The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW at the Flagstuff 7/26/96


1996/07/26 at The Flagstaff in Jim Thorpe, PA

World: Raven
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Eliminators

What we missed: A few sites list “Primetime” Brian Lee defeating LA Smooth

“El Puerto Ricano” Pablo Marquez vs. Super Nova (w/ Stevie Richards & Blue Meanie) ref John “Pee Wee” Moore

God I hate Nova. They work a few headlock and arm bar spots to start. Marquez continually gets the upper hand. Nova eventually cuts him off with a kick to the stomach and seated dropkick. Marquez goes for a crucifix but Nova reverses it into an F5. Marquez with a head scissor and he goes back to the arm. Marquez ducks his head after an irish whip and Nova hits an axe kick. Second rope elbow gets 2 for Nova. Marquez gets dumped to the floor where he’s promptly given a Steviekick and thrown back in. Nova with some weak looking offense. Marquez ducks a clothesline leaps to the top rope and planchas onto Meanie and Richards. Nova runs across the apron and flips over the turnbuckle onto Marquez on the floor. Back in the ring Nova goes for a top rope crossbody but Marquez rolls through and gets the win in 7.43!!

D-Von Dudley vs. Hack Meyers ref Jim Molineaux
Match is joined in progress with the advantage to D-Von. D-Von chokes Meyers on the ropes, stomps him and drops a few elbows. Hack surprises D-Von a few times with a school boy and small package that both get 2. D-Von with a splash in the corner, flying forearm, clothesline and top rope headbutt for 2. Meyers gets an elbow up on a corner charge and begins a comeback. Backdrop followed up with a clothesline for 2. Meyers whips D-Von into the corner and follows with a clothesline for 2. D-Von rolls to the floor and brings a chair into the ring. Hack gets it D-Von begs for mercy and low blows Hack. Three chair shots to the head later and D-Von picks up the victory. 6.23 of the match is shown.

TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Francine) vs. Buh Buh Ray Dudley (w/ Sign Guy) ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Francine makes her first appearance with Douglas tonight after turning on the Pitbulls. Douglas kicks the ring announcer out of the ring so Joel Gertner can do their ring introduction. Gertner really puts over Francine and Douglas putting over his own heel character in the process. Douglas gets on the mic and says that he was supposed to wrestle Pitbull 2 but he couldn’t get cleared by the athletic commission after the beating that they gave him at Heatwave. Douglas says his night is over and Francine raises his hand. Buh Buh Ray Dudley comes down to the ring and challenges Douglas to a match. Buh Buh gets on the mic and calls Francine a douche bag. She slaps him and he goes to power bomb her. Douglas attacks and the bell rings. Douglas in control and he connects with a piledriver and dropkick both getting him a 2 count. They brawl on the floor and through the crowd where Buh Buh gets the advantage using a chair and hitting a bossman slam on a table. Back in the ring Buh Buh works on the arm of Douglas. Shane eventually is able to irish whip Buh Buh but ducks his head to early and gets DDTed for 2. Buh Buh with a press slam and he gets 2. Francine hops on the apron and puts Buh Buh’s hand on her boobs. Buh Buh walks away and she gives Shane a chain. Shane uses the chain but Buh Buh kicks out. Douglas locks on a figure four as we reach the 8 minute mark. Buh Buh reverses but Shane gets to the ropes and then drop kicks the knee. Buh Buh mounts a come back and hits another bossman slam. Shane kicks out at 2 and then chop blocks the knee. Buh Buh blocks a suplex and lands on of his own for 2. Shane reverses an irish whip and nails the belly to belly to retain the title at 11.28.

World Champion Raven (w/ Stevie Richards, Blue Meanie, Super Nova, Lori and Tyler Fullington) vs. JT Smith (w/ Liitle Guido, Sal Bellomo, Big Guido) ref Jim Molineaux
What the hell did Smith do to get a title match? Smith on the mic before the match sings and says that the F.B.I. loves to fight. Raven and his gang come out. Raven takes the mic and calls out Sandman. Sandman charges the ring and lays into everyone with his cane. Raven uses Tyler as a shield and Stevie then gives Sandman a Steviekick. Everybody now starts laying the boots to Sandman. Tod Gordon comes out and says that he is going to fine everyone if they don’t leave the ring. Raven DDTs Sandman and they all leave. Taz and Bill Alfonso come down and Taz dumps Sandman with a german as Alfonso attacks Gordon. Taz gets on the mic says the f work a lot and challenges Sandman and Gordon to a fight.

Sandman & Tod Gordon vs. Taz & Bill Alfonso ref Jim Molineaux
They brawl a bit and then Sandman canes Molineaux. Out comes Axl Rotten with a ref shirt and cookie sheet. Alfonso gets the sheet and goes after Gordon but Tod takes it away. Tod nails Alfonso with it and goes for the cover as Taz has Sandman in the Tazmission. Rotten ignores the pin and calls for the bell giving Taz and Alfonso the win via submission.

The Gangstas hit the ring and New Jack gets on the mic and says he doesn’t care who comes down but he wants to fight someone. Bad Crew comes out but Jack threatens them with actual murder if they don’t leave ring. Bad Crew being the intelligent gentlemen that they are leave but get jumped in the aisle by “Dangerous” Devon Storm and Damien Kane. New Jack getting excited by the fighting challenges them to a match.

The Gangstas vs. “Dangerous” Devon Storm & Damien Kane (w/ Lady Alexandra) ref Jim Molineaux
Storm with a somersault plancha onto Mustafa on the floor. Storm back in the ring and he saves Kane from the beating he’s getting. Double slingshot suplex takes down Jack. Mustafa hits a top rope clothesline on both his opponents when out come the Samoan Gangsta Party. The Samoans help take out the Gangstas and then leave through the crowd. Back in the ring the Gangstas have regained control. Mustafa with a running powerslam on Storm and Jack comes off the top with the 187 for the win in 4.48.

Tag Team Champions Eliminators vs. “Lionheart” Chris Jericho & Mikey Whipwreck ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
These two team just put on a great match a month ago, hoping they do the same here. Saturn and Mikey begin the match. Some chain wrestling to start things off. Mikey with some arm drags and Saturn bails to the floor. Kronus comes in and gets 3 arm drags also. He goes to the floor and Mikey planchas onto them both. Kronus thrown back in the ring and Jericho comes off the top with a drop kick. Jericho throws Saturn back in the ring and Mikey lands a top rope cross body for 2. Jericho now comes off the top and hits a cross body. Saturn jumps so that the impact is mid air on both of them making them look really sick. Jericho tagged in and he hits some clotheslines in the corner and goes into a submission but Kronus breaks it up. Swinging neckbreaker by Saturn and he tags out. Jericho meets Kronus coming in the ring with an arm drag and a stiff kick to the back. Kronus no sells the kick gets up and gives Jericho a stiff kick right to the face. Mikey tags back in. Kronus with a tilt a whirl slam and then he misses a spin kick but makes the tag to Saturn. Back body drop by Mikey for 2. Saturn misses a drop kick in the corner but as Mikey walks away Kronus runs down the apron and clotheslines him. Kronus tags back in and bodyslams Mikey and lands a Vader bomb splash off the second rope. Spin kick lands and Jericho tries to come in which allows the champions some time to double team. Jericho comes in a breaks up a pin so Saturn beats the crap out of him and dumps him to the floor. Butterfly suplex gets 2. They set up total elimination but Jericho stops Saturn from hitting his part of the move. Another tilt a whirl slam by Kronus to Mikey in the ring. Saturn and Jericho fight on the floor as Kronus hits a second rope headbutt. Kronus with a german and he tags in Saturn. Kronus puts Mikey over his knee and Saturn comes off the top with a knee. Piledriver by Saturn. Kronus back in and he hits a slam but misses a second rope moonsault. Saturn comes in to try and stop Mikey from making a comeback but he gets hiptossed into Kronus. Mikey comes off the top rope and hits a frankensteiner on Saturn. Jericho tags in and they land a double shoulder block on Saturn. Jericho is going for a superplex but Saturn blocks it and throws Jericho down and comes off the ropes with a sunset flip and almost gets the win. Saturn launches Jericho face first into the buckle and then hits a superkick as Kronus and Mikey fight on the floor. Top rope headbutt gets 2. Saturn comes off the top again but Jericho drop kicks him so he goes to the floor. Back in Jericho hits a suplex and lionsault but Kronus breaks it up. Jericho goes after him and gets superkicked when he turns back around. Kronus now in the ring with Jericho he goes for a power bomb but Jericho lands on his feet and gets a German with a bridge for 2. Jericho goes for a double underhook but Saturn clotheslines him. Belly to belly by Kronus gets 2. Jericho comes off the second rope with a drop kick for 2. Saturn and Mikey fight on the floor. Jericho ducks a clothesline but Saturn knees him in the back as he hits the ropes. Saturn runs into the ring and they land Total Elimination and get the pin in 17.13.

Bruise Brothers vs. Terry “Bamm Bamm” Gordy & Tommy Dreamer ref Jim Molineaux
Dreamer and Gordy hit the ring and the brawl begins. Freebird continues to play over the sound system and it makes me think of this as a brawl in some redneck bar. Dreamer gets thrown through a wall as all four men brawl in the crowd and all over the Flagstaff. They make it to the ring after about five minutes and Gordy quickly gets the Asiatic spike on and gets the pinfall win for his team at 5.56

My thoughts on the show
Pretty basic show tonight. The tag title match was nice and fast paced but not as good as their last match. Still decent though. That was really the only thing that could be considered worth watching on this rather short show that clocked in at only an hour and a half. I’d say skip this one.


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