ECW “Requiem for a Pitbull” Fan Cam 8/23/96, Plus ECW TV 8/20/96


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TV 1996-08-20 (match taped from “The Doctor is In” 1996-08-03 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

World: Raven
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

We open with brief footage of the Gangstas and Eliminators match from the Doctor is In.

New Jack is backstage and he calmly talks about his nephew being shot and killed by a stray bullet. This is what put him on his quest to win the tag team titles so he could get his family out of the projects. This was a surprisingly decent promo. A video package plays of the feud between the Gangstas and Eliminators with the Gangstas theme song playing over with the music video edited in. Back to New Jack who talks about needing to win the titles to get his nephew a tombstone.

Opening Video

Joey Styles welcomes us to the show and tells us that the Gangstas will take on the Eliminators in a cage match with weapons in each corner this Saturday night. Coming up tonight it’s the story of Pitbull 1 and this Friday is a Pitbull tribute show.

TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas and Francine are backstage for an ECW Fan Cam interview. Douglas says that on Friday night they will not be at the Requiem for a Pitbull show. Douglas says there is no reason to honor someone that already gets the best parking spot at the mall and qualifies for the Special Olympics. Douglas compares Pitbull to Magnum TA as two guys that weren’t tough enough to stick it out.

After the commercial break Joey brings us to a very short video package of the feud between Douglas and Pitbull 2 with “Thunderkiss 65” playing over it. We then get the interview with the Pitbulls and match between Pitbull 2 and Douglas from The Doctor is In.

“Misirlou” promo time. Pitbull 2 tells Pitbull 1 he wishes it was him hurt. Shane Douglas and Francine are in a limo and Shane talks about being better then everyone. Brian Lee talks trash about Tommy Dreamer. Terry Gordy threatens to kick Lee’s ass. Taz threatens Tommy. Buh Buh Ray Dudley threatens D-Von. Kiss looks for a ride. New Jack says he’s coming home with some money for his mom he gets attacked by the Eliminators and they steal the belts and cash that New Jack has.

My thoughts on the show…
Thumbs up good New Jack interview to start off the show and one of the few matches I liked from The Doctor is In show.

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ECW “Requiem for a Pitbull” 1996-08-23 at Bodyslam Arena in Reading, PA)

World: Raven
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

Bill Alfonso comes out and says he was paid $1000 by “The Franchise” Shane Douglas to put a stop to the show. Alfonso tries to kick everyone out of the building. Tod Gordon shows up and gives Alfonso a 5 count to leave. Alfonso slaps him so Gordon tackles him and they brawl. Some wrestlers come from the back to break them apart. Taz comes down and german suplexes everyone. He locks in the tazmission on Gordon until Sandman makes the save with his cane. More wrestlers come in and break those two up.

Stevie Richards and crew come out as the Jackson 5. Super Nova dressed as a more current MJ. Nova says something in his best Michael voice and they all dance to “ABC”.. My God I fucking love these guys. Nova then gets a solo dance to “Billie Jean”. Sandman comes out and ruins the whole thing. Dickwad. Raven comes out and chop blocks Sandman. Missy Hyatt hits the ring to try and help out and out comes Lori Fullington to attack her. A bunch of refs come out and break them up and we then get ring introductions for;

World Champion Raven & Lori Fullington (w/ The Jackson 5 & Tyler Fullington) vs. Sandman & Missy Hyatt ref Jim Molineaux
Damien Kane and Lady Alexandra hit the ring and say they should be in the match. Missy slaps him Sandman canes him and the two girls brawl. Sandman pulls Alexandra off of Missy and puts her out of the ring. Lori goes for the pin on Missy and gets a 2 count as I guess the match has started. No because now we get a bell. Sandman hits a DDT on Raven and gets the win in .10. Big bullshit chant from the fans. Sandman calls Raven back to the ring to get his belt which he had left behind. They talk some shit and no one is into this at all as they are still pissed off by the finish. Blue Meanie and Super Nova come out. Sandman keeps them out of the ring with his cane. Raven finally comes down with Tyler and Lori and he goes after Sandman. Sandman canes him and he bails.

Super Nova (w/Stevie Richards & Blue Meanie) vs. Hack Meyers ref John Finnegan
Nova uses Billie Jean as his entrance song. Meyers beats the crap out of Joel Gertner. Nova jumps out of the ring and tries to get on the mic but its not turned on so Hack chases him. After a few minutes of nothing much happening Hack gets a 2 count from a powerbomb. Nova gets back in control. Hack fights back hits the leg drop from the apron and then finishes it off in 5.04 with his top rope knee driver. Stevie and Nova argue and then they hug.

European Junior Heavyweight Champion Mikey Whipwreck vs. Little Guido (w/ JT Smith & Sal Bellomo) ref John Finnegan
Smith tells Mikey to just hand over the title and Mikey tells him to kiss his ass. Some back and forth for the first 3 minutes. Mikey dumps Guido and then slingshot planchas onto the FBI on the floor. Mikey comes back into the ring with a top rope clothesline for 2. Back body drop gets another 2. Guido reverses an irish whip and Smith trips up Mikey. Guido beats on Mikey for a bit and he attempts a few comebacks but keeps getting cut off. Side slam by Guido and then he taunts the crowd. Guido goes up top but Mikey cuts him off. Mikey goes up top for a superrana but instead jumps out of the ring and gives Smith a flying rana! Super bulldog back into the ring and Mikey wins in 7.10.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley (w/ Sign Guy Dudley) vs. Louie Spicolli ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Some back and forth chain wrestling to start Buh Buh with a monkey flip but he charges at Spicolli and he pulls down the rope and Buh Buh falls to the floor. Spicolli goes out after him and slams him into the ring post a few times. Spicolli with a enzguri back in the ring and he puts on a chin lock. Buh Buh fights out and gets an avalanche in the corner followed by a bossman slam for two. Buh Buh bomb but D-Von Dudley and Axl Rotten come down and attack Sign Guy. Buh Buh comes outside the ring to help him but they get the better of him. Spicolli in the ring with a small package for the win in 5.31. After Buh Buh gets the upper hand on all three men for a bit but they prove to be to much for him. Sign Guy brings out Big Dick Dudley. Dick chokeslams Spicolli and Axl. D-Von of course gets away.

Tag Team Champions The Gangstas vs. Samoan Gangsta Party ref Jim Molineaux
As one would imagine New Jack and Mustafa hit the ring and a huge brawl breaks out for the next 5.15, when New Jack gets the pin after the running powerslam / 187 chairshot combo.

Eliminators vs. Tommy Dreamer & Terry “Bamm Bamm” Gordy (w/ Beulah) ref John Finnegan
Gordy starts off with Saturn. Gordy catches two Saturn kicks and leg whips him. On the third Saturn hits an enziguri and tags out. The same thing happens to Kronus and the Eliminators both drop to the floor. Back in the ring Dreamer tags in and gets the upper hand on Kronus with a powerslam for 2. Saturn from the apron clotheslines Dreamer and Kronus tags him in. Saturn hits a spin kick and tags back to Kronus. Pump handle fall away slam by Kronus gets 2. Saturn back in he gets Dreamer with a sloppy cross body and top rope leg drop for 2 and tags back out. Kronus tosses Tommy to the floor and Saturn throws him into the guard rail. The Eliminators tag on a few a bit and Dreamer makes a small comeback and is able to make the tag. All four men in the ring with Dreamer and Gordy having the upper hand. They seem to be moving in slow motion tonight. They all brawl to the floor and into the crowd. Back in the ring Gordy hits a power bomb on Kronus but Saturn breaks up the pin. Spinning neck breaker by Saturn on Dreamer for 2. Saturn flies across the whole ring with a top rope headbutt for 2. Awesome distances on the jump. Saturn misses a top rope moonsault and Dreamer hits a DDT for the win in 12.27. I smile as it means “Freebird” will play again.

“El Puerto Ricano” Pablo Marquez vs. “Primetime” Brian Lee ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Lee hits the ring and attacks immediately. He hits a big boot and catches Marquez by the throat coming over the top with a chokeslam for the pin in .39. After the match Lee chokeslams Marquez out of the ring through a table at ringside.

Rob Van Dam comes out followed by Tommy Dreamer with Beulah and Pitbull 1. Dreamer gets on the mic and talks about Pitbull 1 a bit and then tells Van Dam he’s here to fight him. Van Dam tells Dreamer that he respects him and goes to shake his hand. Van Dam instead spin kicks Dreamer in the jaw and we get…

Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah & Pitbull 1) ref Jim Molineaux
After that kick they spill right to the floor and into the crowd where Dreamer gains control. Back in the ring Van Dam gets control and leaps onto the top rope but can’t keep his balance and has to leap into the crowd basically taking out someone. Back in the ring he puts a chair on top of Tommy then rolls around the ring and leg drops it. Frog splash for 2 and they go back to the floor. Back in the ring Van Dam comes off the top rope with a flying kick. A standing moonsault gets 2. Monkey flip onto a chair and then a somersault legdrop for 2. Van Dam misses a split legged moonsault and Dreamer with a pile driver on a chair. Francine comes out and goes after Pitbull. Dreamer grabs her and TV Champion “Franchise” Shane Douglas comes from behind and hits Dreamer with the belt. Van Dam hits a spin kick and covers for the win in 7.50. After the match Beulah gets on the mic and calls Francine back to the ring. Douglas holds her back and they leave.

Pitbull quickly gets on the mic and thanks everyone for coming to support him.

My thoughts on the show…
Well my first thought on this show is where the fuck was Pitbull 2!! There was a fundraiser show for your partner and you don’t show up??? The Jackson 5 stuff was awesome. The rest of this show was garbage. Thumbs down.


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