The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW Invades Delaware 4/27/96


ECW 1996-04-27 from Kahoona Barin Wilmington, DE

World: Raven
TV: 2 Cold Scorpio
Tag Team: The Eliminators

What we missed…
Websites show that Devon Storm & Damien Kane beat El Puerto Ricano & Hack Myers in the opening match.

Taz (w/ Bill Alfonso) vs. Mikey Whipwreck ref John Finnegan
Lock up to start Taz grabs a hammerlock and they reverse it twice. Taz trips Mikey a grabs a leglock but Whipwreck gets to the ropes. Go behind by Taz and a waistlock takedown, Mikey again to the ropes but Taz stomps him. “Sabu” chants break out. Mikey reverses a whip leapfrogs but Taz stops and grabs a waislock again. Mikey swings an elbow but Taz ducks and hits a northern lights suplex. Irish whip and Mikey leapfrogs Taz turns and goes for a chokeslam lifts Mikey up but Whipwreck hits a dropkick. Taz to the floor Mikey with a plancha outside and a crossbody block off the top rope back in the ring gets a 2 count. Taz reverses an irish whip as Alfonso climbs the apron. Whipwreck ducks through the legs and punches Alfonso but turns into a tbone suplex and gets choked out with the Tazmission at 2.47. Lots of action in that match in a short period of time.

Tommy Dreamer (w/ Kimona Wanalaya & Beulah) vs. Little Guido (w/ JT Smith) ref Jim Molineaux
Guido attacks Dreamer before the bell rings but Dreamer gets the upper hand in the fight. Big hiptoss out of the corner but Guido rakes the eyes and tosses Dreamer out. Whip to the guardrail and a back breaker. Guido stomps Dreamer on the floor as Smith comes over to help. Dreamer sent to the guardrail again. Back in Guido whips Dreamer and goes for a dropkick but Dreamer hangs on to the ropes and then drops a fist low. Dreamer catches a crossbody attempt and slams Guido for two. Guido goes down low hits a back elbow and gets a two count. Guido now on the attack with chokes and elbow drops. After hitting a body slam he goes to the second rope but misses a leg drop. Dreamer now on the offense pulls Guido crotch first to the bottom rope and has the girls come pull on his legs until Smith drags them away. The girls fight back as Dreamer hits a piledriver in the ring and gets the win at 4.19.

“The Walking Riot” Missy Hyatt comes to the ring and gets the microphone.  She says that Fred the Elephant Boy from The Howard Stern Show has been calling and leaving her messages.  She invites him to the ring and tells him to close his eyes and pucker up.  Sandman hits the ring from behind Fred and lays him out with the singapore cane.

The Sandman (w/ Missy Hyatt) vs. Axl Rotten ref John “Pee Wee’ Moore
Axl hits the ring and starts calling for the Sandman to his him with the cane. He pushes Sandman who chugs his beer and turns to swing at Axl put gets nailed with a fist and floored. Axl punches, kicks and stomps the Sandman. They go to the floor and Axl whips Sandman into the guardrail. They fight some more on the floor until Sandman is able to drive Axl back into the rail. Sandman takes over and throws a piece of the rail into the ring and slams it onto Axl. He picks up Axl and suplexes him onto the rail. Axl fights back and irish whips Sandman into the rail. Axl gets the cane and irish whips Sandman. He swings but Sandman ducks and small packages Axl for the 3. The time of the match was announced as 12.07. If this is true the match is JIP which could be possible as it does seem to take a weird jump in the beginning but I thought it was just a small tracking problem.

Stevie Richards & Tag Team Champions The Eliminators vs. The Pitbulls & Francine ref John Finnegan
The Pitbulls and Francine get in the ring and Richards immediately hits Francine with the Stevie kick before the introductions. The Pitbulls chase Richards to the back. The Gangstas hit the ring and attack the Eliminators until the all the refs and a few wrestlers come from the back. The four man are dragged into the locker room and the Eliminators come right back out being dragged by the Pitbulls. Kronus hits Pitbull 1 with a hand spring back elbow. While Saturn leaps of the arena bar with a cross body to Pitbull 2 on the floor. The four men switch as Saturn and #2 are in the ring with Kronus and #1 on the floor. German suplex by Saturn, leaping spin kick by Kronus. #2 catches a springboard moonsault attempt and power slams Saturn. All four men on the outside of the ring. Kronus gets hit with a chair. #2 and Saturn now fighting in the crowd with the Pitbull having the advantage. In the ring Kronus goes for a leap frog but #1 catches and power bombs him for a 2 count. Saturn goes off the top rope into the crowd onto Pitbull 2. Both Eliminators in the ring now with Pitbull #1. They throw some karate kicks. Pitbull 2 gets in the ring and also gets kicked in the face. Simultaneous springboard moonsaults by the champs. The Pitbulls bounce right up and hit powerslams in stereo. Kronus gets dumped to the floor and the Pitbulls set up a superbomb. Saturn reverese it into a frankensteiner on Pitbull 2. All four men back in the ring Pitbull 2 lifts Saturn onto his shoulders and Pitbull one hits a lunging clothesline that sends Saturn to the floor. Superbomb on Kronus gets the 3 count. So even though Francine and Stevie were not actually involved in the match it was originally a six person match so the Eliminators remain the champions. The Eliminators hit the ring and take out the Pitbulls. Saturn hits a sick looking swinging neckbreaker on Francine and after that they give her a double Russian leg sweep. The Pitbulls get back in the ring with a chair to chase of the champions.

Sabu vs. TV Champion 2 Cold Scorpio ref Jim Molineaux
Sabu dives at the legs of Scorpio a few times until he gets kicked in the face. Sabu with a waist leg, standing switch by Sabu, into a drop toe hold and leg lock by Scorp. Sabu makes it to the ropes. They trade leg holds for the next two minutes. After a sequence of leap frogs and reversals Sabu hits a leg lariat. Scorpio gets on the apron and Sabu drop kicks him off and hits a baseball slide. Somersault flip over the top rope to the floor. Scorpio gets sent into the guardrail and Sabu sets up the table between the apron and the rail. Sabu puts Scorpio on but he rolls off. Sabu jumps at Scorpio with a double axe handle but misses and hits the guardrail. Scorpio now in control on the floor. Back in Scorpio has a chair and charges with it at Sabu. Corner whip and he charges again but Sabu gets the feet up. Air Sabu followed by the triple jump moonsault but only a 2 count. Scorpio in control now keeping Sabu on the mat as we pass the 10 minute mark in this 20 minute match. Sabu on the apron Scorpio does a backflip and kicks Sabu on his way down. Sabu getting back in the ring and gets leveled with what looked like a low blow. The crowd starts chanting any random black wrestlers name at Scorpio, classy. Sabu reverses a power bomb by landing on his feet and the two trade blows. Scorpio forces Sabu to the buckle and puts him on his shoulder. He throws Sabu’s legs in the air but Sabu grabs on and DDTs Scorpio. Sabu attempts the triple jump frankensteiner buts falls off the top rope. So he just climbs up and does it. Scorpio goes out to the apron by the table. Sabu runs off a chair and jumps over the top rope and frankensteiners Scorpio onto the table. Scropio fights back and lays Sabu on it and slingshot splashes him. Again the table does not break. Scorpio walks on the table and it slips off the guardrail and they crash to the floor. The bell rings and we have a 20-minute draw that I clocked in at 17.33. Back in the ring Scorpio and Sabu continue to wrestle and go for pinfalls on each other. Scorpio gets on the mic and says they are going to continue to wrestle until someone comes and breaks it up.

“The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs. World Champion Raven (w/ Stevie Richards & The Blue Meanie) ref John Finnegan
Shane came down to the ring with 8 women in bikinis. He grabs the mic trash talks WWF, WCW and Raven. Stevie gets the mic and calls out Super Nova. Nova hits the ring him Meanie and Stevie act like idiots and Nova runs away. Stevie makes fun of Shane and calls him a “piece of shit” like Shane likes to call everybody. Stevie tells Douglas that if he were a good person he wouldn’t attack Ravens injured foot. Raven attacks from behind but Shane gets the quick advantage until Raven bails to the floor. Back in the ring and Shane goes right after the foot of Raven. Raven bails after a leg lock and brings a chair in the ring. Douglas gets it and starts hitting Raven in his foot. Shane with spinning toe holds, stomps and a half crab to the injured foot. Raven rolls to the floor and Shane follows with a plancha. Raven gets the ring bell and hits Douglas with it. Each man gets whipped into the guardrail. The fans start giving Douglas weapons. Back in the ring figure four is locked on. Meanie gets in the ring for a meaniesault but Douglas moves as soon as Meanie starts to climb the ropes. Drop sends Meanie back out fo the ring. Douglas with the chair some more. He throws Raven into the corner and charges but Raven pulls the ref in the way and he gets the chair to the back. Douglas takes off Raven’s special boot and locks in the figure four again. Raven breaks out of the figure four and tries to hit Douglas with the boot. Douglas ducks and nails Raven with it. Shane goes for the cover but the ref is still down. Stevie gets in the ring and knocks Douglas out with the boot. Raven covers as the ref gets up to count the three. Raven retains his world title at 6.56. Shane gets on the mic after the match and tells Raven to get back out to the ring

My thoughts on this show,
Decent show, however I am getting tired of watching this loop and hope they switch around some of the match ups soon. Not to say it’s a bad show, I’ve just seen a lot of this before. That’s what happens when you review a “house show” loop, though. Strange ending to the TV title match as they never warned that the time limit was coming close. No one worked lazy here and the crowd was pretty excited as this was a trip outside of PA. Even with me getting a little bored on some of these matches I still give it a thumbs up!


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