The Event Center: ECW Heatwave 2000 Review


The Event Center: ECW Heat Wave 2000

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Event Center right here at CrazyMax. Last time you saw us we were going down that long winding road that started us on the path to SummerSlam 1990. We reviewed the Saturday Night’s Main Event from July 1990. We saw some great action there and I am hoping we some great action here. This time we are going back to 2000 and hitting up our very first ECW Pay Per View on the Event Center. It follows our Summer Review Series so we are doing none other than Heat Wave 2000. We get the returning Rob Van Dam vs. his best friend Scotty Anton. We also get a Stairway to Hell match featuring Justin Credible and Tommy Dreamer. Obviously ECW was on the down side and near folding but there is still some pretty good action to be had here so lets get this thing going.

Event Information:
Date: July 16th, 2000
Location: Grand Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles, California
Attendance: 5,700
Main Event: Stairway To Hell Match for ECW Heavyweight Title: Justin Credible (c) vs. Tommy Dreamer

Blue Boy/Jasmine St. Clair/Father Mitchell/Mikey Whipwreck Segment

The show opens up with a shot of Jasmine St. Claire’s wonderful ass on the beach. She is with the Blue Meanie and he is cutting a promo. Blue Boy asks Jasmine how she ever got involved with a guy like the Blue Boy. He says he is fit, firm, and looking good. They come up on some bum who is laying out and they call him a fat piece of shit. Dude is pretty jacked himself but they are calling him a fat ass. Blue Boy asks if he has any pride, self esteem, or motivation. The guy pulls up his glasses as the Blue Boy calls him a fat bastard and a lard ass. Blue Boy says the guy couldn’t handle a woman like Jasmine St. Claire. Jasmine then hits him with a low blow and the Blue Boy pushes him down. They then make out as the Blue Boy gets a handful of ass.

Father Mitchell then shows up and says that the Blue Boy sold his soul and now he is reaping the benefits. He says here we are in sunny Los Angeles California. He says this is no city of angels but the devils playground. Mitchell says every time there is a heat wave in LA we have riots, burning, looting, and blackouts. Mitchell says that wrestling fans are way to smart to deal in reindeer games so he presents us to Extreme Championship Wrestling Heat Wave 2000. Mitchell says this show is definitely Fully Loaded and could be called Rodney King of the Ring. Mitchell then goes over the Stairway To Hell Main Event. Mitchell then says that both guys, Dreamer and Credible, are up to their necks in hot water. Mitchell then asks if Mikey agrees and they show him completely buried in the sand except his head and he is near the water. Mitchell laughs it up as they head inside.

Show Opening:

Joey welcomes us all to ECW’s debut in Los Angeles. Joey Styles introduces himself then hands the mic over to Joel Gertner. Gertner starts us off with his signature opening. He says “now that Styles is done boring ya, let me warn ya that girls get hornier and hornier when he comes to California. Because he is the quintessential stud muffin.” He says he is Joel “I’m California dreamin and I leave the girls screamin, because I’m a pussy licking demon with vanilla flavored semen.” Gertner.

Cyrus then comes out and interrupts Gertner and Styles. Cyrus asks if the people know who he is. Cyrus asks if the people know what he is. Cyrus says he is the man who had Super Crazy deported. Cyrus says he is the man who took the belt off of Tajiri and handed it to Rhino. Cyrus says he is the man who used ECW’s advertisers budget to promote Roller Jam. Cyrus says he is the man who stripped Rob Van Dam of the World TV Title. Gertner interrupts and says that Cyrus forgot one thing and that is Cyrus was the one looking through the glory hole when George Michaels was spanking it.

Gertner then says that he didn’t expect to do the color tonight but he does the color unfortunately on a network called TNN that he doesn’t want to be on. Cyrus says he is also the man who cancelled ECW. Cyrus says like he turned the lights out on ECW, he can turn the lights out on Gertner with one punch. Cyrus says the only reason Gertner is on this show is because he brings the fat faggot demographic. Gertner says that Cyrus is glad he brings in the fat faggot demographic because Cyrus knows what to do with that demographic.

Gertner says that Don has been stealing his heat and thunder and that Gertner saves his ass. Cyrus says he’s full of shit and Gertner is gutless. Cyrus says that Gertner has heat of with Cyrus and everyone in the back because he is a gutless piece of shit. Gertner said he is tired of it. Gertner says he hasn’t paid his dues and that he is done with it. Gertner says Cyrus doesn’t have to write him off because Gertner is going to leave. Gertner says he has an IQ over 140 and he went to an Ivy League school so he doesn’t need Cyrus’s bullshit. Gertner calls Cyrus an asshole and then says its been a pleasure to work with Styles and then he walks off. Cyrus starts talking shit and then Gertner takes off his neck brace and jumps on the back of Cyrus. They brawl in the ring as security jump in and break it up.

Match 1: Sal E. Graziano vs. Balls Mahoney

Thankfully that opening segment is done and it’s time for some action. Balls comes in and just drops Mamaluke with a right hand. Balls then picks up his chair as he has a stare down with Big Sal. Balls ends up turning his back to Sal and he nails him from behind. Balls ends up doing his left hand gimmick as the crowd chants balls and then he winds up and kicks Sal in the nuts. Balls then picks up the chair and blasts Big Sal right in the head with the unprotected chair shot. The chair is destroyed but Big Sal doesn’t go down.

Big Sal then picks up Balls and drops him with a one handed choke slam. Big Sal then drops an elbow to the nuts. Big Sal picks up Balls and hits him with the belly to belly suplex for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Sal E. Graziano!

Welp, there wasn’t much to this match at all. The chair shot was brutal and Big Sal had no business wrestling. Dude could only do 2-3 things and he didn’t look very good doing it. All in all this is just a dud of an opener and not worth checking out. You can skip the first 20 minutes of this show to be honest unless you are a fan of the feud between Cyrus and Gertner. Other than that, total shit.

Promo by: Rob Van Dam & Bill Alfonso

Alfonso starts the promo by saying that RVD is going to carry Anton to a 5 star match and a 5 star ass whooping. RVD asks Anton if he has heard any of the hype around the Van Terminator. RVD says there is a reason Scotty will be the first one to receive the Van Terminator because he deserves it. RVD says it is dangerous and it can rattle your brain but Anton deserves what he has coming to him. RVD says when Anton turned his back on him and almost broke his leg it prevented RVD from telling the fans that he is unbeatable. RVD says that it comes with a price and he is coming to collect. RVD says he is going to kick Scotty’s ass with the Van Terminator because he is the Whole Fuckin’ Show!

They show Bobby Eaton returning to ECW and attacking Diamond and Swinger from the ECW Arena.

Match 2: Kid Kash/Danny Doring/Roadkill vs. Simon Diamond/Johnny Swinger/CW Anderson

Before the match gets started Diamond gets on the mic. He says Simon and Swinger have a problem. Simon says the solution to the problem has arrived and it is CW Anderson. This 6 man tag starts with Kid Kash and Simon Diamond. We get some quick wrestling and grappling for the momentum but neither guy gets it for very long. They exchange some arm drags until Kash lays in a vicious chop in the corner on Diamond. They got back and forth with some hip tosses and kick offs until we get a stand off by both guys and the crowd applauds the action.

CW gets the tag and he gets dropped with a drop toe hold and then Doring comes off with an elbow off the middle rope on to CW. Swinger and Diamond try and come in but Roadkill and Doring get the upper hand and they whip both guys into the corner. Roadkill then comes in and nails both with a big ass splash in the corner. Doring drops Diamond with a clothesline as Roadkill sends Swinger to the outside with a clothesline. Kid Kash ends up going up and over to the outside with a hurricanrana on to CW Anderson. Diamond ends up getting whipped into the guard rail as Kash throws CW back into the ring and then nails him with a spring board clothesline half way across the ring.

Simon and Anderson try to double team Kash but he gets out of it after CW throws him up and over his shoulders into a hurricanrana on to Diamond. Kash goes for a spring board clothesline again but CW catches him and hits him with his Ferris wheel suplex for a 2 count. Swinger gets the tag and he comes in and drops Kash with a belly to back suplex. He gets the tag into CW and he comes in and lays in a brutal chop to Kash. Kash ends up hitting a moonsault on CW Anderson and his knee nails him right in the head. That looked pretty bad.

Kash gets the tag to Doring as CW tags in Swinger. Doring then drops CW with the Stroke and then hits Bareback on Diamond. Doring was just standing there waiting and waiting for Swinger to attack him but he missed his spot. Swinger hits the Swing Thing on Doring for a 2 count. Diamond and Swinger then hit a double face drop on Doring for another 2 count. Diamond then picks up Doring and hits him with the 2 straight snap suplexes and then a third suplex but its a front suplex and we get another 2 count for Diamond.

Diamond tags in CW and he comes in and chops the hell out of Doring. This gets Doring hot and they just start exchanging chops and rights until CW just drops Doring with the Anderson left hand. Doring drives Anderson face first into the canvas with a fameasser move. Doring tags in Roadkill as Anderson tags in Swinger. Roadkill comes in and drops all of them with clotheslines.

Roadkill then nails Swinger with a side slam and then goes after Diamond and hits him with the Dirt Road Slam. Roadkill picks up CW and drops him with the TKO. Roadkill gets down on all fours and then Doring runs hits a running flip on all three guys. Kid Kash ends up doing the same thing with a spring board flip onto all four guys. Roadkill then climbs up to the middle rope and he comes off with a big ass splash on all 5 guys. Roadkill is the last man standing. What an awesome looking spot by the big guy.

Roadkill picks up Swinger and throws him back into the ring. Doring comes off the top rope with a leg drop, or the Anaconda, on Swinger and Diamond ends up breaking up the pin. Roadkill goes up stairs but he ends up getting racked. Diamond and Swinger get rid of Doring and then double suplex Roadkill off the middle rope. This match is nothing but big spots but they are pretty damn awesome. Kash ends up in the ring and he leap frogs Diamond only to get caught by Anderson and dropped with the Anderson Spine Buster.

Diamond and Swinger are going for the Problem Solver but Kash ends up kicking Swinger in the nuts to break it up. Doring then drops Diamond with Wham Bam Thank You Man. Kash then hits Swinger with a double under hook piledriver, or the Money Maker, and gets the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall….Kid Kash, Danny Doring, and Roadkill!

This a pretty damn good match here. The spots were awesome but they built up to them and just didn’t do spot after spot until the end of the match. Most of the guys got their moves in and were able to get their moment. They let Kash get the pin because they were building him up. It all made sense and it was pretty good entertainment. Definitely better than the first match. I’d recommend checking this one out.

Promo by: Rhino

Rhino says you know what he likes the most? Thats putting the Sandman’s wife in the fuckin hospital. Rhino says he likes to hear how Sandman’s kids stood of her in the hospital with her neck contraption and her laying in the hospital reeking of the rotten stench of her gash. Rhino tells Sandman to keep coming after him and tells him to bring everything he can to the ring because it doesn’t matter what he brings. Rhino says he is not laying down and he is not giving up his belt because it is meaning in life. Rhino says he is not giving it up because he is the big fuckin deal, the ECW World Television Champion Rhino. Rhino tells him to come on and take it.

Match 3: Jerry Lynn vs. Steve Corino

This one starts off fast and furious as Lynn comes in and drops Corino with a shoulder block and then a drop kick on Jack Victory. Lynn hits a clothesline on Corino in the corner and then drops him with a bulldog off the middle rope. Lynn then sends Corino to the outside with a clothesline. Lynn goes to the top rope and hits a splash on both Corino and Jack Victory. Lynn drops Corino with a nice back breaker as he continues to control the match. Corino goes for a shoulder block with Lynn on the apron but Lynn jumps up and hits a nice leg drop on the back of Corino’s head. That was a pretty awesome spot there.

Lynn whips Corino into the guard rail and then goes for a clothesline but Corino ducks and picks up Lynn and drapes him over the guard rail. Lynn then kicks a chair right into the head of Corino and then hits him with a tornado DDT off the guard rail to the floor. Corino is now busted wide open. Nobody bled better than Corino to be honest. The blonde hair getting covered in the blood, ala Ric Flair, is awesome. Lynn is going after the cut with right hands in the corner but Corino ends up picking him up and dropping him with a sit down power bomb on to a chair in the middle of the ring.

Corino keeps control of the match with right hands and chops until he does the Dusty spot with left hands and then the elbow for a 2 count. Corino whips Lynn into the corner but Lynn goes up and over and gets a body scissor pin on Corino for a 2. Lynn then hits the ropes but Corino catches him and drops him with a nice power slam for a 2 count. Corino distracts the ref as Victory takes Lynn outside and drops him across the guard rail. Corino goes out after Lynn and starts getting into it with a fan. First he tells the fan to “shut up bitch” and then he takes the hand of Jerry Lynn and starts moving it in a jerking motion as he tells the fan “your mom jerked me off like this.” Hilarious.

Corino gets the action back into the ring as Lynn is hitting him with right hands but Corino catches him and drops him with a t-bone suplex for another near fall. Lynn reverses a go behind but he gets hit with a low blow for his troubles. Victory throws a chair to Corino but when Corino turns around, Lynn kicks it into the face of Corino. Corino ends up going to the top rope but Lynn trips him up and racks him on the top rope. Lynn then grabs a chair and he lays it on the ground as Lynn drops him with a DDT off the top rope on to the chair. Lynn goes for the cover and gets a 2 count.

Lynn then picks up Corino and takes his blood and puts it on his face like war paint. Lynn then takes some more blood and ends up spelling die across his chest in Corino’s blood. Corino throws Lynn down and when Lynn gets up Corino drops him with the super kick for another near fall. Corino goes to the middle rope but Lynn ends up getting to him, before he can do anything, and drops him with an inverted DDT off the middle rope. Corino hits Lynn with the Old School Expulsion for a 2 count.

Lynn hits Corino with a low blow. Victory had a handful of powder but Lynn hits it out of the hands of Victory and it goes into the refs face. Lynn hits Corino with a belly to back suplex but the ref is knocked out. Lynn checks on the ref so Corino takes off his boot and nails Jerry Lynn with it. Lynn gets a roll up on Corino and when Corino pushes Lynn off, Victory nails him with the cow bell. Corino goes for the cover and Lynn gets the right shoulder up at 2 2/3.

They exchanging punches on their knees until they get up and Lynn goes for his cradle pile driver. They then exchange 5-6 different pitfalls until they finally separate. Corino goes for the backslide but Lynn reverses it and drops Corino with the Cradle piledriver for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Jerry Lynn!

This match was pretty damn awesome. Corino was still finding his way but he was in some good programs leading up to this and he really got better by this point. Lynn was Lynn and delivered like he always did during this stretch here. There are some comedy spots and then there is some really good back and forth action. Also, Corino just looks awesome busted open. The bleach blonde hair stained crimson red was always an awesome look. He really got cut good on this night but it looked great and enhanced the match if you ask me. Just a really good match here and one worth checking out.

They show highlights of what happened between the Sandman and Rhino at Hardcore Heaven 2000.

Promo by: The Sandman

They go to Sandman and Lori in some dump of a locker room. Sandman is smoking and drinking as he cuts his promo. Sandman says that Rhino speared his wife through a table. He also tells us that Rhino pile drove his wife off the apron through a table to the floor. Sandman said it put his wife into the hospital. Sandman asks Rhino how he thinks it made him feel having to take his kids to see their mom at the hospital for 7 straight weeks. Sandman said he had a tear in his eyes every time he went to the hospital. Sandman asks Rhino what he thinks that makes him want to do to him. Sandman said every time he took his kids to bed they always asked him when is mommy coming home. Sandman then says that he is going to take Rhino to a new level of extreme.

Rhino then shows up out of no where and nails the Sandman in the back of the head with a kendo stick. That looked brutal and painful. Rhino then grabs Lori and drags her into the bath room and is about to give her a swirly before the Sandman attacks Rhino and stops him.

They go to Joey and Cyrus up at the commentary table. They discuss the match between Sandman and Rhino. Cyrus says that Rhino will give it to the Sandman and to his wife. Joey then brings out Dawn Marie as she joins the commentary table. Cyrus marks out and calls her tremendous. Dawn says she is going to help with commentary tonight. Dawn then asks Cyrus for help and asks if he is going to do all the work.

Match 4: Chris Chetti/Nova vs. Da Baldies

New Jack comes out on some crutches and is checking out the crowd when the Da Baldies attack him from behind and beat the brakes off him. Angel then takes a staple gun and staples him right in the head with it. Nova and Chetti come out and make the save for New Jack as we get this match under way.

All four guys are going at it in the ring until DeVito gets dropped to the outside and then they double team Angel in the ring with a knee to the chest and a single leg kick. Chetti hits Angel with a spring board splash and then Nova hits DeVito with a nice tope through the middle rope. Nova and DeVito get in the ring as they get this one started. Da Baldies hit Nova with a double team flap jack for a 2 count. DeVito then lays in a couple of right hands and then hits Nova with a standing drop kick.

Nova blocks an irish whip and hits DeVito with a belly to belly suplex. DeVito tags in Angel as Chetti gets the tag. Chetti is laying in the rights and kicks to both guys. Chetti ends up hitting Angel with a sit down belly to back suplex. Nova goes to the top rope and goes for his swanton bomb but misses as Angel rolls out of the way. DeVito hits the Bronx Bomber on Chetti. DeVito then goes to the top rope and goes for a moonsault but Chetti moves out of the way. Nova then comes in and hits Devito with 2 pile drivers and a spinning power bomb.

Chetti climbs to the top and goes for a side kick off the top but Angel moves out of the way. Angel goes for a running kick in the corner but Chetti moves out of the way. Chetti drops Angel with the Amityville Horror. Nova and Chetti then come off the top rope with the Tidal Wave (a splash and leg drop at the same time) for the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall….Nova and Chris Chetti!

This match was the shits. Da Baldies were garbage and Chetti looked terrible. His kicks looked like garbage and it just felt like he was going to fall whenever he delivered one. Nova looked pretty good and thats about it. Just garbage and worth skipping here.

Promo by: Tommy Dreamer

Dreamer says before he got into the wrestling business he worked at a pizza joint. Dreamer said he would be on his feet 12 hours a day in front of a hot oven for his big pay off which was his paycheck and it was never enough. Dreamer said he had to go get a weekend job to supplement his other job. Dreamer said he was fortunate enough to get into the wrestling business, a business that he loves. Dreamer said it is at the expense of losing all of his friends because he can’t attend their events. He said it also caused him to get heat with his family because he can never attend their family function.

Dreamer says he lost girls over a business that just takes and takes and takes. Dreamer says it all about the pay off. Dreamer said he wouldn’t change anything. Dreamer says that Credible denied him that payoff and that Francine denied him that right. Dreamer says he broke his back for this business. Dreamer says he isn’t crying but he is sick and tired of people like Credible. Dreamer says that Credible has all the ability in the world but he wants to take it the easy way out. Dreamer says he likes to do things the hard way. Dreamer then bashes his head into the locker and busts his head open like an idiot.

Dreamer says that he is sick and tired of being on a network that doesn’t appreciate them. Dreamer says he is sick and tired of the wrestling business stealing all of the ideas that ECW had. Dreamer says he is sick and tired of Justin Credible. Dreamer says if Credible wants his blood then he can have it. Dreamer then says that Credible can have his flesh as well. Dreamer says he will get his big pay off and when it is all over, Credible’s mind, body, and spirit will be just like Dreamers silence…..broken.

Match 5: 4 Way Dance: Tajiri vs. Mikey Whipwreck vs. Little Guido vs. Psicosis

Guido charges at Whipwreck but gets hit with a knee to the face. Tajiri then nails Whipwreck with a brutal kick to the head. Guido then drops Tajiri with a basement drop kick. We got Mikey and Guido in the ring and Whipwreck hits a hurricanrana on Guido. Whipwreck then hits a Whipper Snapper on Tajiri. 3 guys are on the outside as Whipwreck does a front flip over the top rope to the outside on all 3 guys. Tony Mamaluke comes out of no where and gets dropped by Whipwreck. Whipwreck tries a plunga to the outside on Big Sal but Sal rams him into the steel post. Whipwreck gets thrown back into the ring and Psicosis hits him with a leg drop off the top rope. Guido then pulls Psicosis off of Whipwreck so he can get the 1-2-3. Mikey Whipwreck is eliminated.

Tajiri comes in and drops Guido right another spinning kick to the head. I miss me some Tajiri kicks to the head, he was brutal. Tajiri hits a nice spinning arm drag on Psicosis. Tajiri hits a nice snap hurricanrana and then a spinning head scissors on Psicosis. Tajiri hits a Asai moonsault on to Psicosis and Guido on the outside. Another brutal kick to the head of Guido by Tajiri. Tajiri then hits Guido with a superplex off the middle rope and Psicosis follows that up with a cork screw leg drop off the top rope for a 2 count on Guido. Guido hits the Kiss of Death on Psicosis and then gets dropped with a stiff kick to the head. Tajiri then hits Psicosis with a German suplex for the 1-2-3. Psicosis is eliminated.

Tajiri is laying in the kicks and chops to Guido. Guido goes up to the middle rope and Tajiri drops him off the middle rope with some weird ass move and then he turns it into a pin but Guido keeps getting the shoulders up. Guido ends up countering the hold into a sunset flip for a pin of his own. Great mat wrestling going on here. Tajiri then gets the Tarantula on Guido. Tajiri hits Guido with the spring board elbow that lays him out in the middle of the ring. Tajiri goes to the outside and gets a steel chair. Tajiri then picks up Guido into the tree of woe. Tajiri then lays the chair in front of the face of Guido and hits him with a baseball slide.

Tajiri picks up the chair again and this time is charging into the corner but Guido gets the boots up and sends the chair into Tajiri’s face. Guido then hits the leg drop off the middle rope into the chair that sends Tajiri to the outside. Tajiri gets back in the ring and Guido lays in some chops before an irish whip. Tajiri goes up and over but Guido catches him and drops him on his face for a near fall. Guido goes for the Kiss of Death on a steel chair but Tajiri blocks it and they start exchanging rights and kicks. Tajiri then hits the green mist on Guido and then drops him with a brain buster on to the steel chair for the 1-2-3. Your winner of the match….Yoshihiro Tajiri!

This was a pretty good match and it made me miss some Tajiri. He was just awesome and entertaining as hell to watch. Whipwreck was good for the 2-3 minutes he was out there and Psicosis got his normal moves in so not bad there. Tajiri looked the best and showed why he was one of the upper echelon guys in ECW at this time. A pretty entertaining match here and worth checking out if you get the chance.

Promo by: Justin Credible & Francine

Credible says that for years the pay per view industry has tried to hold ECW down. Credible says tonight we take our gloves off and we introduce barbwire to pay per view. Credible says he doesn’t like it one bit because he is a trained professional wrestler. Credible says he doesn’t jump into barbwire but if that is what he has to do to beat Tommy Dreamer then so be it.

Match 6: ECW Television Title Match: Rhino (c) vs. The Sandman

Rhino gets right in the face of the Sandman to get this one started. Sandman then takes his cane and nails Rhino right in the head with it. The cane is already splintering after 2-3 shots but Rhino just takes them as if it’s nothing and then drops Sandman with a clothesline. Sandman gets control with right hands and then dumps Rhino to the outside. Sandman then whips Rhino into the guard rail. Sandman actually finds a piece of guard rail and throws it into the ring.

Rhino picks up a chair and nails Sandman in the back with it. Sandman has the guard rail laid up against the ropes but then sets it up by the ropes. Sandman then whips Rhino into the guard rail in the ring. Sandman then drives the head of Rhino into the guard rail. Sandman then picks up Rhino and puts him on the top rope and hits him with a hurricanrana onto the guard rail. Sandman then hits a running bulldog on Rhino onto the guard rail for another 2 count.

Rhino then hits Sandman with a suplex on to the guard rail. Rhino sets up the guard rail in the ring. Sandman then picks up Rhino and drops him with a power slam. Sandman then lays the guard rail on top of Rhino as he hits a front flip off the top rope onto the guard rail and Rhino for another 2 count. Sandman then sets up the guard rail in the corner and he irish whips Rhino into it. Victory and Corino come in and attack the ref and Sandman. Little Spike Dudley comes out of no where and drops Victory with the Singapore cane. Spike and Sandman then drop Corino with 3-D. Rhino then attacks Spike Dudley. Rhino goes for a Gore on Sandman but he moves out of the way and Rhino ends up hitting Spike. Rhino then picks up Spike and drops him with a pile driver through a table on the outside.

Sandman gets Rhino back into the ring and nails him with his cane. He goes for the White Russian leg sweet but Rhino trips him up and sends him crashing into the guard rail himself. Rhino then picks up the Sandman and drops him with a pile driver on to the guard rail. Your winner of the match and still ECW World Television Champion….Rhino!

This match was kind of shit if you ask me. It’s hard to believe the storyline here because Sandman just comes across as a dude who doesn’t give a shit so his empathy for his wife just seems forced and trash. They are trying to recreate the drama of the Raven and Sandman feud and it just didn’t work here with me. I was never really a fan of Rhino in ECW because, again, it felt forced and wasn’t really natural. He was pushed to the moon to early and I was never really a fan. You can skip this stinker of a match because you aren’t really missing anything.

They head up to the commentary booth where Cyrus, Joey, and Dawn are standing by. Cyrus is going crazy over how well the Network is doing vs. ECW. Cyrus then tries to get Dawn to jump up and down to celebrate. Joey tells them to calm down as they send it back down to the ring. They go back to the booth where they talk about the match between RVD and Scotty Anton.

Match 7: Rob Van Dam vs. Scotty Anton

Before we get to this match I must say I loved the gimmick they gave Scotty Anton. With Cyrus constantly telling Scotty to give them the clap. That is a phenomenal play on words and it cracks me up every time. Scotty tries to get the advantage at the start of the match by attacking RVD from behind but RVD was waiting for it. RVD ends up dropping Anton with a nice spinning leg kick as we get this thing going. RVD catches a kick and drops Anton with a spinning wheel kick again. RVD hits a body slam and then a rolling frog splash for a 2 count. Anton rolls to the outside to catch a breather.

RVD hits a moonsault off the guard rail on to Anton on the outside. RVD then suplexes and drapes Anton on the guard rail. RVD then hits a spinning leg kick off the apron on to the back of Anton while Fonzie held a chair over the back of Anton. That was a pretty sweet looking spot there. RVD picks up Anton into a gorilla press and he just drops Anton and then right into a back flip. What a sweet ass spot that was. RVD was so damn awesome in ECW.

RVD drops Anton with a rolling samoan drop right into a moonsault off the middle rope onto Anton for a 2 count. RVD racks Anton on to the top rope. Fonzie holds a chair in Antons face but Anton nails him in the face with the chair. Anton then throws the chair at RVD and he goes crashing into the guard rail on the outside. RVD gets on the apron and Anton nails him in the head with the chair as Scotty gives the crowd the clap. Anton gets on the apron and he hits a bulldog on RVD on to the guard rail. That looked painful there. What a sweet ass move that was.

Anton ends up whipping RVD into the guard rail and then drops him with a clothesline. It looks like RVD hit his head on the chair on the way down. RVD goes for an up and over move but Anton catches him and gets him in the Alabama stampede and then hangs RVD in the tree of woe. Anton goes outside and stretches the neck back of RVD. Anton ends up nailing RVD with a belly to back suplex off the middle rope for another near fall. Anton then gets RVD in a surf board manuever in the middle of the ring. RVD breaks free but ends up getting dropped with a DDT for another 2 count.

Anton then drops RVD on the top rope and drapes him there so he can hit him with a drop kick. RVD rolls to the outside and Anton goes out after him. Anton racks RVD on to the guard rail and then hits him with a clothesline off the apron. We get back in the ring and Anton hangs RVD in the tree of woe again. Scotty goes to nail RVD with the chair but RVD gets his foot up and sends it right into the face of Anton. RVD goes off the top with a drop kick but Anton catches him and puts him in the Clap Trap (Boston crab). Anton goes for a suplex but RVD blocks it and gets a body scissors pin for a 2 count. RVD gets control of the match and hits Anton with an atomic drop that sends Anton down in the corner. RVD then hits the basement drop kick in front of a chair on to Anton for another 2 count.

RVD hits the split legged moonsault on Anton for another 2 count. Fonzie gets on the top rope and falls back and lays a chair on Anton as RVD hits a rolling back splash on to Anton. Anton picks up a chair and nails RVD in the knee with it. Anton goes for his version of the Sharpshooter known as the Clapper. RVD grabs a chair as Anton breaks the move. Anton then goes over and picks up Fonzie and drops him in the ring. Anton puts Fonzie in the Clapper and when he turns around RVD ends up hitting him with the Van Daminator. RVD then goes to the top rope and hits the 5-Star Frog Splash half way across the ring. That distance was crazy. Fonzie holds the chair up in front of Anton as RVD nails Anton with the Van Terminator for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Rob Van Dam!

This match kind of sucked. Anton was terrible and had no business being in this spot with RVD. RVD did his part and looked awesome when he had control but Anton’s part of the match just dragged and dragged and dragged. It felt like forever when he had control and it sucked the heat dry from this one. The Van Terminator was so damn sweet and such a Rob Van Dam move. Shane’s is trash compared to RVD’s but thats another story for another time. It’s good to see RVD back but they should have done better than Scotty Anton here.

They show highlights of the feud between Tommy Dreamer and Justin Credible.

They head up to the commentary table where Joey and Cyrus discuss the main event.

Match 8: ECW World Heavyweight Title Match: Justin Credible (c) vs. Tommy Dreamer

Dreamer gets to the ring then he waves out someone else and out comes George. Dreamer and Credible are staring each other down and then Dreamer just walks away and heads outside. It appears that the crew from XPW were in the front row and were starting shit with Francine. Security gets in the crowd and gets the guys out of there as a bunch of ECW guys come out from the back to get in XPW’s face. Meanwhile, in the ring Credible is having a seat in the middle of the ring drinking some water. XPW gets escorted out of the building as Dreamer gets on the mic and says EC Fuckin W.

They go for a tie up but Credible ducks under neath and then flips Dreamer off. We get a tie up and they circle around the ring until they get in the corner. We get some back and forth wrestling here until they keep reversing hip tosses until they get caught in the ropes. Credible goes up and over and then drops Dreamer with a super kick. Dreamer ends up hitting Credible with a power slam and he follows that up with a clothesline that sends both guys up and over to the outside.

Both guys then brawl through the fans and you really can’t see anything thats going on. They finally get back ringside where Dreamer ends up whipping Credible into the guard rail. Dreamer ends up taking it back to the fans behind the entrance area. Dreamer then sets up a ladder and Credible ends up tipping it over and Dreamer completely misses the table as he goes and crashes down to the ground. Classic ECW there. They bring it back ringside as Credible picks up Dreamer and drapes him across the guard rail and racks him. Dreamer reverses an irish whip and sends Credible flying into the ladder that is setup on the ring apron and the guard rail.

The ladder gets set up on the top rope and Credible ends up whipping Dreamer into it head first. Credible then lays the chair on the top rope and then sets up the ladder on the bottom rope. Dreamer ends up doing a sling shot on Credible right into the ladder. Dreamer is about to climb the ladder to get the barb wire but Francine comes in and grabs his leg. Dreamer ends up falling back and lands right on Francine.

George and Jazz end up getting in the ring to go after Francine. Jazz is about to go after Francine but George grabs her by the hair and drops her as Francine and George embrace. Francine went for the bronco buster on Jazz but Jazz gets the boot up and drops Francine. Jazz then drops George and rubs her face on the mat. Jazz then goes after Francine and ends up ripping the top off of Francine. Francine grabs her tits and rolls out of the ring and heads out of town.

Credible ends up picking up Jazz and hits her with Thats Incredible. Dreamer gets in the ring and hits Credible with the Tommy Hawk for a 2 count. Dreamer climbs up the ladder and releases the barb wire. Dreamer wraps the top rope with barbwire. Dreamer goes to the top rope and Credible goes up after him but Dreamer ends up draping him on the top rope and racks him right on the barbwire. Dreamer was going for an inverted DDT off the top rope but Credible ends up turning it into Thats Incredible right on the barb wire for a 2 count.

Dreamer reverses an irish whip as Francine ends up hitting Credible with the Singapore cane in the back. Dreamer then goes for the Tommy Hawk again on the barb wire but Credible ends up blocking that and hitting Dreamer with Thats Incredible on the barbwire again for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall and still ECW Heavyweight Champion….Justin Credible!

Well this one kind of sucked as well. These brawls throughout the arena and stupid spots just don’t hold up over time. There were some decent spots but nothing special at all. Just a stinker of a main event and it kind of sums up this whole show outside of a couple of matches. XPW getting involved at the start of the match was interesting and really added something to it but other than that just not a lot here.

Show Recap:
Well that thankfully wraps this one up. The opening segment ran 20 minutes and was a complete waste of time. The first match was a squash and sucked as well. Big Sal really had no business wrestling a match but it is ECW and the year was 2000 so they were stretched thin. The second match was pretty damn awesome and one of the better matches on the card. Kash, Doring, and Roadkill all stood out and put on a really good match.

After that we got the best match of the night between Jerry Lynn and Steve Corino. Corino did a great job of improving from 99 to 00 and it really showed here. He held his own against one of ECW’s best in Jerry Lynn and that says something. He bled like a champ and just looked awesome with his head all busted open.

We follow that really good match up with another crap fest between Chetti/Nova vs. Da Baldies. Chetti looked horrible and Da Baldies just sucked so you can only imagine how this match turned out. Nova did a great spot where he hit two straight pile drivers and then a sit down power bomb that looked pretty damn awesome but that was really the only good thing in the match. After that we got a pretty sweet 4 way dance with Tajiri, Guido, Psicosis, and Whipwreck. Whipwreck didn’t last long but his offense was pretty good for when he was in there. Tajiri looked like the best guy in the match and looked dominant throughout. Makes sense so overall good job with this one.

I never really believed the sincerity in the feud between the Sandman and Rhino. I understand it is Sandman’s wife but it just doesn’t seem believable in 2000. Sandman also looked way to drunk for this match because he was barely laying things in. He just looked off for some reason and this feud just didn’t work for me. I was never really a fan of Rhino so seeing him just destroy everyone was never really entertaining to me.

RVD vs. Anton was a dud because of Anton. RVD did what he does and thats hitting all of his spots and whatnot. However, Anton controlled to much of this match and it just made it drag and drag and drag and not even RVD can overcome that. They missed some spots and things just looked off with Anton doing a lot of stalling. Just a bad match and these two just didn’t mesh well with me.

We got the main event next between Dreamer and Credible. The opening was thrown off a little bit by the ringside shit with XPW. It was pretty sweet to see even though it lead to absolutely nothing. These brawls throughout the arena and little to no wrestling matches just don’t hold up anymore. I remember the first time I watched this show I really enjoyed it. Now that I have watched it again it just doesn’t come across as the same. Just a dud of a main event and really not worth checking out unless you want to see Francine topless.

This show just isn’t as good as I remembered it being. A lot of the matches failed to deliver and the only two worth checking out are the 6 man and then the Jerry Lynn vs. Steve Corino match. Other than that there are some things in each match worth seeing but they are hard to get through and make this card really not worth checking out. I’m usually positive when it comes to overall cards but theres really no way to slice this one in a positive light. I love ECW but this show just sucked.

So that does it for this episode of the Event Center. Next time you see us we will be going back to the Summer of 1990 and continuing the build up to WWF SummerSlam 1990. We are going to be doing the SummerSlam Fever 1990 to get us hyped for our next Event Center, SummerSlam 1990. I hope you enjoyed this show and I hope you continue to stick with us here at CrazyMax and the Event Center. Remember if you wanna hit me up on twitter I am @xstat32x. Thanks again for reading and until next time, I will catch you all later!


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