St. Louis Wrestling Results: 1975




(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, Larry Matysik, Jim Zordani, and various news clippings)

St. Louis Wrestling Results 1975

Promoting the Area of: St. Louis, MO
Affiliation: NWA
Promoter: Sam Muchnick


1/3/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,314 sellout)
NWA Champion Jack Brisco defeated Dick the Bruiser 2/3 falls, the third via DQ
Dory Funk Jr. and Bobo Brazil defeated Harley Race and Lord Alfred Hayes when Funk beat Hayes
Pat O’Connor defeated Von Raschke
Dick Murdoch draw Rufus R. Jones
Big Bill Miller defeated Ronnie Etchison
Tommy Martin, Ted Oates and Frank Martinez defeated Rock Riddle, Ricky Hamilton and Rene Goulet. 1-Goulet defeated Martinez. 2-Oates defeated Riddle. 3-Martin defeated Hamilton.

1/4/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Omar Atlas draw Lord Alfred Hayes
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Ronnie Piper
Ted Oates defeated Frenchy Martin
Kim Duk, Don Fargo and Bobby Jaggers defeated Frank Gurerro, Sailor Art Thomas and Terry Martin. 1-Fargo defeated Martin. 2-Martin defeated Fargo. 3-Duk defeated Gurerro.

1/11/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Tommy Martin defeated Frenchy Martin
Rufus R. Jones and Pat O’Connor draw Big Bill Miller and Lord Alfred Hayes
Rene Goulet defeated Frank Martinez
Ted Oates defeated Ricky Hamilton

1/17/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4750)
Missouri Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Killer Kowalski, which was Kowalski’s last St. Louis match
Rufus R. Jones defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via DQ
Big Bill Miller and Dick Murdoch draw Bobo Brazil and Pat O’Connor
Wilbur Snyder defeated Moose Cholak
Tommy Martin defeated Bobby Jaggers (sub for Yugo Babich)
Ted Oates and Jim Johnson defeated Bobby Jaggers and Gary Fulton. 1-Jaggers beat Johnson. 2-Oates defeated Jaggers. 3-Oates defeated Fulton.

1/18/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Frank Martinez
Pat O’Connor and Ted Oates won a handicap bout from Big Bill Miller. First, Miller defeated Oates but then O’Connor defeated Miller.
Rufus R. Jones defeated Frenchy Martin
Tommy and Terry Martin defeated Rene Goulet and Ricky Hamilton when Tommy beat Hamilton

1/26/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Tommy Martin defeated Tony Russo
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Jim Johnson
Pat O’Connor won two straight falls from Gary Fulton.
Tape of Dory Funk Jr. training for his 2/7 bout against Jack Brisco was inserted

2/1/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Omar Atlas draw Oki Shikina
Big Bill Miller defeated Denny Alberts
Lord Alfed Hayes defeated Mike Wayne
Tommy Martin and Malcolm Monroe defeated Tony Russo and Gary Fulton when Martin defeated Russo

2/7/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 10,087)
NWA Champion Jack Brisco defeated Dory Funk Jr. 2/3 falls. Joe Higuchi from Japan, special referee. The one-hour time limit was waived.
Harley Race and Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Bobo Brazil and Pat O’Connor when Race beat O’Connor
Big Bill Miller and Rufus R. Jones won a handicap match from Giant Baba. Miller was DQ first and then Jones battled Baba for the remainder of the 30-minute limit. Thus, Baba had to forfeit.
Chuck O’Connor (later to be Big John Studd) defeated Jim Arnett
Jean Antone and Kathy McCoy defeated Betty Niccoli and Kay Casey. 1-Antone beat Casey. 2-Niccoli defeated McCoy. 3-Antone defeated Casey.
Tommy Tsuruta defeated Tommy Martin
Ted Oates defeated Bobby Jaggers

2/8/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Omar Atlas defeated Tony Russo
Big Bill Miller and Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Mike Wayne and Tommy Martin. 1-Hayes defeated Wayne. 2-Miller defeated Wayne.
Jim Johnson defeated Oki Shikina via DQ
Gary Fulton defeated Malcolm Monroe

2/15/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday only due to telethon)
Tommy Martin defeated Billy Howard
Dory Funk Jr. and Johnny Valentine draw Harley Race and Lord Alfred Hayes. Funk requested he replace Tony Russo, which Sam Muchnick approved.
Chuck O’Connor defeated Tony Russo
Jim Arnett draw Terry Martin

2/16/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Live during telethon from 11 a.m. to noon)
Ted Oates draw Chuck O’Connor
Pat O’Connor defeated Lord Alfred Hayes 2/3 falls. Each man won one fall before Hayes was DQ in the final fall.
Tommy Martin defeated Bobby Jaggers

2/21/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4299)
Harley Race won the Missouri State Championship by beating Dory Funk Jr. 2/3 falls
Johnny Valentine and Sailor Art Thomas defeated Chuck O’Connor (sub for Dick Murdoch) and Lord Alfred Hayes when Valentine defeated O’Connor
Pat O’Connor draw Big Bill Miller
Chuck O’Connor defeated Jim Johnson
Kasrow “Ali” Vaziri (later to be Iron Sheik) defeated Billy Howard
Stan Stasiak and Bobby Jaggers defeated Tommy Martin and Ted Oates. 1-Stasiak beat Martin. 2-Martin defeated Jaggers. 3-Stasiak defeated Oates.

2/22/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Chuck O’Connor defeated Billy Howard
Johnny Valentine defeated Jim Arnett
Harley Race defeated Tommy Martin
Terry Martin draw Lord Alfred Hayes

3/2/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday show was preempted for hockey)
Stan Stasiak defeated Caesar Bavan
Harley Race defeated Frank Hill
Johnny Valentine defeated Armando Rodriguez
Tommy Martin and Ali Vaziri defeated Lord Alfred Hayes and Bobby Jaggers when Vaziri defeated Jaggers
As Harley Race was being interviewed, he invited Johnny Valentine to the ring and the two ended up in a brawl.

3/7/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9675)
Missouri Champion Harley Race no contest Johnny Valentine. After each man won one
fall, both were DQ in the third fall with Pat O’Connor and Edouard Carpentier helping
three referees restore order
Dick the Bruiser, Pat O’Connor and Edouard Carpentier defeated Big Bill Miller, Dick
Murdoch and Lord Alfred Hayes. 1-Murdoch defeated O’Connor. 2-O’Connor defeated Hayes.
3-Carpentier defeated Murdoch.
Sailor Art Thomas defeated Don Fargo (sub for Ox Baker)
Ox Baker (sub for Stan Stasiak) won a handicap match from Tommy Martin and Ronnie
Etchison, first beating Etchison and then beating Martin
Chuck O’Connor defeated Ted Oates
Ali Vaziri defeated Yugo Babich

3/8/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Stan Stasiak defeated Jim Johnson
Johnny Valentine defeated Bobby Jaggers
Ali Vaziri defeated Caesar Bavan
Harley Race and Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Frank Hill and Tommy Martin when Race beat Hill

3/15/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Chuck O’Connor defeated Frank Martinz
Harley Race and Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Mike George and Frank Gurerro when Race defeated Gurerro
Edouard Carpentier defeated Abdul Zaatar
Ali Vaziri defeated Frank Dalton

3/21/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,250 sellout)
Edouard Carpentier won a Wrestle Royal over in order out Bill Costello, Ed Wiskoski, Ali Vaziri, Chuck O’Connor and Rufus R. Jones together, Ted Oates, Andre the Giant and Lord Alfred Hayes together, Terry Funk and Tommy Martin together, Big Bill Miller, Bobo Brazil and Stan Stasiak
Johnny Valentine won a Texas Death Match from Harley Race, whose Missouri title was not at stake
Andre the Giant defeated Big Bill Miller
Edouard Carpentier and Bobo Brazil defeated Stan Stasiak and Chuck O’Connor when Carpentier defeated O’Connor
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Ted Oates
Terry Funk defeated Tommy Martin
Rufus R. Jones defeated Ed Wiskoski
Ali Vaziri defeated Bill Costello

3/22/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ali Vaziri defeated Abdul Zaatar
Edouard Carpentier defeated Frank Dalton
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Frank Gurerro
Chuck O’Connor draw Mike George

3/29/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jerry Oates defeated Frank Gurerro
Edouard Carpentier defeated Jim Arnett
NWA Champion Jack Brisco defeated Bill Costello
Lord Alfred Hayes and Chuck O’Connor defeated Johnny Starr and Tommy Martin when Hayes defeated Starr

4/4/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7759)
NWA Champion Jack Brisco defeated Edouard Carpentier 2/3 falls when Carpentier was counted out outside the ring in the final fall
Dory Funk Jr. and Pat O’Connor defeated Lord Alfred Hayes and Stan Stasiak. 1-Hayes defeated O’Connor. 2-O’Connor defeated Hayes. 3-Funk defeated Stasiak.
Harley Race draw Bobo Brazil
Ray Stevens defeated Red Lyons
Big Bill Miller defeated Clem Turner
Ted Oates defeated Gary Fulton
Tommy Martin and Ronnie Etchison defeated Ed Wiskoski and Chuck O’Connor. 1-Etchison defeated Wiskoski. 2-Wiskoski defeated Martin. 3-Martin defeated O’Connor.

4/5/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ali Vaziri defeated Bill Costello
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Johnny Starr
Tommy Martin defeated Jim Arnett
Chuck O’Connor draw Jerry Oates

4/12/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Big Bill Miller draw Ted Oates
Edouard Carpentier and Tommy Martin defeated Lord Alfred Hayes and Terry Funk after Funk and Hayes were DQ for battling each other
Stan Stasiak defeated Clem Turner
Via tape from out-of-town, Harley Race defeated Bob Backlund
Announce change on 4/18 Kiel Auditorium card from Hayes vs. Dory Funk Jr. to Hayes vs. Terry Funk

4/18/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7564)
Missouri Champion Harley Race defeated Johnny Valentine 2/3 falls
Edouard Carpentier and Bobo Brazil defeated Big Bill Miller and Stan Stasiak when Carpentier defeated Stasiak
Terry Funk defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Pat O’Connor defeated Bulldog Bob Brown
Ray Stevens defeated Terry Martin
Ali Vaziri and Don Wayt defeated Chuck O’Connor and Ed Wiskoski. 1-O’Connor beat Wayt. 2-Vaziri won via DQ. 3-Vaziri defeated O’Connor.

4/19/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Stan Stasiak defeated Tommy Martin
Terry Funk defeated Gary Fulton
Ox Baker defeated Red Lyons
Big Bill Miller and Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Clem Turner and Edouard Carpentier when Miller defeated Turner

4/26/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Edouard Carpentier defeated Johnny Starr (#2 – second wrestler using same name)
Ox Baker and Big Bill Miller defeated Akio Sato and Pat O’Connor when Baker beat Sato
Zulu defeated Abdul Zaatar, winning the only fall achieved within the curfew
Via tape from Indianapolis, Ox Baker defeated Dick the Bruiser who was counted out outside the ring

5/2/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6912)
Missouri Champion Harley Race defeated Terry Funk 2/3 falls
Dick the Bruiser defeated Ox Baker
Pat O’Connor and Edouard Carpentier defeated Von Raschke and Bobby Heenan when Carpentier defeated Raschke
Ray Stevens defeated Ted Oates
Rocky Johnson draw Big Bill Miller
Ronnie Etchison and Sailor Art Thomas defeated Angelo and Lanny Poffo. 1-Angelo beat Etchison. 2-Etchison defeated Angelo. 3-Thomas defeated Lanny via DQ. Originally, Lanny pinned Thomas after leaping onto Thomas from the top rope. The referees missed the move. Before the fourth bout, after Sam Muchnick spoke with Athletic Commission representatives; the decision was changed to the DQ.

5/3/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Akio Sato defeated Johnny Starr (#2)
Edouard Carpentier defeated Big Bill Miller via DQ
Ox Baker defeated Abdul Zaatar
Pat O’Connor defeated Jesse Ventura, winning the only fall within curfew

5/10/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Zulu draw Ted Oates
Edouard Carpentier defeated Jesse Ventura
Ox Baker defeated Akio Sato
Mack Patton (later to become Tank) and Big Bill Miller defeated Charlie Pullins (not Calvin) and Omar Atlas when Patton defeated Pullins

5/16/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4447)
Missouri Champion Harley Race defeated Edouard Carpentier 2/3 falls
Omar Atlas won a Wrestle Royal by outlasting in order Zulu, Ronnie Etchison, Angelo Poffo, Lanny Poffo, Terry Funk, Pat O’Connor, Ray Stevens, Ox Baker, Bobo Brazil, Buddy King, Wilbur Snyder, Bobby Heenan and Big Bill Miller
Bobby Heenan and Ox Baker were the winners of a tag elimination match sending Heenan, Baker and Ray Stevens against Bobo Brazil, Pat O’Connor and Terry Funk. 1-Stevens defeated Brazil. 2-Funk and Stevens were both counted out outside the ring. 3-Baker defeated O’Connor.
Big Bill Miller draw Wilbur Snyder
Ronnie Etchison defeated Zulu
Omar Atlas and Buddy King defeated Angelo and Lanny Poffo. 1-Angelo defeated King. 2-King defeated Angelo. 3-Atlas defeated Lanny.

5/17/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Akio Sato defeated Abdul Zaatar
Ox Baker, Big Bill Miller and Zulu draw Edouard Carpentier, Omar Atlas and Ted Oates. 1-Baker defeated Oates. 2-Carpentier defeated Zulu. The 20-minute limit expired with no other falls.
Mack Patton defeated Charlie Pullins

5/24/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ox Baker defeated Bobby Van
Rocky Johnson and Tom Demarco won a handicap tag bout from Harley Race when Johnson defeated Race
Ray Stevens defeated Johnny Starr (#2)
Omar Atlas defeated Mack Patton

5/31/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Rocky Johnson defeated Raoul Guzman
Harley Race and Ray Stevens defeated Omar Atlas and Akio Sato when Stevens beat Sato
Ox Baker defeated Tom Demarco
Mack Patton defeated Don Wayt

6/6/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7635)
Dick the Bruiser won a Texas Death Match from Ox Baker
Missouri Champion Harley Race double DQ Rocky Johnson
Ray Stevens and Big Bill Miller defeated Terry Funk and Omar Atlas when Miller beat Atlas
Pat O’Connor defeated Bobby Heenan
Wilbur Snyder defeated Rene Goulet
Ronnie Etchison and Ben Justice defeated Lanny and Angelo Poffo. 1-Angelo beat Justice. 2-Justice defeated Angelo. 3-Etchison defeated Lanny.

6/7/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Omar Atlas defeated Bobby Van
Ray Stevens defeated Don Wayt
Rocky Johnson and Akio Sato defeated Ox Baker and Raoul Guzman when Johnson beat Guzman
Mack Patton defeated Tom Demarco, winning the only fall within curfew

6/14/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ted Oates defeated Bobby Van
Ox Baker and Pat O’Connor both counted out while battling on the apron
Omar Atlas and Abdul Zaatar defeated Pedro Zapata and Mack Patton when Atlas beat Zapata

6/20/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7229)
NWA Champion Jack Brisco no contest Dick the Bruiser. Each man won one fall before a collision in the third fall. Brisco was tangled in the ropes and Bruiser was down on the mat while special referee Lou Thesz counted both men out at “ten.”
Rocky Johnson, Pat O’Connor and Rufus R. Jones defeated Chuck O’Connor (sub for Ray Stevens), Big Bill Miller and Harley Race when Johnson defeated Miller
Ox Baker defeated Ted Oates
Mack “Tank” Patton defeated Omar Atlas
Betty Niccoli and Marva Scott defeated Jean Antone and Lucille Dupree. 1-Scott beat Antone. 2-Antone defeated Scott. 3-Niccoli defeated Dupree.
Ronnie Etchison defeated Don Wayt

6/21/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Omar Atlas defeated Pedro Zapata
Ox Baker defeated Abdul Zaatar
Pat O’Connor defeated Don Wayt
Ted Oates and Buddy King defeated Bobby Van and Tank Patton when King defeated Van

Out-of-town wrestling programs were telecast from 6/28/75 through 7/19/75

KPLR mistakenly aired the second tape first on 7/27, then the correct tape 7/28. The following dates indicate when shows were actually telecast on KPLR Sat., 7/27/75…Sat., 8/2/75 and Sun.,

8/3/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Accidentally aired on 7/27 as well)
Jerry Oates defeated Buddy King
Chuck O’Connor defeated Prince Tapu
Ox Baker defeated Akio Sato
Don White defeated Oki Shikina via DQ

Aired 7/28/75 only – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jerry Oates defeated Don Wayt
Chuck O’Connor defeated Don White
Ox Baker defeated Prince Tapu
Akio Sato and Buddy King draw
Aired tape of Giant Baba beating Jack Brisco for NWA title 12/2/74 in Japan

8/8/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7188)
NWA Champion Jack Brisco defeated Giant Baba 2/3 falls
Wilbur Snyder and Rocky Johnson defeated Harley Race and Ox Baker when Johnson beat Race
Pat O’Connor and Ray Stevens draw
Bobo Brazil defeated Chuck O’Connor via DQ
Jerry Oates defeated Bobby Heenan
Rene Goulet, Soldier LeBeouf and Don White defeated Danny Little Bear, Prince Tapu and Akio Sato. 1-White defeated Sato. 2-Bear defeated White. 3-Goulet defeated Tapu.

8/9/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ox Baker defeated Don Wayt
Jerry Oates defeated Chuck O’Connor via DQ
Tank Patton, Buddy King and Oki Shikina defeated Don White, Akio Sato and Prince Tapu. 1-King defeated White. 2-White defeated King. 3-Shikina defeated Tapu.

8/16/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jerry Oates defeated Jesse Ventura
Von Raschke double DQ Ox Baker
Ed “Wolf” Wiskoski defeated Akio Sato
Tank Patton and Ted Oates draw

8/22/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 5164)
Missouri Champion Harley Race draw Rocky Johnson with each man winning one fall within the one-hour limit. Pat O’Connor, special referee.
Jerry Oates won a tag elimination sending Oates, Wilbur Snyder and Bob Geigel (sub for Bobo Brazil) against Bobby Heenan (sub for Ray Stevens), Big Bill Miller and Wolf Wiskoski. 1-Snyder and Wiskoski were both counted out outside the ring. 2-Geigel beat Heenan. 3-Miller defeated Geigel. 4-Oates defeated Miller.
Dick Murdoch defeated Mike Thomas
Rene Goulet defeated Prince Tapu (sub for Robert Fuller)
Tank Patton defeated Akio Sato
Danny Little Bear defeated Soldier LeBeouf

8/23/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Prince Tapu defeated Ron Burdick
Jerry Oates won a Wrestle Royal by outlasting in order out Ox Baker, Don Wayt, Akio Sato, Jesse Ventura and Tank Patton
Von Raschke draw Pat O’Connor
Ted Oates defeated Wolf Wiskoski via DQ

8/30/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Von Raschke defeated Charlie Pullins
Wolf Wiskoski defeated Prince Tapu
Ox Baker defeated Don Wayt
Jerry and Ted Oates defeated Jesse Ventura and Tank Patton when Jerry defeated Ventura for the only fall within curfew
Jesse Ventura Interview closes the show

9/5/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 5512)
Missouri Champion Harley Race ruled draw against Dick the Bruiser. After each man won one fall, both were disqualified in the third fall.
Rocky Johnson defeated Von Raschke
Jerry Oates and Pat O’Connor defeated Ox Baker and Dick Murdoch when Oates beat Baker
Wilbur Snyder defeated Chuck O’Connor via DQ
Jim and John Valiant defeated Akio Sato and Bob Geigel when Jim defeated Sato
Bobby Heenan draw Danny Little Bear

9/6/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Akio Sato defeated Don Wayt
Rocky Johnson defeated Don White
Jim and John Valiant defeated Ron and Don Burdick when Jim defeated Ron
Chuck O’Connor defeated Mike Thomas

9/13/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Chuck O’Connor defeated Don Burdick
Jim and John Valiant defeated Mike Thomas and Prince Tapu when John defeated Tapu
Rocky Johnson defeated Frenchy Martin
Don “Whipper” White draw Akio Sato

9/19/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7447)
Dick the Bruiser won a Texas Death Match from Harley Race with the Missouri title not at stake. Afterward, Sam Muchnick again did an interview stating that the Texas Death Match was not being officiated properly. This again had been the dreaded ten-count finish after a fall, with Bruiser up just before ten and Race on one knee – hardly disabled.
Rocky Johnson and Jerry Oates defeated Jim and John Valiant when Johnson defeated Jim
Pat O’Connor draw Dick Murdoch
Red Bastien defeated Chuck O’Connor via DQ
Stan Stasiak defeated Ronnie Etchison
Bobby Heenan and Tank Patton defeated Prince Tapu and Don Wayt. 1-Heenan beat Tapu. 2-Tapu defeated Heenan. 3-Patton defeated Wayt.

9/20/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Akio Sato defeated Frenchy Martin via DQ
Chuck O’Connor defeated Prince Tapu
Pat O’Connor and Rocky Johnson draw Jim and John Valiant
Whipper White defeated Don Burdick

9/27/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Whipper White defeated Bobby Blue
Harley Race and Jerry Oates draw
Dick Murdoch defeated Don Burdick
Stan Stasiak defeated Prince Tapu

10/3/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9168)
NWA Champion Jack Brisco defeated Rocky Johnson 2/3 falls
Harley Race and Dick Murdoch defeated Pat O’Connor and Jerry Oates when Murdoch beat O’Connor
Stan Stasiak defeated Red Bastien
Wilbur Snyder defeated Buddy Wolfe (billed before as Les Wolfe)
Chuck O’Connor defeated Akio Sato
Tank Patton defeated Whipper White
Ali Vaziri and Ronnie Etchison defeated Alofa and Sika. 1-Sika defeated Etchison. 2-Etchison defeated Sika. 3-Vaziri defeated Alofa.

10/4/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Stan Stasiak defeated Tom Demarco
Harley Race and Dick Murdoch defeated Jerry Oates and Akio Sato when Race beat Sato
Tank Patton defeated Don Burdick
Whipper White defeated Prince Tapu

10/12/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday showing was preempted by hockey)
Stan Stasiak defeated Don Wayt
Jerry Oates defeated Whipper White
Harley Race defeated Akio Sato
Dick Murdoch and Tank Patton defeated Tom Demarco and Prince Tapu when Murdoch defeated Demarco
Insert via tape Bruno Sammartino defeated Toru Tanaka via DQ

10/17/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4740)
Bruno Sammartino defeated Stan Stasiak
Missouri Champion Harley Race defeated Jerry Oates
Nick Bockwinkel and Dick Murdoch double DQ Dick the Bruiser and Pat O’Connor
Rocky Johnson defeated Chuck O’Connor
Big Bill Miller defeated Tank Patton
Ali Vaziri and Ronnie Etchison defeated Rene Goulet and Soldier LeBeouf. 1-Goulet beat Etchison. 2-Etchison defeated Le Beouf. 3-Vaziri defeated Goulet.

10/18/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Red Bastien defeated Sika
Nick Bockwinkel and Bobby Heenan defeated Jerry Oates and Mike Hubert (later billed as Spike Huber). 1-Bockwinkel defeated Oates. 2-Oates defeated Heenan. 3-Bockwinkel defeated Hubert.
Stan Stasiak defeated Tony Atlas (yes, that Tony Atlas)

10/26/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Saturday episode was preempted for Basketball)
Jerry Oates defeated Alofa
Nick Bockwinkel, w/Bobby Heenan, defeated Don Wayt
Red Bastien and Rocky Johnson draw Chuck O’Connor and Stan Stasiak
Ali Vaziri defeated Sika

11/1/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Stan Stasiak defeated Mike Hubert
Rocky Johnson defeated Alofa
Nick Bockwinkel, w/Bobby Heenan, defeated Tony Atlas
Ali Vaziri, Jerry Oates and Red Bastien defeated Sika, Don Wayt and Chuck O’Connor when Bastien defeated Wayt

11/7/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4233)
Dick Murdoch double DQ Bruno Sammartino
Missouri Champion Harley Race defeated Red Bastien
Rocky Johnson and Pat O’Connor defeated Big Bill Miller and Stan Stasiak when Johnson defeated Stasiak
Jerry Oates (sub for Bull Bullinski) defeated Ox Baker via DQ
Jerry Oates defeated Kim Duk
Ali Vaziri and Ronnie Etchison defeated Tank Patton and Bennie Ramirez. 1-Patton beat Etchison. 2-Etchison defeated Patton. 3-Vaziri defeated Ramirez.

11/8/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jerry Oates defeated Don Wayt
Dick Murdoch and Pat O’Connor both counted out outside the ring
Rocky Johnson defeated Juan Sebastian
Stan Stasiak defeated Whipper White

11/15/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ali Vaziri defeated Whipper White
Dick Murdoch defeated Prince Tapu
Rocky Johnson defeated Tank Patton
Jerry Oates and Pat O’Connor defeated Stan Stasiak and John Heideman when Oates beat Heideman

11/21/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7811)
NWA Champion Jack Brisco draw Rocky Johnson as both men won one fall within the one-hour limit
Pat O’Connor and Dory Funk Jr. defeated Von Raschke and Nick Bockwinkel, who was DQ for Bobby Heenan’s interference
Missouri Champion Harley Race defeated Sailor Art Thomas
Jerry Oates defeated Moose Cholak (sub for Dick Murdoch)
Ox Baker defeated Omar Atlas
Jim and John Valiant defeated Mike Hubert and Red Bastien when John defeated Hubert
Ali Vaziri defeated Tank Patton

11/22/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Dick Murdoch defeated Don Wayt
Jerry Oates defeated Juan Sebastian
Ali Vaziri defeated John Heideman
Pat O’Connor won a Wrestle Royal by outlasting in order out John Heideman, Don Wayt, Juan Sebastian, Stan Stasiak, Prince Tapu, Tank Patton and Whipper White

11/29/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jerry Oates defeated Bennie Ramirez
Nick Bockwinkel, w/Bobby Heenan, draw Pat O’Connor. Each won one fall
before the 20-minute limit expired.
Ox Baker defeated Akio Sato
Ali Vaziri defeated Gary Nevins

12/5/75 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6049)
Terry Funk won a Wrestle Royal by outlasting in order out Stan Stasiak, Ox Baker, Johnny Starr, Tank Patton, Ali Vaziri, Bob Backlund and Les Thornton together, Lord Alfred Hayes, Jerry Oates, Bulldog Bob Brown, Dick the Bruiser, Blackjack Lanza, Bobby Heenan and Pat O’Connor together
Dick the Bruiser and Rocky Johnson defeated Blackjack Lanza and Nick Bockwinkel, w/Bobby Heenan, via DQ
Terry Funk defeated Stan Stasiak
Pat O’Connor defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Ox Baker defeated Les Thornton
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Bob Backlund
Ali Vaziri and Jerry Oates defeated Johnny Starr and Tank Patton when Oates defeated Starr

12/6/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ali Vaziri draw Akio Sato
Nick Bockwinkel, w/Bobby Heenan, defeated Omar Atlas
Jerry and Ted Oates defeated Bennie Ramirez and Tank Patton when Jerry defeated Ramirez
Ox Baker defeated Gary Nevins
Terry Funk won the NWA Championship from Jack Brisco in Miami, Florida 12/10/75

12/13/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ted Oates defeated Tank Patton via DQ
Nick Bockwinkel, w/Bobby Heenan, and Ox Baker defeated Akio Sato and Jerry Oates when Baker defeated Sato
Pat O’Connor defeated Bennie Ramirez
Omar Atlas defeated Gary Nevins

12/20/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
* This show was taped 12/7, before Terry Funk won the NWA title, so Funk appeared with no mention as champion and various audio and video edits were inserted to update the program
Jerry Oates draw Lord Alfred Hayes
Pat O’Connor defeated Raoul Guzman two straight falls
Terry Funk defeated Rico Pantera
Nick Bockwinkel and Bobby Heenan defeated ChiChi Rosario and Mike George when Bockwinkel defeated Rosario for the only fall within curfew

12/27/75 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
* This program was also taped 12/7, thus requiring edits to include that Terry Funk was now NWA champion
Terry Funk defeated Raoul Guzman
Nick Bockwinkel, w/Bobby Heenan, and Ox Baker defeated Les Thornton and Mike George when Bockwinkel defeated Thornton
Jerry Oates draw Bob Backlund. Only the last five minutes of the 10-minute draw aired as Funk beating Jack Brisco from 12/10 in Miami was edited over the first half of the match.
Pat O’Connor defeated Rico Pantera


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