The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 2/8, 2/15, And 2/22/94


TV 1994-02-08 (Matches taped 1994-02-04 & The Night the Line was Crossed 1994-02-05 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: Terry Funk
TV: Sabu
Tag: Kevin Sullivan & Tazmaniac

We open up with the after match of the three way dance with the fans clapping and the announcement of there being no winner.

Opening video.

Joey Styles says that after the show on Saturday “The Franchise” Shane Douglas crossed the line and we will see that footage at the end of the show.

911 (w/ Paul E. Dangerously) vs. Mikey Whipwreck
Chokeslam pin .13. Two more after the match.

Joey Styles tells us that everyones favorite underdog Chad Austin is going to take on Johnny Hotbody again. Hotbody will have long time partner Tony “Hitman” Stetson at his side.

Chad Austin vs. Johnny Hotbody (w/ Tony “Hitman” Stetson), ref John Finnegan
Stetson makes fun of Hotbody for getting knocked out last week by Austin. Austin keeps getting the upper hand because Stetson is making fun of Hotbody causing them to argue. Austin flips out of a suplex and wins with a school boy in 3.20. Stetson gets in the ring and again makes fun of Hotbody. They argue and push each other a bit and then leave.

Styles hypes hypes next weeks show.

Pat Tanaka vs. Keith Shearer, ref Jim Molineaux
Tanaka extends his hand and Shearer attacks him. Suplex and head butt. Tanaka fights back and hits a tiger bomb for the win 2.13.

Matty in the House has a some words from a bunch of wrestlers about what happened during the press conference after the show on Saturday.

Hunter Q. Robbins III says that he has brought on “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka to be his new charge.

Jay Sulli spoke with both Snuka and Tommy Dreamer before their match. Snuka says he is only there for the money not the fans and Dreamer has no business even standing next to him. Dreamer is upset that Snuka has turned like this since he has been a fan for so long. Dreamer is so shocked he can hardly talk. Snuka yells at Dreamer for calling him old. This went on for like 5 minutes.

Tommy Dreamer vs. “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka (w/ Hunter Q Robbins), ref Jim Molineaux
All the stalling in the beginning of the match is edited out. Dreamer slams Snuka to the mat twice. Snuka bails to the floor. Back in the ring Dreamer charges but Snuka ducks and Dreamer goes over the top to the floor. Snuka with a back breaker and superbly splash but Dreamer kicks out! Snuka is in shock. Snuka goes up and hits another one but doesn’t go for the cover. Snuka goes up top for a third superfly splash. Snuka covers and gets the easy pin. After the match Snuka hits another one as Dreamer coughs up blood. Snuka goes up top for another one but Tod Gordon comes out and tells him to stop. Snuka jumps off and hits Gordon with a double axe handle. I was expecting to hate this but I did not.

A short highlight reel of Mike Awesome airs showing highlights of a match with him against Mikey Whipwreck and Keith Shearer.

We get a replay of the press conference from Saturday night to end the show.

My thoughts on the show…
Easy pass on this one. Although the press conference is awesome we just watched it though.


TV 1994-02-15 (Matches taped 1994-02-04 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: Terry Funk
TV: Sabu
Tag: Kevin Sullivan & Tazmaniac

We open up with the ending of last week.

Lenny Kravitz’s “Are You Gonna Go MY Way” plays over a highlight package of the triple threat match.

Joey Styles welcomes us to the show. He tells us that tonight Tod Gordon will announce the main event to the next big Arena show on March 5th.

And Jay Sulli is with Tod right now. Gordon says the NWA Board of Directors has said that Shane Douglas gets a title shot against Champion Terry Funk on the 5th. Paul E Dangerously busts into the interview and he and Gordon argue with each. Gordon says since he is still the commissioner he gets to name the stipulation and he will do that next week.

“The Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Sherri Martel) vs. Chad Austin, ref Jim Molineaux
911 and Paul E charge the ring and 911 pulls Austin out of the ring. Sabu hits the ring now and they brawl for a bit until the locker room empties to pull them apart.

Paul E is in the locker room and he says Shane Douglas is now the hunted one.

Pitbull & Rockin’ Rebel (w/ Jason) vs. JT Smith & “Ironman” Tommy Cairo, ref Jim Molineaux
After about a minute with cut to commercial. Rebel and Pitbull tag back and forth beating on Cairo. Ptibull hits a power bomb and belly to belly. That’s about the only moves done. Double clothesline between Cairo and Rebel. Smith and Pitbull tag in. Smith hits a fall away slam on both Rebel and Pitbull. Smith with a sunset flip for the win in 5.10.

Jason and Mr. Hughes hype March 5th. Hughes takes on Hawk.

Highlights of Dreamer Snuka from last week.

Mr. Hughes (w/ Jason) vs. Hack Myers, ref Jim Molineaux
Hughes squashes Myers hitting a suplex and nice drop kick before the bossman slam for the pin in 2.14.

Joey tells us that Jay Sulli was in the ring interviewing Sandman and Peaches when Jason, Pitbull and Rockin’ Rebel came out. We go to the ring and they argue a bit and then Rebel splashes a liquid in the Sandman’s eyes. Sandman is blinded and in all the craziness he backhands the crap out of Peaches. Sandman shakes it off and doesn’t seem to care about what happened to her. “Ironman” Tommy Cairo comes out and carries her to the back as Sandman just walks away about ten steps in front of them.

Bruise Brothers vs. Johnny Hotbody & Tony Stetson, ref Jim Molineaux
Hotbody thrown from the ring right away and they go after Stetson. Hotbody finally makes it to the apron after a minute. The Harris brothers let Stetson into his corner but Hotbody refuses to tag in. Stetson ends up nailing Hotbody and throwing him into the ring and leaves. Hotbody is nailed with a double big boot and pinned in 3.31.

Tag Team Champions Kevin Sullivan & Tazmaniac (w/ Woman) vs. Young Dragons, ref Jim Molineaux
The ref stops the match after 1.48 and DQs the champions for just beating the hell out of the Dragons. The Bruise Brothers come out and attack the champions Public Enemy come out and help fight off the Bruise Brothers but then they argue.

Public Enemy are in Tod Gordon’s office and they are stealing stuff and looking for a contract for an ECW Tag Ttile match.

My thoughts on the show…
Squash Squash Squash. Looks like we are building to Sandman and Peaches breaking up. She took a sick look shot from Sandman tonight that was really the only thing worth mentioning.


TV 1994-02-22 (Matches taped 1994-02-04 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: Terry Funk
TV: Sabu
Tag: Kevin Sullivan & Tazmaniac

We get a Terry Funk/Shane Douglas feud video package to hype the main event on March 5th.

Opening video.

Joey Styles welcomes us to the show and we get back to last weeks tag team brawl at the show followed by the Public Enemy promo that aired to end the show. Joey tells us that on March 5th Public Enemy takes on the Bruise Brothers in a falls count anywhere match with the win getting a title match later in the night.

Joey hypes the Night the Line Was Crossed video tape.

“Awesome” Mike Awesome vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Keith Shearer, ref Jim Molineaux
Mikey nearly gets killed with a german suplex. Awesome ends things in 1.55 by splashing both men from the top rope. Mikey gets a power bomb after the match for fun. This was wonderfully brutal.

We get some hype for March 5th. Signed so far are Sabu vs. Awesome for the TV Title. Funk and Douglas in a taped fist match. Mr. Hughes takes on Hawk and the tag team matches we learned about earlier. More matches to be announced later tonight!

Johnny Hotbody is with Joey and Hotbody trash talks Tony Stetson.

Tony “Hitman” Stetson vs. Don E Allen, ref John Finnegan
Stetson attacks from behind before the bell. Stetson bring it to the floor and hits a suplex and then finishes Allen off with a flying forearm in 1.30.

“Superfly” Jimmy Snuka (w/ Hunter Q Robbins III) vs. Kyle Shearer, ref John Finnegan
Tommy Dreamer and Snuka is announced for the 5th. Back breaker and superfly splash finish things off in 5.36. This match was like 3 minutes of a side head lock. During the splash Dreamer came out and locked in the sleeper on Robbins and put him to sleep.

Jason says Hawk has made the biggest mistake of his life by agreeing to wrestling Mr. Hughes.

Joey talks about last week when Sandman nailed Peaches and then we get a video package of her. Jay Sulli is with Sandman and Sandman is smoking a cigarette. Sulli asks him for comments about last week and he trash talks Rockin’ Rebel. Sulli says he wants to know about Peaches not Rebel. Sandman says “life’s a bitch and then you marry one”. Well that was a fast transformation from suffer to wife beating asshole.

TV Champion Sabu (w/ Paul E Dangerously & 911) vs. Pat Tanaka, ref Jim Molineaux
Sabu with a spin kick early on. Sabu flips out of a back body drop and hits a clothesline. Tanaka goes to the floor and Sabu dives onto him. Sabu nails Tanaka with a chair and then sets up a table. Sabu flips over the top rope out of the ring but Tanaka moves off the table and Sabu crashes through. Back in the ring Tanaka in control and he goes after the back of Sabu. Tanaka goes up top and Sabu meets him and goes for a super rana but Tanaka hangs on and Sabu crashes down. Tanaka off the second buckle with a flying forearm that gets 2. Sabu reverses an irish whip and goes for a rana but Tanaka drops down with a power bomb and nearly gets 3. Sabu drop kicks Tanaka then sends him chest first into the buckle. Arabian press immediately follows and Sabu retains in 6.42.

May 5th hype and we end.

My thoughts on the show…
I am so not looking forward to a Johnny Hotbody and Tony Stetson feud. Mike Awesome kicks so much ass it’s not even funny and a pretty decent main event tonight. The last few weeks have been pretty pitiful this one might be worth checking out.


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