The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 10/18 – 11/01/94 (3 Episodes)


TV 1994-10-18 (Matches taped 1994-09-30 at Fieldhouse in Hamburg, Pa)

World: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Jason
Tag: Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck

Sandman video package airs in black and white with some sad music opens the show.

We go to Joey Styles but there is no audio AGAIN.

Opening video.

Back to Joey still no audio. Sabu and Cactus Jack has been signed for the November to Remember tour in Hamburg, Pa on the 4th. We will also see 6 man tag action as Ron Simmons, 2 Cold Scorpio and Chris Benoit will take on World Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas, Mr. Hughes and Borne again. Then at the ECW Arena the very next night Sabu takes on Chris Benoit, Tazmaniac against Dean Malenko, Tag Team Champions Mikey Whipwreck and Cactus Jack in a Brawl Games Match with former champions Public Enemy, 2 Cold will square off with Borne Again and Sandman will address the fans and give a farewell speech.

Public Enemy vs. Tony Stetson & Rockin’ Rebel, ref Jim Molineaux
PE beat on their opponents with bats and then hit the reverse DDT and moonsault for the win in 2.03. PE sending a message to the Pitbulls who they face on the 4th and the current ECW Tag Team Champions Mikey and Cactus whom they try to dethrone on the 5th.

Woman joins Joey on the phone. Woman says the show must go on and she will go out and get a new wrestler to manage. She is not going to sit around because some wrestler couldn’t take care of himself. On the 5th Woman will announce her newest charge.

We go to last week and see the end of Borne Again 2 Cold Scorpio. 2 Cold is backstage and he still has the Doink wig. Scorpio says something isn’t right with Borne and every time he looks at the wig or thinks about what happened he gets a knot in his stomach. Scorpio says there’s no reason to be a clown in ECW. Borne should step up and face him like a man.

Joey talks about how Sandman has lost a lot but he has never lost the respect of the wrestlers in the ECW locker room. “Ironman” Tommy Cairo joins via satellite from his home. Cairo says it was difficult to watch from TV. Cairo says it was so difficult to watch on TV because he would have much rather have been there to see it and watch it live. He wishes he was the one that did it himself. No one cared about Cairo being out for the past month and he says that Sandman is a scum bag and always will be one. Well I’m glad someone calls it like it is. The guy beat and pimped out his wife and he gets hurt and everyone loves him now?

Chris Benoit vs. Ray Odyssey, ref John Finnegan
This could be decent. Some fast action to start and Benoit bails after taking a drop kick. Ray with a plancha. Back in the ring Benoit with a suplex and some chops. Benoit with a stiff clothesline followed by a back elbow for 2. Benoit with a slam and then a sharpshooter. German and northern lights each get a 2 count. Benoit goes for a belly to back but Ray rolls over and lands on top for a 2 count. We cut away as Dreamer shows up backstage and says he wants Cairo back on. Benoit hangs Ray out to dry on the top rope. Slam by Benoit and he heads up top. Diving head butt gets the 1, 2, 3 for Benoit. 5.53 was shown. Not sure if they cut stuff out when they went to Dreamer backstage.

Cairo is back and he makes fun of Sandman more and says he has been enjoying sitting in his garden eating peaches. Dreamer is bent out of shape.

World Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas talks about who he has challenged Ric Flair to a shoot but Flair has said no because he is afraid of getting his old ass kicked by Shane. Douglas says the future of wrestling is ECW.

Sabu (w/ Paul E Dangerously) vs. Tag Team Champion Cactus Jack, ref John Finnegan
Cactus hits the ring and attacks. Joey told us before the match that Sabu broke 3 ribs during it. Jack puts Sabu on the middle rope and then goes to the floor. Jack swings a chair but Sabu moves and it hits the ropes and nails Jack. Sabu goes for a springboard moonsault and totally over shoots and lands on the guard rail and probably breaks 3 ribs. We take a commercial break and when we get back 911 has hit the ring and attacked Jack. I assume this is to stall and see if Sabu can continue. Jack throws Sabu down on a chair. Jack goes for a suplex but Sabu reverses. Jack is bleeding likely from his fight with 911. Sabu can barely get up and Jack suplexs a table onto Sabu’s back. Oh god that had to have been so painful. Sabu gets a chair and gets back in the ring and nails Jack. Air sabu, with broken ribs. Sabu misses the arabian face buster 3 times in a row and then fakes a third. Jack rolls out of the way and then rolls back expecting Sabu to be on the ground but instead gets hit in the face with the face buster. Jack comes right back and throws Sabu to the floor where he suplexes him on a table. This all seems so mean. They fight into the crowd. Cactus with a piledriver on a stage. Sabu dives off the stage onto Jack. Back towards the ring Jack goes after Paul E so 911 spikes him into the guard rail. Sabu with a springboard moonsault that puts Jack through a table. Cactus gets a bottle but Sabu fights him off. Split legged moonsault for 2.8. Air sabu but Cactus catches him but then can’t hold him up. Sabu lands on top and gets 2. Sabu nails Cactus in the head 7 times with the bottle before it breaks. You can hear the ping of the glasses on the head of Cactus. My god. Sabu drops on the top rope and comes off with a moonsault for 3. 13.31 is shown.

My thoughts on the show…
Loved it! It’s ECW’s WrestleMania season as we being the build to November to Remember! Truthfully the build had already started maybe two weeks ago but matches have been made official this week. Top to bottom a very good show. All the promos were on point and gave good hype to N2R. The PE match gave a big push on the hardcore tag matches coming up at N2R and the other were good. Sabu did so much if his ribs were legit broken which I can’t see how they weren’t. Cactus getting hit with a bottle 7 times! Great. The one thing I don’t like is that Tommy Cairo is now the bad guy for being glad the wife beating pimp was hurt.


TV 1994-10-25 (Matches taped 1994-09-30 at Fieldhouse in Hamburg, Pa)

World: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Jason
Tag: Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck

World Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas shit talks Ric Flair.

Opening video.

Joey Styles tells us we will learn what the main event of November to Remember is tonight.

Borne Again tells Scorpio to calm down and learn to control his temper. Borne says he is sorry for getting out of hand but he was feeling anxiety.

Hack Meyers vs. 2 Cold Scorpio, ref Jim Molineaux
Hack able to get in way more offense then expected. Joey suggests Scorpio is off his game as Borne has gotten into his head. Scorpio come back and hits a dive out of the ring. Scorpio comes off the top with a splash but only gets 2. Hack drop a leg on the apron. Hack goes for his finisher but Scorpio pulls him off the top. Scorpio with a tombstone and 450 for the victory in 4.47.

Tommy Dreamer against “Ironman” Tommy Cairo has been added to November to Remember at the Arena on the 5th.

Public Enemy tell Tag Team Champions Mikey Whipwreck and Cactus Jack they are going to be sorry that they show up for the match on the 5th. Grunge tells Jack and Mikey to shine up the belts and take some pictures with them because they are returning to PE.

We get fan comments on the Sandman’s injury. Cairo called in and left a message saying Woman is going to manage him now. The “fans” all sound like a bunch of idiots.

Paul E Dangerously talks about how Sabu broke his ribs. Paul E says Sabu wasn’t mad that he was hurt he was mad that he could possibly lose the match to Jack. Paul E says winning the match cost Sabu a match against Chris Benoit so Paul E sent in 911 instead. We go to clips from the 10-01 Arena show. 911 and Benoit are in the ring. Sabu hobbles down the aisle and Benoit attacks him. Paul E says he thought he had seen it all and then he saw him come down the aisle to wrestle. Sabu is fucking crazy as he still does all his crazy shit. Sabu goes for air sabu but stops because he can’t jump onto the chair. Benoit charges out of the corner with a clothesline and then kills Sabu with the chair. Benoit goes up top and comes off with the diving head butt but Sabu pulls the chair in the way. Sabu goes up top now for a moonsault but Benoit brings up his knees. Paul E says he is glad with the decision the ref made. Just 30 minutes earlier the fans had seen Sandman lose his eye. It was right to stop the match so they didn’t have another wrestler permanently injured. Sabu looks for revenge against Cactus Jack for his injury at N2R Night 1. Paul E then hypes the Benoit match at night 2.

We are at TV Champion Jason’s house. He is laying on the floor with his title. I don’t pay much attention but then they show a bunch of clips from his matches. Jason says he has taken out insurance on the TV Title and that insurance is Dean Malenko. He then sings Joe Cocker’s “You Are So Beautiful” to the belt and kisses it. That was fucking great.

We go to fan cam of Tommy Cairo getting DQed in his match against Mikey Whipwreck. Cairo goes after Mikey with the singapore cane and Tommy Dreamer makes the save with a cane of his own.

Tazmaniac vs. Chris Benoit, ref John Finnegan
Taz with an over head belly to belly. Benoit drop kicks Taz and it sends Taz to the floor. Baseball slide by Benoit. Back in the ring Taz with a german that plants Benoit on the back of his head. To the floor and into the crowd they go. Benoit with a superplex from the top rope. Benoit with a boston crab. Joey announces the main event for NT2 Night 2. It’s Shane Douglas defending against Ron Simmons. Really they waited all show to announce that? T bone suplex by Taz gets 2. Snap suplex by Benoit for 2. Power bomb but again Taz kicks out. Taz back up with a t bone again for only 2. Benoit off the middle rope with a leg drop as the countdown to the end of the time limit begins. Taz with a german for 2. Benoit comes off the rope with the diving head butt for 2. 30 seconds left. Benoit goes back up top Taz cuts him off and hits a super northern lights suplex. Both men are down each with an arm draped across each other but before the ref counts 3 we get a “10” minute time limit draw in 9.22.

Shane Douglas hypes his match with Ron Simmons.

My thoughts on the show…
On a roll here with another good show. Totally disappointed in the main event being Douglas Simmons though. Shane has really had no direction the past few months. All his promos and matches have been decent but he has not had a feud at all.


TV 1994-11-01 (Matches taped 1994-09-30 at Fieldhouse in Hamburg, Pa)

World: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Jason
Tag: Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck

Joey Styles hypes November to Remember weekend. We go to highlights of the Sabu and Cactus Jack match from two weeks ago and Sabu Chris Benoit from last week. Paul E Dangerously hypes their matches for the weekend in a voice over.

Joey hypes the Public Enemy’s Brawl Game Matches coming up and with go back to Hardcore Heaven for the Brawl Game Match between PE and Bad Breed. PE are back on the streets and they talk about not wanted to be there anymore. PE highlight video. SLAM! Back to PE and they hype their matches with Pitbulls and the Brawl Game against Tag Team Champions Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck.

Joey brings us to a Sandman, Tommy Dreamer and “Ironman” Tommy Cairo video package.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Tony Stetson, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
JIP Woman is at ringside. Stetson with a forearm. Woman on the apron Stetson reaches for the cane and she throws it to Dreamer. Joey wonders if she just messed up and it was an accident. Dreamer nails Stetson as the ref is tied up with Woman. Dreamer covers and “hides” the cane on his side and gets the pin. Only .29 was shown

World Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas talks about how he is leading a revolution in wrestling and you can join or sit by and regret it. November to Remember video package with “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses. Fucking love these.

My thoughts on the show…
I mean just skip to the November Rain video and you have the best episode ever as we head on into November to Remember weekend!


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