WWE Monday Night RAW Report for 2/17/14 from The Pepsi Center in Denver, CO

– We kick things off with John Cena in the ring. John talks about the Elimination Chamber match and the winner of the match going on to defend the belt at WrestleMania against Batista. Cena runs down Orton, namedrops Daniel Bryan for a cheap pop, and says that the odds are Orton will lose the match at the Chamber PPV.

Cue “The Real Americans” music. It’s Zeb Colter & Cesaro. Cesaro reminds Cena that he also defeated Orton last week (on SD). Cesaro plans to be the new face of the company after the Chamber. Cena says Cesaro isn’t on a winning streak, but rather Orton is on a losing streak. Cena reiterates that he will win.

Cue Sheamus. Now Sheamus does his spiel about how HE’s going to be the winner of the Chamber, and he has a Brogue Kick he’s saving for Orton later tonight in their match.

Cue Christian to the ring. Christian mentions Sheamus doing the job to the Shield on last week’s Smackdown. Christian vows to win the Chamber.

Cue Randy Orton. Randy slowly walks to ringside and individually runs down each of the 4 competitors in the ring. Orton slowly joins the rest in the ring as he mentions how he’s the face of the company.

And that leaves…. Cue Daniel Bryan! “YES!” chants everywhere. Bryan says he’s worked too hard to get here, and there won’t be chants of anyone’s catchphrase except one… “YES”

Cue KANE. Large chants of “You Sold Out” directed at Kane. Kane announces that he’s in charge tonight to rectify mistakes he’s made in the past. Kane reminds us of the Orton vs. Sheamus match. He also announces Cesaro vs. Cena, and Christian vs. Daniel Bryan, which is going to take place…. RIGHT NOW!!!

Kane will remain at ringside for the Bryan vs. Christian match.

Christian ambushes Bryan from behind and tosses him outside. Christian works as a heel as he rams Bryan into the safety barricade and steel steps, AND THE MATCH HASN’T EVEN STARTED!! The King reminds us we don’t even have a referee yet!

This match will begin, when we return!!!

-Commercial Break-

1. Daniel Bryan vs. Christian. We’re back with Bryan selling his shoulder from being tossed into the steps. Is it a coincidence that Christian’s shirt has a big blue dot in the center of it? Daniel still manages to take Christian to the floor and try a suicide dive, but Christian clocks him upside the head before he can make the dive. Back in the ring Christian works the arm while the fans chant for Bryan. Christian continues to play up as heel, mocking the YES chant. I know Christian fans aren;t going to like what I have to say, but his ship has sailed. It’s going to take a LOT of work to get him back into a meaningful spot, and Vince obviously has no interest in doing that. It may be time they work Christian into a tag team situation to groom someone.  Christian exclaims “I SHOULD BE THE CHAMP!” It’s obvious he has randomly turned heel since last week. Bryan knocks Christian outside and lands a suicide dive as me go into break.

Back from break, YES! kicks by Bryan, dropkick in the corner to Christian, but Christian gets a foot up on a second attempt and hits Bryan with a back elbow from the middle rope. Christian toys with Bryan and Daniel tries for the Crossface. Christian escapes and goes for the Killswitch, but Bryan counters with an O’Connor Roll Up for the win in 11:00.

Kane cuts off the celebration early and announces that Bryan has ONE MORE MATCH… Against KANE!!!!

Kane takes his suit coat off and attacks Bryan’s arm. We’ve got Bryan laying AGAIN as we go into commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

2. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane. As we return, we learn the match was started during the break. Kane is sporting a wife beater as he dismantles Bryan’s shoulder. It’s a pretty rowdy crowd tonight, lots of chants, but they seem to be from the mark persuasion. “Boring” chants for Kane. Bryan retaliates with a MISSILE DROPKICK!!! The YES kicks follow, but Kane blocks the kick to the head by grabbing a choke hold and tossing Daniel outside the ring. Kane continues to try and dislocate the shoulder of Bryan. Kane wraps Bryan’s arm around the post and refuses to release, getting disqualified after 6 minutes.

Kane continues to destroy the arm of Bryan after the match, like a good lapdog. Kane smiles and admits he knows he was DQ’ed. It was obvious based on storylines that The Authority put Kane up to taking Bryan out of the Chamber match, or at least handicapping him.

– A Shield Interview follows. Ambrose talks about the “beating” he gave Mark Henry last week. Reigns calls Ambrose out on it. Roman will have his opportunity against Mark Henry tonight! The Shield discuss their match with the Wyatts on Sunday. They don’t fear the Wyatts, or their mind games. Believe in the Shield!

– Chamber promo

-Commercial Break-

– Michael Cole claims the launch of the Network is now next Monday at 9am… Wasn’t it supposed to be after Raw?

– We see highlights of Emma working her gimmick in NXT. No question, the girl is over down there, but her gimmick isn’t going to fly in the “E”.

3. Santino Marella (w/Emma) vs. Fandango (w/Summer Rae). Santino with some comedy to begin. Fasndango takes over. More Santino comedy. The Cobra comes out. Summer Rae takes an airplane spin from Emma. Emma becomes dizzy and her and Santino make google eyes at each other. Just as Santino & Emma are about to kiss on the floor, Fandango hits a baseball slide on Marella, and a nice corkscrew Falcon Arrow for the win in 2:30. It’s all Emma’s fault!

– Renee Young with Mark Henry. They discuss last week and the 3 on 1 situation. Renee asks Henry how he will fare this week against Roman Reigns with all 3 Shield at ringside. Henry isn’t happy with the situation, but he’ll do what he do, cuz that’s what he do.

-Commercial Break-

– It’s President’s Day here in the U.S., so we’re treated to a Theodore Roosevelt quote.

 4. Mark Henry vs. Roman Reigns (w/Ambrose & Rollins). Roman starts off on the offense, but takes a big boot and avalanche from Henry. Reigns with an impressive Samoan Drop, the Superman Punch, and a SPEAR for the win. Wow… That was essentially a SQUASH. 2:30 Reigns gets the win.

Ambrose assaults Henry after the match. Mr. Tough Guy. Reigns can only laugh at Dean’s cowardly antics.

The lights go out, and there’s a Wyatt Family promo up on the big screen. When Bray’s finished, Roman Reigns challenges the Wyatts to come out and say it to their face. Bray obliges, and HERE COMES THE WYATT FAMILY!!!

The Shield stand in the ring as the Wyatts get up on the apron. Unlike last week, this time the Wyatts DO get in the ring!!! The Shield step up to the Wyatts, and Bray and his boys again back off and leave the ring.

I think one brawl would be a good teaser for the PPV match, having the Wyatts walk away every time is sort of “blah” for me. With this being the last major TV before the PPV, this would’ve been a good time for a brawl. Then again, we’ve still got the Wyatts in 6-man action later…

-Commercial Break-

– Elimination Chamber Kickoff will be Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel.

– Shameless plug for some sort of WWE Lego Building Set involving Cody & Goldust. Complete comedy segment. Bad News Barrett comes in and destroys their Build-Up set. Rather than getting mad or acting like wrestlers, the Rhodes brothers just go back to rebuilding their Smackdown set.

 5. Jack Swagger  (w/Zeb Colter) vs. Kofi Kingston. Swagger won the rights to be #1 contender to the IC Title. Swagger has his title shot at the Chamber against champion Big E. Looks like we completely forget about Kofi’s recent wins over Orton as he plays the part of jobber here. Swagger controls the majority of the match. kofi gets a missile dropkick and springboard spot to start a comeback. An odd move with Swagger hunched over and Kofi off the middle rope with a splash into the back of the standing Swagger. Kingston blocks Swagger and nails the SOS, but Jack gets his foot on the rope at the last second!!! Good spot there… Kofi with a HIGH Cross Body for 2. Shortly after, Swagger locks in the Patriot lock and pulls Kofi back to the center of the ring for the tap out win in 4:30.

WTF is this? Oh wait, I guess that’s Big E’s theme music. Big E is coming to the ring for his match… Only 5 seconds after Swagger wins? Swagger & Colter are going to hang around for the former Langston’s match, which will be next!

-Commercial Break-

 6. IC Champion Big E vs. Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre. Non-Title, Colter is on the house microphone, but even he can’t save this segment. I thought this was Big E vs. Mahal, but McIntyre is heavily involved in the match. The Artist Formerly Known as Langston handles the 2/3 of 3MB with fair ease as he hits some nice power moves on both. Clusterf*ck going on, The heels blowing some tandem bumping spots. Big E hits the BIG ENDING on both men, but not at the same time, that might have actually been cool. Big E gets the pin in 3:30.

Following the match, Big E tries to cut a promo, but he is BLOWN UP. The champ tells Zeb that after Sunday, he’ll need a diaper because his mouth won’t be the only thing that’s “full of crap”.

– Alexander Rusev & Lana Promo. She speaks English, he speaks Bulgarian. The big guy is coming soon!

-Commercial Break-

– Black History Month continues with a look at Ron Simmons! Lance Russell makes it to WWE TV!!! DAMN!

– A Promo on the Elimination Chamber match airs to put over how dangerous it can be.

– Rene Young interviews John Cena about his match with Cesaro. John says the WWE is filled with promising young superstars, while  Orton WWE clings to the title. Cena says for any of these men to be the face of the company, they’ll need to go through John first. Tonight, Cesaro has that chance!

Cena heads to the ring for action as we take a break!

-Commercial Break-

We catch a clip of Cesaro pinning WWE Champion Randy Orton from SD! Let’s see if Cena takes that momentum away from him tonight. AND now they’re promoting Stone Cold’s podcasts, too…

7. John Cena vs. Antonio Cesaro (w/Zeb & Swagger). These guys get going with some back and forth action. Cesaro looking impressive with some nice strength moves including a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker in the first half of the match. Cesar gets Cena on his shoulder but John escapes and drops Cesaro’s throat across the top rope and hits a nice looking neckbreaker for 2… Cena takes a big bump into the corner and Cesaro pitches him to the floor as we go to commercial…

Back from break, Cesaro remains in control. Cena comes back with a Hurrican Rana, but Cesaro comes right back with an awesome looking Fall Away Slam with a bridge for 2!!! Cesaro with a sleeper hold, Cena breaks free but Cesaro right back on top with a solid clothesline! Cesaro with a reverse chin lock, but Cena escapes and lands 2 shoulderblocks. Cena wants a side slam, but Cesaro counters and goes the GIANT SWING! The Crowd Cheers! But Cena counters and tries to turn it into the STF! The Crowd Boos! But Cesaro counters again and lands a all power Gutwrench Suplex for 2! Cena battles back with the slam and Five Knuckle Shuffle, John tries the AA, but Cesaro escapes and nails a NASTY European Uppercut in mid-air… NICE!!!!

Cesaro tries for the GIANT SWING a second time, but Cena pulls himself up and counters with a DDT. Cena goes to the top rope, but Cesaro runs over, jumps up the ropes and pops Cena with a EUORPEAN UPPERCUT that knocks Cena off the top to the floor!!! The crowd counts along as Cena is nearly counted out. Cena gets back on the apron, and Cesaro shows amazing strength as he stands on the middle rope and SUPERPLEXES CENA BACK IN THE RING FROM THE APRON!!!! HOLY SHIT!!! This guy has made himself tonight… The superplex gets a 2 count. Cena comes back with an attempted STF, but Cesaro counters. Finally, third times the charm. CESARO GETS THE GIANT SWING !!! 15 Revolutions on Cena and a cover for 2! “This is Awesome” Chant from the fans, and you know what… It is…

Cesaro tries for the Neutralizer, but Cena counters out and scoops him up in the AA. Cena flings Cesaro forwards, but Cesaro flips onto his feet and runs Cena over!!! But Cena holds on and rolls over on the mat and winds up with Cesaro on his shoulders… Cena stands up and hits the AA for the win in 18:30… Great match!!!

-Commercial Break-

– Randy Orton meets up with HHH. Didn’t Kane say the Authority were taking the night off? Randy & Trips talk about Orton being the face of the WWE. Batista shows up and says that Randy isn’t the face of the WWE, he’s the ASS. Orton walks off as Alberto Del Rio walks in. Del Rio confronts Batista from last week. Del Rio is sporting a neck brace and says he’s going to break Batista’s arms off at the Chamber PPV. Batista shove Alberto into a steel shelf and walks off.

– Renee Young announces Titus O’Neil vs. Darren Young has been added to the Chamber PPV. Well there’s your bathroom match. We catch some highlights of Titus turning on Young, and Darren ripping Titus’ suit off. Titus barks & cuts a promo after the clips. Titus asks Renee to spell champion… She spells it C-H-A—– NO!!! Titus says you spell champion T-I-T-U-S! O’Neil says he;s going to mow over the roadblock that is Young on Sunday, and then everyone will witness the rise of Titus O’Neil!

Los Matradores & El TOrito head to the ring for 6-man action with Sin Cara vs. The Wyatt Family! Next!

-Commercial Break-

8. The Wyatt Family vs. Sin Cara & Los Matadores. One of Los Matadores has a few nice spots to open the match, but the Wyatt Family just dominates and mauls their competition. The Matador finally gets a hot tag after landing an enzuigiri on Harper. Hot tag to Cara who looks good against the Wyatts. Torito tries a dive on Rowan, but he catches him. Rowan sits Torito down and takes a double dive from both Matadores. Cara drops Harper and goes for the somersault senton, but Harper moves. Cara rolls to his feet but takes a spinning clothesline from Harper, and Bray finishes it off with Sister Abigail for the win in 5:00.

No Shield? Okay… I guess that’s all…

-Commercial Break-

Back with the New Age Outlaws in the ring.

9. “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn (w/Road Dogg) vs. Jey Uso (w/Jimmy Uso) . Jimmy Uso & Road Dogg on commentary. These two teams have a title match coming up Sunday. Jimmy asks Road Dogg what he refers to when he says “Oh you didn’t know?”… Know WHAT? Road Dogg brings up “With my Baby Tonight” fun banter back and forth between the two on commentary… Not much going on in the ring, Billy misses the Fame-Asser and Jey rolls him up for the win. Jimmy lays Road Dogg out on the floor and one of the Usos hits a dive over the top rope onto both Outlaws. Uso wins in 3:00.

– Byron Saxton interviews Sheamus. He talks about the Chamber, and Orton… I don’t know what it is, but Sheamus’ promos since he’s been back have been pretty bad… Too many Irish metaphors and other goofy things…

-Commercial Break-

10. WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Sheamus . Non-Title. Orton has lost to everyone in the Chamber except Christian… Poor, poor, Christian. If Sheamus can beat Orton here, it’ll be a clean sweeo… again, besides Christian… Lots of cautious stalling by Orton to start, and this is what makes Randy so exciting to watch. Sheamus dominates the first few minutes, but misses a Brogue Kick and winds up on the apron. Orton sends Sheamus into the post to knock him off the apron and we go to the final break.

Back from break, Orton working a headlock. Exciting as usual! Sheamus counters with a back suplex and clotheslines Randy out of the ring. Orton throws Sheamus into the steps, but Sheamus comes back with a flying shoulder tackle from the top rope for 2… Back outside, and Orton hits a back suplex on Sheamus through the announce table! Sheamus barely beats the count back in. Orton with his usual… slooooowwwwww….methodical……sloowwwwwww offense. Garvin stomp, but misses a kneedrop. Orton tries the suspended DDT, but Sheamus countered with forearm clubs to the chest. Sheamus tries for a rolling Samoan drop, but Orton counters with a modified backbreaker. Orton lands the hanging DDT and sets up for the RKO… Sheamus counters and hits THREE Irish Curse backbreakers… It’s time for the Brogue! THE SHIELD ATTACK SHEAMUS… WTF??? Sheamus wins by DQ in 13:00…

The ring fills up with Orton, Sheamus, The Shield, Cena, Bryan, Cesaro, and Christian… THE LIGHTS GO OUT… They come back on and the WYATT FAMILY are facing off with the Shield! The two teams start to brawl!! Now we get the fight! The Elimination Chamber participants joins back in and we’ve got a wild brawl going on between the 12 men as the show ends…

Well, we got The Shield & Wyatts brawl I was looking for, but the ending of the show was abrupt… Came out of nowhere… We’ll see how many buys it gets for the PPV…

Lots of weird things about this show… No ring appearance by Batista, who is being built for the WrestleMania main event… Then there was NO hype for next week’s Raw which was originally intended to hype the Network debut. After reports of Hulk Hogan, the Undertaker, amongst others, making appearances next week, there was no mention, no build, nothing to make next week’s Raw special… I really don’t know what that’s about… They also have now announced that the Network will launch at 9am Eastern next Monday, rather than following Raw. I have no idea what’s going on, but you know if there was going to be a Hogan return, it would be advertised…


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