St. Louis Wrestling Results: 1976




(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, Larry Matysik, Jim Zordani, and various news clippings)

St. Louis Wrestling Results 1976

Promoting the Area of: St. Louis, MO
Affiliation: NWA
Promoter: Sam Muchnick


1/2/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 10,290)
NWA Champion Terry Funk defeated Pat O’Connor when O’Connor took the first fall, but was injured in losing the second fall to Funk’s spinning toehold and could not continue for the final fall
Dick the Bruiser and Rocky Johnson defeated Ox Baker and Stan Stasiak when Bruiser beat Stasiak
Harley Race draw Rufus R. Jones (non-title as regarded Missouri championship)
Nick Bockwinkel, w/Bobby Heenan, double DQ Joe Blanchard
Jerry Oates defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via DQ
Betty Niccoli and Sandy Parker defeated Sharon Brooks and Jean Antone. 1-Parker beat Brooks. 2-Antone defeated Parker. 3-Niccoli defeated Brooks.
Tank Patton defeated Ronnie Etchison

1/3/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Nick Bockwinkel, w/Bobby Heenan, defeated ChiChi Rosario
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Raoul Guzman
Jerry Oates and Mike George defeated Ox Baker and Rico Pantera when Oates beat Pantera
Bob Backlund draw Les Thornton

1/11/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday show preempted for hockey)
Joe Blanchard defeated Bennie Ramirez
Dick Murdoch defeated Charlie Pullins
Harley Race defeated Rick McGraw two straight falls, as McGraw was injured in first fall and could not continue
Akio Sato draw Lord Alfred Hayes, each man winning one fall within curfew

1/16/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4877)
Bruno Sammartino defeated Dick Murdoch in a “no DQ” match
Dick the Bruiser and Sailor Art Thomas (sub for Rocky Johnson) defeated Lord Alfred Hayes and Ox Baker via DQ
Harley Race won a handicap tag match over Ron Fuller and Jerry Oates by beating Oates
Pat O’Connor defeated Otto Von Heller
Joe Blanchard defeated Denny Albert
Ronnie Etchison and Johnny Loyal defeated Tank Patton and Bobby Blaine. 1-Loyal beat Blaine. 2-Patton defeated Loyal. 3-Etchison defeated Blaine.

1/17/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Dick Murdoch defeated Gary Nevins
Harley Race defeated Joe Blanchard
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Mike Hubert
Tank Patton defeated Johnny Starr

1/25/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday show was preempted for hockey)
* KPLR mistakenly aired a portion of the show taped for airing on 2/8 and a portion of the show for airing 1/25. Both cards were among three taped on 1/18.
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Frank Hill
Jean Antone defeated Betty Niccoli
Harley Race won a handicap tag bout over Akio Sato and Johnny Starr by pinning Starr
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Gary Nevin
Dick Murdoch defeated Mike Hubert

1/31/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Akio Sato defeated Bobby Blaine
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Denny Albert
Ox Baker won two straight falls over Vito Martino

2/6/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9132)
NWA Champion Terry Funk defeated Harley Race 2/3 falls
Dory Funk Jr., Pat O’Connor and Sailor Art Thomas defeated Tommy Tsuruta, Giant Baba and Dick Murdoch when Funk defeated Tsuruta
Dick the Bruiser double DQ Blackjack Lanza
Ox Baker defeated Ron Fuller
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Red Bastien
Otto Von Heller and Tank Patton defeated Akio Sato and Joe Blanchard. 1-Von Heller beat Sato. 2-Sato defeated Von Heller. 3-Patton defeated Blanchard.

2/8/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday show preempted for hockey)
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Frank Hill (also aired 1/25)
Jean Antone defeated Betty Niccoli (also aired 1/25)
Ox Baker defeated Denny Albert
Akio Sato and Joe Blanchard defeated Tank Patton and Bobby Blaine when Blanchard beat Blaine for the only fall in curfew

2/14/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Frank Hill defeated Bobby Blaine
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Joe Blanchard
Ox Baker defeated Caesar Bavan
Akio Sato and Johnny Loyal defeated Vito Martino and Tank Patton when Sato beat Martino for the only fall in curfew

2/21/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Otto Von Heller defeated Billy Lee
Pat O’Connor and Dave Reynolds defeated Harley Race and Lord Alfred Hayes when O’Connor defeated Race after he was accidentally slugged by Hayes. Race and Hayes then got into a brawl.
Betty Niccoli defeated Brenda Hoffman
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Mike Pappas

2/27/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7173)
Jack Brisco defeated Dory Funk Jr.
Pat O’Connor and Rufus R. Jones defeated Harley Race and Blackjack Lanza (sub for Dick Murdoch) via DQ
Ox Baker defeated Sailor Art Thomas
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Ted Oates
Tank Patton defeated Joe Blanchard
Chuck O’Connor and Otto Von Heller defeated Rick McGraw and Ted Oates (sub for Ron Fuller). 1-O’Connor defeated Oates. 2-Oates defeated O’Connor. 3-Von Heller beat McGraw.

2/29/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday preempted for hockey)
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Rick McGraw
Harley Race defeated Dave Reynolds
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Vito Martino
Betty Niccoli and Chee Chee Rivera defeated Jean Antone and Brenda Hoffman when Niccoli defeated Hoffman for the only fall in curfew

3/6/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Mike Pappas (Harley Race attacked Hayes at the end of the match, starting an impromptu brawl)
Jean Antone defeated Chee Chee Rivera
Vic Rivera (previously billed as Rico Pantera) defeated Harley Race via DQ
Pat O’Connor won a Wrestle Royal outlasting in order out Billy Lee, Vito Martino, Mike Pappas, Rick McGraw and Otto Von Heller together, and Bulldog Bob Brown

3/12/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9608)
Missouri Champion Harley Race defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Dick the Bruiser won a Wrestle Royal outlasting in order out Frank Valois, Allen Klein, Ronnie Etchison, Pat O’Connor, Ox Baker, Tank Patton, Andre the Giant and Moose Cholak together, Rufus R. Jones, Killer Karl Krupp, Ray Candy, Blackjack Lanza and Dick Murdoch
Andre the Giant won a handicap tag bout over Tank Patton and Ox Baker by beating Patton
Dick the Bruiser and Pat O’Connor defeated Blackjack Lanza and Killer Karl Krupp when Bruiser defeated Krupp
Rufus R. Jones defeated Gary Fulton
Dick Murdoch defeated Allen Klein
Ray Candy defeated Brute Bernard
Ronnie Etchison defeated Moose Cholak

3/13/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Rick McGraw
Jack Brisco defeated Gary Fargo
Harley Race defeated Mike Pappas
Ray Candy and Wolf Wiskoski draw

3/20/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Mike Pappas
Jack Brisco defeated Joe Capolo
Harley Race defeated Kevin Clayton
Bulldog Bob Brown and Otto Von Heller draw Ray Candy and Pat O’Connor. 1-Von Heller defeated Candy. 2-Candy defeated Von Heller. Curfew expired before another fall.

3/26/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 8510)
NWA Champion Terry Funk defeated Jack Brisco 2/3 falls
Blackjack Lanza and Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Dory Funk Jr. and Pat O’Connor when Hayes defeated O’Connor
Bob Backlund won a non-title bout over Missouri Champion Harley Race via DQ
Vicki Williams, Brenda Hoffman and Jean Antone defeated Betty Niccoli, Toni Rose and Sylvia Hackney. 1-Williams defeated Rose. 2-Niccoli defeated Hoffman. 3-Antone beat Hackney.
Ray Candy defeated Frank Hill
Tank Patton defeated Tommy Martin

3/27/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Rick McGraw defeated Gary Fargo
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Joe Capolo
2/3 Falls: Harley Race, Wolf Wiskoski, Bulldog Bob Bob Brown and Otto Von Heller won over Pat O’Connor, Kevin Clayton, Mike Pappas and Ray Candy. 1-Brown defeated Pappas. 2-Wiskoski defeated Clayton.

4/4/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday show prempted)
Ray Candy defeated Vito Martino
Dick the Bruiser and Omar Atlas defeated Lord Alfred Hayes and Mike York when Bruiser defeated York
Bob Backlund defeated Frank Hill
Ox Baker defeated Allen Klein

4/9/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4848)
Dick the Bruiser defeated Blackjack Lanza
Gene Kiniski defeated Bob Backlund
Harley Race draw Pat O’Connor in a non-title 30-minute match. Before the bout, Rocky Johnson introduced.
Wilbur Snyder and Ray Candy defeated Chuck O’Connor and Ox Baker when Snyder beat O’Connor
Betty Niccoli defeated Joyce Grable
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Guy Mitchell
Tank Patton defeated Paul Christy

4/11/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday show preempted)
Ox Baker defeated Dave Reynolds
Dick the Bruiser defeated Tank Patton
Bob Backlund defeated Vito Martino
Lord Alfred Hayes draw Omar Atlas

4/17/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ray Candy draw Lord Alfred Hayes
Dick the Bruiser won a handicap tag bout over Vito Martino and Frank Hill by beating Martino
Bob Backlund defeated Dave Reynolds
Tank Patton and Mike York defeated Omar Atlas and Allen Klein when Patton beat Klein for the only fall in curfew

4/23/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7567)
NWA Champion Terry Funk defeated Dick the Bruiser 2/3 falls, the final fall via DQ
Bob Backlund won the Missouri State Championship by beating Harley Race
Pat O’Connor and Chris Taylor defeated Blackjack Lanza and Von Raschke when Taylor defeated Raschke
Wilbur Snyder defeated Kim Duk
Ray Candy defeated Bulldog Bob Brown
Haiti Kid and Little Coco defeated Billy the Kid and Little John. 1-Billy defeated Coco. 2-Coco defeated Billy. 3-Haiti defeated John.
Russ Francis defeated Tank Patton

4/24/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Akio Sato defeated Tank Patton
Gene Kiniski defeated Charlie Pullins
Bob Backlund and Omar Atlas draw Wolf Wiskoski and Lord Alfred Hayes
Ray Candy defeated Gary Nevins

5/1/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Backlund defeated Wolf Wiskoski via DQ when Lord Alfred Hayes attacked Backlund
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Akio Sato
Gene Kiniski defeated Pat O’Connor via DQ
Omar Atlas defeated Gary Nevins

5/7/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4680)
Missouri Champion Bob Backlund defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Gene Kiniski defeated Wilbur Snyder
Pat O’Connor and Ray Candy defeated Jim and John Valiant via DQ
Greg Gagne (sub for Russ Francis) draw Von Raschke
Blackjack Lanza defeated Lanny Poffo (sub for Randy Poffo – Angelo’s son who later became Macho Man Randy Savage)
Ronnie Etchison and Paul Christy defeated Tank Patton and Gary Fulton. 1-Patton beat Christy. 2-Etchison defeated Fulton. 3-Christy defeated Fulton.

5/8/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Omar Atlas and Bob Backlund draw
Gene Kiniski defeated Gary Nevins
Pat O’Connor defeated Lord Alfred Hayes, who was counted out outside the ring
Ray Candy and Akio Sato defeated Wolf Wiskoski and Tank Patton. 1-Sato beat Wiskoski via DQ. 2-Candy defeated Patton.

5/15/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Gary Fulton defeated Frankie Gurerro
Gene Kiniski and Roger Kirby defeated NWA Champion Terry Funk and Missouri Champion Bob Backlund when Kiniski defeated Funk and those two had a melee after the bell
Mike York defeated ChiChi Rosario
Lanny Poffo defeated Raoul Guzman

5/21/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7656)
Jack Brisco and Gene Kiniski defeated NWA Champion Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr. Pat O’Connor, special referee. 1-Dory defeated Brisco. 2-Brisco defeated Terry. 3-Kiniski defeated Dory.
Missouri Champion Bob Backlund defeated Roger Kirby
Harley Race defeated Jerry Brisco
Wilbur Snyder and Ray Candy defeated Killer Karl Krupp and Tank Patton. 1-Candy beat Patton. 2-Patton defeated Candy. 3-Snyder defeated Krupp via DQ.
Hubert Gallant defeated Buddy Wayne
Ronnie Etchison defeated David Shultz (yes, that David Schultz)

5/28/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Backlund defeated Gary Fulton
Gene Kiniski won a handicap tag bout over Raoul Guzman and Gary Nevins by pinning Guzman
NWA Champion Terry Funk defeated Rico Pantera (was also billed as Vic Rivera)
Roger Kirby defeated Lanny Poffo

5/29/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Backlund defeated Juan Zapata
NWA Champion Terry Funk defeated Lanny Poffo
Gene Kiniski defeated ChiChi Rosario
Mike York, Raoul Guzman and Gary Fulton defeated Frankie Gurerro, Rico Pantera and Gary Nevins. 1-Fulton defeated Gurerro. 2-York defeated Pantera. No more falls scored within curfew.

6/4/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7153)
NWA Champion Terry Funk and Gene Kiniski was declared a draw by special referee Verne Gagne. After each man won one fall, Kiniski knocked Gagne out of the ring, Funk hit Kiniski with a chair and a free-for–all developed that led to both being DQ.
Dick the Bruiser, Ray Candy and Pat O’Connor defeated Ox Baker, Bobby Heenan and Von Raschke when Bruiser defeated Heenan
Missouri Champion Bob Backlund defeated Killer Karl Krupp
Bob Geigel (sub for Harley Race) defeated Paul Christy
Roger Kirby defeated Guy Mitchell
Russ Francis and Greg Gagne defeated Tank Patton and Kim Duk. 1-Gagne won by DQ. 2-Francis defeated Duk.

6/5/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Omar Atlas defeated David Shultz
Bulldog Bob Brown won two straight falls over Buddy Wayne
Ray Candy defeated Seki, with the only fall in curfew coming when Seki was DQ’ed

6/12/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Tank Patton defeated Hubert Gallant
Mike George and Wolf Wiskoski draw
Omar Atlas and Akio Sato draw Bulldog Bob Brown and Seki. 1-Brown defeated Atlas. 2-Atlas defeated Seki. Curfew expired before another fall.

6/19/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Wolf Wiskoski defeated Buddy Wayne
Mike George defeated David Shultz
Bulldog Bob Brown, Seki and Tank Patton defeated Akio Sato, Hubert Gallant and Ray Candy. 1-Brown defeated Sato. 2-Sato defeated Patton. 3-Seki defeated Gallant.

6/25/76 – Kiel Auditorium
Closed circuit of the Antonio Inoki versus Muhammad Ali bout from Tokyo was presented along with Andre the Giant versus Chuck Wepner from New York and wrestling from Atlanta. Attendance was 3027.

Out-of-town wrestling programs were telecast from 6/26/76 through 7/24/76

7/31/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Pat O’Connor defeated Seki
Bob Backlund and Guy Mitchell no contest Harley Race and Ox Baker when Race and Backlund were Double DQ
Bob Geigel defeated Joe Palardy
Gary Nevins draw John Foley

8/7/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ox Baker defeated Gary Nevins
Originally, Pat O’Connor was to meet Harley Race. Bob Backlund demanded to meet Race, agreeing to risk the Missouri title. Sam Muchnick approved. During the bout, Race pinned Backlund while using the ropes. Muchnick came to ringside, told the referee and ordered the bout re-started. But Backlund threw both referee Bobby Whitlock and Race over the top rope and was DQ’ed. He kept the title, due to the DQ.
Bob Geigel defeated John Foley
Black Gordman and Goliath defeated Guy Mitchell and Joe Palardy, Goliath beating Palardy for the only fall in curfew

8/13/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9996)
NWA Champion Terry Funk defeated Gene Kiniski 2/3 falls inside the chain-link fence
Missouri Champion Bob Backlund defeated Ox Baker
Dick the Bruiser and Pat O’Connor defeated Von Raschke and Blackjack Lanza via DQ
Guy Mitchell defeated Harley Race via DQ, when Race kept beating Mitchell after Race had pinned Mitchell and the referee reversed the decision
Bob Geigel defeated Hubert Gallant
Bulldog Bob Brown draw Mike George
Black Gordman and Goliath defeated Akio Sato and Chief Thundercloud. 1-Gordman beat Sato. 2-Sato defeated Gordman. 3-Goliath defeated Thundercloud.

8/14/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Guy Mitchell defeated Seki
Harley Race defeated Joe Palardy
Bob Backlund defeated John Foley
Goliath and Black Gordman defeated Gary Nevins and Pat O’Connor when Gordman beat Nevins

8/22/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday show preempted)
Skip Young and Bulldog Bob Brown draw
Bob Backlund defeated Roger Kirby via DQ when Harley Race jumped Backlund
Harley Race defeated Hubert Gallant
Goliath and Black Gordman defeated Joe Palardy and Mike George when Gordman beat Palardy

8/27/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4785)
Harley Race defeated Missouri Champion Bob Backlund 2/3 falls, but Backlund kept the title because special referee Pat O’Connor disqualified Backlund in the third fall. Like the NWA crown, the Missouri prize could not change hands on disqualification in the deciding fall.
Rufus R. Jones and Mike George defeated Ray Clark (previously and later billed as Tom Andrews, was sub for Roger Kirby) and Bulldog Bob Brown when Jones defeated Clark
Bob Geigel defeated Guy Mitchell
Rick Gibson defeated Wayne Hammer (sub for Don Lambrick)
Skip Young defeated John Foley
Black Gordman and Goliath defeated Akio Sato and Joe Palardy. 1-Gordman defeated Sato. 2-Sato defeated Goliath. 3-Goliath defeated Palardy.

8/28/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Harley Race defeated Joe Palardy
Skip Young defeated John Foley
Bob Backlund defeated David Novak
Goliath and Black Gordman draw Akio Sato and Mike George. 1-Sato defeated Gordman. 2-Gordman defeated Sato. Curfew expired without another fall.

9/4/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mike George defeated David Novak
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Hubert Gallant
Roger Kirby defeated Joe Palardy
Bob Backlund, Skip Young and Akio Sato defeated Goliath, Black Gordman and John Foley when Young defeated Foley

9/10/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 5262)
Missouri Champion Bob Backlund defeated Harley Race 2/3 falls in a lumberjack match
Dick the Bruiser defeated Ox Baker
Rufus R. Jones and Pat O’Connor defeated Moose Cholak and Bulldog Bob Brown when O’Connor defeated Cholak
Bob Geigel draw Mike George
Skip Young defeated Mitsu Hata
Pedro Morales and Rick Gibson defeated Goliath and Black Gordman. 1-Gibson won via DQ. 2-Gordman defeated Gibson. 3-Gibson defeated Goliath.

9/11/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Skip Young defeated Mike Hammer (who was billed as Wayne Hammer 8/27)
Bob Backlund defeated Mitsu Hata
Ox Baker defeated Ruben Gold
Mike George defeated John Foley, winning the only fall within curfew

9/18/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ox Baker draw Mike George
Bob Backlund defeated Joe Palardy
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Dave Barker
Skip Young and Rick Gibson defeated Mike Hammer and Mitsu Hata, when Gibson beat Hammer for the only fall within curfew

9/24/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 3540)
Jack Brisco defeated Pat O’Connor 2/3 falls
Pedro Morales, Bob Backlund and Wilbur Snyder defeated Von Raschke, Bob Geigel and Tank Patton when Backlund defeated Patton
Ox Baker defeated Guy Mitchell
Bob Slaughter (later to become Sgt. Slaughter) defeated Buddy Wolfe
Akio Sato and Skip Young defeated John Foley and Mike Hammer. 1-Young beat Hammer. 2-Sato defeated Foley.

9/25/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bulldog Bob Brown draw Rick Gibson
Bob Backlund defeated Steve Sypert
Skip Young defeated Mitsu Hata via DQ
Ox Baker, Mike Hammer and John Foley defeated Mike George, Ruben Gold and Dave Barker when Baker defeated Barker for the only fall within curfew

10/2/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Rick Gibson defeated Tank Patton via DQ
Bob Backlund defeated Joe Turko
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Akio Sato
Bob Slaughter draw Mike George

10/8/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7830)
NWA Champion Terry Funk defeated Bob Backlund by winning the only fall scored (at 46:30) within the one-hour limit
Dick the Bruiser and Rocky Johnson defeated Blackjack Lanza and Von Raschke by DQ
Jack Brisco defeated Ox Baker
Vicki Williams defeated Leilani Kai
Wilbur Snyder and Bob Geigel draw
Skip Young defeated Joe Palardy
Ronnie Etchison defeated David Novak

10/9/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Slaughter defeated Joe Palardy
Little Tokyo defeated Sonny Boy
Pat O’Connor defeated Tank Patton
Rick Gibson and Skip Young draw Bulldog Bob Brown and Mitsu Hata. 1-Brown beat Gibson. 2-Gibson defeated Hata. Curfew expired.

10/16/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Rick Gibson defeated Joe Turko
Bob Backlund, Mike George and Skip Young defeated Bulldog Bob Brown, Tank Patton and Bob Slaughter when Young defeated Patton
Pat O’Connor defeated Joe Palardy
Mitsu Hata draw Akio Sato

10/22/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4211)
Dick the Bruiser defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Harley Race double DQ Dory Funk Jr.
Bob Backlund and Jack Brisco defeated Buddy Wolfe and Moose Cholak. 1-Backlund defeated Wolfe. 2-Wolfe defeated Brisco after Backlund accidentally threw Cholak into Brisco. 3-Brisco defeated Cholak.
Pat O’Connor defeated Moose Morowski (previously billed as Stan Moose)
Pedro Morales defeated Ox Baker via DQ
Skip Young and Akio Sato defeated Gary Fulton and Denny Albert. 1-Fulton defeated Sato. 2-Sato defeated Fulton. 3-Young defeated Albert.

10/23/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Dutch Mantell draw Akio Sato
Vicki Williams defeated Leilani Kai
Harley Race defeated Johnny Starr
Bob Backlund defeated David Novak

10/30/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Akio Sato defeated Tom Novak
Harley Race draw Bob Backlund
Vicki Williams defeated Jean Antone
Skip Young defeated Dutch Mantell via DQ

11/5/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6979)
Superstar Graham won a Wrestle Royal by outlasting in order out Sam Bass, Gary Fulton, Skip Young, Akio Sato, Andre the Giant, Don Fargo, Buddy Wolfe, Pat O’Connor, Lord Alfred Hayes, Wilbur Snyder, Bob Backlund and Von Raschke together
Harley Race defeated Dory Funk Jr.
Andre the Giant won a handicap tag bout over Buddy Wolfe and Von Raschke by beating Wolfe
Superstar Graham won a tag elimination match sending Graham, Don Fargo and Lord Alfred Hayes against Pat O’Connor, Bob Backlund and Wilbur Snyder (sub for Bobo Brazil). 1-Snyder and Hayes were both counted out outside the ring. 2-Graham defeated Backlund. 3-O’Connor defeated Fargo. 4-Graham defeated O’Connor.
Akio Sato draw Buddy Wolfe (both subs, for Jack Brisco and for billed as Dutch Malone, most likely Mantell)
Skip Young defeated Gary Fulton
Akio Sato defeated Sam Bass

11/6/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Skip Young defeated Tom Novak
Akio Sato defeated Harley Race via DQ after referee Johnny Ramirez had been decked, did not see Race give Sato a piledriver on the floor and counted Sato out. Referee Charles Venator told Ramirez, who DQd Race.
Bob Backlund defeated David Novak
Dutch Mantell defeated Johnny Starr, winning the only fall within curfew

11/13/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Rick Gibson defeated Gary Fulton
Harley Race defeated Steve Regal
NWA Champion Terry Funk defeated Sam Bass
Superstar Graham defeated Mike Hubert

11/20/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Superstar Graham defeated Don Lambrick
NWA Champion Terry Funk defeated Don Fargo
Harley Race defeated Mike Hubert
Skip Young draw Bulldog Bob Brown

11/26/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9238)
NWA Champion Terry Funk defeated Harley Race 2/3 falls
Jack Brisco won the Missouri State Championship by beating Bob Backlund
Superstar Graham defeated Ray Clark (also billed as Tom Andrews)
Greg Gagne and Pat O’Connor draw Ernie Ladd and Von Raschke
Jean Antone defeated Early Dawn
Akio Sato and Ronnie Etchison defeated Don Fargo and Roger Kirby. 1-Kirby beat Sato. 2-Sato defeated Kirby. 3-Etchison defeated Fargo.

11/27/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Skip Young defeated Don Fargo via DQ
Superstar Graham won a handicap tag bout over Gary Fulton and Don Lambrick by beating Fulton
Rick Gibson defeated Sam Bass
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Steve Regal by winning the only fall achieved within curfew

12/5/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday show preempted)
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Randy Brewer
Blackjack Lanza defeated Joe Palardy
Dick the Bruiser defeated Tom Novak
Akio Sato draw Don Fargo

12/10/76 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4351)
Missouri Champion Jack Brisco defeated Bob Backlund two straight falls. Backlund injured his knee and then was caught in the figure four leglock to lose the first fall. Referee Joe Tangaro stopped the bout when Backlund could not continue the second fall.
Dick the Bruiser defeated Blackjack Lanza
Bobby Duncum was the winner of a Wrestle Royal outlasting in order out Dennis Stamp, Ronnie Etchison, Akio Sato, Superstar Graham, Moose Morowski, Ox Baker, Ernie Ladd and Pat O’Connor together, Blackjack Lanza, Chief Peter Maiva and Bulldog Bob Brown.
Superstar Graham defeated Dennis Stamp
Chief Peter Maivia and Pat O’Connor defeated Ernie Ladd and Ox Baker via DQ
Bobby Duncum defeated Ronnie Etchison
Chief Peter Maivia (sub for Scott Casey) and Akio Sato defeated Bulldog Bob Brown and Moose Morowski. 1-Brown defeated Sato. 2-Sato defeated Brown. 3-Maivia beat Morowski.

12/11/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Billy Red Cloud defeated Don Fargo via DQ
Dick the Bruiser defeated Tim Cochran
Blackjack Lanza defeated Akio Sato
Bulldog Bob Brown and Mitsu Hata defeated Joe Palardy and Randy Brewer when Hata beat Brewer for the only fall in curfew

12/18/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Billy Red Cloud
Dick the Bruiser, Randy Brewer and Akio Sato defeated Blackjack Lanza, Mitsu Hata and Don Fargo. 1-Sato defeated Hata. 2-Hata defeated Brewer. 3-Bruiser defeated Fargo.
Joe Palardy draw Tom Novak, each winning one fall within curfew

12/25/76 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Geigel draw Mike George
Superstar Graham defeated Don Burdick
Pat O’Connor defeated BobbyVan
Ernie Ladd defeated Randy Brewer


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