The “OH MY GOD!” Review: MXPW “Maximum Impact” TV For July 2004


Maximum Impact 2004-07-02 (Matches taped 2004-05-22 from War Memorial in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla)

Heavyweight: Vacant
TV Champion: “Black Nature Boy” Scoot Andrews
Tag Team: Vacant

Highlights from last weeks main event. It’s still unexciting even in highlights form.

Ryan O’Reilly vs. Steve Madison
And here we go with more crappy MXPW action. O’Reilly gets the arm and Madison does the Owen Hart backflip off the ropes thing to reverse it. Only he did it really slowly. Madison with a slam and O’Reilly bails to the floor. Madison goes for a dive but stops in his tracks as O’Reilly runs away. Madison goes to the apron and dives onto O’Reilly from there. O’Reilly though able to get up and send Madison into the rail. Back in the ring O’Reilly does the river dance into an elbow, haha. Madison hits an enziguri then hits the ropes but O’Reilly catches him in a side slam. O’Reilly goes for a second river dance elbow but misses. Both men up and Madison hits a clothesline. O’Reilly goes for a tilt a whirl but Madison lands on his feet and hits a brain buster for 2. Madison goes up top but misses a dive. Chokeslam bomb by O’Reilly gets 2. O’Reilly charges but gets caught in the abdominal stretch rollup for the 3 count in 7.01

It’s time for another addition of “Inside the Guardrails”. This time Chris Nelson is with Chaz. Chaz talks about how there is no competition in the upcoming Heavyweight Title Tournament. They talk about Chaz being a brand new father. Nelson asks if his son will play football or wrestler and Chaz says golf. Chaz then makes fun of Nelson because he calls the show “Inside the Ropes” at the. Generally that would be something you would want to reshoot.

Kevin Devine vs. Chaz, ref Chuck Hart
Chaz gets things going with a hip toss, body slam and elbow drop. Chaz with the Boss Man sit on the guy as he is draped on the second rope. Chaz sends Devine into the corner and hits the burning hammer. Butt bump in the corner is followed up but the downward spiral which they now call “the thingy”. Chaz picks up the win in 2.49.

Rico Cassanova vs. Apolo, ref Mickie Jay
Apolo throws around Rico a bit. Big hanging vertical suplex by Apolo. Rico tries to reverse an irish whip but Apolo is just to big and he pull Rico back in and nails a clothesline. Rico moves on a corner charge and then charges himself but catches a big boot. Apolo with a muscle buster but he picks up Rico at the 2 count. Apolo hits another big boot followed by a TKO for the win in 4.21.

Dennis Knight meets up with New Jack and Hack Meyers outside he is there to wish them luck in their match against the Blackharts. The Blackharts then attack from behind and the two team brawl.

We see highlights of the pervious Tag Team Title Tournament matches.

Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy (w/ ???) vs. The Vandals, ref Bruce Michaels
This match is for the titles. Apparently the other semi finals match is no longer happening. All four man go at it right away and spill to the floor. Blackharts and the team of New Jack and Hack Meyers were both eliminated from the tournament due to the brawl they just got into. The Market Crashers have dropped the tag team name and are now only going by their names. The ref tries to get control of the match but things are out of control. Tommy Vandal and Machete finally turn this into an actual tag match after 3 minutes of all four men fighting. Tommy in control and then he tags Ricky. Murphy comes in behind the refs back and hits a low blow and then tags. Murphy chokes Ricky as Tommy distracts the ref trying to get into the ring. Machete comes in now. Ricky comes back with a clothesline on Machete and gets two. We go to commercial and when we come back the Vandals have made a tag but Machete cuts off Tommy and slams him. Tommy comes back though and both teams tag. Ricky hits a nice looking running blockbuster on Murphy and spin buster on Machete. Tommy goes for a super kick but Murphy pulls the ref in the way. Machete and Murphy hit the sideslam/neck breaker combo and another ref comes down and counts the fall. Machete and Murphy are the new tag team champions. 7.17 of the match was shown.

Highlights for next week and thus ends another episode of Maximum Impact.

My thoughts on the show…
Good show this week. We got two competitive matches that were pretty good and the squashes were nice and short.


Maximum Impact 2004-07-09 (Matches taped 2004-06-25 from War Memorial in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla)

Heavyweight: Vacant
TV Champion: “Black Nature Boy” Scoot Andrews
Tag Team: Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy

Highlights from last week and then we go to Mark Nulty and Chris Nelson and they tells us that tonight the Heavyweight Tournament begins.

David Babylon vs. Steve Madison, ref Chuck Hart
Madison now has brown hair. Maybe he was getting tired of being called Chris Candido. Some are work back and forth. Babylon with a slingshot oklahoma roll. That looked really cool. Babylon with a tilt a whirl into a cross face but Madison gets to the ropes. Madison goes to the floor and Babylon follows with a dive over the top rope. Madison’s ankle looks broken. They go back into the ring and Babylon gets the pin in 2.42. Madison sits in the ring and starts to take off his boot as we go to a prerecorded interview.

Nulty is with Apolo. Apolo talks about all his accomplishments and that Warlord is the past and he is the future.

We learn that Madison has suffered a broken ankle and will be out of action for 14 weeks.

Nulty is with Jeff Bradley. Bradley says he’s ready to kick ass and win the title.

Bruiser Bradley vs. Apolo, ref Mickie Jay
We previously know Bradley as Dudley Dudley in ECW. First match of the tournament. They do the test of strength gimmick where Apolo keeps lift the opposite hand that Bradley is. Bradley gets pissed and Apolo just taps him in the mouth with a jab. They go blow for blow and Apolo hits a back drop. Bradley goes to the floor Apolo follows and Bradley takes over. Apolo misses a corner charge in the ring and hits his shoulder on the ring post. Bradley all over Apolo. Big clothesline gets a 2 count. Bradley with a piledriver that almost gets the 3 count. Bradley brings it to the entrance ramp and goes for another one but Apolo backdrops him. Back in the ring Apolo with another back drop and a bunch of clotheslines. Urinagi gets a 2. Bradley up he rakes the eyes and he goes for his bull rope. The ref stops him allowing Warlord to come down and hit Apolo with a chair. Bradley covers and gets the surprise win in 7.33.

We get some promos from Vampire Warrior, Warlord and Norman Smiley who all have matches coming up next week.

Mark Nulty interviews Ryan O’Reilly.

Ryan O’Reilly vs. Chaz, ref Bruce Michaels
Nelson picks O’Reilly to win the tournament. We get some prerecorded comments from Chaz. Chaz quickly hits the burning hammer at gets 2. O’Reilly goes to the eyes and hits a clothesline. River dance elbow drop for 2. O’Reilly stays on Chaz for a few minutes but Chaz comes back hits the butt bump in the corner followed up by the thingy for the win in 3.45. I decided to look up O’Reilly on wikipedia and learned that he is now in the WWE as Konnor of the Ascension.

We go back stage where the Tag Team Champions and their manager are doing a photo shoot. For some reason someone walks right in front of them even though they are clearly taking pictures. The champs kick the guys ass.

Boobs interviewer finally tells us her name! Connie Cabral is with some young fans. She asks them who they wanted to win the tag team title tournament all but one kid say the Vandals. Punisher shows up and says that since the kids want it that tonight the Vandals get another match. Connie is now a luxury real estate marketer and appears on HGTV.

Dennis Knight talks about winning the tournament.

Dennis Knight vs. Lex Lovett, ref Chuck Hart
Pre recorded comments from Lex Lovett he says the same thing that everyone else says when they are in a tournament. Back and forth for the first few minutes until Knight takes over. Lovett tries to come back with a leg lariat but Knight cuts him off right after to regain control. Back breaker by Knight and then he comes off the second buckle but misses the driving forearm. Lovett fires back and hits a a few clotheslines and a german for 2. Lovett though hangs onto the waist lock. Knight fights out and goes for the reverse DDT. Lovett fights out and hits a running blockbuster and advances to the semi finals in 6.31.

Connie Cabral is with the Vandals. The Vandals want another title match and they get one next week.

My thoughts on the show…
Good show again this week. The title tournament has me interested an I’m glad they didn’t go with the “safe” booking of putting Apolo and Knight into the next round. So far advancing into the semi finals are Bruiser Bradley, Chaz and Lex Lovett. The final first round match next week will be Warlord against Norman Smiley. I expect Apolo to factor into that match we also get the Vandals against Joey Machette and Shawn Murphy for the tag titles.


Maximum Impact 2004-07-16 (Matches taped 2004-06-25 from War Memorial in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla)

Heavyweight: Vacant
TV Champion: “Black Nature Boy” Scoot Andrews
Tag Team: Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy

Highlights from last week and then Mark Nulty and Chris Nelson run down the show.

Bruiser Bradley vs. Vampire Warrior, ref Mickie Jay
They say this is a tournament match which confuses me. Bradley attacks from behind but Warrior spits blood into Bradley’s face. They go to the floor with both men hitting the guardrail. Finally back in the ring but they immediately go back to the floor. Back in the ring Warrior with a suplex for 2. The both choke away at each other as the ref tries to break them apart. Bradley hits a big clothesline puts his feet on the rope for added leverage and gets the win in 4.38 to advance in the tournament.

The Vandals are getting ready for their title match.

Kahagas vs. David Babylon, ref Bruce Michaels
Connie Cabral taps Kahagas on his shoulder before he comes to the ring to try and get an interview but he turns and swings his kendo stick at her as she falls to the ground. Kahagas with a back fist and drop kick. Babylon with the tilt a whirl into a cross face. Kahagas gets out and hits a flying head scissor from a standing position. Looked nice. Babylon though out of nowhere hits sliced bread. Kahgus hits a half nelson driver he calls the Tokyo Monster Driver for the win in 2.52.

The Warlord vs. Norman Smiley, ref Chuck Hart
Final first round tournament match here. Will Smiley be able to use his wrestling ability to beat the much stronger Warlord? What role will Apolo play in this match if any? Let’s find out! Smiley goes full steam ahead with clotheslines but Warlord doesn’t budge. Warlord goes for a clothesline of his own but Smiley rolls under it then dance. This makes the big man mad. Warlord runs through Smiley and now he goes to town. Warlord hammers on the back of Smiley and locks in a bear hug. Smiley makes a comeback but still can’t take Warlord down. Warlord cuts for Smiley and locks in the full nelson. Apolo shows up on the ramp. Warlord releases the hold to jaw with Apolo. Smiley with a school boy and he gets the pin in 6.13.

Tag Team Champions Joey Machete and Shawn Murphy are backstage with their manager and she tells them that they better not blow this she tells them it’s time to go.

Tag Team Champions Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy (w/ ???) vs. Vandals, ref Mickie Jay
Machete starts with Tommy Vandal and they get nose to nose. The tag titles are pretty nice looking. Tommy slaps Machete and they go at it. Tommy with a rana. Both men then go for a cross body at the same time. Both teams tag. Ricky with a spin buster and Murphy bails to the floor. Murphy and Machete regroup and the Vandals dive to the floor onto them. Back in the ring Murphy takes over on Tommy. Tommy able to take though but Ricky comes in and gets powerslammed. Tag to Machete but he misses an elbow drop. Ricky with a sunset flip, Murphy breaks it up and Machete hits a clothesline and tags. Ricky ducks a double clothesline and hits his own. Tag to Tommy and he hits a running stomp in the corner. Murphy however takes back over and we go to commercial break. Back from break and Murphy is beating away on Tommy. Tommy tries to hit a rana but Murphy doesn’t go over. Machete comes in a drop kicks Tommy. Tommy hits a super kick but Murphy doesn’t go down. Tommy charges but Murphy throws Tommy in the air and hits a cutter. Both men up at the same time and they each charge and land a clothesline. By the way the commentators have been calling the Vandals the wrong names this whole match. Each teams tag and Ricky comes in and hits a big spine buster on Machete. Murphy comes from behind and they go for a double suplex. Tommy stops it and joins in and now the Vandals suplex Murphy and Machete. Machete goes for a a suplex from the apron to the floor. Ricky blocks it and tries to bring it inside but Murphy trips him up and holds his foot down. Machete falls on top and gets the pin. 11.11 of the match was shown.

Preview of next weeks show. We will see the semi finals of the Title Tournament as well as Apolo taking on the Warlord.

My thoughts on the show…
Main event was good. Warlord match was of course slow and boring and the other two were really nothing. Not bad but not worth watching. So I timed out this show 15 minutes is commercials. 5 minutes is the highlights from last week and last 10 minutes is next weeks preview. That only leave 30 minutes of the 1 hour show dedicated to new material. That’s pretty bad if you ask me. That’s always how it is too.


Maximum Impact 2004-07-23 (Matches taped 2004-06-25 from War Memorial in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla)

Heavyweight: Vacant
TV Champion: “Black Nature Boy” Scoot Andrews
Tag Team: Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy

Mark Nulty and Chris Nelson are joined at the commentators table by Tag Team Champions Joey Machete and Shawn Murphy. Maybe they will tell us their managers name this week.

Kahagas vs. Johnny Vandal, ref Bruce Michaels
A new Vandal brother makes his debut today. Vandal flings himself around the ring a bit sending Kahagas to the floor. Vandal follows with a suicide dive through the ropes. Kahagas with a back body drop on the floor. Back in the ring Kahagas stays in control. A roundhouse kick gets a 2 count. Kahagas with a gory special looking submission. Vandal breaks out of it and hits a DDT. Kahagas stays upside down on his head for about 30 seconds, looks pretty awesome. Both men back up Kahagas with “green mist” I put it in quotes because nothing actually comes out of his mouth or ends up on Vandal’s face. Kahagas follows up with a inverted suplex into a cutter and gets the win in 4.07.

Chris Nelson is with Tommy and Ricky Vandal for “Inside the Guardrail”. Vandals say they are going to win the tag team championship. This was an absolutely awful interview on all three mens part.

Bruiser Bradley says he is going to take out Chaz and head to the finals of the title tournament.

Bruiser Bradley vs. Chaz, ref Chuck Hart
Bradley attacks as soon as Chaz hits the ring. Bradley all of Chaz for the first few minutes. Fisherman buster gets a 2 count. Bradley misses a second rope leg drop. Chaz with an atomic drop and a flying clothesline. Chaz comes off the top rope with the stage dive and gets the win in 4.25. Chaz moves on to the finals.

Lex Lovett talks about his upcoming match with Norman Smiley.

Lex Lovett vs. Norman Smiley, ref Mickie Jay
The two men go back a forth on the mat to start things off. They do some nice back and forth arm work. Five minutes in and it’s been all smooth mat wrestling. Smiley with some european uppercuts and then he gets aggressive with some stiff kicks to the back. Big swinging slam and then he locks in a submission. Gut buster gets 2. Smiley goes for a drop kick but Lovett holds onto the ropes and Smiley crashes to the mat. Lovett hits a drop kick of his own for 2. Suplex gets 2 for Lex. Guillotine on the top rope and Lovett now stepping on the throat of Smiley. Lovett with a guillotine leg drop from in the ring to the apron. Lovett brings a chair in the ring but Smiley kicks it away from him. Smiley stomps away on the knee of Lovett. Hanging double under hook suplex by Smiley. Lovett launches himself at Smiley but gets caught in the big wiggle. Smiley goes for the wheel barrel slam but Lovett reverses into a bulldog for 2. Leg lariat gets another 2. They go back and forth fight for an irish whip but then Smiley locks in the Norman Conquest and gets the submission win in 13.10.

Warlord vs. Apolo ref Bruce Michaels
The big men go face to face and come to blows. Apolo hits a few shoulder tackles but Warlord doesn’t go down. A flying shoulder tackle finally takes him down and he bails to the floor. Back in Warlord with a stun gun. Crowd dead silent. Warlord with a clothesline for 2. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea to put as the main event on TV. Apolo fights back and Lands a super kick. Apolo picks up Warlord but Dennis Knight and Blackharts show up ending the match in DQ in 5.29. New Jack and Hack Meyers make the save chasing them out of the ring. New Jack gets a mic and challenges the Blackharts to a cage match next week.

New Jack and Hack Meyers are with Connie Cabral and they hype the cage match for next week.

My thoughts on the show…
Main event was really boring. Lovett Smiley was decent I really enjoyed the back and forth they did in the beginning, Chaz and Bradley should have had a little more time. You can watch this one up until the main event then just turn it off.


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