The “OH MY GOD!” Review: Major League Wrestling “Underground TV” – May 2003


Underground TV 2003-05-05 (matches taped King of Kings 2002-12-20 from War Memorial Auditorium in Fort Lauderdale, Fla)

World: Satoshi Kojima

Almost all the matches that will air over the course of Underground TV have been previously reviewed from the home videos so these will be short recaps.

Raven opens up the show. He says that in one more we they will discuss their feelings. Raven says Vampiro has irritated and antagonized him. On May 9th he will find out what Vampiro wants and Vampiro will find out just how irritated he is.

Opening video.

Joey Styles runs down tonight’s card for us. Three big match ups and we get a preview of the one one match between Terry Funk and “King of Old School” Steve Corino that’s coming up May 9th.

Jerry Lynn is walking around back stage and “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels comes up to him. Daniels says he is a believer in redemption and knows Lynn is looking to be saved. Lynn tells Daniels he makes a lot of good points but he has work to do.

We go to our first match the triple threat from between Fuego Guerrero, Super Crazy and Christopher Daniels. Fuego scored a surprise victory in the match.

Mike Awesome talks about leaving the WWE and wanting the MLW Championship. He then goes on to beat Jerry Lynn in our second match on the night. After the match Jerry Lynn agrees to join with Christopher Daniels.

Joey says that Champion Satoshi Kojima is the most fighting champion in wrestling today. Kojima is backstage and he talks about all the guys that he has beaten in Japan and tonight he beats Vampiro. Steve Corino hypes his match with Terry Funk coming up and talks about all the things he’s been talking about the past weeks.

Joey brings us to our main event! Vampiro was unsuccessful in his attempt to beat Satoshi Kojima for the MLW Championship in a hard fought match. Kojima used the ace crusher and lariat to retain the title. After the match Mike Awesome power bombed Kojima through a table.

We get a video package highlighting the card for this Friday night.

My thoughts on the show…
Nothing stands out as “must-see” here. It’s hard to recommend a lot of these shows if you are going in order like me, as there is not much new on them that wasn’t on the arena show releases. You can skip this one.

Underground TV 2003-05-12 (matches taped Reload 2002-09-26 from Manhattan Center in New York, NY)

World: Satoshi Kojima
GTC: Simon Diamond & CW Anderson

Almost all the matches that will air over the course of Underground TV have been previously reviewed from the home videos so these will be short recaps.

“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels is preparing for a 6 man tag team match. He says that MLW is trying to stack the deck against him but he got Dick Togo and Ikuto Hidaka to come help him.

Opening video.

Joey Styles welcomes us to the show. Tonight’s main event is a 6 man tag team match. We will also get words from Raven regarding the fall out of what happened with him on Friday. Now we go to our opening match

CW Anderson vs. Chris “Crowbar” Ford
This match is exclusive to Underground TV. The ring announcer announces Ford as Devon Storm, the on screen graphic shows just Crowbar, but Joey tells us he will be known as Chris “The Crowbar” Ford. Anderson goes behind, Ford with a standing switch and gets a waistlock take down. Anderson gets an arm bar. Ford with a slam and CW kicks him off and goes back to the arm. Ford reverses it and hits a suplex. CW eats a boot on a corner charge and Ford comes off the second rope with a clothesline. Ford with a springboard crossbody for 2. Sky high and slingshot somersault leg drop from the apron gets 2. CW goes to the outside but gets hit with a baseball slide. Ford sits CW in a chair and goes back in the ring. Ford with a slingshot out of the ring lands on CW. They get back in the ring and we go to commercial. Back from break and CW nails Ford in the head twice with a chair. CW goes for it a third time but the ref grabs the chair allowing Ford to hit a superkick. Drop kick and clothesline from Ford. Ford hits a jaw breaker for 2. Ford ducks a clothesline and hits a belly to back and sling shot splash for 2. Ford charges CW but gets superkicked and covered for 2. CW grabs the chair again but Ford goes low. He puts the chair behind the back of CW and pushes him into the turn buckle and then hits a northern lights with a bridge on the chair for 2. Ford puts the chair in the middle of the ring and charges CW but CW hits a spin buster on the chair to get the win in 7.54.

Joey talks about the Extreme Horsemen wanted to drive all the legends into extinction. We go to a Steve Corino promo and he says he is mad that he lost on Friday but more focused then ever. Corino tells Funk to bring some friends on June 20th because him and the Extreme Horsemen are getting revenge.

Joey hypes the finals of the Global Crown Tag Team Tournament coming up on Underground TV in a few weeks. CW Anderson and Simon Diamond have some words. Diamond says they are going to win the titles and make the MLW tag team division the best division in wrestling. CW says that we are going to see the best tag team in the world when they wrestle.

Back to Joey and he talks about the words that Raven has had for Vampiro. The Samoan Island Tribe say they are in MLW to kick butt and get the tag team titles.

In the main event “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, Dick Togo & Ikuto Hidaka beat Quiet Storm & The SATs in a 22 minute contest that I would say is pretty easily the best match from MLW so far. We get footage that was not on the home video of all the wrestlers in the match checking on Togo outside of the ring. Daniels and Hidaka help him to the back. As you may remember from my recap of Reload Togo landed hard on his ankle after getting hit with the Spanish fly.

We go to Raven and he talks about the Deadpool in WCW Vamprio felt the Raven effect tonight. Raven will not let Vampiro be a martyr. Raven says he will do what he did to Vampiro tonight again and again.

My thoughts on the show…
Thumbs up for the show tonight, we get an exclusive match not seen on the home video and the 6-man tag, which is awesome.

Underground TV 2003-05-19 (matches taped Revolutions 2003-05-09 from Tabu Night Club in Orland, FLA)

World: Satoshi Kojima
GTC: Simon Diamond & CW Anderson

Almost all the matches that will air over the course of Underground TV have been previously reviewed from the home videos so these will be short recaps.

We open up with a music video showing the formation of the Extreme Horsemen. Funk and Corino face off in tonight’s main event.

Opening video.

Joey Styles welcomes us to yet another addition of Underground TV. Tonight’s action comes from Tabu Night Club.

In the opening match Fuego Guerrero beat Ikuto Hidaka with a standing shooting star press.

Back from break and Joey wonders who jumped the Maximos a few weeks ago. Next week we find out because the Maximos will not let the show continue until they find out.

Simon Diamond talks about how he and CW Anderson will capture the Tag Team Crown and lead tag team wrestling into a new world. CW talks about great teams of the past and says they are going to be the best team ever.

Joey is upset because next week CM Punk makes his debut on Underground TV. Joey respects Punk for his life style choices but still thinks Punk is an asshole. Joey is rooting for Raven next week when they face off. Punk is back stage and he introduces himself to us. He talks about being straight edge and better then everyone.

Joey hypes the Masato Tanaka Mike Awesome 1 contenders match next week. Tanaka cuts a promo in Japanese.

Joey talks about the Jerry Lynn and “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels group. We go to a promo and Daniels talks about convincing Lynn that his path is was the right path. Daniels talks about their matches from Revolutions. Daniels looks to their future. Lynn says there is nothing but pain for anyone in MLW.

Joey tells us that Diamond and Anderson have made it known that their plan for the tag team match is to separate PJ Freidman and Steve “Dr. Detah” Williams in their match. Joey hypes the main event.

In the main event a bloody Terry Funk beat an even more bloody “King of Old School” Steve Corino. The rest of the members of Extreme Horsemen came out to beat on Funk until Steve Williams made the save.

Joey tells us that Taiyo Kea blow out both his knees in a match in Japan and will be out for a year.

Fuego Gurrero says that he will be at the next TV taping and will beat someone down.

Raven is in the arena after the show and he trash talks Vampiro for no showing. Raven challenges Vampiro to show up to the next show and calls Vampiro a pussy.

My thoughts on the show…
Two good matches on the show gets this another thumbs up episode.

Underground TV 2003-05-26 (matches taped Revolutions 2003-05-09 from Tabu Night Club in Orland, FLA)

World: Satoshi Kojima
GTC: Simon Diamond & CW Anderson

Almost all the matches that will air over the course of Underground TV have been previously reviewed from the home videos so these will be short recaps.

Highlights from the main event last week open the show.

Opening video.

Joey Styles talks about the barbed wire match coming up at Hybrid Hell. Fans from Japan and the UK are flying in to that show. Raven and CM Punk go at in and in the main event Mike Awesome against Masato Tanaka,

Raven talks about how CM Punk and says Punk reminds him of a young Raven. Well besides the drugs and alcohol. Raven says he thinks Punk is a unic.

Back from break and CM Punk makes his way to the ring for his match against Raven. Raven was able to score a victory after hitting a DDT.

Joey talks about how it’s so strange that the fans can get more behind a horrible person like Raven then they can CM Punk. Joey sends us to a Mike Awesome promo. Awesome talks about how he’s going to power bomb Tanaka tonight. Back to Styles and he talks about the Terry Funk Steve Corino barbed wire match. Joey gets a message in his head set and is getting word that Bill Alfonso was attacked in the locker room Joey says they can’t show it because it is to bloody and violent. Joey says Alfonso will be out for some time. Paul London makes his debut next week against Jerry Lynn. Joey runs down all the people that Lynn has been defeated by in MLW. We go to comments from London. London makes fun of Lynn and talks about trash about Lynn. We get introduced to Simply Luscious as she sits under a tree smelling flowers. She’s headed to MLW. Steve Corino is driving around and he says he is nervous about the barbed wire match. He calls Terry Funk a 148 years old and for some reason it actually makes me chuckle. Corino is on his way to the airport for another tour of Japan but he will come back with a vengeance to take out Funk. Joey talks about how no one has come forward to claim responsibility for beating down the SAT. We go to the Maxioms who say that next week they demand that who ever jumped them come forward. Joey talks about MLW being hybrid wrestling and one of the styles in the hybrid is ultraviolent and hardcore. Coming up in a month at Hybrid Hell that style will be on view in the barbed wire match. Next week we will see the Global Tag Team Crown Tournament Final. We get the debut of the Top 10 list. Joey goes over the men that MLW Champion Satoshi Kojima has beaten. It’s main event time!

Mike Awesome beat Masato Tanaka to remain the number one contender. The match had a weird finish making it difficult to understand how Awesome actually won. Through some editing magic the whole ref bump that was seen on the home video is edited out and we go right to Awesome power bombing Tanaka through the table. We get a new camera angle and some footage of Tanaka trying to get up that is not on the home video.

My thoughts on the show…
Man that middle part took forever. There were no matches for like four commercial breaks in a row!! It was awful to have to sit through this. That being said the two matches were good. If you haven’t seen the home video then check this out. If you’ve seen the two matches already, then the rest of the show is worthless.


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