The “OH MY GOD!” Review: Maximum Xtreme Pro Wrestling Impact TV 4/2 & 4/9/04


Coming up now on “Oh My God” we begin to review Maximum Xtreme Pro Wrestling (MXPW). MXPW was a promotion based out of Florida. They ran their first two TV tapings in September and November of 2003 and began airing TV on Sunshine Network in April of the following year. I will be reviewing all of MXPW’s TV, a few random matches that can be found on Youtube, and both home videos that were released by the company. I believe this to be the complete collection of what is available in “released” footage. I know more was filmed by MXPW because on the Youtube matches there is a camera man at ringside, however the shows were never released in full to my knowledge.

Maximum Impact 2004-04-02 (Matches taped 2003-09-12 from Omni Auditorium in Coconut Creek, Fla)

Heavyweight: D-Lo Brown
TV Champion: “The Future” Chris Sabin
Tag Team: Vampire Warrior & Dave Johnson

Cyrus and Kevin Kelly are our announce team. They welcome us to the show and kick it right to the first match

Chaz & Julio vs. The Market Crashers, ref Mickie Jay

Market Crashers are Nasdaq and Dow Jones. Julio starts of with Nasdaq. Kevin Kelly is already less annoying then he was on the MLW show he did. Not much happens between Nasdaq and Julio before they tag out. Chaz comes off of the top rope with a standing whoopee cushion for 2. Tag to Julio and he hits a drop kick for 2. Cyrus talks about how they double team well because they are a veteran tag team. About 1 minute later Kelly talks about how they are a team that has not been together long. That’s good. Jones tags back to Nasdaq and he takes over on Julio. Julio comes back with a cutter and both teams tag. Chaz hits a bunch of clotheslines. Jones hits one of his own. Julio comes in and hits a spinning full nelson slam but he’s not the legal man so the ref won’t count. Chaz hits Jones with a downward spiral and gets the pin in 4.55.

Hardcore Rumble

Last two wrestlers have a hardcore singles match. Weapons are legal in the battle royal. Participants include Payne and Sean Allen with Snake Master Abudadein, Punisher, Dennis Knight and New Jack. The brawl begins before New Jack is in the ring. Within 20 seconds New Jack is the only one left. “Enter Sandman” hits and out comes the Sandman. Sandman gets a mic and questions how they can have a hardcore Battle Royal without him. New Jack tells him to get out of his face. Jack challenges Sandman to a Hardcore Match. Then they drink a beer together. Umm, Ok.

Highlights of a match between TV Champion “The Future” Chris Sabin and “Fallen Angle” Christopher Daniels is shown to Lungs’ song “Six Feet Deep”. AJ Styles came in and made a three count for Daniels while the ref was knocked out. Styles then hit the styles clash on Daniels, which allowed Sabin to retain his title once the ref woke up.

Kelly and Cyrus hype Styles versus Daniels to determine the number one contender to the TV Title later tonight.

Johnny Swinger & Simon Diamond (w/ Glenn Gilbertti) vs. Cuban Champion Fidel Sierra & Antonio Banks (w/ Fantasy)

Umm Kelly says this match is kicking off this hour of TV. Nice editing job. Banks will go on to become MVP in the WWE. Banks begins with Diamond. Gilberti joins the commentary team. Banks with a clothesline and Sierra comes in and they hit a double team back elbow for 2. Diamond misses a drop kick but then Swinger hits a clothesline from the apron and tags in. Tag to Diamond and they hit a double team side slam reverse DDT combo. Diamond and Swinger make a few tags back and forth until Banks is able to make a tag after some miscommunication. Sierra comes in slowly. He and Banks go to whip Diamond and Swinger together but Swinger reverses Sierra and Diamond clotheslines him. Banks goes for a powerbomb on Swinger but Diamond superkicks him and gets a 2 count. Gilberti and Fantasy fight over a chair on the floor and the ref goes out to break them apart. Problem Solver happens in the ring to Sierra not on camera and Swinger gets the pin in 6.05.

Buff Bagwell vs. Luther Biggs, ref Mickie Jay

Biggs had a brief stint in WCW and TNA. Biggs on the mic before the match and he talks about how Bagwell has had everything handed to him because he’s a pretty boy with a good body. Biggs has built up frustration over the past 16 years and tonight he takes it out on Bagwell. Bagwell says he’s glad Biggs told his name cause no one knew who he was. Basically for 16 years Biggs has been fat and has sucked he says. Biggs attacks but Bagwell sends him to the floor. Biggs clotheslines Bagwell on the top rope as he’s getting back into the ring. Biggs now in control. Kelly says New Jack and Sandman go at it tonight but I’m pretty sure that match is set for next week. Biggs misses a corner charge and Buff with a swinging neck breaker for 2. Blockbuster ends the match in 3.23.

Tag Team Champions Vampire Warrior & Dave Johnson (w/ Luna Vachon) vs. Payne & Sean Allen

Another match that is out of order as they talk about the Hardcore Battle Royal “last week” and an attack by “Franchise” Shane Douglas on D-Lo Brown. After some back and forth Payne and Allen take over on Johnson. Johnson finally able to make a tag after a few minutes of taking punishment. Warrior comes in and hits a power slam on Allen for 2. All four men in the ring now. Johnson and Warrior hit clotheslines and get the win with a double team Impaler DDT in 6.49.

My thoughts on the show…

So we get a mix of semi-big name guys and a bunch of indy wrestlers that don’t seem to know how to do any wrestling moves correctly. This was really bad, don’t watch this one.


Maximum Impact 2004-04-09 (Matches taped 2003-09-12 from Omni Auditorium in Coconut Creek, Fla)

Heavyweight: D-Lo Brown
TV Champion: “The Future” Chris Sabin
Tag Team: Vampire Warrior & Dave Johnson

“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles, ref Bruce Michaels

The winner of this match will be the number one contender for the TV Title held by Chris Sabin. Styles cost Daniels his match against Sabin. Daniels dives out of the ring onto Styles before the match even starts. Daniels sends him to the guardrail. Back in the ring with get a bell and the match is officially underway. Styles comes back and hits a gut buster for 2. Kevin Kelly talks about matches that happened last week as if they happened this week or are going to happen later today. Styles ducks his head for a back drop but Daniels throws him down. Daniels sits Styles on the turnbuckle and slams him off. Daniels goes for the BME but Styles moves Daniels lands on his feet but Styles hits him with an enziguri. They both go for a flying cross body and crash into each other. Sabin comes in the ring and nails Daniels with the belt and then drops Styles with the cradle shock. Ref calls for the bell and we have a no contest in 5.23.

Hardcore Match: New Jack vs. Sandman, ref Mickie Jay

Sandman is opened up about 20 seconds into the match. Quickly to the floor where the fight continues on. They go black and white once the blood really starts to flow. Boooooooo! Sandman wins with the white Russian leg sweep in 4.56.

Highlights of a match between Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger with Glenn Gilbertti vs. Tag Team Champions Vampire Warrior and Dave Johnson with Luna Vachon air with Lungs’ song “Brain Snap” playing over it. Diamond and Swinger walked away from the match as the new champions.

More Lungs’ music videos as their song “One on One” is used to show clips of Chasyn Rance against Bruno Sassi of Phi Delta Slam. The screen rotates the whole time making this very un-enjoyable to watch. Sassi won with a sunset flip. I don’t know who Lungs is but I know that I don’t like them.

TV Champion Chris Sabin vs. AJ Styles vs. “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, ref Mickie Jay

Daniels and Styles attack Sabin to start. They dump him to the floor and go afar each other. Styles hits the ropes and Sabin pulls him out of the ring. Daniels dives at them but Sabin slides back in. Daniels hits Styles and then Sabin knocks down Daniels. Styles and Sabin now go at it until Daniels comes back in. Sabin with a swinging fisherman on him for 2. AJ throws Sabin out of the ring and follows with a somersault senton. Daniels with an Arabian press to the floor on both AJ and Sabin. Hanging vertical suplex from Daniels onto AJ gets 2. Sabin comes flying back into the ring with a springboard drop kick that hits both his opponents. Daniels hits a bulldog on AJ and clotheslines Sabin at the same time. He then goes to bulldog Sabin and dana AJ? Not sure how that would work. It doesn’t anyway as AJ power bombs him. Sabin goes for a super belly to back. Daniels joins in and he hits it on Sabin and all three of them go crashing to the mat. Daniels with a blue thunder bomb for 2 on AJ. Sabin with a tiger driver on Daniels for 2. AJ with a brain buster on Sabin for that almost gets a 3 count. Chokeslam by Daniels on AJ and he hits the BME for 2.9! Sabin with a back breaker on Daniels for 2. AJ with the springboard into a reverse DDT but Sabin kicks out. AJ goes for it on Daniels but Daniels reverses it and goes for the last rites. Sabin breaks it up and picks up Daniels for the cradle shock but we go to commercial. Ummm seriously. Back from break and we get the finish of the match in a fucking music package. OH come on! It sounds like another shitty Lungs’ song but there is no graphic on the screen to let us know. Sabin goes for a rana, Styles tries to hit the styles clash but Sabin crosses his arms so AJ can’t hook them. Styles swings Sabin up for a power bomb but Sabin lands on his feet. Styles rolls up Sabin but then picks him up in the clash and gets the pin and title. I’m thinking that Daniels got hit with the cradle shock and this all happened right after. Not counting the music video portion 10.09 was shown.

More highlights to shitty music. This time it’s a three way tag match from an outdoor charity show. No commentary or ring introductions so I have no idea whose in the match. The whole thing ends after about 2 minutes being shown no finish or anything just the copyright notice and then it’s off the air.

My thoughts on the show…

The three way TV title match was pretty good until it became a fucking music video. UGH, I already hate myself for watching these shows.


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