The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 11/5 And 11/12/96


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TV 1996-11-05 (Matches taped Ultimate Jeopardy 1996-10-05 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA & 1996-11-02 at Middletown Fairgrounds in Middletown, NY)

World: Sandman
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

We pick up right where we left off last week as Raven is in the ring. Sandman is busted open from the cane shot and Raven hits a second DDT. Raven piledrivers Sandman through two stacked tables. Raven talks about being an unwanted child and being shunned by his peers. On November 16th Raven is bringing his pain. November to Remember is going to be a night Sandman hopes he can forget.

Opening video.

Joey Styles welcomes us to the show and tells us that at November to Remember a dream partner match has been signed. Pitbull 2 has already picked Tommy Dreamer as his partner and TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas still needs to pick his. Douglas has put out a bounty on Pitbull 2.

Pitbull 2 vs. The Pittsburg Steel Team, ref Jim Molineaux (1996-11-02)
Steel team charges and they get clotheslined and slammed. Shane Douglas and Francine show up backstage with Joey and trash talks Pitbull. Shane talks about the bounty he has put out on Pitbull. He hypes the November to Remember match. Back to the action in the ring and Shane and Francine have now made their way to ringside. Pitbull hits a super fall away slam and gets the win. Less then a minute of the match was actually shown, not that the actual match was much longer. “Primetime” Brian Lee shows up and attacks Pitbull. He and Shane beat on and bust open Pitbull against the wall of the arena. Stevie Richards, Blue Meanie and Super Nova come out and stack three tables by a production truck. Lee takes Pitbull to the top of the truck and chokeslams him through them all!!!! Shane locks in a full nelson as he tries to break the neck of Pitbull. Dreamer comes out and tries to make the save.

We go to Joey and he’s pissed because Shane Douglas has been hijacking ECW programing in his quest to injure Pitbull 2.

Doug Furnas vs. Louie Spicolli, ref John Finnegan (1996-10-05)
Spicolli wants to shake hands but Furnas flips him off. Spicolli with a side headlock and Furnas just picks him up and throws him off. Side headlock again and this time Furnas puts Spicolli on the top turnbuckle. Furnas hits the ropes and just runs over Spicolli sending him to the floor. Back in the ring Louie with a spin buster but Furnas is right back up. Furnas pushes Louie into the corner and chops and kicks away. Big powerslam by Furnas. Leg drop follows and gets a 2 count. Spicolli with a small package but Furnas kicks out and goes right back to work on Louie. Clothesline in the corner but again Furnas can’t keep Spicolli down for the count. Furnas with a frankensteiner but then he taunts the crowd instead of going for the cover. Furnas hits a few clotheslines and then gets in a 3 point stance. Furnas charges but Louie grabs him and nails the DVD and ends things in 5.55!

Hype Central with Joel Gertner.

Joey tells us that Pitbull 2 has been rushed to the hospital in Middletown for an MRI.

TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Francine) vs. Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah), ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Joey goes all the way back to 1993 and brings up the time that Douglas cost Dreamer his only title in ECW turning on him in a tag team championship match. Dreamer charges the ring and they start punching away. Dreamer grabs the belt and nails Shane with it for a 2 count. Now he lays it across the face of Shane and leg drops it for another near fall. Shane sent to the floor and Dreamer baseball slides a chair into him. Francine tries to hit Tommy with a chair but he moves and it nails Shane. Back in the ring and Shane gets sent into a corner but comes right out and hits a swinging neck breaker on a chair. Piledriver on a chair follows and gets a 2 count. Shane with a suplex through two chairs. Shane puts a chair on Dreamer and comes off the top but Dreamer shoves the chair into Shane’s face. Dreamer with a powerslam on the chair and it gets a 2 count. Neckbreaker nearly gets 3. Dreamer puts a chair in the corner but Shane reverses and Dreamer hits the chair. Shane goes for a belly to belly but they go back and forth with the positioning. Dreamer hits a DDT but Francine puts Shane’s foot on the rope. Beulah goes after Francine distracting Dreamer and Shane is able to hit a single arm DDT and tombstone. Shane locks in the full nelson but Dreamer goes low and puts on one of his own. Brian Lee shows up and Dreamer goes after him. Shane with another single arm DDT on Dreamer. Lee comes in a chokeslams Dreamer while Shane takes out the ref with a belly to belly. Lee goes to chokeslam Beulah but Shane stops him and locks her the full nelson! A ton of wrestlers come out from the back but all get choke slammed down. Call this a no contest at about 8.15.

Back to Joey and he tells us that Beulah is on her way to the hospital. Joey runs down the November 2 Remember card coming up.

“Misirlou” promo time. Douglas talks about breaking necks. Raven is sitting under the bleachers and he reads from the come Sandman. Eliminators hype their match against Sabu and Rob Van Dam. Gangstas hype their match at N2R which will be between the winner of the Eliminators and Sabu/Van Dam match. Gangstas are hoping for the Eliminators because they owe them. Back to Raven who is sitting in a bunch of chairs on the floor more talk about the Sandman. Back to Douglas and he talks about the November 2 Remember dream tag team match. Douglas tells Dreamer he has no choice but to call his mentor because there is no one else left. Douglas says this has been all part of his master plan since he returned to ECW. Dreamer is leaving the hospital and pulls out his car phone complete with a cord. Dreamer tells the operator he needs to make a personal call, he asks to be connected to the Double Cross ranch in Amarillo, Texas as we fade to black.

My thoughts on the show…
Awesome. Everything that they are doing with the Douglas/Pitbull feud I’m loving right now. Expect Pitbull to make his presence felt at the N2R dream partner match. Highly recommended episode.

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TV 1996-11-12 (Matches taped Ultimate Jeopardy 1996-10-05 at ECW Arena, High Incident 1996-10-26 at ECW Arena, & 1996-11-02 at Middletown Fairgrounds in Middletown, NY)

World: Sandman
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

We are just a few days away from November to Remember 96. TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas and his partner “Primetime” Brian Lee will be taking on Tommy Dreamer and a partner of Dreamer’s choice. All signs point to that person being Terry Funk. We open up this week with highlights off all the goings on from last week.

Joey Styles welcomes us to the show and officially announces Funk as Dreamers partner. We get a highlight package of Funk in ECW. Funk made his last ECW appearance at last years November to Remember.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley (w/ Big Dick Dudley) vs. D-Von Dudley (w/ Axl Rotten), ref John “Pee Wee” Moore (1996-10-05)
We are joined in progress and D-Von lays out Buh Buh with multiple chair shots to the head. We clip to Buh Buh hitting a plancha. another clip and D-Von lands on his feet out of a power bomb attempt picks up a chair and just lays out Buh Buh getting the win. 1.09 is shown. Axl now in the ring destroying Spike Dudley with a chair. Big Dick comes in and lays out Axl and then hits a damn near perfect moonsault off the top rope!!!!!!!

We go back to Joey and see a clip from Middletown when D-Von and Axl hit a double chair shot on Big Dick. After Dick get all bandaged up he busted into the locker room and attacked D-Von. D-Von and Axl afterwards both said they wanted Big Dick in a match. Joel Gertner shows up and tells D-Von and Axl that they should press charges. Dick gets arrested um by the security guards how does that work?

Joey runs down the feud between Pitbull 2 and Shane Douglas. We get some clips from N2R 94.

Brief clips of the Eliminators and Miracle Violence Connection match from High Incident. The Eliminators one after Saturn came off the scaffold with an elbow drop onto Terry Gordy. Joey runs down the history between Rob Van Dam and Sabu.

Rob Van Dam & Sabu vs. Doug Furnas & Dan Kroffat, ref Jim Molineaux (1996-10-26)
Join in progress Van Dam and Furnas are fighting on a table and Sabu comes off the second buckle and DDTs Van Dam through the table. This was supposed to be a mistake but it didn’t really look that way. Kroffat and Furnas really taking over on Sabu as Van Dam tries to get up. Kroffat with a Japanese sleeper and t bone suplex. Furnas comes in and hits a powerslam. Furnas locks in a boston crab but Van Dam comes in to break it up. Kroffat back in he goes for a hip toss but Sabu reverses it into a DDT and he makes the tag. Van Dam comes off the top with a somersault body block and lands on his head after hitting Kroffat. Spin kick and standing moonsault gets a 2. Double under hook face plant for 2. Van Dam hits the ropes but Kroffat turns him inside out with a clothesline. Both teams tag and Sabu hits air sabu. Triple jump leg drop for 2. Double team slingshot splash/legdrop combo. Sabu with the arabian press for 2. Triple jump moonsault onto Furnas. Kroffat comes off the top to break up the pin but Sabu moves and he hits Furnas. Sabu covers and gets the win. 8.16 of the match is shown. Sabu extends his hand to Van Dam and Van Dam finally takes it and as they are now a unified team. Joey wonders if anyone can stop them now.

Joey tells us that this week is Too Cold Scorpio’s ECW send off.

Too Cold Scorpio vs. Davey Tyler, ref John Finnegan (1996-11-02)
After some back and forth Tyler drop kicks Scorpio to the floor and then comes off the top rope with a body block. Back drop into the crowd and Tyler and flies from the top rope with a body block. We clip to the 450 for the finish. Taz hits the ring and attacks hitting a tbone and locking Scorpio in the tazmission. I wish he did this about 10 minutes ago. Taz again demands a match with Sabu. Only 2.31 was shown.

Paul Heyman highlights the past history between Taz and Sabu. Heyman says that he went to Taz before bringing back Sabu. Heyman said that the deal was that Taz and Sabu would forget about each other and leave each other alone. Heyman says this is way for the past year Sabu has never answered the challenge of Taz. Heyman says that Sabu is a man of his word unlike Taz and that Taz is not a man.

Highlights package hyping N2R set to “November Rain” by Guns ’N’ Roses.

My thoughts on the show…
Big Dick doing a moonsault was awesome! The tag match was real good from what was shown. The Heyman promo did a real nice job of explaining why Sabu has been so silent on this situation the last year. Of course the N2R packages are awesome every year. I think if they threw the Heyman and November Rain at the end of last weeks episode it would have served as a better “go home” show but this episode was still good.


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