The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW Invader Middletown, NY 6/29/96



1996-06-29 at Fairgrounds Fieldhouse in Middletown, NY

World: Raven
TV: Chris Jericho
Tag Team: Eliminators

“Dangerous” Devon Storm vs. “El Puerto Ricano” Pablo Marquez
So El Peurto Ricano has a name now. Moving up in ranks, or falling down if that’s even possible. Storm backs Marquez to the ropes and slaps him. Headlock takeover Marquez reverses to a hammerlock, Storm the same. Marquez reaches up with a snapmare and drop kick to the back. Arm ringer by Marquez, Storm rolls through and kicks Pablo. Irish whip and Storm hits a back elbow. Hiptoss Pablo lands on hits feet hits one of his own and a drop kick. Storm goes to the floor and Marquez leaps off the tope with a dive onto Storm. The crowd is going wild for Pablo. Storm comes back into the ring with a top rope head scissor and a spin kick in the corner. Body slam and corner whip. Pablo goes up and head scissors the charging Storm. Storm with an irish whip and powerbomb attempt but Pablo rolls through that with a arm drag. They go to the floor and Pablo gets sent into the guardrail three times. Back in the ring sideslam by Storm and a springboard moonsault gets 2. Irish whip Storm throws Pablo into the air and catches him in an electric chair drop. Storm locks in a submission but can’t get the win. Storm goes for the electric chair drop again but Pablo rolls them both over the top rope. Pablo with a splash off the second rope. Back in he whips Storm to the corner and monkey flips him. He goes for another one but Storm blocks him puts him on the turnbuckle and hits a super frankensteiner. Gory stretch by Storm into a crucifix powerbomb. Storm places a chair across Pablo’s body and goes up top. The fans boo and he gets down. He goes to the second rope to jaw with the fans and Pablo gets up and nails him with the chair a few times. Pablo grabs Storm’s hand runs up the top rope and hits a frankensteiner. Top rope sunset flip gets 2. Storm reverses an irish whip hits a drop toe hold and starts slamming Pablo’s head into the mat. Storm slams Pablo out of the ring. Storm picks him up for a suplex but drops him sternum first on the guardrail. Storm sits Pablo in a chair on the floor and climbs back into the ring. Flipping somersault out of the ring onto Pablo. Back in the ring Storm comes off the tope rope with a buff blockbuster/diamond cutter combo to get the win in 11.58.

Stevie Richards (w/ Super Nova) vs. Dances With Dudley ref John Finnegan
Nova dances and spins around in the ring with a cape on. D-Von Dudley shows up in the crowd before the match starts and yells at DW. The bell rings and Richards gets on the mic but the sound is very bad tonight. Can’t understand anything he’s saying which makes me very sad. Stevie kicks DW in the stomach to get the action started. Stevie and Nova strut but DW comes off the second buckle with a double clothesline he charges and clotheslines them both over the top rope to the floor. DW runs off the apron with a somersault plancha. Back in the ring things slow down as the two men face off. Stevie reaches for a handshake DW kicks him in the stomach and press slams him. DW hits the rope and drops an elbow for 2. Stevie kicks out and bails to the floor. DW slingshots Stevie back into the ring and comes off the top rope with a dropkick. DW hits the ropes and lands a somersault senton for 2 and then goes into a chinlock. Stevie tries to fight back but DW reverses a corner whip and powerslams Stevie as he stumbles out. DW goes back to the chinlock and then a head scissor. DW lets go to argue with Nova and Stevie attacks from behind. DW avoids a drop kick though and covers for 2. Clothesline by DW and he goes to the 2nd turnbuckle and hits another somersault senton. Stevie fires back and whips DW, Nova grabs his foot and DW turns and gets low blowed by Stevie. Stevie sits DW on the top turnbuckle and charges with a kick to the groin. DW gets his foot on the rope at 2. Irish whip and Stevie hits a back elbow for another 2. Stevie now with a chinlock of his own. Stevie with a drop kick to stop a DW comeback attempt. Stevie pulls DW out of the corner with a powerbomb and locks in a figure four. DW screams in pain as Richards uses Nova for some added support. DW is finally able to reverse the hold. Corner whip reversed by DW, Stevie hits chest first and is dropped kick in the back of the head. DW rips off Stevie’s shirt and lays in the chops. DW hits a samoan drop and goes for the pin. The ref stops his count at 2 because Nova is on the apron. DW goes after him and turns into a Steviekick. Richards gets the win at 13.07.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley & Big Dick Dudley (w/ Sign Guy Dudley) vs. F.B.I. (w/ Super Nova) ref Jim Molineaux
JT Smith sings on his way to the ring as the crowd chants that he sucks at him. The F.B.I. turn to leave but then change their minds. Smith calls Super Nova to the ring who you may remember from a few shows ago is Little Guido’s cousin. Buh Buh makes fun of Smith as the fans chant “You suck dick” at Smith. Big Dick smacks Buh Buh on the back letting him know it’s time to get serious. Buh Buh gets on the mic and says his name with out stuttering and tells the F.B.I. not to fuck with the Dudleys. He hits Smith with the mic and the match is underway. The four men brawl in the ring with the F.B.I. getting whipped into the corner and Buh Buh hitting an avalanche. Big Dick press Guido and throws him out of the ring has be bounces off a table. All four men now brawl on the floor. Buh Buh goes to get in the ring and F.B.I. attack him and throw him out. Big Dick now comes in they double clothesline him and take him down but he pops right back up. Double chokeslam. Nova on the floor attacks Sign Guy with a chair. Dick goes to save him and lifts Nova up in a choke and walks him to the back. F.B.I. double team Buh Buh in the ring. They go for a double suplex but Buh Buh back drops them. F.B.I. back on the attack with a double back elbow and double elbow drop. D-Von Dudley hits the ring and smacks the ref in the back with a chair causing a DQ at 4.07. D-Von hits both Smith and Guido with the chair and chases them off. D-Von gets on the mic and runs down Buh Buh calling him stupid. D-Von blasts Buh Buh in the head with his chair. Big Dick comes back down the aisle as D-Von leaves through the crowd. Big Dick chases D-Von out of the arena. He returns to the ring and Buh Buh calls D-Von a pussy. Buh Buh brings a fan into the ring to dance together.

Taz (w/ Bill Alfonso & Team Taz) vs. “The Shah” Hack Meyers ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Meyers with an arm bar and already he has more offense than I thought he would in the match. Taz takes him over in a headlock but Hack gets to the ropes. Taz goes behind Hack and they switch a few times and Taz ends it with an arm drag. Headlock by Taz and he’s whipped into the ropes. Taz hits a shoulder block, hiptoss and clothesline. Taz works an arm bar. Two corner whips and he charges but Hack throws an elbow. Hack fires back with some punches and two bodyslams. He comes off the top turnbuckle with a double axe handle but Taz catches him and tbone suplexes him. One Tazmission later and we have a winner at 4.16. Taz gets on the mic after the match trash talks the crowd and calls out Sabu.

Mikey Whipwreck vs. “The Franchise” Shane Douglas ref John Finnegan
Fans chant “Where’s your belt” and Shane decides he’s going to leave. Douglas gets on the mic and tells Mikey he’s going to kick his ass. After 2.30 of stalling the lock up. Mikey beats on Douglas in a corner and whips him to the opposite side. Douglas hits the buckle and gets back dropped coming out. Shane bails to the floor to slow things down. Back in Shane with a headlock takeover. Mikey pushes him off and takes him down with a drop toehold. Three drop kicks later and Douglas is back on the floor outside the ring. Back in the ring Shane wants a test of strength. Shane wins it and brings Mikey down and stomps on his arm. Big boot by Douglas after an irish whip. Hanging vertical suplex as the fans really get on Douglas. Chants of “We want Flair”, “HBK” and “Horsemen ring out. Brainbuster by Shane gets 2. Belly to back suplex for 2. Shane irish whips Mikey and lands a back breaker on Mikey as the fans now chant “Where’s your skateboard”. Mikey rolls to the floor and Shane follows and whips him over the guardrail into the crowd. Shane suplexes Mikey onto a table on the floor. Shane tries to suplex Mikey back into the ring but Mikey flips out and lands on his feet. He throws Shane into a corner and follows with a drop kick. Shane kicks out at 2 but Mikey throws him to the floor. Outside the ring Mikey whips Shane into the rail now and smacks Douglas with a chair. Mikey with a somersault plancha from inside the ring to the floor. Mikey now suplexes Shane on the table. Mikey goes for a cover but it’s not a falls count anywhere match. Back in the ring Mikey with a top rope dropkick for 2. Shane forearms Mikey and floors him with an elbow to the back of the head. Mikey with a low blow and clothesline that takes them both over the top rope. Right back into the ring Mikey hits a slingshot Mr. Perfect neck beaker and a swinging neckbreaker for 2. Shane reverses an irish whip and ducks his head allowing Mikey to hit a rocker dropper. DDT by Mikey gets 2. Mikey rolls to the floor and throws a chair into the ring. Shane is able to hit a belly to belly out of nowhere for the win at 14.18. Shane plans on delivering more punishment to Mikey but he gets headbutted low and locked in a figure four.

TV Champion “Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. Pitbull 2 (w/ Francine) ref Jim Molineuax
Here we go with a TV Title rematch from Hardcore Heaven. Jericho took the belt in that match and Pitbull 2 looking to regain tonight. They lock up as Pitbull pushes Jericho to the mat. Pitbull with a headlock Jericho pushes him off Pitbull meets him mid ring and belly to bellys him. Press slam gets a 2 count for Pitbull. Jericho thrown into the ropes he comes off with a big boot. Jericho goes for a spin kick but Pitbull catches him and power bombs him. Pitbull locks in a chinlock now. Jericho reverses with a jaw breaker. Pitbull reverses a corner whip Jericho hops onto the 2nd turnbuckle and tries a crossbody. Pitbull catches him and spikes him down with a tombstone. Pitbull picks him up and slams him back down then comes off the top turnbuckle with a splash for 2. They go to the floor and Jericho gets whipped into the guardrail and hit with a chair and garbage can. Jericho reverses a whip and it’s Pitbull that hits the rail this time. Back in the ring Pitbull reverses an irish whip picks Jericho up for a press slam but Jericho wiggles out and hits a frankensteiner. Pitbull goes to the apron and Jericho with a springboard clothesline that takes them to the floor. Jericho back in the ring and back out with a plancha. They go in the ring and Jericho hits a snap suplex that gets 2. Body slam and Jericho comes off the top with a splash. Pitbull kicks out at 2. Chops from Jericho, Pitbull reverses an irish whip and lands a stun gun to retake the advantage. Pitbull sits Jericho on the turnbuckle and gives him a second rope fallaway slam. Shane Douglas comes to ringside and tries to steal the TV Title. Francine tries to fight him for it and gets thrown into the guardrail for her efforts. Pitbull 2 comes to save her and gets hit with the belt. Jericho planchas onto Pitbull and then Shane hits him. Pitbull 1 comes down to chase off Shane, even though he only has one good arm. Jericho comes off the top buckle and goes for a frankensteiner but gets powerbombed instead. Jericho barely able to kick out. Irish whip reversed by Jericho and he lands a samoan drop. Jericho goes for a lionsault on a standing Pitbull but is caught in a tombstone position. They reverse the position twice with Jericho sliding out of it and hitting a release german suplex for 2. Corner whip reversed by Pitbull and he follows in with a spin kick. Pitbull goes up top but Jericho cuts him off. They fight for position on the top turnbuckle with Jericho eventually hitting a super frankensteiner for the win at 11.07

Tag Team Champions The Eliminators vs. The Gangstas ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Now we present the brawl portion of the show. Gangstas come from out of the crowd and start laying a beating on the champions. They stick to their usual pairings of New Jack with Saturn and Mustafa with Kronus. All four men on in the crowd with in the first two minutes of the match. About every 20 seconds the camera cuts out for about 5, it’s rather annoying. We’re about five minutes in and it’s one of the more lackluster brawls I’ve recapped here. Nothing overly exciting to report about. Kronus with his handspring back elbow at the 7 minute mark and he follows that up with a handspring into a moonsault. Saturn busts open New Jack with a chair. Mustafa with a running powerslam in the ring. All four men brawl in the ring and the Eliminators land total elimination and pin Mustafa in 9.25.

Weapons Match: “Primetime” Brian Lee vs. Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah & Kimona Wanalaya) ref John Finnegan
The girls push a giant dumpster full of weapons to the ring. Lee yells for Dreamer and they point to behind Lee. He turns and gets nailed with a garbage can. They go to the floor and Lee takes control. The fans all have a bunch of weapons and are handing them to the wrestlers. They fight to the outside of the arena where Lee hits a suplex in the lawn. Dreamer puts on a football helmet and headbutts Lee. After a few minutes of fighting outside they make it back into the arena. Dreamer goes face first into a bathroom stall door and is busted open. They climb up the bleachers and Dreamer gets tossed down them. They fight into the aisle to the dumpster. Dreamer pulls out a toilet seat, road signs, and a few other weapons to use. In the ring Dreamer hits a pile driver for 2. Lee with a low blow and he ties up Dreamer in the ropes and hits him with a garbage can. Lee charges but Dreamer kicks him low gets free from the ropes and hits a DDT for the win at 9.40. Stevie Richards hits the ring and hits a steviekick to the back of Dreamer’s head. Lee back up and he chokeslams Dreamer onto a garbage can.

World Champion Raven (w/ Stevie Richards, Super Nova, Bluedust, Lori & Tyler Fullington) vs. Sandman (Missy Hyatt) ref Jim Molineaux
Missy gets in the ring and canes referee John “Pee Wee” Moore. Missy and Moore get taken to the back. Raven sits in the corner with Sandman’s family as the Sandman calls for Tyler to come to him. Raven attacks Sandman from behind before the bell and throws him to the floor. They brawl around the building for a few minutes with Sandman having the advantage. Back in the ring Sandman canes Raven’s flunkies. Raven grabs Lori and throws her in front of Sandman daring him to hit her. Sandman goes back and canes Raven’s boys. Raven now grabs Tyler and puts him in front this allows Stevie to sneak in with a Steviekick and Raven to land a DDT. Sandman is able to kick out at 2 and goes low with the cane. Steive comes in and goes for another kick but Sandman moves and the ref gets hit. Sandman picks up Raven for a piledriver but Brian Lee hits the ring and chokeslams him. This brings out Tommy Dreamer who comes out and hits a DDT. They fight on the floor as Raven hardly manages to kick out of a pin attempt. Dreamer dives back in the ring and DDTs Raven. Lee and Dreamer fight to the back as Sandman makes the cover. Lori comes in and canes Sandman. She puts the cane in Tyler’s hand and Sandman turns thinking it was him that struck the blow. Sandman reaches out and Tyler now does hit the Sandman. Sandman turns into a Raven DDT and that’s it at 6.01. Raven, Lori and Tyler pose and Raven tells Tyler to hit Sandman with the cane some more. As they are all leaving Sandman sits up in the ring and calls for Tyler.

My thoughts on the show
A real hot opening match with lots of back and forth action that the crowd was really into. The Dudley and F.B.I. tag match was the same as at Hardcore Heaven and probably the same that will happen tomorrow night. I enjoyed this TV Title match more than their match at Hardcore Heaven and the main event told a good story. The crowd stayed real hot for the whole show, which helped it along. I’m in the middle on this one as nothing stands out as great but it was all pretty enjoyable.


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