The WWE Raw Report 2/24/14 (The Hulkster, The Undertaker, Lesnar, and more!)


Raw Pre-Show Notes

Just some quick notes about the new Raw Pre-Show on the Network before we get going.

– There was a hosting panel with Ric Flair working as the special guest panelist, along with Booker T, Alex Riley and Josh Matthews.

– I liked the cuts to the ring during the Kofi Kingston vs. Damien Sandow going on as part of the Superstars taping. The whole live feel and the stuff going on in the background really made it feel like a hype show.

– There was a play up to the whole “where does the Shield go now” since they lost to the Wyatts. Apparently that one loss means they should pack it in… lol… Flair puts over Reigns as ready to break out.

– They announce Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio in a rematch from the Chamber for tonight’s Raw.

– Is Brock Lesnar here? You bet he is! Lesnar vs. Big Show highlights from the Rumble air.

– There’s clearly another match going on in the ring involving Goldust, possibly Cody Rhodes, and I believe Los Matadores. Not sure if it’s an 8-man or what’s going on. I guess they’re saving this one for Superstars as there’s no cuts to the ring for this one.

– Backstage there’s an argument going on between Sheamus & Christian. Brad Maddox walks in and makes a match between the two for tonight!

– This Saturday, the Network premiere of Stone Cold Steve Austin on Beyond the Ring (a Network feature)

– Lots of “go home” talk for Raw tonight as we can hear the commentator’s themes being played as JBL, Cole, and Lawler head to the ring.

Pretty cool pre-show for week one. Good for WWE.

WWE Monday Night RAW Report for 2/24/14 from the Resch Center in Green Bay, WI

– No fooling around this week, we kick things off with the Hulkster! HULK HOGAN MAKES HIS WAY TO THE RING with “Real American” blasting!!!

Hulk kicks off with “Well Let Me Tell You Something Brother”! Hogan namedrops the city for a cheap pop and says tonight marks a turning point in his career as he is HOME, brothers! Hulk talks about the first ever WrestleMania, and the WWE Network. He moves on to announce that he will be the official host of WrestleMania XXX. “Whatcha Gonna Do Brother????”.

Wow, that was short… and fast… and really accomplished nothing for Hogan other than putting over the Network. It was basically like a 5 minute commercial for the WWE Network.

Michael Cole, JBL & Lawler shamelessly plug the Network even more as Real American continues in the background. That was a hell of an uneventful return. How do you blow a Hulk Hogan return? Only the WWE…

It’s announced that Daniel Bryan will take on Kane tonight…. Joy…

-Commercial Break-

1. Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio. Rematch from the Chamber PPV. Rumors today that Tister is going heel. I really don’t see what other option they have. Him and Orton are going to be booed out of the building at Mania. Can’t help but think that most of this resentment is based solely around the way WWE booked the Rumble match. Lots of boos from the fans tonight and Batista acknowledges it. The “Boo-Tista” chants return again tonight. Fans pop for Del Rio and chant “Si” for every shot he gives Tister. Boos every time Batista gets offense. Quite funny, I don’t think Vince knows what to do with the fans finally taking charge of what they want to see. Tister tosses Del Rio out of the ring but Alberto rams Batista shoulder first into the steps as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Del Rio continues to work on the arm of Batista. Both men go down for a double count spot. They get up and trade blows, cheers for Alberto, boos for Boo-Tista. Batista hits a powerslam for a 2. Del Rio goes back to the arm with a single arm DDT and sets up for the superkick on batista’s knees, but HE MISSES… ON ACCIDENT!!!!! I think.  Del Rio misses the kick and covers it up, but Batista comes back with a Spinebuster… RANDY ORTON’S MUSIC HITS, Orton steps out for a distraction and Del Rio rolls him up for the 3 count on 9:30.

After the match, Orton cuts a promo on Batista and mocks how the fans have booed him since his return. Batista acknowledges it and says he boos the fans back, it’s called “being real”. Batista says he is REAL, and not a kiss-ass like Orton. Batista says he will be champion at WrestleMania… And there’s the Tister heel turn.

Add a surprise CM Punk return to this match and make it a 3 Way at Mania, and you might actually salvage the title match for the PPV… I know that’s not likely, and there’s all sort of dynamics involved for that to ever happen, but it’s just wishful thinking.

-Commercial Break-

– This is episode 1,083 of Raw.

2. IC Champion – Big E vs. Cesaro (w/Zeb Colter & Jack Swagger). Some feeling out to begin between two guys who know the definition of raw strength. Big E with a nice belly to belly to take over. Cesaro fights back but Big E catches Cesaro coming off the middle rope and hits a trio of backbreakers. Big E tries a leapfrog and Cesaro TURNS IT INTO A TILT-A-WHIRL BACKBREAKER IN MID-AIR!!! Freakish strength by Cesaro, and freakish agility by a man Big E’s size. Commercial break time.

Back from break, Big E breaks free from a submission hold and nails a big PRESS SLAM!!! Big E charges Cesaro in the corner but Cesaro moves and Big E’s shoulder hits the post… LITERALLY… Nasty smack against the post. That’ll leave a deep bruise for tomorrow. Cesaro with some nasty European uppercuts for 2. Chinlock time… Big E breaks free and tries a tilt-a-whirl powerslam, but Cesaro slides behind and lands a powerslam of his own. Another chinlock by Cesaro, and then a sleeper. Big E escaped by flipping Cesaro forward. Big E with another belly to belly and the big splash for 2.

Cesaro takes over, launches Big E into the air and down into a big European Uppercut for a near fall… Cesaro rushes Big E in the corner and E hits some type of clothesline or spike slam and puts Cesaro on the back of his head!!!! Cesaro kicks out, “We the People” chants. Cesaro is over…

Swagger tries to interfere but Big E takes him out. Cesaro with the Giant Swing on Big E for 10 revolutions…. Jack Swagger randomly gets in the ring and puts Big E in the Ankle Lock to get Cesaro DQ’d after 16:00….

Colter & Cesaro have words with Swagger after the match, Big E attacks Swagger, Cesaro cuts him off and hits the Neutralizer on Big E. Surely they’ll given Cesaro someone better than Swagger to work with at Mania…

– Pictures from last night’s Chamber match showing the Wyatts screw John Cena out of his WrestleMania dream. Cena will address the Wyatts…. NEXT!

-Commercial Break-

– John Cena out, and even though he was screwed out of the WWE Title and main eventing WrestleMania, he FIRST namedrops Hulk Hogan. Cena admits that he’s been offering an open challenge to the new superstars to go through him to prove they are the future. Well… That’s what the Wyatts did, isn’t it? Cena says the future of the business will run through him.

Cena calls out Bray Wyatt, and here comes the Wyatt Family. Bray stops in the middle of the aisle and takes a seat in his rocking chair. Bray can’t agree more that the future should come through Cena first. Wyatt properly introduces himself to Cena. Cena introduces himself back to a 50/50 reaction from the crowd. Cena tells the Wyatts that if even one of them get in the ring, they’re starting something that WILL be finished.

The Wyatts surround the ring, and attack Cena. John tries to fight them off, but they beat hom down. The Wyatts step back and allow Cena to his feet as they slowly start to walk away…. The Wyatt Family return to the ring and drop Cena a second time, posing over Cena’s body as the segment ends.

-Commercial Break-

– They play up a Cena leg injury and he’s stretchered out of the arena. The announcers talk like Cena’s career could be over…

3. Christian vs. Sheamus. Simple little things like the scuffle in the pre-show go a long way to make a match have some meaning… Christian did pin Sheamus in the Chamber last night, so there’s that as well… There’s also some discussion of issues they had on Smackdown, but I don’t review that, lol… Christian has this new “I don’t give a crap” attitude and he slaps Sheamus silly. The Celtic Warrior returns the assault and takes over offense. Sheamus dominates the next couple of minutes, Christian comes back with a dropkick from the middle rope. Sheamus reverses and sends Christian to the floor then hits Christian with a flying shoulder block off the apron as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Christian takes over as he knocks Sheamus off the top rope. Christian with a reverse bear hug. Crowd chants boring not. Christian picks up the pace with an…..abdominal stretch…. Sheamus to the apron, Christian charges but takes a kneelift and the 10 clubs across the chest from Sheamus. Sheamus tries a Cloverleaf, Christian escapes and goes to the middle rope but Sheamus yanks him off and applies the Cloverleaf. Christian gets to the ropes for a break.

Sheamus chases Christian around ringside and back in the ring, Christian takes over. Christian tries for a Killswitch, but Sheamus goes for White Noise, Chrstian counters with a sunset flip for a realllly close count. Both men are down… Sheamus up first, sets up for the Brogue Kick, but misses. Christian kicks Sheamus in the face and comes off the middle rope RIGHT INTO A BROGUE KICK… OUCH!!!! Sheamus lands the Brogue and Christian is done. Sheamus wins in 15:30.

“Update on John Cena”… He has a lot of “Swelling” in his knee.

– Earlier tonight. Renee Young interviews HHH & Stephanie when Daniel Bryan interrupts. Bryan challenges HHH to a match at WrestleMania because HHH keeps screwing him over. HHH says he only wrestles A+ players at Mania, and he’ll TRY and find Bryan a spot on the Mania card…

-Commercial Break-

– February is Black History month, and this week’s special feature video is on Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson. They play up their time as WWF tag team champions, which wasn’t long, but it was a good way to squeeze them both into the feature.

– The Shield promo backstage. Rollins wants to know where Ambrose disappeared to last night during the 6-man match. Ambrose is sick of explaining himself. Dean walks off and Rollins questions Ambrose’s story with Roman Reigns. The Wyatt Family shows up. Roman Reigns challenges Bray Wyatt to a one-on-one match. Bray accepts…

– Cut to the Pre-Show panel with Josh Matthews, Booker T & Flair. Alex Riley is missing… They discuss Raw so far and what’s to come. Flair is terrible at this and doesn’t seem to know half the wrestlers’ names.

– Daniel Bryan on his way to the ring….

-Commercial Break-

4. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane. Kane in the dress pants, wife beater and black elbow pads. There’s a good look. I guess we’re beyond the whole “Kane can’t touch wrestlers” crap. Kane goes after Bryan’s injured shoulder, but Daniel fights back with YES kicks in the corner. Bryan goes after Kane’s leg. Daniel Bryan vs. HHH is trending and they make sure to note it… As if Kane isn’t immobile enough these days, Bryan takes his leg out and locks him in a half crab. Kane grabs the ropes for a break and takes back over on Bryan’s shoulder. Bryan finally is able to knock Kane out of the ring, but takes a punch when he tries a suicide dive. Kane drags Bryan to the floor and rams his shoulder into the steps as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Kane still has control, but Bryan comes back with the YES kicks. Kane counters with a side slam for 2. Kane goes to the top rope, but Bryan with a HURACAN RANA OFF THE TOP ROPE ON KANE… Of course, Kane takes it in slow motion so it isn’t all that great…

Kane takes a crappy bump over the top rope and Bryan hits a suicide dive. Bryan rams Kane into the barricade and back inside lands the top rope dropkick. Kick to the side of Kane’s head for 2. Bryan is good and all, but Kane should not be in any matches that last 15 minutes plus…

Bryan off the top but KANE CATCHES HIM WITH A CHOKESLAM!!! Bryan kicks out at the last minute…. YES! Chants… Kane goes to pick Bryan up, but Bryan counters into a YES Lock, but no, Kane counters again with a choke, No wait… Bryan tries again,,, Both break free of each other, Bryan avoids a clothesline and plants Kane with the RUNNING KNEE and the win in 15:30….

– Following the match, Bryan gets on the mic and calls HHH a coward. Bryan says HHH hid behind Stephanie’s skirt when he challenged him at Mania earlier. Bryan says HHH ignores the fans and what they want, Bryan tells the fans to let HHH know what they want. The fans chant YES! as Bryan begs for a match with HHH at WrestleMania…

-Commercial Break-

– We learn that Batista and the WWE Title match at Mania are so important, that Batista will cut a promo on SMACKDOWN to tell the fans how he really feels about them.

– Alexander Rusev & Lana Promo

 5. Summer Rae (w/Fandango) vs. Emma (w/Santino). Sorry Emma, this gimmick isn’t working on the grander scale. It’s fun for a cult indy show like NXT. Emma dances for Summer and gets shoved down. Emma shoves back and the two girls take the fight to the mat. Summer dances over Emma. Emma with some decent quick moves, but Summer kicks her face off for 2… Summer works a variation of the Cobra clutch on Emma, and the crowd actually chants for Emma. Emma escapes and applies the Emma Lock (Bridging Muta submission spot). Summer taps out in 3:30.

– Hey, did you know Hulk Hogan is back??? After that opening segment I wasn’t sure either… I thought maybe it was just a live advertisement like they used to do in the 1950’s.

Usos vs. Outlaws rematch next… How the hell are they fitting all this with 40 minutes left? Two matches, AND a Lesnar/Taker angle? I’m starting to think Taker is coming back as Raw goes off the air… Force everyone to turn to the Network to watch the rest. Sneaky bastards…

-Commercial Break-

6. WWE Tag Champions The New Age Outlaws vs. The Usos. I don’t get what this Outlaws thing is leading to, or is supposed to accomplish. It was a fun novelty, but it’s starting to drag now… Usos deserve the belts IMO, they’ve been a better team than most over the past decade…

The bell sounds and Road Dogg gets on the mic to do his shtick, he asks the Usos to leave… and they do… As Road Dogg finishes up he eats a superkick and Billy Gunn is sent to the floor… Jey Uso with a suicide dive and barely hits it on Gunn… Jimmy Uso off the top rope with a big splash and pins Road Dogg in maybe 1:00… The Usos beat the tag team champions…

– Roman Reigns on his way out for his match with Bray Wyatt…

-Commercial Break-

With that last match going a minute, they may cram everything onto this show after all.

We learn that John Cena has been taken to a medical facility to check out his knee.

7. Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns. This is out main event match of the night, as our final segment will likely be something to do with Lesnar and Taker. Just as Roman asked, neither man has anyone at ringside, this is supposed to be one on one. Both guys are coming right at each other, Bray does bail at one point but he’s right back in. Stiff boot by Bray to the face of Reigns, and a stiff clothesline follows… Bray works over Reigns, until Roman reverses a toss in the corner and tosses Bray to the floor. Roman with a stiff clothesline on the floor to Wyatt. Commercial time…

Back from break, it’s more back and forth. The crowd is kind of blah at this point in the show, not that this match is doing any favors. Actually, this entire final hour has been lackluster with Kane, Emma, the one minute tag team match, and now these guys wrestling methodically… “UNDERTAKER” chant. Wyatt hits a splash in the corner, these guys are moving SLOW. Reigns fights back and lands the SUPERMAN PUNCH and a clothesline in the corner. Reigns goes for the dropkick onto the apron, it connects but looks like it missed if you get what I mean. Back inside Roman lays out Bray for sets up for the spear when the LIGHTS GO OUT….

Rowan & Harper at ringside!!! BUT ROLLINS IS RIGHT THERE!! Rollins with an insane somersault plancha onto Rowan & Harper!!!  He got some hang time with that…. Rowan & Harper double team Rollins when Ambrose shows up to even the odds. Reigns with ANOTHER SUPERMAN PUNCH and sets up for the spear. Ambrose jumps in the ring and attacks Wyatt to cause a DQ… Didn’t we see this EXACT SAME FINISH in the Cesaro vs. Big E match???

Ambrose causes the DQ as he attacks Bray just as Roman sets up for the spear. Wyatt wins by DQ in 15:30… All six men have a fight and the Shield clear the ring of the Wyatts….

– Backstage promo with Paul Heyman & Brock Lesnar… Heyman pleads with Brock not to tear anything up or destroy anyone…

-Commercial Break-

– HERE WE GO!!!! It’s time… Brock Lesnar & Heyman make their way out…. We have a table in the ring as Paul explains that Brock should be the #1 contender to the WWE Title. Paul runs down all of Lesnar’s accolades. The only thing left is to win the WWE Title at WrestleMania XXX, but HHH & Stephanie won’t give him that opportunity. Heyman has an open contract in his hands. Brock Lesnar wants HISTORY TO CONQUER or he will never wrestle at Mania again!!!

Lights go out… BONG!!! He’s HERE! The UNDERTAKER IS HERE!!!

Taker makes his slow walk towards the ring and up the steps… Lesnar waits anxiously…

“Undertaker” chants. Taker looks up at the Mania sign, and back at Brock. Lesnar says some things and then signs the open contract. They want Taker to sign the contract. Taker stabs Lesnar’s hand on the table with the pen, apparently signing the contract “through” Brock’s hand. Taker removes his hood, and CHOKESLAMS LESNAR THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!!

Taker looks back up at the Mania sign and dims the light. Challenge Accepted!!!


Stay with me for the RAW POST GAME SHOW…

WWE Raw “Backstage Pass”

I don’t know that I’ll be doing this every week, but this being the first, here goes…

We pick up where Raw left off, with Taker standing on the ramp as Heyman checks on Brock. Then we go to the panelists, and wudda ya know, Alex Riley is back!

– Renee Young is waiting backstage for an interview with Brock. We’re also going to have an interview with Hulk Hogan.

– We’re shown ringside footage of Lesnar being attended to in the ring after being laid out by Taker.

– Byron Saxton with backstage interviews with Dolph Ziggler & Xavier Woods. They discuss Hogan & Undertaker. Ziggler is sporting a Hulkamania shirt. This was a whole bunch of nothing.

– Lenar is finally walking to the back as his theme plays. The Undertaker is trending #1 on twitter, worldwide…

– They cover the John Cena knee injury from earlier tonight. They talk with a WWE doctor backstage.

– Renee Young interviews Hulk Hogan! Hulk still sorting the shades indoors. This was obviously pre-taped just after his appearance at the beginning of the show. Hogan puts over hosting Mania XXX. All that hype for a minute long promo.

– Exclusive Interview with Kane next. Again, obviously pre-taped immediately after the Kane/Bryan match. Kane says he has no reaction to the match and walks away. Well that ate up a good 5 seconds….

– Renee Young live with Brock Lesnar… Renee asks for an interview, but Brock & Heyman just walk past her… Again, post show is NOT delivering…

Backstage Pass ends at the bottom of the hour, 11:30 eastern…  That’s all folks…



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