The “OH MY GOD!” Review: NWC Slammin’ TV 7/15 – 8/5/95 (3 Episodes)


1995-07-15 Slammin’ (matches taped various dates at Silver Nugget Pavilion in Las Vegas, Nv)

Champion: Sabu

‘The Doctor’ TC Martin and Al Lorenz welcome us to the show and run down what we are going to see tonight.

Zuma vs. Samurai Warrior, ref Jesse Hernandez (1995-05-12)
Zuma is a surfer, he would go onto greater fame as Tom Howard. There were so many surfing wrestlers around this time frame. Warrior with the early advantage but he goes up top and Zuma does a handstand on the buckle in ranas Warrior down. Butterfly suplex and tiltawhirl slam follow. Zuma goes to the apron and springboards into the ring with a shoulder tackle. Zuma off the ropes with an elbow drop and he goes to the apron. Spring board into a sunset flip but they end up tangled in the ropes. Zuma with a japanese arm drag and clothesline. Drop kick sends Warrior over the top and to the floor. Zuma goes up top and comes off with a somersault senton to the floor! Warrior sent into the ring post and then Zuma throws him back in the ring and again goes for the springboard sunset flip. Warrior ready for it this time and he nails Zuma. Zuma though immediately comes back with a head scissor and another japanese arm drag. Zuma follows it with a rana and goes back up top. Another somersault senton. Zuma with a jackknife pin for the 1, 2, 3 in 5.28.

Bill Anderson hypes July 22nd and brings in Honky Tonk Man. Honky says he signed with NWC because it’s the greatest wrestling organization of all time. Honky rants and raves again about how Warrior beat him 7 years ago.

TC Martin is at his desk and he shuffles a bunch of papers around and says everyone is talking about the NWC. Martin says NWC is for the fans and they should write in and tell him what they want to see.

Mr. Hughes vs. Lil Haystacks, ref Jesse Hernandez (1995-04-14)
Hughes with a clothesline and big elbow drop. Drop kick and Hughes taunts Haystacks. Haystacks ducks a line and back elbow and goes for a cross body but gets caught in a side rib breaker. Hughes hits the sidewalk slam and gets the win in 4.

Bill Anderson is with Don Juan and Don says he is there for 3 reason and they all involved taking women and doing things to them. Anderson wants to know what Don’s going to do when he meets Zuma. Don says Anderson probably likes Zuma because he has homosexual tendencies. Anderson says Juan is disgusting and Juan says that Anderson’s wife didn’t think so.

Johnny ‘Psycho’ Paine vs. Navajo Kid, ref David Hogg (1995-05-12)
Kid with a few arm drags and a drop kick so Paine rolls to the floor. Paine clothesline Kid over the top and to the floor. Kid back in with a sunset flip for 2. He then ducks a clothesline and hits a cross body block for 2. Kid goes for a hip toss but Paine blocks it and hits a clothesline then a splash. Paine with a few elbow drops. Paine drops Kid on the top rope throat first. Kid with an enziguri for 2. Some back and forth and Paine hits a suplex for 2. Kid does a war dance and hits a chop and drop kick. Paine comes back and hits a forearm but picks up Kid at 2. Paine hits a clothesline for 2. DDT by Paine but he again picks up Kid. Paine brings a chair into the ring and tosses the ref over the top rope and smashes Kid into the chair. Some other Native dude comes in ‘because the Indian population is strong.’ Kid wins by DQ in 10.10. This match was terrible.

Martin hypes July 22nd. We get the NWC’s top ten. All are former stars off WWF or WCW except Thug who comes in at 10. Warrior who they admit hasn’t even wrestled for them yet places at number 4.

Bill Anderson brings in Cactus Jack. Jack talks about all the injuries he has received at the hands of Sabu.

Desert Death Match: Cactus Jack vs. Sabu, ref Jesse Hernandez (1994-10-29)
Originally review for the Wrestling Ringside promo video. Sabu nails Cactus and dents a chair over his head. Cactus suplex Sabu through a table that a bunch of old people are sitting at. Great. They continue to brawl around ringside. Cactus suplexes a table onto Sabu. Into the ring Cactus hits a double arm DDT. Clothesline over the top. Apparently Cactus nailed Sabu with a piledriver on a poker table. That would have been cool to see. Cactus gets hunts in-between the top and middle rope. Sabu jumps off a chair and lands onto of Cactus’ head sending him to the floor. Sabu misses a springboard moonsault and crashes through a table on the floor. Cactus comes off the apron with an elbow drop. Sabu comes off the middle rope with an arabian face buster for the win. 4.41 was shown of what they said was over 40.

Bill Anderson brings in Honky Tonk again and he talks about Warrior to hype their match on the 22nd.

My thoughts on the show…
Zuma match was pretty good. Would have liked to see more of the Desert Death Match


1995-07-22 Slammin’ (matches taped various dates at Silver Nugget Pavilion in Las Vegas, Nv)

Champion: Sabu

Samurai Warrior vs. Judge Dread, ref David Hogg (1995-02-11)
Warrior tries to shoulder tackle Dread down but Dread is to large and clotheslines Warrior over the top. Dread takes down Warrior with a kick and then drops an elbow. Warrior tries to fight back but the big man just hammers away on Warrior. Warrior moves on a corner charge and quickly goes up top. He comes off with a cross body attempt but gets caught and powerslammed down. Dread with a clothesline and this match has reached the point where its gone on for way to long. Dread with a slam and he goes up likely to finishes it off. Vader bomb splash from the top rope for the easy win in 4.47.

We get one of the Bill Anderson Honky Tonk Man interviews. It’s a duplicate of a previous one.

NWC Update on Thug. Thug has recently returned after a 60 day suspension. Thug attacks Junkyard Dog and a ref. Then Thug was doing a Q & A with fans on the Doctors Office Thug pushed a fan off the stage and through a table. After the 60 days was up Thug still hadn’t paid the fine. Throws money at the Las Vegas commissioner and is now allowed to wrestler.

Thug vs. Cincinnati Red, ref David Hogg (1995-03-17)
Thug beats on Red. He hits a monkey flip, side slam and inverted atomic drop. Thug hits the ropes and nails a flying shoulder tackle then locks in the switch blade which is a surf board style submission. Red has no choice but to give up after 1.49.

Bill Anderson brings in Larry Powers of the ‘world famous’ Power Twins. Powers says that the fans need to stop bringing their garbage to the arena to throw at him especially their toothbrushes cause they need to keep them to brush their one tooth.

Johnny ‘Psycho’ Paine vs. Lil’ Haystacks, ref Jesse Hernandez (1995-03-17)
I really hope this shit isn’t ten minutes like last weeks match. Paine beats on Haystacks nails a big boot and leg drop for a 2 count. Paine misses a corner charge and Haystacks sends him into the opposite corner. Haystacks follows with a splash but then he gets back dropped high over the top rope and to the floor. Paine with a slam on the floor. Paine was in a mental hospital with Charles Manson according to the announcers. Paine in control of the match but Haystacks mounts a comeback and the announcers question his wrestling ability. He’s a good guy aren’t they supposed to hype him up? Haystacks goes up top but misses a splash. Paine connects with a DDT and then covers for the win in 4.58.

To the Doctor’s Office we go and TC Martin brings Lil’ Haystacks out and he wants to know why he’s bothering interviewing him. Wow what an asshole. Martin tells Haystacks he is pathetic and a piece of garbage and he doesn’t belong in the NWC because he’s a fat piece of garbage. Martin wants to know if Haystacks got paid for tonight and demands to see his check. Martin rips up the check and throws it down and tells him not to come back. What the fuck was that all about. A wrestler just got bitched out by an announcer and did nothing about it.

Bill Anderson brings in Ariel Assault. Rob Van Dam says they have not been tested. Bobby Bradley says they are coming after the Power Twins.

That dick head TC Martin and Al Lorenz hype tonight’s show with Warrior.

Branding Iron Match Terry Funk vs. Virgil, ref Jesse Hernandez
Funk chases Lorenz and Martin around with a flaming branding iron. The commentary is dubbed in post production and instead of pretending that it’s live they just talk it like it’s not happening. I hate when commentary is done in post and they don’t pretend like it’s done live and completely ignore when they are on the screen or in the fucking ring doing the ring intros while doing commentary. The match starts and they brawl on the floor. Lorenz and Martin show back up on screen and this time they pretend that it’s live as they run away ‘good thing we have portable microphones.’ Funk with a piledriver on the floor. Funk nails Lorenz. Funk slams Virgil on a table. Pandemonium breaks loose! Finally into the ring and Funk chops Virgil down and then throws him right back out of the ring. Funk with a DDT on the floor. Fans are going nuts. Virgil fights back and Funk is knocked loopy and starts taking swings at security. Virgil with a DDT on the floor now. Garbage can put over the head of Funk and he’s sent into the ring post. Funk busted open. Virgil pounds away on Funk and brings it back into the ring and hits another DDT. Virgil calls for another one. Funk nailed with a third DDT in the match. Funk goes to the floor and throws the ring bell into the ring. Funk brings the branding iron into the ring and takes a swing but Virgil ducks and nails Funk with a right and inverted atomic drop. Virgil locks in the million dollar dream. Funk grabs the ref and nails him as Funk goes out. Virgil lets go and covers but there is no ref. Virgil has a clear win. He goes to get the ref and Funk picks up the branding iron and nails Virgil. Ref gets up and counts the 3 for Funk in 9.30. Funk nails the ref with the iron rips off his shirt and brands him. Funk goes to brand Virgil but Junkyard Dog makes the save. Why didn’t the ref DQ Funk for hitting him?

Douche bag Martin hypes tonight’s big show.

My thoughts on the show…
Main even was fun. Funk really knows how to put on an awesome crazy brawl. Rest was eh.


1995-08-05 Slammin’ (matches taped various dates at Silver Nugget Pavilion in Las Vegas, Nv)

Champion: Sabu

Opening video.

TC Martin and Al Lorenz bring us to the start of our show and runs down the card.

Judge Dread vs. Gary ‘Crusher’ Key, ref David Hogg (1995-03-17)

Key looks like he will not be crushing anyone tonight or most other nights for that matter. Dread with a bear hug and then drops back clotheslining Key on the top rope. Clothesline by Dread and he stomps on the throat of Key. Key tries for a head scissor out of the corner but Judge just throws him to the ground. Avalanche and top rope vaderbomb get the win for Dread in 2.59.

Bill Anderson brings in Mr. Hughes and Hughes says he is there to take people out and win all the titles in the NWC.

Sabu takes on Cactus Jack in a lumberjack match and the tag team title tournament takes place Friday August 25th.

NWC update brings us to a few highlights from matches between Terry Funk and Champion Sabu and then the wars between Cactus and Sabu.

Bill Anderson brings in Junkyard Dog. JYD says the four squared circles are his yard and Mr. Powers Larry Rivera better watch out. None of this made any sense.

Bobby Bradley vs. Wild Renegade, ref David Hogg (1995-03-17)
Renegade slaps Bradley a few times and then bails when Bradley tries to go after him. Bradley finally gets his hands on Renegade and hits a hip toss and atomic drop. Drop kick by Bradley and into a chin lock. Bradley with a spin kick and nice snap suplex for 2. Renegade comes back though with a super kick. Release german but Bradley able to kick out at 2. Bradley comes back and hits a powerslam for 2. Bradley goes up top and hits a big leg drop and then goes back up top for a second one. Renegade though able to reverse an irish whip and hit a clothesline. Elbow drop for 2. Renegade with a chin lock and Bradley begins to fade. Al Lorenz goes on and on about how Bradley and his partner Robbie V are a couple of real good looking guys. Bradley with an arabian press from the top turnbuckle for the win in 5.57.

Bill Anderson brings in Thug. Thug says NWC stands for one thing and one thing only. They then beep out the next three words he says. I can’t figure out what it is he would have said.

Navajo Kid vs. RJ Rodriguez, ref Jesse Hernandez (1995-03-17)
RJ goes to work on Navajo the announcers let us know that RJ is ‘a cagey veteran.’ Kid goes for a drop kick but RJ hangs onto the ropes and Kid crashes to the mat. Suplex brings Navajo over with a suplex. Navajo starts war dancing and comes back with some chops. Samoan drop finishes off RJ in 3.48.

We go to the Doctor’s Office with TC Martin and his guest this week is Don Juan. Holy FUCK Don Juan says he is going to make money faster then the casino by opening up a watermelon stand for black people, a second hand store for the white trash and third a target range to get rid of the homosexuals. The dirty rednecks actually start to cheer him. A sign in the crowd says ‘Don Juan is a homosexual’ and gets a lot of time on screen. Juan introduces his new manager Barbara Blaze. Everything about this was wildly inappropriate.

Battle Royal, refs David Hogg & Jesse Hernandez (1995-02-11)
Participants are Terry Funk, Junkyard Dog, Virgil, Larry Powers, Zuma, Gary ‘Crusher’ Key, Wild Renegade, The Mercenaries, Navajo Kid, Judge Dread, Swat, Volcano Kid, Johnny Psycho Paine, Thug, and Little Tokyo. Tokyo gets a standing ovation and the fans chant his name. Swat picks up Tokyo and carries him over to people and Tokyo kicks them. For some reason the Mercenaries have been fighting each other the entire time. One would think the tag team would ya know team up. Key gets tossed off screen and one of the Mercenaries tosses his partner. Renegade and the other Mercenary gets tossed. Navajo Kid also gone. Powers tosses Zuma. Thug, JYD and Paine throw out Judge Dread. Tokyo nails Thug in the balls and stomps him. Swat is dumped by JYD. 5 minutes in. Thug gets eliminated. Paine presses Tokyo and throws him onto thug. Paine gets tossed from behind. JYD gets rid of Volcano Kid. Down to Funk, JYD, Powers and Virgil. Powers eliminated JYD. Funk nails Powers due to miscommunication. Virgil quickly gets rid of Funk and Powers and wins the 10 k purse in 6.42. Martin interviews Virgil and Virgil says some stuff. Virgil would have to force like 4,000 people into taking pictures with him to get that much money.

Bill Anderson brings in Honky Tonk Man AGAIN. Honky talks about how anyone can come and take on the Honky Tonk Man and he will beat them all.

Martin and Lorenz hype the next show.

My thoughts on the show…
This one was weak. The announcers are garbage and make the shows somewhat difficult to sit through. No mention of the Warrior Honky Tonk match from 2 weeks back on the show. According to the internet the match lasted 13.05.


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