The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW from Glenolden, PA 5/17/96


The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW 1996-05-17 from Briarcliffe Fieldhouse in Glenolden, PA

World: Raven
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: The Eliminators

Rob Van Dam vs. El Puerto Ricano ref Jim Molineaux
Match is joined in progress but it looks like we just missed the opening bell and not much else. The two men circle each other and Van Dam hits some weak looking karate blows followed by some crappy forearms. Ricano gets a victory roll for 2 Van Dam back up and he hits a release german. Van Dam puts Ricano’s head outside the ring and leaps over the top rope with a leg drop. Forearms put Ricano in the corner Van Dam rolls into the corner and monkey flips in onto a chair. Van Dam picks up the chair but it gets drop kicked back into his face. Ten punches in the corner gets to 5 and Van Dam power bombs Ricano. Rolling splash for 2. Corner whip fall, forward slam and a split legged moonsault get the win for Van Dam in a little over 3 minutes.

Taz (w/ Bill Alfanso) vs. Axl Rotten ref Jim Molineux
Join in progress again as Axl has the advantage an irish whip is reversed. Axl ducks a clothesline grabs a waist lock, which Taz reverses. Axl throws a back elbow but Taz ducks and hits a northern lights for 2. Axl whipped in to the ropes ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own for 2. Back kick for 2. Axl misses a top rope knee drop and submits to the Tazmission. 1.40 of the match was shown.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley (w/ D-Von, Sign Guy, Dances With & Chubby Dudley) vs. Pitbull #2 (w/ Francine & Pitbull #1) ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Buh Buh gets on the mic before the match and Francine grabs him by the balls dropping him to his knees. Pitbull attacks from behind and our match is under way. Pitbull grabs a side headlock Buh pushes him off and they collide with neither man moving. Buh Buh hits the ropes again and Pitbull hits him with a spin kick that gets 2. Corner whip is reversed and Buh Buh follows it in with a big splash for 2. Body slam and Buh Buh hits the ropes and lands a splash for 2. He throws Pitbull to the floor and follows him out. Avalanche against the guardrail and they trade chair shots. They brawl into the crowd and into the bathroom. Buh Buh gets irished whipped through the door into a stall breaking the stall wall. Back in the ring Pitbull with a body slam and a splash off the top rope that gets 2. Corner whip but Buh Buh moves on the charge by the Pitbull. Buh Buh whips Pitbull to the opposite corner and hits an avalanche. Buh Buh gets a chair and nails the Pitbull with it. He goes for the Buh Buh bomb but its reversed into a backdrop. Buh Buh gets corner whipped and runs right through the ref knocking him down. Running powerslam by Pitbull the ref goes to count but D-Von hits the ring and hits Pitbull with a chair. This brings Pitbull 1 into the ring. The Pitbulls hit a superbomb on Buh Buh and as the ref counts D-Von nails him with a chair getting Buh Buh disqualified at the 8.05 mark. Chubby and Sign Guy hit the ring and get taken out by Pitbull 2. Francine hits the ring now and goes after Sign Guy dragging him out of the ring and beating on him.

Mikey Whipwreck vs. World Champion Raven (w/ Stevie Richards & Blue Meanie) ref John Finnegan
Meanie tries to flip into the ring and lands on his back. Stevie gets on the mic before the match starts. Meanie and Richards are dressed like the American Males. Richards introduces Super Nova as his new flunky. Nova hits the ring and high fives them. Richards and Meanie sing the American Males theme. JT Smith hits the ring so he can sing. Mikey drop kicks him and then takes out Meanie and Richards. Mikey planchas onto Nova on the floor. As Mikey tries to get back in the ring Raven attacks knocking him off the apron and back to the floor. Whip into the guardrail and Raven brings Mikey back into the ring. Raven drops a leg and throws Mikey back out of the ring he grabs a chair and lays it across the back of Whipwreck. Back in the ring Raven stands the chair up in the corner and throws Mikey into it. Mikey reverses it when Raven tries a second time. Raven shoots Mikey into the ropes and ducks his head allowing Mikey to hit a DT. Raven gets up and suplexes Mikey. Mikey blocks a second attempt and hits a suplex of his own followed by a leg drop for 2. Mikey misses a drop kick and Raven throws him to the floor where Richards and Meanie get in a few stomps. Mikey goes to sunset flip back into the ring but Raven steps out of the way. He takes Mikey over with a headlock and holds onto it. Raven pushed off to the ropes and Mikey gets a school boy for 2 followed by a clothesline. Raven gets up and throws Mikey to the floor again. Raven follows and works Mikey over on the floor. After about a minute they are back in the ring where Raven hits a DDT for 2. Raven hits a second DDT this time a chair but Mikey is able to kick out again. Mikey gets thrown to the ropes and hits a spinning head scissor. Raven goes to the floor and Mikey hits a plancha. He throws everybody into the guardrail. Back in the ring he hits Raven with a frankensteiner. Irish whip Mikey ducks his head and Raven grabs him for a DDT but Mikey back drops him and hits one of his own. Meanie comes in the ring and distracts Mikey this allows Raven to hit him with his special boot. Raven gets the win and retains his title at 11.10.

Tag Team Champion Kronus vs. Mustafa ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Mustafa charges the ring and goes right after Kronus hitting him with the tag team belt and just beating on him. He hits a running powerslam on a chair in the ring. They go to the floor and Kronus gets his face planted into a table. Back in the ring Mustafa hits a press slam and Vader bomb for 2. Kronus gets the advantage and hits a fall forward slam followed by and handspring moonsault. They go to the floor where Mustafa retakes the advantage using chairs and a crutch. Back in the ring Mustafa hits a hanging vertical suplex. He misses an elbow and Kronus hits a gut wrench suplex and flying shoulder tackle for 2. Kronus charges but gets back dropped out of the ring. Mustafa slingshots himself out of the ring and elbow drops him on the floor. Kronus is thrown back in and as Mustafa is climbing into the ring Saturn comes out and hits him in the back of the head with the tag belt. Kronus makes the cover and gets the win at 6.41. After the match The Eliminators work over Mustafa until New Jack hits the ring. John Finnegan hits the ring and calls for the bell and we get…

Tag Team Champion Saturn vs. New Jack ref John Finnegan
All four men brawl a bit more New Jack rolls up Saturn in a school boy and gets the win in .17 seconds

“Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. 2 Cold Scorpio ref Jim Molineux
Scorpio in his first match after losing the TV title. They lock up and Jericho pushes Scorpio back into a corner and slaps him on the break. Scorpio takes the arm Jericho reverse into a top wrist lock and Scorpio reverses that into a hammer lock. Scorpio brings Jericho to the ropes and slaps him. Jericho gets a waist lock and brings Scorpio down grapevines the legs and stretches Scorpio over his knees. Both men get up and Scorpio now with a legvine and an arm bar combo. Jericho to his feet he reverses the arm bar and kicks Scorpio. Jericho stretches Scorpios arms behind him Scorpio does a forward flip and kicks Jericho in the chest. Jericho hits a hanging vertical suplex and the former champion rolls to the floor. Back in the ring Jericho gets a headlock and shoulder tackle. Nice back in and forth combo on the ropes that sees Jericho slide under Scorpio’s legs flip out of a side slam attempt and land a back kick and arm drag. Scorpio bails out to the floor to slow Jericho down. Scorpio back in and he extends a hand to Jericho. Test of strength Scorpio gets the advantage and pushes Jericho into a bridge. Jericho fights back and brings Scorpio down into a bridge. Scorpio comes back up and hits a monkey flip on Jericho. Jericho back up goes for a monkey flip of his own but Scorpio lands on his feet hits a drop kick and hangs on to an arm drag. Jericho reverses into an armbar of his own. Scorpio gets up irish whips Jericho misses to leaping back kicks but hits a clothesline. Flipping leg drop gets a 2 count for Scorpio. Power bomb Scorpio goes for the cover but stands up after just a 1 count. Big splash off the top rope for 2. Kick to Jericho’s face and Scorpio goes for another powerbomb but Jericho lands on his feet and hits one of his own. Irish whip Scorpio ducks a clothesline but gets nailed with a spinning heel kick. Scorpio rolls to the apron and gets knocked to the floor by a springboard dropkick. Jericho goes up top and lands a crossbody block to the floor. Jericho with a chair to the back and a whip into the rail. We get a close up of Jericho’s face and notice that he is sporting some nasty swelling by his eye possibly from the kick to the face earlier. Scorpio rolls in the ring and kicks Jericho low as Jericho climbs onto the apron. A cartwheel Pele kick sends Jericho to the floor. Scorpio goes for a slingshot plancha but Jericho steps to the side and 2 Cold goes crashing to the gym floor. Jericho suplexes Scorpio back into the ring and hits a top rope splash for 2. Jericho goes for a german suplex but Scorpio turns into a waist lock of his own, Jericho back to the waistlock he ducks a back elbow and hits a suplex and lionsault for 2. Jericho complains to the ref and gets nailed with a superkick. Scorpio hits a moonsault and Jericho BARELY kicks out even the time keeper thought it was three and rang the bell. Scorpio goes for a german gets Jericho up a bit but he rolls forward in a pin attempt and gets 2. Scorpio to his feet first and he levels Jericho with a clothesline. Corner whip Scorpio charges gets back dropped but lands on his feet on the apron. Scorpio hits Jericho with an elbow to create some distance leaps up to the top rope and misses a crossbody. Jericho hardly hits a top rope standing moonsault for 2. Jericho chops Scorpio in the corner. Scorpio reverses a corner whip and follows in with a splash. He brings Jericho out of the corner and hits a tombstone piledirver. Scorpio goes up top and hits the tumbleweed leg drop for the win. Scorpio goes up to the camera after the match and says “The kid is good”. He wakes up Jericho and they shake hands and hug. As Scorpio is walking back to the locker room “The Franchise” Shane Douglas jumps out of the crowd and attacks Scorpio with the TV Title. They work their way back towards the ring where Jericho leaps over the top rope to go after Douglas but gets nailed in the face on his way down. Douglas rolls Scorpio in the ring gets in a few more belt shots and hits the belly to belly. Douglas turns to talk to the crowd Scorpio school boys him and Jericho jumps back in the ring and counts to 3. Douglas gets on the mic and demands that Scorpio come back to the ring. Douglas continues to complain when “Bad to the Bone” comes on over the loud speaker. Out comes the Bad Crew and Douglas hits both of them with the belly to belly. He throws the belt down and spits on it. Shane wonders around the ring for a bit more he leaves the ring and beats up on a ring attendant.

Stevie Richards and The Blue Meanie hit the ring and get on the mic. Richards says he’s going to pick two “sluts” out of the crowd to get a picture with them. He says that instead of picking someone out of the crowd he is going to pick the two biggest sluts in the world and calls out Beulah and Kimona Wanalaya. Beulah, Kimona and Tommy Dreamer come down to ringside. The girls grab Meanie and Richards by the balls and Tommy DDTs them. “Primetime” Brian Lee hits the ring nails Dreamer with a piece of gutter and we have a match

Falls Count Anywhere Match: “Primetime” Brian Lee vs. Tommy Dreamer, ref Jim Molineaux
They go right to the floor and fight over to the merchandise table. Lee suplexes Dreamer onto a table and flings him into a row a chairs. Another suplex onto a table and Dreamer bounces off and hits the floor. Tommy fights back and slams Lee’s face into the wall and then a vending machine. The match spills outside and Lee goes into the ring truck. Lee throws Dreamer into the road and they go running down the street as Dreamer gets slammed into a stop sign. Lee picks up Dreamer and rams him into the sign again. Dreamer takes control and they head back to the building. Lee throws Dreamer into some more chairs and they are back at ringside. They dual with a chair and someone’s crutch. The Bruise Brothers hit ringside and attack Dreamer. They bring him in the ring and hold his arms as Lee hits two big boots. Dreamer kicks out at two though. They pick Dreamer back up and hold a chair in front of his face and hit another big boot. Lee gets the win at 8.27. The three men continue to beat on Dreamer but the Pitbulls hit the ring and make the save. Beulah and Kimona come to the ring again and they all celebrate to end the show.

My thoughts on the show
Jericho and Scorpio put on a good show the rest of this show was pretty weak. A definite pass on this.


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