The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW “When Worlds Collide”, Plus ECW TV 5/3 & 5/10/94


ECW TV 1994-05-03 (Matches taped 1994-03-06 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa 1994-03-27 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa & 1994-04-16 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Pitbull
Tag: Public Enemy

911 (w/ Paul E Dangerously) vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Dan Carson, ref Jim Molineaux (1994-03-27)
911 walks right up to his opponents and chokeslams then both. Then he does it again to Carson and pins him in .31. Mikey gets one and 911 forces the ref to count him out. The fans of course think it’s the coolest thing ever. I couldn’t agree more. The chokeslams continue. 911 goes after the ref but Paul E pulls him off.

Opening video. This one features TONS of 911 chokeslams. That makes me so happy. Ha in one of the clips he chokeslams some camera guy out of his shoes. That’s awesome.

Joey Styles is your host for Eastern Championship Wrestling. Last week on ECW TV learned that at When Worlds Collide there will be a Mixed Tag Singapore Canning Match with Sandman and Woman taking on “Ironman” Tommy Cairo and Peaches. We get a run down of the feud so far. Included in the package is an interview filmed before the Ten Lashes Match from last Arena show with Sandman. Sandman says that if people are into S & M and voyeurism then all they would have to do is pay. Huh so I guess they really are going with that he’s a pimp thing.

Ten Lashes Match: Sandman vs. “Ironman” Tommy Cairo (w. Peaches) special ref “Wildman” Sal Bellomo (1994-04-16)
Sandman attacks from behind before the bell and he sends Cairo to the floor. Cairo belly to backs Sandman onto a table. Sandman with a chair. Cairo with a suplex in the ring right back outside they go. Sandman with another chair shot and a suplex on the floor. Cairo suplexes Sandman onto a table and goes after him with a chair. In the ring Sandman comes off the top with an elbow but Sal takes forever to make the count and then does a super slow 2 count. Cairo recovers and hits a nice looking belly to back for the pin in 4.21. Then we see the aftermath that we also got at the end of last week. Cairo is with Peaches at Sandman’s house. Cairo talks about how him and Peaches have been hanging out. Cairo says the scars on Peaches back will go away but the scars in their hearts will not. Peaches talks about whipping Woman’s “fat” ass. She then plans on shove the cane into her. Sandman talks about how Cairo owes him thousands of dollars for the time he’s been spending with Peaches. He says they can call it even if Cairo just gives him $100.

“Surfer” Ray Odyssey vs. Eric Anderson, ref Jim Molineaux (1994-03-06)
So ECW must have felt that they really needed a surfer in their company. I’m pretty sure Odyssey still have the tag on his wet suit. I guess he plans on returning it tonight. Odyssey wins after a missile drop kick and Vader splash from the second rope in 3.14.

Tazmaniac vs. Johnny Blaze Jim Molineaux (1994-03-27)
TV Champion Pitbull is on commentary with Joey. Tazmaniac with the victory after a super fall away slam in 1.44.

Tommy Dreamer versus Rockin’ Rebel and Kevin Sullivan against Jimmy Snuka has been added to the 14th.

We come back from break and Jay Sulli thanks Joey Styles and says that yes he is in the dressing room. He says this even though we didn’t see Joey say anything to him before this. Sulli wants to talk to Tazmaniac but he just storms past. Jason shows up instead.. Jason says he and Pitbull represent ECW TV and TV is supposed to be visual and pretty like him. Jason says Tazmaniac isn’t a person but a creature from a horror movie. Jason says Tazmaniac looks like a Monkey Boy Tazmaniac comes and just looks into the camera. Jason continues to talk about monkeys and Pitbull runs down from the Eagle’s Nest to make sure nothing happens. Jason continues to make fun of monkeys. Jason swings at Tazmaniac. Tazmaniac throws Jason through a wall and bites his face and Jason screams in pain. Pitbull shows up and pulls him off. Tazmaniac is foaming at the mouth and Jason is still screaming in pain and holding his face.

Terry Funk and Arn Anderson have words about their match coming up and then Pitbull and Jason with giant face bandage say on the 14th it’s their move and that their move is to destroy Tazmaniac.

My thoughts on the show…
911 makes any show great. The Jason Tazmaniac stuff while the promo was a bit silly and possibly racist the ending was pretty cool and Jason sold it well. Rest was pretty useless.


TV 1994-05-10 (Matches taped 1994-03-27 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa & 1994-04-16 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Pitbull
Tag: Public Enemy

Paul E Dangerously opens up the show with a backstage promo and he quickly makes fun of Terry Funk’s daughters. This brings out Funk who slaps Paul E and tells him to never make fun of his daughters.

Opening video.

To Joey Styles we go. Paul E shows up and is freaking out and mentions that Funk tried to break Sabu’s arm in Japan. We get a video package showing the highlights of the Funk and Sabu feud going all the way back to seven months ago. Funk and Arn Anderson are backstage Funk talks about how Paul E brought family into this and Arn talks about how Sabu is a kamikaze but they will ground him. Arn says Bobby Eaton and Sabu should stay home cause it will save them their lives.

Matty in the House tells us that just signed for May 14th is JT Smith, Bruise Brothers and Hawk will take on Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas, Mr. Hughes and Tag Team Champions Public Enemy in an Elimination Match. He the brings us a Mr. Hughes “Ruff Neck” video and then brings us our first match of the night.

Human Cage Match: (Tag Team Champions Public Enemy vs. Bruise Brothers ref Jim Molineaux 1994-04-16)
This is just a lumberjack match with a fancy ECW name. Pretty much the whole locker room besides the top level guys are out there. Johnny Grunge starts out and gets his ass kicked and takes a chair to the skull that busts him open. The Harris brothers are just destroying Grunge as we near the five minute mark. Harris hits the ropes and Rocco Roc gets his knee up into the back allowing PE to get control. Roc gets a chair and goes to work with it. Even with the lumberjacks they find a way to brawl into the crowd. The Harris brothers hit the double big boot back in the ring but Mr. Hughes comes in the ring and nails them with chairs allowing PE to get the win. The lumberjacks now all start going at to. After the match Hughes gets his ass kicked by the two brothers.

Last week Tazmaniac tried to eat Jason alive. Joey interviews Jason and talks about all the thing he has coming up on the 14th. He of course focuses on Tazmaniac and the attack he suffered last week.

Kevin Sullivan (w/ Woman) vs. Don E Allen, ref John Finnegan (1994-03-27)
Sullivan attacks before the bell and dumps Allen. Woman attacks him. Joey tells us that the reason they are airing this match is to show the brutality of Woman. Sullivan gets the win in 2 with a double stomp. Woman comes in the ring and beats on Allen again.

Back to Joey and he talks about how at November to Remember last year Woman cost Tommy Cairo his match against Kevin Sullivan. Joey talks about the the Singapore Canning Match and we get words from Cairo and Peaches.

Paul E and 911 are in the hood and Paul is dressed the way he thinks thugs dress. They show up to a door and ask the guy standing outside for PE. Paul E talks “ghetto”. This is terrible. The bouncer dude is a terrible actor. PE come out and Paul E tells them he needs help with Terry Funk. PE yell at Funk and tell him they are going to take him out. Paul E says he wants them to do something that will get them put away for a very long time. He pulls out a wad of cash and says they shouldn’t worry about the bail money. HAAH Grunge rips it out of his hands and pockets it.

My thoughts on the show…
Pretty weak go home show for the big When Worlds Collide event coming up in just a few days. Paul E stuff in the opening was great but terrible at the end.


When Worlds Collide 1994-05-14 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

While doing some research for this show I learn that there was a sci-fi movie from 1951 with the same title. It seems pretty highly rated and I plan on checking it out.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Rockin’ Rebel (w/ Jason), ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Dreamer works over Rebel to start and then starts to work over the neck. Some back and forth. Rebel hits a swinging neck breaker and spin buster. He hold his knee though and appears to have hurt his knee. Rebel crawls over but only gets 2. Rebel sends in Dreamer but Dreamer hits a Thesz Press for the win in 6.22. Rebel and Jason argue but Jason gives Rebel money to calm him down.

TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck vs. 911 (w/ Paul E Dangerously), ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Mikey beat Pitbull for the title last night. Well I guess 911 wins the title tonight. Chokeslam. Fans chant “Mikey”. 911 looks around and they switch to “One more time”. Another chokeslam. He goes for a third and then as the ref yells at him not to do it. 911 grabs the ref and slams them both down. The ref apparently being superman is able to still signal for the bell to call for the DQ in 1.51. Ref gets two more for being a dick. No title for 911 makes me sad.

Kevin Sullivan (w/ Woman) vs. “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka (w/ Hunter Q Robbins III), ref Jim Molineaux
Sullivan beats the shit out of Snuka on the floor for a few minutes. Sandman comes out and brings Woman to the back. Robbins trips Sullivan who then falls to his butt very slowly and some how gets pinned in 4.28. Snuka leaves and Sullivan grabs Robbins and breaks his nuts with Robbins own cane. Joey keeps saying this may be the last we see of Robbins. I fucking hope he’s right. HAHAH Sullivan goes to the floor and chases the photographers around the ring.

Singapore Cane Match: Sandman & Woman vs. “Ironman” Tommy Cairo & Peaches, ref John Finnegan
Sandman and Cairo go at. Cairo hits a belly to belly but Sandman comes back and hits a vertical suplex. Sandman has the advantage for 2 minutes but Cairo hits a powerslam and DDT. Cairo goes for the pin but Woman hits the ring to break it up and we get a cat fight. Cairo pulls Woman off Peaches. Peaches sees Sandman still on the mat and covers him for the 3 count in 4.59. Cairo holds Sandman and Peaches canes him three times when Woman jumps in and throws powder in the eyes of Peaches. Sandman attacks Cairo and canes the shit out of him. Sandman holds Peaches for Woman to cane. The last shot sounded damn painful. Woman and Sandman leave Cairo is bleeding and Peaches is crying on the mat. Cairo carries Peaches back to the locker room.

911 hits the ring and chokeslams ref John Moore a few more times as Moore is in the ring waiting to ref the next match.

The Pitbull (w/ Jason) vs. Tazmaniac, ref John Finnegan
They go right to the floor and brawl in the crowd. Back in the ring Pitbull with a belly to belly and then he goes into a chin lock. Pitbull in control for the next few minutes and he beats away on Tazmaniac and gets some help from Jason. After like five pretty boring minutes Tazmaniac hits an overhead belly to belly. Tazmaniac goes up top but Pitbull kicks him down. Tazmaniac tumbles to the floor below. Tazmaniac comes back and hits a t bone suplex and another overhead. Jason hops up on the apron and faces the fans to yell at them/ Tazmaniac comes up behind and half nelson suplexes him into the ring. The ref goes to check on Jason and Pitbull nails Tazmaniac with the chain he wears to the ring. Pitbull with the cover and victory in 8.46.

Elimination Match: Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas, Tag Team Champions Public Enemy & Mr. Hughes vs. JT Smith & Bruise Brothers
Douglas gets on the mic and tells Arn Anderson to deliver a message to Ric Flair to come to the Arena for a match. He does this while the Bruise Brothers music is playing so he must have really wanted to get out that message. Hawk was supposed to be here but is out with an injury. They brawl in the aisle a bit. Ref finally gains control and we start off. Rocco Roc comes in with a Harris. Hughes, Douglas and PE are all over the Harris brother. They begin to work the knee. This goes on for about 10 minutes until the other Harris brother gets tagged in. Douglas eats a big boot. Smith and Roc tag. PE team up and go right after the knee. Again. That happens for a while. Douglas, Hughes and the Bruiser Brothers fight into the crowd and get counted out at 17.52. They continue to brawl all over the ringside area. PE work on killing Smith for the next few minutes. Smith eventually gets a roll up on Rocco Roc at 24.17. PE goes for a double team but Smith moves and Roc and Johnny Grunge collide and Smith rolls up Grunge now and gets the win in 24.52. PE attack after the match.

Sabu & “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton (w/ Paul E Dangerously & 911) vs. Terry Funk & Arn Anderson, ref John Finnegan
I really hope this match rules. Funk and Sabu start it off and Sabu quickly in control and he gets a 2 count. Eaton tags in and he brings to the floor where he slams Funk into a table. Sabu slams Funk out of the ring and through a table! Back in the ring Sabu crushes Funk’s skull with a chair. Air Sabu and Eaton comes back in. Funk finally able to make the tag as does Eaton and now Arn comes in with Sabu. Fans give Arn and nice hand. They want him in their with Bobby . Bobby tags in but Funk comes over and pulls him off the apron. Eaton finally sent back in the ring and Arn locks in a figure four. Funk brings in a small piece of table from before and piledrivers Eaton through it. Arn goes up top but Sabu dropkicks him to the floor. Funk comes in and he goes up and misses a pretty nice looking moonsault. Sabu hits a moonsault but only gets 2. Funk with a power bomb! It only gets 2. Neck breaker by Funk for 2. DDT by Funk. Funk goes after Eaton on the apron and they slug it out. Sabu with a dive out of the ring onto Funk. Arn and Eaton have been fighting on the floor for a while. Sabu now in the ring with Arn. Sabu hits a moonsault. Sabu doesn’t cover and tags Eaton. Eaton with a slam and he goes up top. Eaton nails the alabama jam but Funk breaks up the pin. Sabu with an arabian press for 2. Sabu and Arn go to the floor. Funk and Eaton appear to be gone and brawling in the crowd. Arn hits two DDTs on Sabu. Funk and Eaton are in the Eagle’s Nest. Funk with a piledriver. Spinebuster by Arn on Sabu! Public Enemy are out and attacking Funk. Arn comes out and nails them with a chair and they leave. Arn helps Funk back to the ring and PE come back and go after Arn. Funk’s knee is bleeding or so says Joey. I don’t see it. Sabu with a spinning toe hold. Sabu gets a chair but Arn grabs and holds Sabu for Funk. Sabu moves and Funk nails Arn. Funk with a toe hold on Funk but Sabu whacks him with the chair four times. Arn grabs the chair from Sabu and nails Funk in the leg with it!!!! Half crab by Sabu and Funk gives it up in 19.38.

In the back after the show Paul E is with PE and he gives them their money. Paul E questions who Funk is and why he won’t retire. He asks Terry why he wants to drag his brother Dory into this. Funk says that they are the Funk brothers to answer Paul’s questions. Looks like Terry is bringing in Dory to face the PE.

My thoughts on the show…
Good main event, didn’t rule like I wanted it to but still fun. Lots of chokeslams tonight from 911!!! The Elimination Match and Tazmaniac/Pitbull were both pretty slow and boring but everything else was completely watchable. Wouldn’t really recommend it but you don’t have to avoid it either.


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