!” Review: Tri-States Wrestling 10/26/91, And Final Thoughts…


1991-10-26 at Overbrook High School in Pine Hill, NJ

Champion: JT Smith
Bar Wars: Tony Stetson
Tag Team: Blackharts

Only two of the eight matches are filmed. Nature Boy Buddy Landel defeated JT Smith earlier in the night to win the TWA Title.

Dr. Death Steve Williams vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, Special ref Nature Boy Buddy Rogers
JIP. Bam Bam rolls to the floor after getting nailed a few times. They roll around on the mat a bit and Bam Bam bails out again. Clipped back into the ring and Bam Bam fires away with some headbutts and strikes to the back. Bigelow goes for a suplex but Doc blocks it and hits a drop kick and body slam for 2. Bam Bam again rolls out. Another clip and Bam Bam with a corner charge but Williams gets up the boot. Two shoulder blocks get a 2 count. Williams charges again but Bigelow side steps and tosses him to the floor. Bam Bam wont let Williams back in the ring. Rogers tells him to back up and Bam Bam rips his shirt and pushes him out of the way and again knocks Williams off the apron. Rogers calls for a DQ 4.25 was shown. What a bull shit match.

Jole Goodhart comes out and Rogers gets on the mic. New TWA Champion Nature Boy Buddy Landel comes to the ring. They say words to each other but I cant hear them at all. Landel attacks Rogers but Rogers fights him off.

GWF TV Champion Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert vs. Kevin Sullivan (w/ Glen Osbourne), ref Jim Molineaux
Sullivan attacks at the bell and brings it to the floor. I kinda dig the pairing of Sullivan and Osbourne. This is just a big ass brawl up the bleachers and down again. Gilbert is covered in blood. The fight spills into the school hallways and back up the bleachers and Gilbert goes flying down them. Back in the ring the fight in the corner and both of them nail the ref. Osbourne hits the ring and gets chased off. Sullivan and Gilbert fight back in the crowd. I guess it was just thrown out. They fight more.

My thoughts on the show…
Nothing worth tracking down. This only ran 27 minutes and nothing was need to see. TWA would run 3 more shows before shutting down. There final two shows scheduled for January 24th and 25th of 1992. The 25th show looked rather good to with the Nature Boys doing battle and Miracle Violence Connection against the Can-Am Express among other matches. A month later on February 25th 1992 a company named Eastern Championship Wrestling would start running shows with much of the old TWA talent and you can follow along with that right here on the OMG Reviews!

Final thoughts on TWA overall…
There were very few bright spots with TWA. I always enjoy DC Drake he was real good at getting heat and I wonder why he wasn’t in ECW at the start,, the Eddie Gilbert Cactus Jack series was good as was of course the Owen Hart Iizuka match. Aside from that we got crappy local talent and main eventers that didn’t do much in the ring. Some of the brawls were probably great back in 1990 and 1991 when people weren’t used to seeing that type of thing at a wrestling show but lots of time it doesn’t translate well on flim.


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