Fighting Spirit Review: REINA “Syuri Festival” on 10/30/14


Date:  October 30th, 2014
Location: Shinjuku FACE in Tokyo, Japan
Announced Attendance: 400 Fans (Super No Vacancy)

Another new promotion to review for this year, hooray!  REINA was part of WNC, but when WNC merged with WRESTLE-1, REINA split back off again into their own promotion.  They have had many events in 2014, this is just the first one I have been able to track down, more may pop up later.  As this is the Syuri Festival, she has two matches on this event.  Here is the full card:

– One-Sided Two Count Rules:  Kana vs. Koharu Hinata
– Black Jujidan #1 and Black Jujidan #2 vs. SYURI and Ray
– Arisa Nakajima vs. Haruka Kato
– Brahman Shu vs. Brahman Kei vs. Danshoku Dino vs. The Bodyguard
– Leon and Tomoka Nakagawa vs.  Makoto and Maki Narumiya
– Kyoko Kimura and Masaaki Mochizuki vs. Syuri and Shiro Koshinaka

Let’s get straight to the action.

Kana vs. Koharu Hinata

The special rule for this match is that Hinata only needs a two count to win, but Kana still has to get a three count.  Kana offers her hand to start the match but instead hits a snap German suplex.  Roll-up by Hinata but it gets a one count.  Another roll-up gets another a one for Hinata, as does a crucifix hold.  Kana punches Hinata to the mat, cover, but it gets a two count.  Kana picks up Hinata and hits a neckbreaker, cover, but it gets another two.  Running knee to the face by Kana, cover, but Hinata gets a shoulder up.  High kick by Kana but Hinata sneaks in a school boy for a two count.  Waistlock by Hinata but Kana reverses it and applies an armbar.  Hinata is forced to tap out.  Your winner:  Kana

Match Thoughts:  Since I love Kana my natural inclination is to love the match, but obviously there just wasn’t much to it.  I liked the gimmick of the match to try to even the playing field, but the match was still just way too short to really put it over.  Matches under a minute are a hard sell, it was a good idea that just needed a bit more time.  Score:  3.5

Black Jujidan #1 and Black Jujidan #2 vs. SYURI and Ray

Black Jujidan #1 and SYURI start things off.  SYURI avoids Black Jujidan #1’s attacks and kicks her in the stomach, Irish whip by Black Jujidan #1 and she hits a shoulderblock.  SYURI goes off the ropes but she can’t knock Black Jujidan #1 off her feet.  Black Jujidan #1 goes off the ropes, drop toehold by SYURI and she delivers a dropkick.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Kicks by SYURI, Irish whip to the corner, reversed, SYURI kicks Black Jujidan #1 back and she hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors.  Dropkick by SYURI and Black Jujidan #1 tags in Black Jujidan #2.  SYURI tags in Ray, Ray and Black Jujidan #2 tie-up, takedown by Black Jujidan #2 but Ray quickly gets away.  Black Jujidan #2 asks for a handshake and Ray obliges, kick to the stomach by Black Jujidan #2 but Ray hits a hurricanrana.  Ray picks up Black Jujidan #2 while SYURI runs in the ring, double Irish whip to Black Jujidan #2 and they connect with a double dropkick.  SYURI goes off the ropes but Black Jujidan #1 grabs her from the floor.  SYURI is slid back into the ring, and Black Jujidan #2 stomps on her.  Black Jujidan #2 throws SYURI into the corner and chokes her with her boot.  Dropkick by Black Jujidan #2 and she chokes SYURI against the ropes.  Black Jujidan #2 tags in Black Jujidan #1, stomps by Black Jujidan #1 and she hits a scoop slam to SYURI.  Elbow drop by Black Jujidan #1, cover, but it gets a two count.  Black Jujidan #1 picks up SYURI, Irish whip, waistlock by SYURI but Black Jujidan #1 elbows out of it.  Black Jujidan #1 goes off the ropes but SYURI catches her with a backstabber.  SYURI tags in Ray, and Ray hits a missile dropkick.  Space Rolling Elbow by Ray and she hits a lariat on Black Jujidan #1, cover, but it gets a two count.  Ray goes up to the top turnbuckle but Black Jujidan #1 avoids the missile dropkick.  Kick by Black Jujidan #1 and she hits a vertical suplex.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Black Jujidan #1 picks up SYURI and tags in Black Jujidan #2.

Snapmare by Black Jujidan #2 and she stomps on Ray’s face.  Black Jujidan #2 chokes SYURI with wrist tape while applying a sleeper hold, stomp by Black Jujidan #2 and she punches Ray to the mat. Black Jujidan #2 picks up Ray and goes for a slam but Ray lands on her feet.  High kick by Ray but Black Jujidan #1 kicks Ray from the apron.  Black Jujidan #1 holds Ray for Black Jujidan #2, but Ray moves and Black Jujidan #2 hits Black Jujidan #1 by accident.  Tilt-a-whirl DDT by Ray to Black Jujidan #2, and she makes the tag to SYURI.  Dropkick by SYURI to Black Jujidan #2 and Black Jujidan #1, Black Jujidan #1 recovers and they Irish whip SYURI but SYURI hits a double crossbody.  Stomp by SYURI to Black Jujidan #2, she goes off the ropes but Black Jujidan #2 hits a lariat.  Black Jujidan #2 goes off the ropes but SYURI hits a body scissors into a bulldog.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  SYURI goes up to the top turnbuckle but Black Jujidan #1 and Black Jujidan #2’s manager knocks her off the top down to the mat.  Black Jujidan #2 picks up SYURI and hits a Fire Thunder Driver, cover, but Ray breaks it up.  Black Jujidan #1 attacks Ray, and both Black Jujidan #1 and Black Jujidan #2 try to take off their opponent’s masks.  They finally get Black Jujidan #1 and Black Jujidan #2 back after some trickeration, Ray goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a moonsault onto Black Jujidan #1.  SYURI runs in and hits a tilt-a-whirl school boy on Black Jujidan #2, and she picks up the three count.  Your winners:  SYURI and Ray

Match Thoughts:  I have no idea who Black Jujidan #1 and Black Jujidan #2 are, I am just assuming they are women.  I guess the ending meant something to people that follow REINA but to an uneducated viewer it just came across as weird and a silly way to end the match.  Besides that, the action was fine, Ray is really fun to watch and SYURI of course did her fair share.  I would be interested to know who Black Jujidan #1 and Black Jujidan #2 are since they obviously know what they are doing.  Nothing exciting and the ending was bizarre, but not bad.  Score:  5.5

Arisa Nakajima vs. Haruka Kato

Tie-up to start, Kato gets Nakajima into the ropes and clubs her in the chest, but Nakajima returns the favor.  Irish whip by Nakajima and she delivers a dropkick.  Nakajima picks up Kato, snapmare, and she applies a sleeper.  Kato gets out of it, front facelock by Nakajima but Kato slides out of it and gets in the mount.  Nakajima applies the stretch muffler  but Kato gets a hand on the ropes.  Nakajima picks up Kato and throws her into the corner before throwing Kato down by her hair.  Nakajima throws her again and a third time.  Nakajima stands on Kato’s face in the corner, Kato fights back but Nakajima elbows her to the mat.  Nakajima picks up Kato but Kato takes Nakajima down.  Stomp by Nakajima and she hits a scoop slam, but Kato rolls up Nakajima for a two count.  School boy by Kato but she gets another two.  Nakajima kicks Kato in the back and then knees her in the face.  Irish whip by Nakajima and she hits an elbow in the corner.  Irish whip by Nakajima, reversed, reversed again, but Kato grabs Nakajima’s arm and applies an armbar over the top rope.  Kato gets back in the ring but Nakajima avoids her dropkick attempt.  Nakajima kicks Kato in the head, she goes off the ropes but Kato kicks her in the stomach.  Nakajima kicks her back and drops Kato with a DDT.  Sliding kick by Nakajima, cover, but Kato gets a shoulder up.  Nakajima applies a waistlock, Kato elbows out of it but Nakajima elbows Kato.  They trade elbows, Irish whip by Kato but Nakajima elbows Kato.  Nakajima goes for a backdrop suplex but Kato lands on her feet.  Sleeper by Kato and she goes for the cross armbreaker, Kato then applies an armbar but Nakajima gets a foot on the ropes.  Dropkick to the arm by Kato, and she hits two more.  Kato goes off the ropes but Nakajima elbows Kato.  Kick to the head by Nakajima, she picks up Kato and Nakajima hits a backdrop suplex.  Nakajima goes up to the top turnbuckle and she hits a missile dropkick.  Cover, but she gets a two count.  Nakajima picks up Kato and she hits a German Suplex Hold for the three count.  Your winner:   Arisa Nakajima

Match Thoughts:  A good back and forth match, Nakajima was the better wrestler but Kato got in a fair amount of offense as well.   Even though the action was largely forgettable as nothing really stood out, it was fluid from start to finish and both wrestlers were on point.  A solid mid-card match but not much else beyond that.  Score:  6.0

Brahman Shu vs. Brahman Kei vs. Dino vs. The Bodyguard

Dino harasses the referee before the match starts, Shu spits water at The Bodyguard and he attacks him along with Kei.  Kei and Shu hold The Bodyguard for Dino, Dino goes off the ropes but The Bodyguard shoves Kei and Shu off.  The Bodyguard hits a press slam on Kei and throws him at Shu.  The Bodyguard and Dino are alone in the ring, tie-up, Dino goes for a kiss but The Bodyguard blocks it and throws Dino to the mat.  The Bodyguard goes off the ropes and hits a shoulderblock.  Cover, but Shu breaks it up.  Shu spits water at The Bodyguard as he rolls out of the ring, and they both exit the ring to go after him.  Well Shu does, Kei mostly talks to the crowd.  They all battle around the ring and into the crowd, and after a bit Shu gets in the ring with The Bodyguard.  Shu hits The Bodyguard with a metal sign, Kei goes up to the top turnbuckle and spits green goo onto The Bodyguard.  Shu gets some luggage and rams it into The Bodyguard’s groin, he then gets a bowling ball and rolls it into the piece of luggage.  Double Irish whip to The Bodyguard but The Bodyguard hits a lariat on both of them.  The Bodyguard puts Kei on his shoulders, Shu tries to break it up but The Bodyguard keeps the hold on Kei.  Dino gets in the ring and puts his hand into The Bodyguard’s trunks, getting The Bodyguard to release the hold.  Kei and Shu stomp on Dino, Shu gets the bowling ball but Dino hits him before he can use it.  Dino grabs Shu and Kei by the balls and flings them both to the mat, he then goes to The Bodyguard and gives him a big ‘ol kiss.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Dino pulls down his pants and goes up to the top turnbuckle, but The Bodyguard stomps himself from being thrown into Dino.  Shu returns and kicks The Bodyguard from behind, and The Bodyguard lands in the same corner as Dino.  Shu goes to spit the black mist at The Bodyguard, but The Bodyguard moves and Dino is hit instead.  Shu and Kei then ram The Bodyguard face-first into Dino’s ass, before pulling him off the top turnbuckle.  Kei gets a metal sign and goes to hit Dino, but Dino moves and he hits Shu by accident.  Dino then makes Kei and Shu kiss and they both fall out of the ring.  The Bodyguard gets back into the ring, elbows by The Bodyguard to Dino but Dino Hulks Up until green goo starts coming out of his mouth.  The Bodyguard goes off the ropes and hits a lariat onto Dino, but then he starts spitting up green goo as well.  Everyone is laid out on the mat and the referee calls for the bell.  The match is declared a Draw.

Match Thoughts:   This match was ridiculous.  In pretty much every way possible.  I mean I don’t mind a weird spectacle every now and then and this match definitely qualifies as that.  I actually like the green goo spot, which may not say a whole lot about me, but besides that there wasn’t much going on here.  Half of the match was brawling around the crowd, we got our usual spots with Dino and the match ended soon after that.  I guess it is what it is, a decent change of pace with some laughs but a missed opportunity in some ways.  Score:  5.0

Leon and Tomoka Nakagawa vs. Makoto and Maki Narumiya

Leon and Narumiya start things off.  Tie-up to start, side headlock by Leon, Narumiya reverses it into a wristlock but Leon trips her.  Leon goes off the ropes and Narumiya hits an armdrag.  Armdrag by Leon, they take turns tripping each other and both wrestlers return to their feet.  Makoto and Nakagawa are tagged in, they lock knuckles, waistlock by Nakagawa but Makoto reverses it.  Wristlock by Nakagawa, Makoto reverses it but Nakagawa reverses it back.  Hammerlock by Nakagawa and she applies a wristlock.  Armdrag by Makoto, she goes off the ropes and kicks Nakagawa to the mat.  Makoto tags in Narumiya, they pick up Nakagawa, double Irish whip and they hit a double boot.  Narumiya stomps on Nakagawa, Irish whip by Narumiya, reversed, and Nakagawa delivers a dropkick.  Nakagawa tags in Leon and Leon dropkicks Narumiya in the corner.  Leon picks up Narumiya and hits a scoop slam.  Leon goes off the ropes and hits a rolling senton, elbow by Leon but Narumiya delivers a dropkick and she tags in Makoto. Makoto goes up to the second turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick to Leon.  Cover, but it gets a one count.  Makoto picks up Leon and goes for a suplex but Leon blocks it.  Vertical suplex by Leon and she tags in Nakagawa.  Nakagawa picks up Makoto and throws her into the corner, elbow strike by Nakagawa, snapmare, and Nakagawa hits a dropkick.  Cover, but it gets two.  Nakagawa tags in Leon, double Irish whip to Makoto but Makoto hits a crossbody on both of them.  Narumiya comes in the ring, she throws Nakagawa into the corner and Leon is thrown into the same corner.  Dropkick by Narumiya and Makoto hits a big boot.  Cover by Makoto but it gets a two count.  Makoto picks up Leon and applies a double underhook, but Leon backdrops out of it.  Elbows by Makoto, she goes off the ropes but Leon catches her and drives Makoto into the corner.  Running shoulder tackle by Leon in the corner, cover, but it gets a two count.  Leon picks up Makoto and hits an underhook suplex.  Cover, but it only gets two.  Leon picks up Makoto, waistlock by Leon but Makoto elbows out of it.  Leon goes off the ropes but Narumiya kicks her from the apron.  Elbow by Makoto, Irish whip, reversed, and Makoto kicks Leon in the back of the leg.  Narumiya adds in a dropkick as well, cover by Makoto but it gets two.

Makoto tags in Narumiya, and Narumiya dropkicks Leon.  Narumiya throws Leon in to the corner but it is reversed, Narumiya flips herself out to the apron and kicks Leon back.  Waistlock by Narumiya, reversed by Leon but Narumiya rolls her up and applies a stretch submission hold.  Rocking Horse by Narumiya and she stomps Leon in the back.  Narumiya goes off the ropes but Leon hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.  Leon picks up Narumiya, she puts Narumiya in a backbreaker but it is broken up.  Leon charges Narumiya but Narumiya moves out of the way.  Leon slams Narumiya to the mat, and Leon tags in Nakagawa.  Nakagawa stomps on Narumiya in the back and hits a double kneedrop.  Nakagawa picks up Narumiya and rolls her up before applying a single leg crab hold, but Narumiya makes it to the ropes.  Nakagawa picks up Narumiya and goes for a Fisherman Suplex, but it is blocked.  Narumiya kicks Nakagawa back and delivers a dropkick.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Narumiya picks up Nakagawa and gets her onto her shoulders, but Nakagawa gets out of it.  Nakagawa goes off the ropes but Narumiya hits a Polish Hammer.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Narumiya tags in Makoto, and Makoto hits a superkick to Nakagawa.  Makoto picks up Nakagawa, Nakagawa goes off the ropes but Makoto dropkicks her in the knee.  Double stomp by Makoto, cover, but it gets a two.  Nakagawa kicks Makoto and throws her off the top turnbuckle, Leon then goes up top and hits a missile dropkick onto Makoto.  Makoto rolls up Nakagawa, but it only gets a two count.  Makoto throws Nakagawa into the corner, reversed, and Makoto kicks Nakagawa in the stomach.  Makoto goes up top and hits a diving crossbody onto Nakagawa, but it gets a two count.  Bridged double underhook suplex by Makoto, but Nakagawa gets a shoulder up.  Makoto charges Nakagawa, but Nakagawa applies a crab hold.  Narumiya quickly breaks it up and hits a spear onto Nakagawa.  Makoto hits a spear of her own, cover, but it is broken up.  Leon hits a spear onto Makoto and Nakagawa hits a stunner.  Submission hold by Nakagawa to Makoto but Narumiya breaks it up.  Inside cradle by Makoto to Nakagawa and then a backslide, but Nakagawa gets out of it and hits a step-up enzigieri.  Nakagawa picks up Makoto and hits a Fisherman Suplex Hold, but Makoto barely gets a shoulder up.  Step-up kick by Nakagawa and she hits a lariat, cover, and she picks up the three count.  Your winners:  Leon and Tomoka Nakagawa

Match Thoughts:   An entertaining match, a few of these girls can really bring it.  This is the first match on the card that really felt like it got enough time, as it clocked in at almost fifteen minutes.  They used the time wisely and the match was just non-stop action to the point I had to pause it a few times to catch up on my play by play.  And I type very fast.   I’m not a big fan of Makoto, I just find her average overall, but Nakagawa is great and Narumiya held her own as well.  A fun mid-card tag match with more upside than downside even if it was a bit chaotic at times.  Score:  7.0

Kyoko Kimura and Masaaki Mochizuki vs. Syuri and Shiro Koshinaka

Kimura and Koshinaka start things off.  They circle each other, Koshinaka punches Kimura to the mat and hits a quick hip attack before tagging in Syuri.  Kimura and Syuri jockey for position, Kimura pushes Syuri into the ropes and takes her down to the mat.  Kimura goes for Syuri’s arm and tries to lock in the cross armbreaker, but Syuri quickly gets out of it.  Kimura tags in Mochizuki and Syuri tags in Koshinaka.  Koshinaka and Mochizuki tie-up but break cleanly, side headlock takedown by  Koshinaka but Mochizuki quickly gets out of it.  Irish whip by Koshinaka, Mochizuki goes for a shoulderblock but Koshinaka doesn’t go down.  Mochizuki goes off the ropes but Koshinaka delivers a hip attack.  Mochizuki tags in Kimura, kick by Koshinaka and he clubs Kimura to the mat.  Koshinaka picks up Kimura and hits a scoop slam.  Koshinaka picks up Kimura again and headbutts her to the mat.  Another headbutt by Koshinaka and a third headbutt, Koshinaka picks up Kimura and clubs her in the back.  Kimura tries to fight back but Koshinaka gives her a forearm shot before tagging in Syuri.  Syuri kicks Kimura in the chest, she picks her up but Kimura drives Syuri into the corner and tags in Mochizuki.  Mochizuki and Syuri circle each other and trade leg kicks, snapmare by Syuri and she kicks Mochizuki in the back.  Mochizuki gets back up, strike combination by Syuri and she delivers a high kick.  Mochizuki returns to his feet, kicks by Syuri but Mochizuki slaps her to the mat.  Mochizuki picks up Syuri, snapmare, and he kicks her in the back.  Mochizuki picks up Syuri and throws her into Kimura’s foot before tagging in Kimura.  Kimura grabs Syuri by the hair and flings her to the mat, and she does it a few more times.  Kimura throws Syuri into the corner and tags in Mochizuki, and Mochizuki hits Syuri with a hip attack.  Kimura runs in the ring and hits a hip attack as well, and Mochizuki hits another one.  Mochizuki picks up Syuri, elbows by Syuri and she kicks Mochizuki in the chest, but Mochizuki kicks her to the mat.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Mochizuki tags in Kimura, Syuri fights back against Kimura but Kimura hits a hard elbow. Kimura picks up Syuri, Irish whip, but Syuri hits a knee. Syuri tags in Koshinaka, and Koshinaka hits a hip attack on Kimura and Mochizuki. Syuri comes back in, double Irish whip to Mochizuki and they hit a double hip attack. Koshinaka picks up Kimura and throws her down by the hair. Side Russian leg sweep by Koshinaka to Kimura and he puts her in a crab hold. Kimura crawls to the ropes and reaches them to force a break.

Koshinaka hits a hip attack on Kimura and a second one. Koshinaka picks up Kimura and he hits a vertical suplex. Cover, but it gets a two count. Stomp by Koshinaka, he picks up Kimura and throws her into the corner. Stomps by Koshinaka and he throws Kimura into Syuri’s boot. Koshinaka tags in Syuri and Syuri throws Kimura into Koshinaka’s boot. Koshinaka comes in and the ring and they both kick Kimura, hip attacks by Syuri to Kimura and she goes for a suplex, but Kimura blocks it. Grounded front facelock by Syuri but Mochizuki muscles out of it and hits a vertical suplex. Kimura tags in Mochizuki, Mochizuki picks up Syuri and throws her into the corner. Irish whip by Mochizuki but Syuri moves when he charges in, kick by Syuri but Mochizuki comes back with a big boot. Mochizuki goes off the ropes and kicks Syuri in the chest, but Syuri hits a leg sweep. Syuri tags in Koshinaka, hip attack by Koshinaka to Mochizuki as Syuri comes back into the ring, double Irish whip to Mochizuki and they hit a double lariat. Koshinaka throws Mochizuki into the corner, Syuri hits a jumping knee and Koshinaka delivers a hip attack. Koshinaka picks up Mochizuki and goes for a powerbomb, but Kimura breaks it up. Koshinaka punches Kimura out of the ring and goes back to Mochizuki, but Mochizuki hits a back bodydrop. Koshinaka tags in Syuri, kicks by Syuri to Mochizuki but Mochizuki kicks her back, snapmare by Mochizuki and he hits a PK. Cover, but Syuri gets a shoulder up. Mochizuki tags in Kimura, kicks to the head by Kimura, cover, but it gets a two count. Syuri pushes off Kimura, kicks by Syuri and she goes off the ropes, but Kimura hits a big boot. Syuri blocks the next one and hits a release German suplex, punches by Syuri but Kimura hits her back and they trade slaps. Headbutt by Kimura, and both wrestlers fall to the mat. Knees by Syuri, she goes off the ropes but Mochizuki knees her from the apron. Koshinaka runs in, he goes out to the apron and hits a hip attack down to the floor on Mochizuki. In the ring Syuri picks up Kimura and applies a waistlock, Koshinaka comes in and tries to hip attack Kimura but Kimura moves and he hits Syuri by accident. Kimura holds Syuri for Mochizuki, but Syuri moves and Mochizuki boots Kimura. German suplex hold by Syuri to Kimura, but it gets a two count. Syuri kicks Kimura in the side of the head, cover, but Mochizuki breaks it up. Syuri picks up Kimura but Kimura hits a headbutt, inside cradle by Syuri but it gets two. Syuri goes off the ropes but Kimura hits a big boot, cover, but it gets two. Kimura picks up Syuri and applies a sleeper, Syuri struggles but can’t get out of the hold, then Mochizuki comes in and kicks her in the head. That effectively puts her out and the referee calls for the bell. Your winners: Kyoko Kimura and Masaaki Mochizuki

Match Thoughts: I really enjoyed this one, it was a unique pairing but all four worked well together. While the male wrestlers were obviously stronger they gave the women a fair amount of offense and didn’t treat them like they were beneath them which I thought made the match a lot better. Koshinaka still does way too many hip attacks, but then everyone started doing hip attacks which was fun. The ending was really well done, with Kimura already having the sleeper locked in, and Mochizuki running in to kick Syuri in the head to just make sure she didn’t get out of the hold. Even though I like him Koshinaka can sometimes drag a match down, but he didn’t here and overall it was just a fun match to watch even if it did slow down at times. Score: 7.5

Final Thoughts:

Best Match: Kyoko Kimura and Masaaki Mochizuki vs. Syuri and Shiro Koshinaka.   The uniqueness of this match definitely helped it, but even without that I thought that it was a fun match. Syuri and Kimura were great and the men did enough to enhance the match without dominating it. They let the women shine, which was good since it was Syuri’s festival after all. It had a good blend of 1 vs. 1 and tag spots, and even though it wasn’t fast paced it kept going enough that it never dragged. A fun once-in-a-lifetime type match that delivered.

MVP: Syuri. Duh, right? She wrestled in two matches and looked really good in both. She got respect from both Mochizuki and Koshinaka, two respected veterans. And she was involved in two entertaining matches on a card that only had six matches. Syuri is a great wrestler, she should just be in every match next time.

Overall: Not the longest event but still a pretty solid one. The Joshi matches were all decent (not counting the first match that was under a minute long), and the bizarre four way will certainly be enjoyed by some people. The event lacked a real standout must-see match but it was a lot of fun seeing Koshinaka and Mochizuki in a different setting. The women weren’t treated as inferior wrestlers which helped the match a lot, and in general on the card every match felt competitive. It is hard to recommend an event with really only five matches, but there is definitely some good here to be seen.

Grade: C+


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