The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW @ The Lulu Temple 8/2/96 (Plus Bonus ECW TV 7/30/96)




TV 1996/07/30 (matches taped at various dates and locations)

World: Raven
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Eliminators

We open with the Taz promo from Heatwave. 911 makes his return but Taz chokes him out.

Opening video

Joey Styles welcomes us to the show. We see some highlights of 911 choke slamming a bunch of people and Taz choking out a bunch of people. Joey questions who can stop Taz.

Raven takes on the Sandman this weekend. We go to fancam footage from July 26th of what happened between Sandman, The F.B.I. and Raven.

At Heatwave earlier this month Louie Spicolli defeated “El Puerto Ricano” Pablo Marquez and then immediately afterwards was defeated by Sabu.

This coming Friday at the Lulu Temple Sabu takes on Chris Jericho.

We get highlights of what has happened between the Gangstas and the Samoan Gangsta Party over the past few weeks and then go to fancam footage from July 27th match between The Gangstas and Bruise Brothers. The Samoans interfered in the match but the Gangstas were still able to pull out the win. Back to Joey and this coming Saturday it’s a 4 corner elimination Tag Team Title match. The Eliminators, Gangstas, Bruise Brothers and Samoan Gangsta Party all go at it for the titles.

On July 27th Taz and “Primetime” Brian Lee beat and laid out Tommy Dreamer and Terry “Bamm Bamm” Gordy. After brief highlights of the end of the match we see the locker room interviews from after the match. Backstage Dreamer says he’s calling Terry Funk as Beulah and Gordy and checked over by doctors.

 Brian Lee trash talks Dreamer and Gordy. He tells Dreamer to dream up any partner cause the one he picks already choked him out. Taz and Alfonso are wondering who Dreamer’s partner is going to be. Taz begs Dreamer to pick Sabu.

 Dreamer says his partner is the only guy that Taz sweats.

 Taz says he once told Dreamer he might sweat somebody but there’s no way Dreamer even remember who it was. Dreamer bursts through the door and hands Alfonso a piece of paper. Alfonso is worried and tells Taz he could call Vince or Bischoff. Taz says he will face his fears on August 3rd.

We see highlights of some of the current feuds over a Metallica song.

My thoughts on the show

Some how ECW is able to put on a show that features only 1 full match that took place 3 weeks ago and have it still be interesting. I generally really like the hype shows and this one was no different. Thumbs up.




1996-08-02 at Lulu Temple in Plymouth Meeting, PA

World: Raven
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Eliminators

Mikey Whipwreck vs. European Jr Heavyweight Champion Dirtbike Kid ref John “Pee Wee” Moore

Fully expect the ECW fans to shit all over someone named the Dirtbike Kid and dressed as a BMXer. They chain to start Kid hopes up on Mikeys shoulders for a victory roll but Mikey just drops backwards. Mikey charges but gets back dropped out of the ring. Kid follows out with a plancha but then gets thrown into the guardrail. Back in Mikey with a crossbody for 2 and then he goes to the arm. Kid tries a few comebacks but Mikey keeps going back to the arm bar. Kid with a swinging neckbreaker and doctor bomb each getting him a 2 count. Kid with a super frankensteiner for 2. Piledriver and moonsault both get a near 3 count. Mikey able to hit a superkick but he misses a top rope splash. Kid goes up top but Mikey knocks him down and gets a super belly to back suplex for the win and the title at 6.59.

Bruise Brothers vs. Bad Crew ref John Finnegan

I’m just waiting for the day that Bad Crew is gone. Bruise Brothers attack to start and they go right into the crowd. Back in the ring a double spine buster gets the win for the Bruise Brothers in 1.55.

“Dangerous” Devon Storm (w/ “Godfather of Extreme” Damien Kane & Lady Alexandra) vs. Axl Rotten ref Jim Molineaux

This match features a few more guys I wish stopped having a job. Axl stalks Joel Gertner at ringside. A fan gives Axl and frying pan at ringside and he hides it in his tights. The ref checks Axl and finds some weapons but he is able to hid the pan. A fan yells boring and Axl says “Well I didn’t hit him with the fucking frying pan yet so shut up” in response. I laugh and hate Axl a little less. Stomr punches Axl in the stomach but hits the frying pan. Axl pulls it out of his tights and smashes Storm with it and the crowd pops big. Storm proves to be to quick for Axl in the beginning as he controls the match. Axl makes a comeback with a junk punch and inverted atomic drop. Axl does a Dusty elbow that gets Storm tied up in the ropes. Side slam of an irish whip gets a 2 count. Axl goes for it again but Storm hits a head scissor instead. Axl goes to the floor and Storm lands a somersault plancha. Storm sits Axl in a chair and dives off the apron onto him. Storm charges Axl but gets hot shot onto the guardrail. They brawl on the outside. Kane gets in some shots on Axl. Back in the ring Axl is able to land the dominator for the win in 9.05.

Taz (w/ Bill Alfonso) vs. “El Puerto Ricano” Pablo Marquez ref John “Pee Wee” Moore

Taz gets to kill Marquez again tonight and the crowd lets him know by chanting “Taz is gonna kill you”. Taz beats Marquez down and locks in an arm bar then lands some cross face punches. Marquez tries to out quick Taz but gets caught and slammed down. German suplex drops him on his head. A head and arm suplex is followed by the Tazmission for the end at 2.36.

Stevie Richards, Blue Meanie, Super Nova and Don E. Allen come out with Kiss makeup on. They introduce World Champion Raven. Raven comes out with Lori and Tyler Fullington and then Enter Sandman hits over the speaker and out comes Sandman and 2 Cold Scorpio. Scorpio and Sandman and introduced by the announcer. Raven gets on the mic and says he can’t wrestle. Tod Gordon comes out and Raven gives him a doctor’s note but Gordon rips it up and tells him to wrestle. Stevie gets on the mic and says there is no way his man Raven is wrestling tonight. He introduces Raven’s replacement JT Smith. JT Smith on the mic and he calls out Sal Bellomo. Bellomo gets in the ring and Sandman canes him. Scorpio with a superkick and 450 splash and he pins him. I’m not entirely sure what the hell is going on here. Big Guido comes out now. Smith is telling him to kick their asses. Cane, belly to back, tumbleweed and pin. Stevie pushes Smith cane, tombstone, moonsault pin. Don E Allen comes in caned, germaned, pinned. Super Nova is next cane, clothesline, tiger bomb takes care of him. Crowd chants “Meanie” as he tries to quiet them down. Cane, superkick, belly to back, side slam and tumbleweed. All that’s left is Stevie. Stevie instead calls out “international superstar” Johnny Smith.

Stevie Richards & Johnny Smith vs. Sandman & 2 Cold Scorpio ref John Finnegan

Scorpio with a cross body off the top and they reverse it a few times each getting 2 counts. They counter some arm submissions with Smith eventually getting the upper hand. Smith works the arm for a few minutes until Scorpio is able to break out. Smith stays in control though hitting a missile dropkick and clothesline for 2. Stevie tags in. Scorpio misses and enziguri and gets hit with a Steviekick. Richards taunts a bit to much a Scorpio gets up and hits his own superkick and then a powerbomb and he tags in Sandman. Sandman takes it to the floor. Back in the ring Sandman picks up Stevie for a suplex but hangs him out over the top rope. Sandman comes off the top with a leg drop to the back of Stevie’s head. Richards dugs a clothesline and hits a Steviekick then locks on the figure four. Sandman quckly goes to the ropes. Stevie goes to lock it on again but Sandman kicks him away and Richards goes into the turnbuckle. Tags are made by both teams. Scorpio comes in fired up with a clothesline and hard body slam. Moonsault gets 2. Smith fires right back with a germen with a bridge for 2. Smith catches Scorpio on a leap from and powerslams him. Smith misses a top rope elbow. Scorpio quickly locks in a pin and gets the win for his team in 11.18.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley (w/ Chubby & Sign Guy Dudley) vs. Louie Spicolli ref John Finnegan

Spicoli with the early advantage but Buh Buh comes back and sends Spicolli to the floor after a clothesline. On the floor Spicolli takes over with a chair and sends Buh Buh into the crowd. Back in the ring Spicolli maintains control until Buh Buh hits an avalanche in the corner and a Buh Buh Bomb. D-Von Dudley hits the ring and nails his brother with a chair allowing Louie to get the pin in 5.57. Buh Buh gets the chair and D-Von begs for forgives. D-Von with the low blow and he gets the chair back and starts working over Buh Buh with it. Eventually Big Dick Dudley comes out. Dick dares D-Von to hit him with the chair but he leaves instead. Buh Buh dives over the top at D-Von but misses and crashes to the floor.

“Shah” Hack Meyers vs. Rob Van Dam ref Jim Molineaux

UGH this is going to suck. Van Dam with some karate stuff to start. Top rope somersault senton onto a standing Hack. Van Dam gets turned inside out with a clothesline. Meyers takes over the match but misses the apron leg drop. Van Dam with a slingshot plancha to the floor. Van Dam beats up Hack through the crowd hitting a moonsault of a banister. Back in the ring Van Dam lands a not yet named frog splash for 2. Shitty weak looking forearms by Van Dam and Hack comes back with a swinging neck breaker. Hack ducks a karate kick and hits a northern lights suplex to my shock! Hack with a tornado DDT. Van Dam blocks a suplex and gets a fishermans buster. Van Dam hangs Hack’s head off the apron and puts a chair on his face. He leaps off the top rope with a leg drop! Van Dam drags him to the middle and gets the pin in 10.56. Hack gets stretchered out to remind of us tomorrows Stretcher Match between Van Dam and Sabu. Van Dam gets on the mic after the match and talks trash about stretchering people out. Axl Rotten hits the ring with a chair and gets it kicked into his face.

8-Man Elimination Match: TV Champion “Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Francine), Tag Team Champions Eliminators, Primetime” Brian Lee vs. Gangstas, Pitbull 2, & Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah), ref John Finnegan

Hey guess what? A giant brawl breaks out right away. Lee suplexes Dreamer through a table. Tommy gets his head stuck in the legs on the table and is staggering around the crowd with the table attached to him. Five minutes into the match the Samoan Gangsta Party hit the ring and lay out the Gangstas with chairs. At 6.11 Shane pins Mustafa with a bely to belly. 6.22 Saturn pins New Jack with a top rope splash. New Jack rolls out of the ring and we see that he is busted open. Shane calls for time out on the mic. Kronus has disappeared didn’t see him get eliminated. Shane wants this match to become a regular tag match and tells Pitbull to get on the apron. Saturn gets in and goes after Dreamer. He and Lee hit a double big boot. Dreamer with a powerslam, Saturn tags Lee he doesn’t do much and tags Shane. Shane also doesn’t do anything and tags Saturn back in. Shane back in and he brings Dreamer to the floor where he chokes him with some type of strap. Lee with a powerslam back in the ring. They keep switching with out tagging and the ref doesn’t seem to care. Reaching the 16 minute mark now and Dreamer has just been taking a beating for the last 8 or so minutes. Douglas has Dreamer in a camel clutch but Dreamer picks him up in an electric chair drop and falls backwards. Pitbull tagged in but Saturn cuts off any offense from him with a suplex. Pitbull gets worked over by all his opponents. Saturn comes back in with a big top rope new and springboard moonsault. Douglas back in works over the leg. Pitbull fights out and tags Dreamer. Dreamer gets swarmed and Douglas and Saturn hold him as Lee gives him 3 big boots. Dreamer fights out and DDTs Lee on a chair and pins him at 23.13. Taz and Bill Alfonso show up and Taz chokes out Dreamer calls to Saturn and he makes the pin at 25.31. Pitbull fights off Saturn and Douglas. Kronus hits the ring and stops him. Pitbull though comes back again with a double clothesline. Saturn belly to backs Pitbull off the 2nd rope. Saturn goes for a superrana but gets superbombed and pinned at about 27 minutes. Douglas hits a belly to belly right away and gets the pin to become the sole survivor at 27.12. The Eliminators hit total elimination on Pitbull after the match. The Gangstas music hits and we are back to having a giant brawl in the crowd. Saturn gets piledrivered on a stage as the two teams brawl to the back.

Sabu vs. “Lionheart” Chris Jericho ref Jim Molineaux

Fans throw streamers like in Japan!!! I fucking love that! I love Sabu but every one of his matches starts exactly the same. Dive at leg a few times and then get put in a submission. They mat wrestle for a bit. Sabu dropkicks Jericho out of the ring and baseball slides him into the crowd. Sabu puts a chair in the ring and tripe jumps it deep into the crowd onto Jericho. Table across apron and guardrail setup. Jericho goes on the table but moves before Sabu can do anything. Springboard dropkick sends Sabu to the floor and Jericho planchas onto him. Back in the ring Jericho misses a corner charge and goes over the top to the floor. Sabu lays Jericho on the second rope and leg drops him from the top rope. Air Sabu gets 2. Some submission holds by Sabu. Springboard clothesline and somersault leg drop from the apron into the ring by Sabu get 2. Sabu goes for another springboard but Jericho catches him in a powerslam for 2. Germen suplex with a bridge gets 2 as we see that Jericho is bleed from his nose. Sabu with a superrana for 2. Powerbomb by Jericho for 2. Top rope superplex by Jericho and both men are down on the mat. Sabu puts Jericho on the top rope and runs up a chair to do a move but Jericho dropkicks him. Dragon suplex gets 2. Jericho’s nose still bleeding 8 minutes later (broken?) Jericho gets a chair and hits Sabu a few times. Lionsault onto Sabu we a chair laid across him. They fight back into the crowd. Jericho put on the table and Sabu triple jumps out of the ring and DDTs Jericho through the table. Sabu puts Jericho on the ropes and goes for the run off the chair superrana but Jericho holds onto the ropes. Drop kick gets 2 for Jericho. Fishermen suplex by Jericho for 2.8. Sabu goes up top but Jericho knocks him down and lands a super butterfly suplex for 2. Jericho with a bulldog on a chair. He irish whips Sabu but Sabu runs up the chair jumps to the top rope and hits a moonsault for 2. An awesome looking spot. Triple jump moonsault and Sabu gets the win in 21.43. Standing ovation from the crowd for both men and they shake hands and hug in the ring.

My thoughts on the show

I really liked this show. Good opening match that the fans didn’t shit on like I thought they would. Sandman and Scorpio versus EVERYONE was an entertaining bit. The Van Dam match actually didn’t suck. You see Rob has yet to turn every match into weak strikes, stupid looking flippy moves and pointing at himself. Good elimination match that had both a brawling violence and a wrestling aspect to it. The main event was REALLY good. Thumbs up.


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