The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW Hardcore Heaven ’94


Hardcore Heaven 1994-08-13 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

Hack Meyers vs. Rockin’ Rebel, ref John Finnegan
These two teamed at last months Heatwave and had a falling out at the end of that match. Guillotine leg drop on the apron by Hack. Rabel though comes back and chops Hack in the corner. Rebel with a russian leg sweep. Hack fights back and but misses a corner charge. Rebel sets his head for a back body drop but Hack throws him to the mat. Hack now goes for one but Rebel hops over and goes for a belly to back. Hack turns into it and covers for the win in 4.30.


“Ironman” Tommy Cairo vs. Chad Austin, ref Jim Molineaux
Joey Styles expects Cairo to run through Austin in this match. With Cairo’s recent decent down the ladder of ECW I highly doubt that will happen. Cairo with a nice suplex to start off followed by a belly to belly. Press slam gets 2. Austin goes for a leap frog but gets caught with an inverted atomic drop. A few clotheslines and spin kick floor Austin. Austin reverses a corner whip but misses a charge and goes through the ropes to the floor. Belly to back by Cairo but Austin’s leg falls over the bottom rope so he can’t be pinned. Cairo with a powerslam and he goes up top. Austin dicks a spin kick and comes off the second buckle with a sunset flip for 2. Austin right into a school boy and he puts his feet on the ropes and gets the 3 in 4.32. Austin sneaks away with a win after getting his ass kicked.


No DQ Match: TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck vs. Jason, ref John Finnegan
Wow really throwing out all of Jason’s guys early in the show. Jason pushes Mikey to the mat. Mikey ducks a line and back elbow and hits a cross body for 2. Atomic drop, drop kick, hip toss, arm drag, body slam and drop kick send Jason to the floor and have the crowd going crazy! Jason turns his back and takes a baseball slide that sends him into the guard rail. Mikey comes off the apron with a double axe handle but Jason boots him in the stomach. Front suplex onto a table and Mikey is hurt. Jason with a leg drop through the table. Jason suplexes Mikey back into the ring. Joey has been running a joke during the match about Jay Sulli being a drunk even pretending that he is talking to him. Back in the ring Jason keeps the advantage hitting a snaemare and going into a chin lock. Mikey tries to come back with a few roll ups that get 2. They do a small package spot where they keep reversing it for 2 counts. On the last one Mikey almost gets a 3 but the ref switches hands he is using to count. The fans want the ref dead. They go to the floor and Mikey turns things around and nails Jason with a chair. Back in Mikey up top but he misses a cross body block. Jason goes and gets the chair and brings it in the ring. Mikey gets it away from him and swing but Jason ducks and the ref gets nailed. Mikey wails Jason and covers but the ref is out. The ref begins to wake up and he crawls over and makes the count. The Pitbulls him the ring and crotch Mikey. Pitbulls pull Jason over on top and the ref makes the 3 count. Again? What the fuck. Jason is the new TV Champion in 12.10. What the fuck was that. Seriously I’m so confused. The only thing I can think of is that the ref screwed up and “woke up” to soon and legit thought Jason was the one making the pin. The match was good and then the finish happened. Tazmaniac and “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka hit the ring and attack the Pitbulls.


Pitbulls vs. Tazmaniac & “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Tazmaniac hits an overhead belly to belly on Pitbull 2. Snuka goes up top and hits the superfly splash as Taz nails Pitbull 1 with a half nelson suplex. Double pin gets the win in .39. Ok so pretty clearly they fucked up the finish to the previous match and the tag match was run out there and ended so quickly so fans can be happy again and forget about the title switch.


Mr. Hughes (w/ Heavyweight Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas & Angel) vs. 911 (w/ Paul E Dangerously), ref John Finnegan
Douglas give a personal intro for Hughes. Wow Finnegan didn’t get fired over the end of the last match. I expect this match to fully expose 911 as a terrible wrestler. Big stare down and they charge each other and neither moves. They go to blows with Hughes getting a bit of the advantage. Hughes with a nice looking choke slam for 2. The slam looks better then most of 911’s. Hughes goes for a sidewalk slam but it’s blocked. 911 hits the chokeslam and gets the pin in 3.36. Hughes kicks out right at 3. Douglas and Angel get in the ring and Paul E gets nailed by Douglas. Shane pulls Angel in front of 911 so he can get away. She slaps 911 and gets slammed twice as Paul E says she smells like a dead fish.


Singapore Cane Match: Sandman (w/ Woman) vs. Tommy Dreamer, ref Jim Molineaux
“Enter Sandman” debuts as the new theme song for Sandman tonight. Dreamer comes from under the ring with a cane and starts wailing on Sandman busting him open. He again kisses Woman nails the ref and continues the beating on Sandman. Dreamer nails announcer Bob Artese and goes back to work on Sandman. They just tried really hard to get Dreamer over has hardcore but the fans didn’t care much and some even booed Dreamer. Dreamer leaves and Woman lights a cigarette and puts it in Sandman’s mouth to wake him up. This was kinda shitty and didn’t get over the way they wanted. Sandman is to much of a favorite to get Dreamer over. It’s just going to piss off the fans by having Dreamer beat him down.


Basebrawl Match: Tag Team Champions Public Enemy vs. Bad Breed, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
So if someone gets knocked out for a 10 count the other team gets a baseball bat to use. Falls also count anywhere. Bad Breed have been on a pretty decent run of fun squash matches. This will obviously not be a squash. “Flyboy” Rocco Roc attacks Hat Guy and he sells it. Roc says if anyone else calls them jail birds they are going to leave. Axl Rotten gets the chant going and the PE start to leave. The ref begins his 10 count in a falls count anywhere match. That makes no sense. The ref gets hit in the nuts and grossly oversells it and getting hit in the nuts really hurts so for it to be oversold you really have to go over the top. Roc ducks a Ian Rotten clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault for 2. He goes up top and hits a moonsault on a standing Ian. He goes up top again but Ian hits a drop kick to counter. Ian back drops Roc to the floor. Johnny Grunge goes to check on him and Axl backdrops Ian onto them. They all fight on the floor. Back in the ring Axl hits an avalanche on Roc and Grunge tags in. Grunge doesn’t do much then tags back out as does Ian. Crowd dead as I’m sure they were expecting much more of a brawl. Ian with a drop kick in the corner. Roc comes back with a spin kick. Roc hits a side slam and Grunge comes the top with an elbow. Ian rolls under a clothesline and tags. Axl comes in and beats on both PE. Ian comes back in with a chair and nails Roc. Bad Breed with the doomsday device and it gets them a 10 count and the bats. One bat gets brought down to the ring and Axl uses it on the skull of Grunge. Grunge goes low. The fans are confused cause they thought the match was over. It must end in pinball. Grunge gets the bat and nails Axl and Roc climbs a scaffold and comes off onto Ian. All four men now brawl in the crowd. Roc and Ian go into the Eagle’s Nest. Roc wraps a rope around the neck of Ian. Grunge hits a DDT at ringside on Axl. Back in the ring PE with the reverse DDT and drive by for the win in 15.58. Bleh.


Sabu (w/ Paul E Dangerously & 911) vs. 2 Cold Scorpio, ref John Finnegan
Sabu hits the ring and goes after the legs of Scorpio. Scorpio gets away and they face off. Each man tries to gain the advantage but they are very evenly matched. Scorpio with a drop kick and Sabu rolls to the floor. Sabu goes for a sunset flip power bomb out of the ring but Scorpio holds onto the ropes and Sabu crashes to the floor. Baseball slide and slingshot plancha to the floor by Scorpio. Slingshot splash back into the ring gets 2 and then Scorpio locks in a surfboard. Sick reverse tombstone piledriver and Sabu’s head bounces off the mat. Scorpio with a standing 270 degree leg drop for 2. Splash of the top rope but Sabu gets his knees up. Sabu with a arabian press for 2 followed by a slingshot leg drop from the apron. Power bomb by Scorpio gets 2. Scorpio bounces off the ropes and goes for a flying forearm but Sabu ducks and Scorpio hits the mat and then rolls all the way out of the ring. Sabu dives out of the ring onto Scorpio. Sabu leans a table onto the guard rail and then hits a suicide dive putting Scorpio through the table. Sabu whips Scorpio over the rail into the crowd. Chair to the back of the head but Scorpio basically no sells it and hits a super kick. Sabu sits Scorpio in a chair and tries to dive onto him but Scorpio moves and Sabu crashes into the chair. Scorpio with a few chair shots and then back into the ring. Sabu reverses a tombstone piledriver and hits a seated tombstone on a chair. Scorpio able to get his foot on the rope at 2. Sabu goes for a moonsault off the top but misses. Scorpio with a belly to back slingshot 450 gets 2. Scorpio with a slam and the tumbleweed for 2.9. Scorpio moonsault misses. Scorpio up and he puts Sabu up top and climbs up with him. Scorpio gets pushed down and Sabu comes off with a somersault body attack. Sabu pushes him to the floor and then hits a pile driver. Sabu puts Scorpio through a table. 911 puts them both back in the ring and Sabu covers 1, 2….Scorpio kicks out! Scorpio with a float over DDT and Sabu makes it look sick. Scorpio hooks both legs but can still only get 2. Sabu takes out the legs of Scorpio and Paul E holds a chair over the face of Scorpio as Sabu hits a sling shot leg drop from the apron to get the win in 18.35.


Terry Funk vs. Cactus Jack, ref Jim Molineaux
HAHA Funk comes to the ring and gets on the mic and says he forgot to put on his knee pads so he leaves to get them. Why they left this in the home video is beyond me. Cactus gets the mic and says there has been too much violence tonight. Cactus has learned to appreciate family entertainment and the fans need a scientific match right. Jack wants to give the fans that match and they shake hands. Cactus then says he has a lot of respect for Funk and it’s going to hurt him to have to kick his ass. They shake again and we get our bell. Cactus backs Terry into the ropes and chops him. Funk returns back and throws Jack to the floor. Funk picks up a piece of broken table from the previous match and nails Jack. Into the crowd they go. Back in the ring Jack charges Funk but Funk moves and Jack gets hung up in the ropes. Joey worries that he is going to lose another ear. Public Enemy hit the ring and attack Funk. PE try to throw Jack on top but he doesn’t want to make the cover. PE attack Jack now and put him on top. Johnny Grunge makes the count but Jack rolls off at 2. They beat on him some more and then force him to make the cover as Rocco Roc makes the 3 count. PE raise Jack’s hand but he again pulls away from them. The fans HATED this finish. Things broke down at around the 5 minutes mark. Cactus and Funk leave together with pieces of table as they go looking for PE. Back from the locker room the two teams come brawling to the ring. Funk nails Roc with frying pans and nails him with a piledriver as Jack hits the double arm DDT on Grunge. Terry covers PE at Jack counts the 3. Funk tells the fans to throw chairs into the ring and immediately about 100 chairs come flying into the ring. After a few seconds Roc raises his hands through the chairs like a Super Shredder. Grunge gets on the mic and tells Jack and Funk that they don’t know what they’ve started. The PE run in sucked but the whole end with the chairs and Grunge on the mic afterwards was awesome. Although the fans are dicks.


My thoughts on the show…
This show was kinda bad. Mikey Jason was good and then the ending happened. Wonder what they are going to say about it on TV. Sabu Scorpio I wanted to love but it was so choppy. I know I shouldn’t have expected anything but spots but I did anyway and was let down. Everything else sucked but the very very end is worth seeing.


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