Hello everyone and welcome back to the Event Center. Last time you seen us we were running through the USA special SummerSlam Fever 1990. It is the second part of our 3 part series highlighting WWF SummerSlam 1990. Well this time we are going to deviate from that just a little bit and only for a limited time as we head back to 1999. We are going to be hitting the road and going to the Sturgis motorcycle rally. Thats right we are heading to WCW Road Wild 1999. I don’t remember the build to most of the matches on the card so this is going to be an interesting one for me. I am unsure how they end up with a Hogan vs. Nash Belt vs. Retirement match but I guess we will find out today. So without further ado lets get those engines revved up and get this show on the road.
Event Information:
Date: August 14th, 1999
Location: Sturgis Motor Cycle Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota
Attendance: 5,500
Main Event: WCW World Title Match: Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Kevin Nash
Show Opening:
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Show opens up with a highlight video between Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash. They show Nash power bombing Hogan through the announce table. They then give us an over head shot of Sturgis, South Dakota. Tony welcomes us to Road Wild as they show us the scenery and whatnot of the event. They finally get up to the broadcast booth where Tony, Heenan, and Tenay are sitting. They are wearing some jean jackets and shit to try and look like tough guys. They talk about the return of Hulk Hogan. Heenan says that somebody’s career will be done tonight. Both guys have their career’s on the line in the main event tonight. Tenay says this is Nash’s chance to prove it to the world and himself that he is better than Hogan. They run through the rest of the card.
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They show a highlight video on the feud between Eddie Guerrero/Kidman/Rey Mysterio vs. Vampiro/ICP.
Match 1: Rey Mysterio Jr./Eddie Guerrero/Billy Kidman vs. Vampiro/ICP
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All 6 men are in the ring as Eddie, Rey, and Kidman get the upper hand early. All three take turns doing damage to Vampiro. Kidman hits a sit down power bomb on Vampiro as he tags in Eddie and he hits the con hilo and Rey follows that up with a nice leg drop to Vampiro. Eddie drops Vampiro with a nice single leg takedown. He didn’t get all of it but he got enough to drop Vampiro again. Eddie hits Vampiro with a monkey flip but Vampiro lands on his feet and then hits a back kick on Eddie to get control of the match.
Vampiro throws Eddie to the outside as ICP drops down and drops Eddie with a body slam and then lays in the boots while Vampiro distracts the ref. Vampiro tags in Violent Jay and he drops Eddie with a clothesline. Jay drops Eddie with a jaw breaker and then tags in Shaggy 2 Dope. Shaggy hits Eddie with a nice delayed vertical suplex and he follows that up with a nice elbow. Vampiro gets tagged back in and he grabs the hand of Eddie but Eddie climbs up to the top rope and hits a nice hurricanrana on Vampiro but Violent Jay comes in right away and stops any momentum Eddie may have gotten.

Vampiro ends up throwing Rey into the steps and then back into the ring where Jay drops Rey with a side slam for a 2 count. Jay sends Rey chest first into the corner and then drops an elbow for another 2 count. Vampiro gets tagged in and he just picks up Rey and hits him with a throwing power bomb. He sends Rey flying half way across the ring. Vampiro then drives the knee right into the nuts of Rey Jr. Vampiro tags in Shaggy and he just puts the boots to Rey in the corner. Shaggy hits a running power slam on Rey and he goes for the cover but Kidman comes in and breaks it up. Shaggy then throws Rey to the outside where Raven stands over him and mocks him.
Rey blocks a few charging attempts in the corner and then goes to the top rope and hits a spit legged moonsault on Shaggy and this gives him enough time to tag in Kidman. Kidman comes in and lays in the drop kicks to Shaggy and Violent Jay, who gets the tag in. Vampiro comes in and ducks a clothesline but Eddie catches him with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Rey hits the bronco buster on Violent Jay.
Vampiro ends up dropping Shaggy with a side kick instead of his opponent. Rey hits a plunga to the outside on Violent Jay while Eddie does the same to Vampiro. Kidman is all alone on the inside so he goes up to the top rope and hits the Shooting Star Press for the 1-2-3 on Shaggy 2 Dope. Your winners by pinfall….Eddie Guerrero/Kidman/Rey Mysterio Jr.
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This was a solid opening match but it went a little long for my taste. Shaggy and Violent Jay looked a little lost in there for pieces but nothing to major. They actually showed up and did some nice moves in there. Eddie and Rey looked awesome per usual. I also liked what I saw from Vampiro here. Nothing was horrible about this match but it just went a couple of minutes to long. Other than that, a pretty decent opener here.
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They show highlights of the feud between Harlem Heat and Bam Bam Bigelow & Kanyon.
Match 2: WCW Tag Team Title Match: Kanyon/Bam Bam Bigelow (c) vs. Harlem Heat
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Before Harlem Heat come out Kanyon gets on the mic and starts talking shit. Kanyon says by the looks of these rednecks most can’t afford cable tv. Kanyon says he is going to tell everyone what he usually does and that is he usually asks a question. Meanwhile, the fans start revving up their engines as they try to drawn him out. Kanyon says he asks a question to see if the people are as dumb as they look. Kanyon says he is not going to ask the question here because there is no way they are as dumb as they look. Harlem Heat come out and we get this thing going.
Harlem Heat get in the ring and the Triad attack both of them as this one starts with all four in the ring. Stevie throws Kanyon to the outside and then they hit Bam Bam with a clothesline and then a Harlem side kick as Bam Bam rolls to the outside. This one starts off with Stevie and Kanyon. Kanyon fakes a test of strength and then starts laying in the boots and elbows to Stevie. Stevie ends up getting Kanyon in a gorilla press slam that sends him to the outside. Stevie then picks up Bigelow and hits him with a body slam. Kanyon and Bigelow go to the outside to regroup.
Kanyon gets back in the ring and calls for Booker T to get into the ring. Booker gets a back arm bar but Kanyon ends up dropping him with a nasty back elbow and then starts choking Booker on the mat. Booker ends up dropping a drop kick on Kanyon and he goes for the cover but Bigelow comes in and breaks it up. Stevie and Bigelow get tagged in and they just stand in the ring looking at each trying to get the crowd to rev up their engines.
They each try to shoulder block each other but neither one budges. Stevie ends up dropping Bigelow with a clothesline and then Bigelow gets control with a head butt to the midsection. Bigelow tags in Kanyon and he comes in off the top rope with an ax handle. Kanyon drops a few elbows to keep control of the match. Kanyon ends up tagging in Bigelow and he whips Stevie into the corner and Kanyon hits him with a clotheslines and the Bigelow follows him in with a splash.
Bigelow, who has done very little, is in a rest hold here with a shitty reverse chin lock. Stevie gets out but ends up getting hit with a knee to the midsection and then a head butt to the shoulder by Bigelow. Kanyon gets tagged in and he drops a knee on to Stevie. Kanyon goes for the cover and tries to use the ropes for leverage but he can only get a 2 count. Stevie tries to get control with a body slam but he ends up missing an elbow drop on to Kanyon. Kanyon gets catapulted into Bam Bam and this ends up racking Bigelow on the top ropes. Stevie tags in Booker and he comes in and drops Kanyon with a forearm.
Booker hits another Harlem side kick on to Kanyon for a 2 count. Booker is going fo the ax kick but Bigelow grabs the top rope and it sends Booker flying over the top rope to the floor. Kanyon goes to the middle rope and drives Booker head first into the mat with a fameasser type manuever. Kanyon tries the same move again but Booker catches him and drops him with a power bomb. Booker ends up tagging in Stevie while Kanyon tags in Bigelow.
Stevie comes in and he is dropping both guys with right hands. Stevie has control when DDP shows up out of no where. Stevie reverses an Irish whip and rams Bigelow right into DDP. Booker T then goes off the top rope with a beautiful drop kick and Stevie gets the pin for the 1-2-3. Your winner and New WCW World Tag Team Champions….Harlem Heat!
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This match kind of dragged and Bigelow really looked bad here. He didn’t do much and looked like he could barely go anymore. Kanyon could have done better but he had some pretty nice looking moves here. Booker looked awesome like always and Stevie made it look like he did something but he didn’t do much at all. Without Booker in this match this whole thing would have sucked. Thankfully Booker was there so this match is half way decent.
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They show highlights of the feud between the West Texas Rednecks and Revolution.
Match 3: Revolution vs. West Texas Rednecks
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The crowd is loving the shit out of this I Hate Rap song. It’s so clutch, they are actually singing along to this shit. Gotta love it. Saturn gets on the mic and says that he doesn’t want anyone to get confused and think they are the WCW Mystery Men. Saturn says the truth is they don’t care about the cowboys or Chad Brock. Saturn says they are here to set a couple of things straight. Saturn says they need to find out who wants to get beat up first and get in the ring.
All 6 guys in the ring as we got Saturn, Malenko, and Shane Douglas vs. Hennig, Duncum, and Barry Windham. This one starts off with Malenko and Windham going at it. Malenko drops Windham with an arm drag. Malenko then hits Windham with a clothesline in the corner. Malenko tags in Saturn and they hit a double back elbow on Windham and then they drop Hennig and Duncum to the floor on the outside. Douglas gets tagged in and he starts laying in the rights to Windham. Douglas gets Windham in the Rednecks corner and they come in and drop him with some kicks and right hands.
We got Duncum and Douglas in the ring now some how. Douglas hits a nice snap power slam on Duncum as he tags in Saturn. Saturn comes in and lays in the boots and chops to Duncum. Duncum tags in Windham and he comes in and goes for a hip toss on Saturn but Saturn blocks and it drops Windham with a t-bone suplex and then a belly to belly suplex. Kendall Windham ends up hitting Saturn in the back with the cow bell and then Barry drops him with a clothesline. Hennig finally gets tagged in and he is laying in the punches and then hits the rolling neck snap on Saturn.
Duncum gets tagged back in and he throws Saturn to the outside and Kendall drops him with a clothesline and then throws Saturn back into the ring. Saturn gets back in the ring and drops Duncum with a German suplex and quickly tags in Malenko. Malenko comes in and hits a drop kick and then a nice vertical suplex on Duncum and then he tags in Douglas. Malenko drops Duncum with a drop toe hold and Douglas follows that up with an elbow drop.
Douglas is going for the Pittsburgh Plunge but Hennig comes in and breaks it up. Hennig is working over Douglas on the outside but he ducks a punch and ends up catching Hennig and drives him ass first into the steel post. Hennig ends up dropping Douglas with a body slam off the top rope and then follows that up with his big forearm. Windham gets tagged back in and he hits Douglas with a belly to back suplex for a 2 count. Windham drops Douglas with a nice clothesline and then he tags back in Duncum.
Duncum comes in and drops Douglas with a nice looking shoulder breaker. Hennig gets tagged back in and he nails Douglas with a big time chop in the corner. Hennig tags in Duncum and he comes in and hits Douglas with a nice suplex into a float over for a 2 count. Duncum tags in Windham and he comes in and drops Douglas with a DDT for another 2 count. Douglas and Windham end up running into each other and knock each other down. Windham ends up getting the tag to Duncum and he comes in hits a clothesline on Douglas in the corner. He tries to do it again but Douglas rolls out of the way and tags in Saturn.
Saturn comes in and he is just laying in the right hands and then drops Duncum with a clothesline. All 6 men then get in the ring as Malenko drops Hennig with a single leg drop kick. Malenko then gets the Texas Clover Leaf on Hennig but Windham gets in the ring and nails Malenko with the cow bell. Saturn ends up picking up Duncum Jr and drops him with the Death Valley Driver for the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall….Revolution!
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This match was pretty sloppy throughout and guys were just missing their spots. There was nothing really special about this but the guys did work well. The match itself just didn’t work if you ask me. Hennig did his normal stuff and Saturn got his work in. Windham looked lazy and Duncum was still impressive if you ask me. Other than that there just isn’t a lot here and the sloppy spots kind of ruin it for me.
Match 4: Buff Bagwell vs. Ernest Miller
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Miller comes out wearing some confederate flag gloves on. Ono is shirtless and wearing a biker’s vest. The crowd is drowning him out with their engines. Cat says he wants the rednecks to turn off their mini bikes because he has something to say. Cat says he is going to whoop every single redneck out here. He gives up trying to talk as the engines get louder. Buff gets in the ring and takes the mic from the Cat and he tells the fans to quiet down and they do. Cat ends up stealing the mic and the fans immediately rev up the engines again. Buff gets the mic and says that the Cat is not a crowd favorite if you know what he means. Buff says that the Cat should just kiss their ass and then he asks for the fans to rev em up again.
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We finally get this match going and the Cat hits Buff with a hip toss right away. They tie up again and this time the Cat hits Buff with a body slam. The crowd then starts a pussy cat chant. This crowd is pretty hot for the wrestling here this time around. They tie up a third time and this time Buff hits a hip toss and two straight body slams of his own. The Cat gets the advantage and starts to choke Buff with his hands first and then his foot the second time. Buff goes up and over on an Irish whip and then he hits Cat with two straight drop kicks. Buff goes to the top rope and lays in 9 punches but Buff gets dropped with an upper cut and then a nice standing side kick to regain control of the match.
Cat gets a head lock on Buff in the middle of the ring. Buff breaks free but the Cat rakes the eyes to keep control of the match. Cat goes for a suplex but Buff blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Buff hits the Cat with two straight atomic drops and then a cross body that he over shoots and has to get back on top of him for the cover. Cat ends up dropping Buff with a jaw breaker and when he picks up Buff he tries to throw him into the briefcase of Sonny Ono but Buff reverses it and the Cat goes crashing into the briefcase. Buff ends up rolling up the Cat and gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Buff Bagwell!
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After the match the Cat attacks Buff with some front kicks and whatnot and then Ono taunts Buff by doing Buff’s dance. What a tool this guy was.
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This match sucked ass for the most part. The crowd interaction was pretty entertaining but outside of that this was a dud. The Cat sucked at this point and did a lot of stalling and rest holds with kicks mixed in. Buff was on the defensive the majority of the match so it wasn’t as good as it could have been. They should have let Buff control the match or let it be fluid throughout instead of having the Cat dominate the action. The length was fine but the match itself dragged and it sucked.
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They show highlights of the feud between Chris Benoit and DDP.
Match 5: No Disqualification United States Title Match: Chris Benoit (c) vs. Diamond Dallas Page
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DDP gets on the mic and says that they love him, they hate him, but they will never forget him. DDP says why and it’s because every night he comes out and delivers the goods. DDP says he is the greatest 2 time 2 time champion. He also says tonight he will become a the 3 time greatest US champion. DDP then says he is sorry for bringing up Chris Benoits mother. DDP says that he knows Benoit loves his mother but so can anyone else for $2.99 a minute on the telephone. DDP says that Benoit needs to get the belt all shined up and bring it out now Benoit.
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When the bell rings DDP gets right in the face of Benoit so Benoit just kicks him in the nuts. DDP ends up going for a power bomb but Benoit lays in the right hands and drops Page to his back. Benoit hits a baseball slide on DDP to the outside. DDP rams Benoit into the guard rail as they are fighting on the non elevated portion of the ring. They get back in the ring and Benoit continues to keep control of the fight into DDP catches Benoit and drops him with a belly to belly suplex for a 2 count.
DDP starts to work the back of Benoit with a chin lock and putting all of his weight on the lower back. DDP then picks up Benoit on his back and then picks him over his head and then drops him face first to the mat. DDP then picks up Benoit and drops him with a gut wrench stomach breaker. That was a pretty sweet looking move there. DDP then does 3 straight short Irish whips and hits Benoit with 3 straight knees to the stomach. They exchange some moves and then DDP ends up dropping Benoit with a nice lay down clothesline to keep control of the match.
Page ends up dropping Benoit with a spine buster for another 2 count. Benoit rolls up Page and gets another 2 count but as soon as both guys get to their feet, Page ends up dropping Benoit with another clothesline. Page is just plodding along here and doing very little. Kind of frustrating. And as soon as I say this Page then hits a side slam on Benoit for another near fall. Benoit slips out of a gut wrench and tries a backslide but can’t get it so he moves around and drops Page with a jaw breaker.
Benoit tries to climb up the ropes but Page drops him and ends up getting Benoit in a tree of woe. DDP then slaps the shit out of Charles Robinson and he takes his belt off of him. Page then takes the belt and whips Benoit with it in the corner. Page then takes the belt and wraps it around the neck of Benoit and is choking him out with it. Yeah this doesn’t look very good with all things considered. I still have no desire to see anything Benoit.
DDP then picks up Benoit and hangs him over his back but Benoit flips out of it and gets the belt off and just starts laying it in to the back of DDP. Benoit then picks up DDP and drops him with a German suplex for a 2 count. Benoit holds on and tries a second and third time and gets a 2 count each time. Benoit is going for the head butt but Kanyon comes out and pushes Benoit right into DDP who drops Benoit with a slam type of move. Benoit runs DDP into Kanyon and rolls him up for a 2 count.
Bam Bam comes out no where and goes off the top rope with a splash as DDP gets another near fall. Bam Bam and Kanyon get in the ring and Kanyon holds up Benoit but Bam Bam ends up running into Kanyon instead. Bam Bam then drops a head butt into the nuts of Page and then Benoit drops a head butt to the nuts of Bam Bam. Benoit goes to the top rope and hits the flying head butt for the 1-2-3. Your winner and still WCW United States Champion….Chris Benoit!
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This match was decent but nothing special. Page stalled a lot during this match and it made it drag on and on. I have zero interest in anything Benoit so I’m really not invested in any of his matches and this one was no different. The belt around the throat spot was a little eery, all things considered. One thing that was kind of stupid about this match is that it is no DQ but they spent the whole match in the ring pretty much. It was a normal match outside of a couple of things like the belt and outside interference. Why even have that stipulation if you aren’t going to take advantage of it. Anyways, this match is all right but they’ve done better in the past so I would recommend checking those matches out instead of this one.
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They go up to the commentary booth and they are talking about the match between Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash.
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They then give away an American Iron Horse motorcycle.
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They show highlights of the feud between Sting and Sid Vicious.
Match 6: Sting vs. Sid Vicious
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Sting moves out of the way of a clothesline in the corner and then he kicks Sid and he lays on the top rope. Sting lays in some kicks and then hits two straight Stinger Splashes and then a clothesline over the top rope and out to the floor. Sting starting off hot early on. Sting heads out after Sid and he ends up throwing him over the guard rail twice. Fans are trying to help Sid and Heenan on commentary says “Hey, look at that woman with the goatee.” Heenan was awesome.
Sting ends up throwing Sid back in the ring and goes for the Stinger Splash again but Sid moves out of the way and Sting goes crashing into the corner. Sid ends up hitting Sting with a power slam for a 2 count. Sid crashes into the back of Sting as Sting lays across the middle rope. Sid picks Sting up with ease and drops him with a back breaker. Sid is starting to work the back and getting Sting ready for the power bomb. Sid gets Sting in a chin lock to slow the match down.
Sid and Sting end up on the outside and Sid picks him up and drops him across the guard rail throat first. Sid gets Sting back in the ring and goes for the cover and gets a 2 count. Sid then goes back to the chin lock as we are just wasting away time. Sting gets out of the move and ends up hitting the ropes and hits Sid with a shoulder block. Sting then falls down and hits Sid right in the nuts with a head butt. What a great spot.

Sid picks up Sting and drops him with snake eyes. Sting blocks a right and then hits a couple of rights and chops before he hits the ropes but Sid ends up dropping him with a big boot to slow down Stings momentum. Sid ends up going to the top rope again and this time Sting stops him and hits him with a super plex. Sid gets up and goes into the corner and Sting ends up hitting him with 2 Stinger Splashes and he goes for a third and Sid catches him with a choke and drops him with a choke slam for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Sid Vicious!

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I have no idea what booking was going on at this time but I do remember them pushing Sid as if he was undefeated since his return. But for him to get a clean pin fall on Sting in the middle of the ring after one choke slam is pretty damn odd but impressive at the same time. They basically jobbed Sting out here for Sid and thats crazy to think about. Maybe it’s because I am accustomed to the WWE formula of doing things now, where you kick out of finishers 20 times, but this is shocking to me. The match itself was nothing special because Sid controlled the majority of it. Sting looked great here and the finish was pretty damn awesome looking. All in all this is a solid match and worth checking out. But Sid pinning Sting with 1 choke slam? Thats odd.
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They show highlights of the feud between Goldberg and Rick Steiner.
Match 7: Goldberg vs. Rick Steiner
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The bell rings and these two just go at it exchanging rights and lefts on each other. Steiner whips Goldberg into the ropes but Goldberg reverses it and just floors Rick with a brutal looking clothesline. Steiner ends up on the top of his head and kind of gets stuck there for a moment. What an awesome looking clothesline that was.

Rick then goes after the knee of Goldberg and takes off the knee brace. Rick takes the knee brace and nails Goldberg with it. Rick then puts the brace on his arm and he uses it as a weapon a few times. Rick whips Goldberg into the ropes and hits him with a clothesline with the brace on his arm. Rick then drops Goldberg with another clothesline with the brace on his arm. Rick then flips off the crowd and says fuck you. Rick then grabs his balls and taunts the fans again. I bet WCW loved that.

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This match was kind of boring because Steiner used the brace the whole match and thats about it. Rick mailed it in and didn’t really give a shit at all. Goldberg looked good and his strength was impressive. I loved the double bird and ball taunt from Steiner. Dude is tough enough to whoop the shit out of most people in the crowd so he can do whatever the hell he wants. Also, that clothesline at the start of the match was just brutal as hell. It looked like it knocked Steiner for a loop for a moment or two afterwards. Anyways, this wasn’t a horrible match but nothing special either. I’d check it out if you are a fan of Goldberg.
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They show highlights of the feud between Randy Savage and Dennis Rodman.
Match 8: Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Dennis Rodman
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Before the match Rodman gets on the mic and says that Savage brought his ass all the way out to Sturgis to kick his ass. Rodman wants to know where his bitch is. Savage calls for the mic and says that tonight Rodman is his bitch. Savage then says that he invites all of the fans to fight for sloppy seconds. Rodman then gets on the mic again and tells Savage that he does his shit on the outside so he needs to get out there. This is already awesome.
Rodman gets in the ring and nails Savage in back with the microphone. Rodman then takes Savage and rams him shoulder first into the ring post. Rodman rams Savage into the guard rail as well. Rodman getting the advantage early. I am sure Savage walked him through this match a 100 times before they actually came out and done it. Rodman gets Savage back in the ring and whips Savage into the corner and then drops him with a back elbow. Rodman is walking around the ring as if this is nothing.
Rodman then drops Savage with a short arm clothesline that floors Savage. Rodman then drops Savage with a really nice looking Russian leg sweep. Rodman goes for the cover and gets a 2 count. Rodman then pushes around the ref and is about to drop him and eventually does with a short arm clothesline and then he drops an elbow onto Billy Silverman. Rodman then kicks the ref out of the ring to the floor as Mickey Jay comes out to officiate. Rodman goes after Savage but Savage ends up grabbing the ear ring on the nose of Rodman.
Savage is choking out Rodman on the mat and then picks up him and chokes him over the top rope. Savage picks up Rodman and drops him over the top rope and chokes him out. Savage goes to the outside and decks the editor of the WCW Magazine. Savage then takes the camera and nails Rodman in the back of the head with it. Savage goes for a cover and gets a 2 count and this time Savage gets pissed at the ref and he drops Mickey Jay with a right hand. Savage follows that up by throwing Mickey to the floor. Scott Dickenson ends up coming out and Savage drops him and sends him to the outside.
Savage charges at Rodman but Rodman ends up back dropping Savage up and over to the outside. Rodman goes out after him but Savage ends up raking his eyes to get the advantage. Savage then throws Rodman over the guard rail and then drops him with an ax handle. Savage drags Rodman up the entrance ramp and takes him to the backstage area. Rodman ends up tossing Savage over his head and sends him down the ramp way. Savage then pushes Rodman over the guard rail and into some trash bags. Savage then picks up Rodman and throws Rodman into a port a potty. Savage then locks the door and tips the damn thing over. Rodman is now covered in shit.
The fans are hot and chanting bullshit because the fans can’t see whats going on. Savage nails Rodman int he back of the head with an ax handle and it sends Rodman down the entrance ramp. They finally get back in the ring and turn this thing into a wrestling match I guess. Rodman ends up climbing to the top rope and goes for a clothesline but Savage ducks and Rodman hits the 4th referee.
Gorgeous George ends up coming out from the back. She is looking hot as hell. She hands Savage the chain and Savage wraps it around his hand. Rodman gets up to his feet and George ends up hitting him with a low blow. This crowd started a show your tits chant to George and I don’t blame them. Savage ends up nailing Rodman with his loaded right hand and gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by way of pinfall….Randy Savage!
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Surprisingly Rodman held his own and looked pretty good at the start. He got winded pretty early and Savage took over from that point. Savage looked lazy and didn’t do much here but chokes and not much else. My guess is they were told they couldn’t do to many high stakes bumps and they didn’t want Rodman to get injured. That makes sense but this match was pretty fun and they worked great together. It’s no classic by any means but it was entertaining enough for me. I’d recommend checking it out.
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They show highlights of the feud between Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash.
Match 9: Retirement Match/WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Kevin Nash
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Michael Buffer is in the house as he comes out and does the introductions of Hogan and Nash. Hogan comes out and rips off his shirt early on and does his posing with pyro shooting off behind him. That looked pretty damn awesome.

Nash keeps the head lock on until Hogan picks him up and drops him with a belly to back suplex. Nash calls for a test of strength and Hogan stalls for a bit but eventually locks up. Nash ends up getting the advantage early and Nash is taunting him right in his face. They are doing absolutely nothing and the fans are eating it up. Man it must have been cake to be Hogan. Do jack shit for 15 minutes and have the crowd in the palm of your hand. Anyways, Hogan gets back to his feet and Nash drops him with a knee to the gut to drop him again.
Nash then drives in the forearms and right hands on Hogan in the corner. Nash gets Hogan in another corner and he continues to drive the knees into the midsection of Hogan. Nash then uses his long ass leg and chokes out Hogan with it. Nash hits Hogan with two back elbows and then he sizes up a third one and tells Hogan to suck it but when he goes in for the elbow Hogan moves out of the way and Nash goes crashing into the turnbuckle. Hogan then lays in the right hands and on the 5th one he winds it up and nails Nash with it. Hogan then climbs to the middle rope and lays in the right hands again for a 10 count.
Nash ends up poking Hogan in the eye to stop his momentum. Nash then pushes Hogan into the ropes and then lays in a stiff forearm to the back. Back to the corner we go and back to the choke with the boot again. Same shit as before and Nash is barely doing shit here. Walking super slow and just making this 12 minute match feel like 20. Nash drops Hogan with a side slam for a 2 count. Nash then throws Hogan to the outside and then goes out after him. Nash rams Hogan head first into the stage post.
Nash gets Hogan back into the ring and he ends up dropping his weight on the back of Hogan, who is laying on the middle rope. Nash sizes up Hogan and tells him to suck it again and drops him with his back elbow. Nash then drops Hogan with a big boot. Nash then picks up Hogan and drops him with the power bomb for a 2 count. Hogan kicks out and starts Hulking up. Hogan is also busted open. Hogan blocks a right hand and lays in 3 right hands of his own. Whips Nash into the ropes and drops him with a big boot and then a big leg drop for the 1-2-3. Your winner and still WCW World Heavyweight Champion….Hulk Hogan!
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This was your typical Hulk Hogan match which was a nice change of pace compared to his Hollywood Hogan days. Nash was working slow and in no real hurry and thats probably because they both knew they couldn’t put on a classic here so they stalled to make the match feel longer than it really was. Hogan being Hogan was pretty sweet and I enjoyed it but the match itself is nothing to write home about. It sent the crowd to wherever the hell they were going happy and thats all you can ask for in a main event. I enjoy both guys so I may be a little biased but it wasn’t all that bad and is nothing different than a Hogan house show title defense from the late 80s early 90s. I’d give the match a chance because you may enjoy it but you may not. Thats the beauty of wrestling.
Show Recap:
So there you have it as far as Road Wild 1999 is concerned. When I go into a review I usually check out a card and see how long the matches are and who is involved. It’s impossible to know every match on every card so you have to do a little bit of research ahead of time. When looking at this card I figured there would be a few decent matches and hopefully some surprises. Needless to say there weren’t many decent matches and there were really no good surprises.
The opening match went a little to long for my liking and having ICP involved was an immediate turn off and made me now care about the match at all. Rey, Eddie, and Kidman looked good and ICP didn’t look to bad but I was just never a fan of them and didn’t really care to see them on my TV. Vampiro looked solid and showed a lot of promise with a little more seasoning. This wasn’t a bad way to start the show but it wasn’t very good either.
The second match saw the newly reformed Harlem Heat go against the Jersey Triad for the Tag Team Titles. Booker T looked head and shoulders better than everyone else involved in the match and thats no surprise there. Booker was better than everyone involved and its a shame he got held down as long as he did. This match was all right but Bam Bam just looked rough and Stevie Ray kind of sucked as well. To bad we couldn’t get a Booker vs. Kanyon match because that would have been a lot better than this.
The third match was sloppy as hell and it just looked like the Rednecks just didn’t give a shit. Hennig was missing spots and Windham just looked like he didn’t care. Revolution was ready to move up the card but they just couldn’t get past that concrete ceiling they were trapped under. No wonder they would be gone in a few short months after this and that was the beginning of the end for this company.
Buff and the Cat was eh as well because Miller maintained control of the match throughout and thats never a good thing. Buff was half way decent and could have had a solid match but the Cat just wasn’t ready and had no business being in the ring to be honest. He would get better by the following year but that isn’t saying much considering how bad he was when he first started in WCW.
After that we got Benoit vs. DDP in a match that I could care less about. I have no desire to watch anything with Benoit. One of the best parts about being a wrestling fan is getting emotionally invested in a story or a character and suspending your belief long enough to get into the match. Well after what Benoit did at the end of his life has prevented me from getting emotionally invested in anything the guy does. He could have 5 star matches up and down his resume and I would never really care to see them because I can’t get past what he did at the end. I may be in the minority but there really is no reason to give this guy the time of day.
After this match we get into the meat and potatoes of the card. Sid going over Sting with one choke slam is still mind boggling but I’m glad they were invested in something and didn’t try to screw it up. This legitimized Sid’s run and thats what you would want to do if that is the guy you are pushing. After that we got shitty Rick Steiner vs. Goldberg. Goldberg looked the part and showed off his strength but Rick just didn’t giver a shit and did the bare minimum, which in this case is using Goldbergs knee brace the whole damn time. What a crap match this was.
Finally, we get to the two main event matches with Savage and Rodman going first. Rodman held his own and put on a solid match here with Savage. Rodman controlled the first 4-5 minutes with some nice offensive maneuvers but he couldn’t really maintain it because of the stamina factor. When Savage took over the match started to drag and thats weird considering it was Savage. Anyways, Rodman didn’t embarrass himself and this was a pretty entertaining match thats worth checking out at least once. After that we got the Hogan vs. Nash match that was a typical Hogan match as Hulkamania. He got dominated and then got hit with the finisher, Hulk up, finish, and you go home. Rinse wash repeat. I enjoyed it though because the crowd was pretty hot for it and seeing Hogan in the red and yellow after 3+ years of being in the nWo was a nice change of pace. Nash did his part and looked good doing it. All in all a good way to send the crowd home.
So, that does it for this one. WCW in 1999 is always dicey but this show turned out to be okay. It’s not the greatest night of action but it’s not all bad either. There are 3-4 matches you can find on the card that are entertaining and worth checking out. That’s not what you want out of a pay per view but going back and watching you can’t ask for much more when it comes to WCW.
With this show now in the books we are going to turn our attention to SummerSlam 1990 next. I already posted the Saturday Night’s Main Event from July of 1990 and also the USA Special “SummerSlam Fever” from 1990. So all that’s left is the SummerSlam event itself and that is where we are going next time. I hope you have enjoyed Road Wild and hope you return for my next review. Remember, you can always hit me up on twitter @xstat32x. Until next time, stay safe and I will catch you all later.