Fighting Spirit Review: New Japan “G1 Climax 2014” Day 10


Date:  August 6th, 2014
Location:  Takamatsu City Gymnasium
Announced Attendance:  2,600

This is like the calm before the storm.  The next event after this one is the final one of the block matches, so here we are mostly just setting up the points right to make those matches matter.  This event also took place in a smaller arena and has more of a ‘house show’ feel than a ‘big show’ feel.  Gallows vs. Nakamura in the main event just about says it all, there really aren’t any marquee matches scheduled.  Going into this event, here are the standings:

Block A: Block B:

Hiroshi Tanahashi  [12]

Shinsuke Nakamura  [12]

Bad Luck Fale  [10]

Katsuyori Shibata  [10]

Davey Boy Smith Jr.  [8]

Satoshi Kojima  [8]

Shelton Benjamin  [8]

Tomohiro Ishii  [8]

Yuji Nagata  [8]

Doc Gallows  [6]

Tomoaki Honma  [0]

AJ Styles  [12]

Kazuchika Okada  [12]

Minoru Suzuki  [10]

Hirooki Goto  [8]

Hiroyoshi Tenzan  [8]

Tetsuya Naito  [8]

Togi Makabe  [8]

Karl Anderson  [6]

Lance Archer  [6]

Toru Yano  [6]

Yujiro Takahashi  [6]

Here is today’s line-up:

– Block A: Satoshi Kojima vs. Tomoaki Honma
– Block A: Bad Luck Fale vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.
– Block B: Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Tetsuya Naito
– Block B: Karl Anderson vs. Minoru Suzuki
– Block B: Togi Makabe vs. Toru Yano
– Block B: AJ Styles vs. Yujiro Takahashi
– Block B: Kazuchika Okada vs. Lance Archer
– Block A: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Yuji Nagata
– Block A: Katsuyori Shibata vs. Tomohiro Ishii
– Block A: Doc Gallows vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Satoshi Kojima vs. Tomoaki Honma
They circle each other to start, side headlock by Honma, Kojima Irish whips out of it but Honma can’t knock Kojima down.  Shoulderblock by Kojima but Honma is back up and hits some elbows.  Elbow by Honma and he hits a scoop slam, Honma goes for a headbutt but Kojima moves out of the way.  Stomps by Kojima and he applies a reverse chinlock.  Neckbreaker by Kojima, cover, but it gets a two count.  Kojima picks up Honma and he elbows Honma in the head.  Chop by Kojima but Honma returns fire and they trade blows.  Kojima headbutts Honma and goes for a suplex, but Honma blocks it and hits a vertical suplex of his own.  Chops by Honma, Irish whip to the corner and Honma hits a jumping elbow.  Face crusher by Honma but again Kojima rolls out of the way of the headbutt.  Kojima throws Honma into the corner, chops by Kojima, Irish whip, and he hits the jumping elbow smash.  Kojima goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits the diving elbow drop, cover, but it gets a two count.  Kojima picks up Honma and they trade chops to the chest, elbows by Kojima and he hits a roaring elbow, but Honma hits a scoop slam.  Falling headbutt by Honma, he picks up Kojima and throws him into the corner, reversed, but Honma elbows Kojima when he charges in and hits a neckbreaker off the second turnbuckle.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Honma picks up Kojima but Kojima gets away and hits a Koji Cutter.  Honma gets back up and they trade elbows, Kojima goes off the ropes but Honma elbows him.  Kojima picks up Honma and he hits a brainbuster.  Cover, but it gets a two count. Kojima goes off the ropes but Honma connects with a headbutt, cover, but it gets two.  Honma picks up Kojima and he hits a scoop slam.  Honma goes up to the top turnbuckle but Kojima rolls out of the way of the diving headbutt.  Kojima picks up Honma, Irish whip, and Honma hits a ramming headbutt.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Honma charges Kojima but Kojima levels him with a lariat, cover, and he gets the three count. Satoshi Kojima

Match Thoughts:  This was short and not particularly good.  They didn’t really have time to get anything going although they didn’t waste any time which is a plus.  Kojima didn’t seem to be taking Honma very seriously and he went down in the end really easily, but Honma has shown a lack of ability to win in this tournament so I guess it makes sense.  Below average but not offensive.  Score:  4.0

Bad Luck Fale vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.
Tie-up, but Fale pushes Smith away.  Tie-up again with the same result, kick by Fale, he goes off the ropes and they collide with no result.  Smith goes off the ropes but he can’t knock down Fale, elbow by Fale and he goes off the ropes but Smith knocks him back and lariats Fale out of the ring.  Fale trips Smith and pulls him out of the ring with him, club to the back by Fale and he Irish whips Smith into the guardrail.  Fale picks up Smith and throws him into the ring post.  Back in the ring, stomps by Fale and he punches Smith in the corner.  Clubbing blows by Fale but Smith crawls away.  Fale applies a neck grip but Smith elbows out of it, Smith goes off the ropes and goes for a sunset flip, Fale blocks it and tries to sit on Smith but Smith moves out of the way.  Elbows by Smith and he knees Fale into the corner.  Irish whip by Smith, reversed, but Smith moves when Fale charges in.  Sidewalk slam by Smith, he grabs Fale and he hits a backdrop suplex.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Smith picks up Fale and goes for a vertical suplex, but Fale hits a scoop slam.  Body press by Fale, cover, but it gets a two count.  Fale grabs Smith but Smith kicks him away, he goes off the ropes and Fale goes for the Bad Luck Fall.  Smith gets out of it and goes for the Sharpshooter but Fale quickly gets to the ropes.  Smith goes for the tiger suplex but Fale elbows out of it.  Fale and Smith trade lariats, Fale gets Smith onto his shoulders and he hits a Samoan Drop.  Fale charges Smith in the corner and hits a body avalanche, he goes off the ropes and hits a lariat.  Fale picks up Smith and hits the Grenade, cover, and he gets the three count.  Your winner:  Bad Luck Fale

Match Thoughts:  This was ugly from start to finish.  Fale isn’t very good, which we have established, but Smith didn’t do any of his power offense so it was just a bad brawl.  Then Smith, who generally isn’t easy to pin, but was dropped by what is generally just a mid-match move that doesn’t spell instant doom.  One of the worst matches thus far on the tournament.  Score:  2.5

Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Tetsuya Naito
They circle each other to start, side headlock by Naito, Tenzan Irish whips out of it but Naito can’t shoulderblock Tenzan down.  Naito goes off the ropes but again he can’t knock down Tenzan.  Tenzan goes off the ropes but Naito hits a dropkick.  Naito picks up Tenzan and elbows him into the corner, Irish whip by Naito to the corner and Naito flips himself out to the apron,  but Tenzan delivers a lariat which sends Naito crashing out to the floor.  Tenzan stomps on Naito, he picks up Tenzan and Tenzan hits a headbutt.  Chops by Tenzan and he hits a Mongolian Chop before chopping Naito in the throat.  Reverse chinlock by Tenzan and he chops Naito in the throat again.  Cover by Tenzan but it gets a one count.  Headbutt to the stomach by Tenzan and he stomps down Naito in the corner.  Tenzan picks up Naito and Tenzan hits a headbutt.  Tenzan grabs Naito and goes for a suplex but Naito gets out of it, and Naito hits a swinging neckbreaker.  Irish whip by Naito and he hits a hiptoss followed by a dropkick.  Snapmare by Naito and he hits a senton, he goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick.  Naito charges Tenzan in the corner but Tenzan kicks him back, Tenzan avoids Naito’s elbow and hits a lariat.  Irish whip by Tenzan and he hits a lariat in the other corner.  Tenzan goes up to the top turnbuckle and he hits a calf branding.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Tenzan picks up Naito but Naito elbows him back, Naito goes off the ropes and Tenzan hits a heel kick.  Cover, but again he gets a two.  Tenzan applies the Anaconda Vice, but Naito quickly gets into the ropes to force a break.  Tenzan picks up Naito and goes for the TTD but Naito blocks it.  Headbutt by Tenzan and he hits a Mongolian Chop, Irish whip by Tenzan and he hits an Anaconda Buster.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Anaconda Vice by Naito but he gets out of it and covers Tenzan for a two count.  Headbutt to the midsection by Tenzan, Irish whip, and Naito hits a jumping elbow smash.  Naito is up first but they trade elbows, Mongolian Chops by Tenzan but Naito elbows him back.  Enzigieri by Tenzan and he hits a German suplex hold for a two count.  Naito picks up Tenzan and he hits a scoop slam, he goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits the Stardust Press.  Cover, and he picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Tetsuya Naito

Match Thoughts:  Another quick ending with very little build.  Up to the end of the match it was still back and forth and then BOOM! Naito hits the Stardust Press and picks up the win.  Up to then the match was fine but nothing special.  Tenzan never seemed that close to winning and it felt like a longer match that just suddenly ended.  Just a nothing match really.  Score:  5.0

Karl Anderson vs. Minoru Suzuki
Waistlock by Anderson to start but Suzuki applies an armbar.  Hammerlock by Suzuki and he also applies a headscissors but Anderson makes it into the ropes.  Wristlock by Anderson and he applies an armbar, wristlock by Anderson but Suzuki applies a cross kneelock.  Anderson gets to the ropes and rolls out of the ring but he returns after a moment.  Suzuki and Anderson trade chops, Anderson gets Suzuki out on the apron but Suzuki applies an armbar over the top rope.  Anderson falls outside of the ring and Suzuki kicks Anderson from the apron.  Suzuki throws Anderson into the guardrail and then twists his arm in it.  Suzuki gets a steel chair but the referee gets it away from him, so Suzuki gets another chair and hits Anderson in the back with it.  Suzuki chokes Anderson in the guardrail and he gets the chair again, but the referee takes it from him.  Suzuki returns to the ring with Anderson slowly following, Anderson and Suzuki trade elbows and Suzuki knees Anderson in the stomach.  Suzuki throws Anderson into the corner and slaps Anderson, but Anderson bites Suzuki in the head.  Anderson stomps on Suzuki and he hits a scoop slam.  Anderson goes off the ropes and he hits a senton.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Anderson picks up Suzuki but Suzuki slides down his back, Anderson avoids Suzuki in the corner but Suzuki returns the favor and he hits a big boot.  Snapmare by Suzuki, he goes off the ropes and he hits the PK.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Suzuki picks up Anderson and they trade elbows, uppercut by Anderson but Suzuki elbows him back.  Slaps by Suzuki, he goes off the ropes but Anderson hits an uppercut.  Anderson goes for a lariat but Suzuki ducks it, Anderson goes for a stunner but Suzuki blocks it and applies a sleeper.  Anderson pushes Suzuki off and goes for the Gun Stun, Suzuki gets out of it and goes off the ropes but Anderson hits the Gun Stun and he picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Karl Anderson

Match Thoughts:  Another match with a sudden ending, what is going on here?  Suzuki wasn’t even hurt, and while the Gun Stun is a good move that can be doing quickly, other wrestlers in this tournament have managed to kick out of it so I am not sure why a 95% unhurt Suzuki was defeated by it.  If Anderson had just weakened up Suzuki some, just a little it may have been logical but as it was, Suzuki dominated the match only to get beaten relatively easily.  I know this is a ‘house show’ level event but I was still expecting better.  Score:  4.0

Togi Makabe vs. Toru Yano
Yano attacks Makabe before the match starts and they trade punches, which Makabe wins.  Makabe picks up Yano and knocks him to the mat, he picks him up again and he throws Yano out of the ring.  Makabe goes out after him and he throws Yano into the guardrail.  Makabe throws Yano into the ring post and then into the guard rail.  Yano goes back into the ring with Makabe right behind him, Makabe picks up Yano and he punches, Makabe goes to run off the ropes but Yano throws him down by the hair.  Yano unties one of the turnbuckle pads but Makabe lariats him from behind, more lariats by Makabe in the corner and he hits mounted punches.  Yano elbows Makabe away, he goes off the ropes but Makabe hits a lariat.  Makabe picks up Yano and gets him on his shoulders, and Makabe hits a Samoan Drop.  Makabe goes up to the top turnbuckle but Yano rolls out of the way of the King Kong Kneedrop.  Makabe punches Yano in the face, but Yano hits a low blow.  Makabe hits a low blow back, but Yano hits another low blow.  Cover, and Yano picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Toru Yano

Match Thoughts:  This was odd even for a Yano match.  First of all he did the low blows in front of the referee without trying to distract him like he normally does.  Then he pinned Makabe without doing any kind of nifty pin, it was just a normal every-day pin.  So those things were weird, like they ran out of cool ways for Yano to cheat so they went the laziest route possible.  Not impressed.  Score:  3.0

AJ Styles vs. Yujiro Takahashi
Styles and Takahashi circle each other to start, tie-up, and Takahashi rakes Styles in the eyes.  Styles elbows Takahashi and Takahashi goes into the ropes.  Eye poke by Styles, Styles goes for an Irish whip but Takahashi blocks it and slides out of the ring.  Takahashi pulls Styles out of the ring with him, and Takahashi throws Styles into the guardrail.  Takahashi picks up Styles and throws him into the guardrail again but they get back into the ring and Styles hits an armdrag.  Another armdrag by Archer, kick by Takahashi and he chops Styles against the ropes.  Takahashi goes off the ropes but Styles drops him with a dropkick.  Styles picks up Takahashi and he hits a backbreaker.  Styles picks up Takahashi but Takahashi elbows him back and they trade shots.  Irish whip by Styles to the corner, Takahashi puts Styles out to the apron and Styles goes for a swandive move but Takahashi moves and throws Styles out of the ring.  Takahashi goes off the ropes and he hits a tope suicida onto Styles.  Takahashi picks up Styles and slides him back into the ring, Takahashi stomps Styles down in the corner and chokes him with his boot.  Takahashi picks up Styles, Irish whip, and Takahashi hits a back elbow.  Takahashi applies a reverse chinlock, he picks up Styles and throws him in the corner.  Slaps by Takahashi but Styles chops him back, kick by Takahashi, and he elbows Styles in the corner.  Irish whip by Takahashi but Styles kicks him when he charges in and hits a side Russian leg sweep into the turnbuckles.  Styles goes out to the apron and hits a swandive elbow smash.  Styles picks up Takahashi and goes for the Bloody Sunday, but Takahashi blocks it and hits a suplex.  Big boot by Takahashi in the corner, he picks up Styles but Styles knocks him back.  Waistlock by Styles, reversed, Takahashi goes for a suplex but Styles lands on his feet.  Takahashi avoids the Pele Kick and hits a German suplex hold for a two count.  Takahashi puts Styles on his shoulders but Styles pins out, kicks by Styles but Takahashi elbows him back.  Roll-up by Styles, he picks up Takahashi but Takahashi gets away.  High kick by Styles and he nails the Bloody Sunday.  Styles picks up Takahashi and hits the Styles Clash, cover, and he picks up the three count.  Your winner:  AJ Styles

Match Thoughts:   This wasn’t great either but it was better than the last few matches so it had that going for it.  There weren’t really any ‘controlling segments’ per se and was just a back and forth affair, with really either on the brink of winning at any point if they could hit their finisher first.  I never felt any sense of urgency and it was a step down from the other Styles matches on the card, but Takahashi kept up with it.  Not much more than an average match, which unfortunately still makes it one of the better matches on the card.  Score:  5.5

Kazuchika Okada vs. Lance Archer
Tie-up, Archer pushes Okada into the corner, he goes for a swing but Okada moves out of the way.  Tie-up, Archer pushes Okada into the corner, Okada switches positions with him and he gives a clean break.  Kick by Archer and he clubs Okada in the back, Archer kicks Okada into the corner, Irish whip, Okada kicks Archer back and then drop toeholds Archer into the corner.  Archer goes for a swing but Okada moves, Okada goes off the ropes but Archer drops him into the apron.  Archer grabs Okada and tries to suplex him back in the ring, Okada blocks it but Archer boots Okada off the apron into the guardrail.  Archer slams Okada’s head into the guardrail, and Archer slams Okada’s back into the guardrail.  Archer throws Okada back in the ring, and he hits a shoulderblock.  Okada rolls onto the apron, Archer picks him up and twists him into the ropes and hits a lariat.  Cover by Archer but it gets a two count.  Archer stomps on Okada, he goes off the ropes and Archer hits a leg drop.  Cover, but it gets a two.  Archer picks up Okada and he drops Okada hard with the full nelson slam.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Archer picks up Okada and hits a scoop slam, he goes off the ropes but Okada rolls out of the way of the body press.  Archer picks up Okada, elbows by Okada and he hits a DDT.  Okada elbows Archer into the corner, Irish whip, reversed, but Okada moves when Archer charges in.  Okada gets Archer up and hits the Schwein onto his knee.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Okada goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a top rope elbow drop.  Okada picks up Archer and goes for the Rainmaker but Archer gets out of it.  Big boot by Okada, he goes for the tombstone piledriver but Archer blocks it, Archer goes for a reverse DDT but Okada punches out of it.  Archer puts Okada on his shoulders and hits the Texas Tornado, sending Okada out of the ring.  Archer goes out after him, he picks up Okada and Archer hits an overhead suplex.  Archer gets back in the ring and Okada slowly follows, Archer picks up Okada and he drives Okada’s head into his knee before hitting a lariat.  Cover, but it gets a two.  Archer waits for Okada to get up and hits the chokeslam, cover, but Okada gets a shoulder up.  Punches by Archer, he goes up to the top turnbuckle and goes for the moonsault, but Okada rolls out of the way.  Archer charges Okada but Okada snaps off a dropkick.  Okada picks up Archer and goes for the Rainmaker, Archer blocks it and goes for the Blackout, but Okada slides down his back and hits a dropkick.  Okada picks up Archer and hits the tombstone piledriver, he picks him up again and hits the Rainmaker.  Cover, and Okada picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Kazuchika Okada

Match Thoughts:   Nothing really wrong with this match, it was just a bit dull.  When Archer was on offense it dragged, and the only notable thing that Okada did was ignore that Archer is bigger than he is and hit all his moves anyway without really struggling.  Some of the reversals were smooth and they worked well together, it just wasn’t overly captivating.  Score:  6.0

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Yuji Nagata
Tie-up to start, they trade waistlock attempts, Nagata applies a waistlock but Tanahashi gets out of it and applies a side headlock.  Side headlock takedown but Tanahashi but Nagata gets out of it and both men return to their feet.  Nagata kicks Tanahashi in the leg and they lock knuckles, armbar by Nagata and he applies a wristlock but Tanahashi elbows out of it.  Arm wringer by Tanahashi but Nagata elbows out of it and they trade elbows.  Tanahashi wins the exchange, he goes off the ropes but Nagata knees him in the stomach and then kicks Tanahashi in the back.  Kick to the chest by Nagata and he picks up Tanahashi but Tanahashi elbows him off.  Kicks by Nagata and he applies the figure four leglock.  Tanahashi eventually rolls to the ropes to force the break, and Nagata kicks Tanahashi in the leg before yanking back on it.  Kicks to the leg by Nagata but Tanahashi elbows him back, dropkick to the knee by Nagata, Irish whip, reversed, but Nagata avoids Tanahashi’s dropkick.  Nagata goes for a kick to the chest but Tanahashi catches the kick and hits a dragon screw leg whip.  Tanahashi elbows Nagata against the ropes, Irish whip, reversed, but Tanahashi hits a jumping elbow smash.  Tanahashi picks up Nagata and slams him in front of the corner, Tanahashi goes up to the second turnbuckle and hits the front flip senton.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Punches by Tanahashi and an uppercut, Irish whip, but Nagata ducks the crossbody.  Big boot by Nagata in the corner and he hits an exploder, cover, but it gets a two count.  Nagata picks up Tanahashi and goes for a brainbuster but Tanahashi blocks it, punches by Tanahashi and a few elbows but Nagata kicks him in the leg.  Nagata goes for an enzigieri but Tanahashi ducks it and drops an elbow onto Nagata’s leg.  Leg whip by Tanahashi and he applies the Texas Cloverleaf.  Nagata gets to the ropes to force a break, big boot by Nagata but Tanahashi hits the Sling Blade for a two count cover.  Tanahashi picks up Nagata and hits the Twelve Six, he goes up to the top turnbuckle but Nagata rolls out of the way of the High Fly Flow.  Tanahashi charges Nagata but Nagata catches his arm and applies the seated armbar.  Tanahashi gets to the ropes to force a break, Nagata picks him up but Tanahashi slaps him away.  They trade slaps, waistlock by Nagata and he hits a release German suplex.  Big boot by Tanahashi and he hits the brainbuster, cover, but it gets a two count.  Nagata picks up Tanahashi and goes for the backdrop suplex but Tanahashi elbows out of it, kicks by Nagata and he hits a jumping knee in the corner.  Nagata goes for the backdrop suplex but Tanahashi lands on top of him for a two count.  Kick to the head by Nagata, he picks up Tanahashi but Tanahashi drops down, applying the Samson Clutch for the three count.  Your winner:  Hiroshi Tanahashi

Match Thoughts:  That was a really, really long figure four leglock, considering Nagata hadn’t really weakened the leg yet.  We also saw Tanahashi win with another odd pin like he did a few nights ago.  Overall this was not a bad match, if not a bit all over the place.  Nagata always gets his spots in (the armbar, looking angry after getting slapped) but it fit in better than it has before, and since Nagata controlled the match it made sense that Tanahashi would have to ‘steal’ a victory like he did. Far from a classic but probably the best match of the night.  Score:  6.5

Katsuyori Shibata vs. Tomohiro Ishii
They immediately go into slapping at each other, elbows by Shibata and he goes off the ropes but Ishii elbows him back.  Two boots by Shibata but Ishii catches the third and they trade elbows, sending both wrestlers to the mat.  They both get back up and start trading elbows again, Ishii elbows Shibata into the corner and gives him a headbutt, but Shibata gets back up and elbows Ishii down to the mat.  Kick to the back by Shibata but Ishii gets up, snapmare and he kicks Shibata in the back as well.  Shibata gets up, Ishii sits down on the mat and Shibata kicks him in the back.  Ishii gets back up, now Shibata sits on the mat and Ishii kicks Shibata’s back.  They do it again as Shibata is clearly winning this battle, Shibata picks up Ishii and elbows him into the corner.  More elbows by Shibata in the corner but Ishii walks out of it and elbows Shibata to the mat.  Ishii picks up Shibata and hits a backdrop suplex, headbutts by Ishii in the corner, Irish whip, and Ishii hits a lariat in the corner.  Shibata retorts but elbowing Ishii down in the corner, he gets a running start and delivers a dropkick but Ishii fires out of the corner with a lariat.  Shibata picks up Ishii and they trade elbows, Shibata goes off the ropes but Ishii hits a lariat.  Cover, but it gets a one count.  Kick to the chest by Shibata, cover, but it gets a one as well.  Shibata applies the sleeper but Ishii gets into the ropes, Shibata goes for a kick, Ishii catches it and spins Shibata around but Shibata hits Ishii to the mat.  Cover by Shibata but it gets a two count.  Shibata transitions to the cross armbreaker but Ishii quickly gets to the ropes and rolls out of the ring.  Shibata waits a moment and then goes out after him, Shibata picks up Ishii and slides him back into the ring.  Ishii immediately rolls back out and collapses, holding his injured shoulder.  Shibata comes after him again and slides Ishii back in the ring, Shibata puts one arm behind his back and tells Ishii to elbow him, so he does.  Shibata elbows him back and they trade shots, but Ishii catches Shibata with a suplex.  Lariat by Ishii, cover, but it gets a one count.  Knee to the midsection by Shibata and he hits a PK, Shibata picks up Ishii but Ishii hits a headbutt followed by a lariat.  Cover, but it only gets two.  Ishii picks up Shibata and goes for the brainbuster but Shibata lands on his feet.  Judo throw by Ishii but Shibata is back up and elbows Ishii.  Kick to the chest by Shibata, cover, but Ishii quickly kicks out.  Shibata picks up Ishii and puts him on his shoulders, but Ishii slides off.  Headbutt by Ishii but Shibata headbutts him back.  Spinning chop by Shibata, he picks up Ishii and delivers the Go 2 Sleep.  PK by Shibata, cover, and he picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Katsuyori Shibata

Match Thoughts:  These two did not get the memo that it was ‘take it easy’ night.  Ishii was in obvious pain here due to his already-injured shoulder, which was somewhat hard to watch but was captivating at the same time to see if he could pull off the win.  Normally this would be a little too strike-oriented for me, since 90% of the moves were strikes, but it was so different than everything else on this card I liked it.  It was mostly different just because Shibata and Ishii showed emotion and acted like winning mattered, there was no shortage of effort here between these two and you could feel Ishii’s pain throughout the match.  Won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but it was by far the best match on this card by far.  Score:  7.5

Doc Gallows vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
They lock knuckles to start the match, Gallows pushes Nakamura into the ropes and he gives a clean break.  Tie-up, Gallows pushes Nakamura into the ropes, Nakamura switches positions with him and he gives a clean break as well.  Knee by Nakamura, snapmare, and Nakamura hits a kneedrop.  Knees by Nakamura but Gallows punches him in the ribs and drops Nakamura onto the top rope before kicking him out of the ring.  Gallows goes out after him and he throws Nakamura chest-first into the guardrail.  Gallows picks up Nakamura and throws him into the guard rail again.  Gallows throws Nakamura back into the ring and hits a leg drop.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Gallows elbows Nakamura repeatedly in the chest before applying a reverse chinlock, but Nakamura gets into the ropes.  Mounted punches by Gallows and he stands on Nakamura’s back near the ropes.  Gallows punches Nakamura into the corner, Irish whip, but Nakamura knees Gallows in the stomach.  Gallows goes for a high kick but Nakamura ducks it and hits one of his own.  Knees by Nakamura in the corner and he chokes Gallows with his boot.  Nakamura charges Gallows but Gallows moves, Gallows charges Nakamura but Nakamura knees him in the stomach and puts Gallows on the top turnbuckle.  Running knee to the midsection by Nakamura, cover, but it gets a two count.  Nakamura picks up Gallows and goes for the inverted powerslam but Gallows elbows out of it and hits a lariat.  Back up they trade elbows, Irish whip by Gallows to the corner and he hits a body avalanche.  Fallaway slam by Gallows, cover, but it gets a two count.  Gallows picks up Nakamura and goes for a suplex but Nakamura knees out of it and hits a front suplex.  Knee to the head by Nakamura, he waits for Gallows to get up but Gallows levels him with a high kick.  Gallows picks up Nakamura and hits a pump-handle slam, he picks up Nakamura and hits the inverted full nelson slam for a two count cover.  Gallows picks up Nakamura and goes for the Gallows Pole but Nakamura gets out of it, Gallows charges Nakamura but Nakamura knees him back and hits a jumping kick off the second turnbuckle.  Nakamura charges Gallows but Gallows catches him with a big boot, he goes for the Gallows Pole but Nakamura blocks it and applies a cross armbreaker.  Gallows picks up Nakamura and powerbombs out of it, cover, but it gets a two count.  Gallows picks up Nakamura and goes for the Gallows Pole again but Nakamura knees out of it and hits the Boma Ye.  Cover, but it only gets a two count.  Nakamura waits for Gallows to get up, he goes up to the second turnbuckle and hits a jumping Boma Ye to the back of Gallows’s head.  Nakamura then hits a final Boma Ye, cover, and he picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Shinsuke Nakamura

Match Thoughts:  This was as good as it was going to be.  That is to say it wasn’t great, but it was watchable and not a snoozer.  Gallows insistence on hitting the Gallows Pole did him in, Nakamura had no issues getting out of it and each time he did he hurt Gallows a bit more.  Three Boma Ye’s to win seems excessive but has become a bit of the norm for Nakamura.  A disappointing main event since it was kinda short and not really exciting, but it wasn’t a bad match.  Score:  6.0

Current Standings:

Block A: Block B:

Hiroshi Tanahashi  [14]

Shinsuke Nakamura  [14]

Bad Luck Fale  [12]

Katsuyori Shibata  [12]

Satoshi Kojima  [10]

Davey Boy Smith Jr.  [8]

Shelton Benjamin  [8]

Tomohiro Ishii  [8]

Yuji Nagata  [8]

Doc Gallows  [6]

Tomoaki Honma  [0]

AJ Styles  [14]

Kazuchika Okada  [14]

Minoru Suzuki  [10]

Tetsuya Naito  [10]

Hirooki Goto  [8]

Hiroyoshi Tenzan  [8]

Karl Anderson  [8]

Togi Makabe  [8]

Toru Yano  [8]

Lance Archer  [6]

Yujiro Takahashi  [6]

Final Thoughts:

Best Match: Katsuyori Shibata vs. Tomohiro Ishii. Maybe this was a bit too strike-based and hard hitting, but it was just so much better than everything else on the card. They both acted like they cared about winning and were putting everything they had into smashing their opponent which I can’t say for all of the matches on the card. They also kept the match type right as if it went any longer it probably would have started to get painful to watch. Really good match between these two.

MVP:  Tomohiro Ishii. What can I say about Ishii? The guy was in obvious pain… not “look at my selling” pain but “I am going to die” pain. But he still wrestled through anyway and while in general Shibata wasn’t targeting his shoulder you know that Ishii could feel it the entire match. On a night where a lot of other wrestlers coasted, the most injured one didn’t, and I have a lot of respect for him because of it.

Overall: This may as well have not even been a G1 Climax event, it just didn’t feel special at all. It was a small crowd that was more quiet then most the other crowds on the card, and they didn’t have a lot to get excited about as most of the matches were pedestrian. There were a handful of solid matches for sure, but there were also a handful of bad matches that no one needs to see. Shibata/Ishii did help things a bit by bringing the violence, but overall this is the most skip-able event during the entire tournament. Day 11 will be a big day though so I am sure that business will pick back up.

Grade: C-


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