St. Louis Wrestling Results: 1972




(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, Larry Matysik, Jim Zordani, and various news clippings)

St. Louis Wrestling Results 1972

Promoting the Area of: St. Louis, MO
Affiliation: NWA
Promoter: Sam Muchnick


1/1/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,305 sellout)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Rufus R. Jones 2/3 falls
Johnny Valentine, Jack Brisco and Pat O’Connor defeated Big Bill Miller, Hans Schmidt and Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, when Valentine defeated Miller
Central States Champion Harley Race defeated Jerry Miller
Bob Geigel defeated Ben Justice
Penny Banner defeated Kay Noble
Johnny Weaver and Ronnie Etchison defeated Stan Pulaski and Great Kusatsu. 1-Pulaski defeated Weaver. 2-Weaver defeated Pulaski. 3-Etchison defeated Kusatsu.

1/1/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Bennie Ramirez defeated Bobby Whitlock
Omar Atlas defeated Frank Diamond
Johnny Valentine and Pat O’Connor defeated Ron Sanders and Harley Race when O’Connor defeated Sanders
Bob Geigel defeated Freddie Rogers

1/8/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Bennie Ramirez defeated Tom Demarco
Harley Race defeated Freddie Rogers
Johnny Valentine defeated Bobby Blaine
Pat O’Connor defeated Tim Brooks
On the taping 1/8/72, Pat O’Connor won the Central States title from Harley Race. Although this had not aired yet, the card for 1/14 at Kiel Auditorium was changed so that O’Connor defended the title. Ads were posted and announcements were made throughout the time prior to 1/14 were made so fans knew what had happened.

1/14/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6189)
Harley Race defeated Johnny Valentine
Central States Champion Pat O’Connor defeated Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan
Dick the Bruiser and Jack Brisco no contest Pak-Son and Hans Schmidt. 1-Schmidt beat Brisco. 2-Brisco defeated Schmidt. 3-Both teams were DQ.
Rufus R. Jones defeated Mike Loren
Bob Geigel defeated Luis Martinez
Bob Orton and Bennie Ramirez defeated Steve Bolus and Ronnie Etchison. 1-Etchison beat Ramirez. 2-Ramirez defeated Bolus. 3-Orton defeated Etchison.

1/15/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Steve Bolus defeated Jimmy Honda
Pat O’Connor won the Central States title from Harley Race 2/3 falls. Each man won one fall before O’Connor took the third when Race was counted out outside the ring.
Bob Orton defeated Tom Novak

1/22/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Rufus R. Jones defeated Bobby Van
Harley Race defeated Buddy Lever
Bob Orton and John Bollas defeated Steve Bolus and Tom Novak. 1-Orton defeated Bolus. 2-Bolus defeated Bollas. 3-Orton defeated Novak.

1/29/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Betty Niccoli defeated Pat Davis
Bobby Heenan defeated Frank Diamond
Pat O’Connor defeated Rick O’Toole
Rufus R. Jones defeated Jimmy Haines

2/4/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9716)
Central States Champion Pat O’Connor defeated Harley Race
Dick the Bruiser won a Texas Death Match over Pak-Son
Jack Brisco and Rufus R. Jones (sub for Johnny Valentine) defeated Hans Schmidt and Blackjack Lanza when Brisco defeated Schmidt
Rufus R. Jones won a handicap match over Bobby Heenan. Jones had to win one fall within 15 minutes or forfeit, plus the head butt was banned.
Betty Niccoli and Kay Noble defeated Barbara Galento and Pat Davis. 1-Noble beat Galento. 2-Galento defeated Noble. 3-Niccoli defeated Davis.
Bob Orton defeated Bobby Whitlock
Sam Muchnick withdrew recognition of the Central States Championship when he discovered that Harley Race was still carrying the belt and defending the title in other cities of Missouri, Iowa and Kansas

2/5/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Betty Niccoli defeated Lucille Dupree
Rufus R. Jones defeated Tom Reesman
Steve Bolus and Frank Diamond defeated Bob Orton and Jimmy Haines. 1-Orton beat Diamond. 2-Diamond defeated Haines. 3-Bolus defeated Haines.

2/12/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV (Larry Matysik starts as “guest commentator” with George Abel)
Blackjack Lanza defeated Herbert Haggie
Pat O’Connor defeated Jack Black
Rufus R. Jones defeated Al Ramsey
Ronnie Etchison and Pak-Son draw

2/18/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 8957)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Pat O’Connor 2/3 falls
Von Raschke, Blackjack Lanza and Hans Schmidt defeated Dick the Bruiser, Jack Brisco and Rufus R. Jones when Raschke defeated Brisco
Giant Baba defeated Sonny Myers
Don Curtis and Harley Race draw
Bob Orton defeated Luis Martinez
Ben Justice and Ronnie Etchison defeated Cyclone Negro and Frank Martinez. 1-Negro beat Justice. 2-Justice defeated Negro. 3-Etchison defeated Martinez.

2/19/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Bob Orton defeated Herbert Hagie
Jack Black defeated Al Ramsey
Rufus R. Jones and Ronnie Etchison defeated Pak-Son and Hans Schmidt. 1-Pak-Son beat Etchison. 2-Etchison won via DQ. 3-Jones defeated Pak-Son.

2/26/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV (Larry Matysik becomes commentator)
Hans Schmidt defeated Ronnie Etchison
Johnny Valentine was the survivor and winner of tag elimination sending Valentine, Ben Justice and Rufus R. Jones against Frank Martinez, Blackjack Lanza and Von Raschke. 1-Raschke defeated Justice. 2-Valentine defeated Martinez. 3-Both Raschke and Jones were counted out outside the ring. 4-Valentine defeated Lanza via DQ when Raschke jumped onto Valentine from the top rope
Don Curtis draw Bob Orton

3/3/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6567)
Rufus R. Jones won 2/3 falls over Von Raschke, taking the final fall via DQ after each had won one fall
Blackjack Lanza and Johnny Valentine draw. Each won one fall within the 45-minute limit.
Cowboy Bill Watts double DQ Dick the Bruiser
Jack and Jerry Brisco defeated Pak-Son and Hans Schmidt. 1-Pak-Son defeated Jack. 2-Jack defeated Pak-Son. 3-Jerry defeated Schmidt.
Bobo Johnson defeated Little Jumbo
Bob Orton and Bennie Ramirez defeated Terry Martin and The Viking. 1-Ramirez beat Martin. 2-Viking defeated Ramirez. 3-Orton defeated Viking.

3/4/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Blackjack Lanza defeated Ben Justice
Von Raschke defeated Don Curtis
Johnny Valentine defeated Frank Martinez
Ronnie Etchison and Bob Orton draw

3/11/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Cowboy Bill Watts defeated Herbert Haggie
Jack and Jerry Brisco defeated Von Raschke and Blackjack Lanza. 1-Raschke beat Jack. 2-Jerry defeated Lanza. 3-The Briscos were awarded the win via DQ when Lanza and Raschke attacked special referee Pat O’Connor before the third fall.
Johnny Valentine defeated Al Ramsey

3/17/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6207)
Jerry Brisco defeated Von Raschke
Cowboy Bill Watts and Blackjack Lanza draw Dick the Bruiser and Pat O’Connor with no falls scored in the 30-minute limit
Johnny Valentine defeated Pak-Son
Jack Brisco defeated Bob Orton
Rufus R. Jones defeated Moose Cholak
Angelo Poffo and Hans Schmidt defeated Terry Martin and Steve Bolus. 1-Poffo beat Martin. 2-Martin defeated Poffo. 3-Schmidt defeated Bolus.

3/18/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
A tournament to determine a Missouri State Champion was started.
MO. Title Tourney: Jerry Brisco defeated Bennie Ramirez
MO. Title Tourney: Johnny Valentine won by decision over Von Raschke after 15-minute limit expired
MO. Title Tourney: Cowboy Bill Watts defeated The Viking
Jack Brisco draw Blackjack Lanza

3/25/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
MO. Title Tourney: Pak-Son defeated Frankie Gurerro (later billed as Gil Gurerro)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Jack Black
Jerry Brisco defeated Hector Lopez
Al Ramsey and Steve Bolus draw

4/1/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Jack Brisco defeated Frank Marconi
Jerry Brisco defeated Al Ramsey
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated George Dupree
MO. Title Tourney: Pak-Son defeated Steve Bolus

4/7/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7501)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Jerry Brisco two straight falls, when Brisco could not continue after losing the first fall to Funk’s spinning toehold
Jack Brisco and Harley Race went to a 20-minute draw as the survivors of a tag elimination bout sending Brisco, Pat O’Connor and Rufus R. Jones against Race, Cowboy Bill Watts and Pak-Son. 1-Watts defeated O’Connor. 2-Jones defeated Pak-Son. 3-Watts and Jones were both counted out outside the ring.
Johnny Valentine defeated Big Bill Miller via DQ
Bob Geigel defeated Sonny Myers
Ethel Johnson defeated Marva Scott
Bob Roop and Hans Schmidt defeated Sonny Myers (sub for Luis Martinez) and Terry Martin. 1-Schmidt defeated Myers. 2-Myers defeated Schmidt. 3-Roop defeated Martin.

4/8/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Steve Bolus draw Jack Black
Pak-Son defeated Hector Lopez
Jerry Brisco and Frankie Gurerro defeated Al Ramsey and Frank Marconi. 1-Brisco beat Ramsey. 2-Brisco defeated Marconi.

4/15/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Jack Brisco defeated Jack Black
MO. Title Tourney: Harley Race defeated Jerry Brisco when Brisco was DQ’ed for brother Jack attacking Race
Bob Roop and Big Bill Miller no decision Johnny Valentine and Billy Howard. 1-Roop beat Howard. 2-Valentine defeated Roop. 3-Miller and Valentine were both counted out outside the ring.

4/21/72 – Kiel Auditorium (at. 7051)
Johnny Valentine won a Texas Death Match over Big Bill Miller
Harley Race no decision Jack Brisco. Each man won one fall before they collided in the third fall, as Race was counted out on the mat and Brisco was counted out outside the ring.
Dick the Bruiser and Pat O’Connor defeated Pak-Son and Blackjack Lanza, with Bobby Heenan. 1-Lanza defeated O’Connor. 2-O’Connor defeated Lanza. 3-Bruiser defeated Pak-Son.
Rufus R. Jones defeated Angelo Poffo (sub for Hans Schmidt)
Blackjack Mulligan, now w/Bobby Heenan, draw Wilbur Snyder
Moose Cholak (sub for Bob Roop) and Dan Miller defeated Ronnie Etchison and Billy Howard. 1-Etchison defeated Miller. 2-Miller defeated Howard. 3-Cholak defeated Etchison.

4/22/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Big Bill Miller defeated Frank Diamond
MO. Title Tourney: Harley Race defeated Terry Martin
Johnny Valentine defeated Jack Black
Bob Roop and Pat O’Connor draw

4/29/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Nick Adams defeated Billy Howard
MO. Title Tourney: Harley Race defeated Pat O’Connor after an extra 5-minute session past the original 15-minute limit which ended in a draw.
Johnny Valentine defeated Dick Richie
Ronnie Etchison defeated Frank Diamond

5/6/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Harley Race defeated Tom Novak
Ronnie Etchison defeated Dick Richie
Johnny Valentine defeated Nick Adams
Pat O’Connor defeated Tom Reesman

5/12/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6249)
Dick the Bruiser won a handicap tag bout over Bobby Heenan, Blackjack Mulligan and Blackjack Lanza by pinning Mulligan
Johnny Valentine and Rufus R. Jones defeated Terry Funk and Dory Funk Sr. when Jones defeated Senior
Harley Race defeated Don Curtis
Pat O’Connor defeated Moose Cholak
Betty Niccoli defeated Jean Antone
Dan and Big Bill Miller defeated Billy Howard and Sonny Myers. 1-Dan defeated Myers. 2-Myers defeated Dan. 3-Bill defeated Howard.

5/13/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Terry Martin draw Bennie Ramirez
Mo. Tourney: Harley Race defeated Tom Demarco
Johnny Valentine defeated Jack Black
Rufus R. Jones defeated Nick Adams

5/20/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Terry Martin defeated Bob Sabre
Johnny Valentine defeated Bennie Ramirez
Harley Race defeated Billy Howard
Ronnie Etchison and Rufus R. Jones defeated Nick Adams and Jack Black when Etchison defeated Adams
The new Missouri Championship belt is unveiled. Valentine announces he is dropping out of Missouri title tourney due to NWA title match 6/2.

5/27/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Roger Kirby defeated Billy Howard
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Yaso Fuji
Harley Race defeated Jim Padaruski
The Stomper defeated Bennie Ramirez

6/2/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 8331)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Johnny Valentine 2/3 falls. Each man won a fall, but Valentine could not continue in the third fall after losing the second to Funk’s spinning toehold.
Jack Brisco, Rufus R. Jones and Pat O’Connor defeated Pak-Son, Harley Race and Big Bill Miller when Jones defeated Pak-Son
The Stomper (originally The Mongolian Stomper) defeated Hans Schmidt
Betty Niccoli defeated Donna Lemke
Lord Littlebrook defeated Tiny Todd
Moose Cholak and Dan Miller defeated Terry Martin and Ronnie Etchison. 1-Cholak beat Etchison. 2-Etchison defeated Cholak. 3-Miller defeated Martin.

6/3/72 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Yaso Fuji draw Terry Martin
Harley Race defeated Harry Lane
The Stomper, Jim Padaruski and Billy Howard defeated Bennie Ramirez, Carl Cox and Roger Kirby. 1-Howard defeated Ramirez. 2-Kox defeated Howard. 3-Stomper defeated Cox.

Out-of-town wrestling shows were telecast from 6/10/72 through 7/29/72

The program was moved back to the Khorassan Room of the Chase-Park Plaza Hotel. Sam Menacker became the commentator, with Mickey Garagiola doing the ring announcing. Note the change in the name of the TV program back to WatC

8/5/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Roger Kirby defeated Billy Howard
Harley Race defeated Roy Bess
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Joe Chun
The Stomper (originally Mongolian Stomper) won two straight falls over Juan Sebastian

8/12/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Billy Howard draw Juan Sebastian
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Chati Yokouchi
Harley Race defeated Bobby Whitlock
Roger Kirby and Yaso Fuji defeated The Stomper and Roy Bess. Kirby defeated Bess for the only fall within the curfew.

8/18/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7747)
Jack Brisco defeated Harley Race
Gene Kiniski defeated Cowboy Bob Ellis
Pat O’Connor and Rufus R. Jones defeated Von Raschke and Moose Cholak when O’Connor defeated Cholak
The Stomper defeated Stan Pulaski
Dick the Bruiser defeated Blackjack Mulligan (sub for Jack Lanza) via DQ
Roger Kirby and Yaso Fuji defeated Les Thornton and Omar Atlas. 1-Fuji beat Thornton. 2-Thornton defeated Fuji. 3-Kirby defeated Atlas.

8/19/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Roger Kirby defeated Roy Bess
The Stomper defeated Joe Chun
Harley Race defeated Billy Howard
Yaso Fuji draw Bobby Whitlock, each man winning one fall within curfew

8/26/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Larry Matysik returns as “color” commentator with Sam Menacker)
Roger Kirby draw Steve Bolus
Rufus R. Jones defeated Rick O’Toole
The Stomper defeated Jim Preacher
Harley Race defeated John Novak two straight falls

9/2/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Rufus R. Jones defeated Jimmy Honda
Harley Race defeated Emanuel Veach
The Stomper defeated Tom Reesman
Yaso Fuji and Roger Kirby defeated Bobby Whitlock and Steve Bolus. Kirby beat Whitlock for the lone fall within curfew.

9/8/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6224)
Gene Kiniski defeated Jack Brisco
Dick the Bruiser and Steve Bolus won a handicap match over Roger Kirby when Bruiser beat Kirby; Bolus never entered the ring.
The Stomper was the winner of a tag elimination bout sending Stomper, Cowboy Bob Ellis and Pat O’Connor against Harley Race, Pak-Son and Von Raschke. 1-Raschke beat Ellis. 2-O’Connor defeated Pak-Son. 3-Raschke defeated O’Connor. 4-Stomper defeated Race. 5-Stomper defeated Raschke.
Rufus R. Jones and Blackjack Lanza draw
Les Thornton defeated Moose Cholak via DQ
Omar Atlas defeated Yaso Fuji

9/9/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Rufus R. Jones defeated Jim Preacher
The Stomper defeated Rick O’Toole
Harley Race defeated Steve Bolus
Roger Kirby defeated Billy Howard

9/16/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mo. Tourney: Harley Race won the Missouri title by beating Pak-Son. Bill Watts was disqualified for not appearing.
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. and Pat O’Connor defeated Yaso Fuji and Chati Yokouchi when O’Connor defeated Yokouchi
Funk and O’Connor were then challenged by Gene Kiniski and Harley Race. Sam Muchnick agreed to the bout. Kiniski and Race won when Race defeated Funk after Kiniski attacked Funk outside the ring.
Rufus R. Jones defeated Juan Sebastian

9/22/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7143)
Missouri Champion Harley Race defeated Dick the Bruiser 2/3 falls. Both won one fall when Bruiser injured his knee in the second fall and could not continue.
Rufus R. Jones won a Texas Death Match over Blackjack Lanza (In the next “Wrestling News” magazine for 10/13, Sam Muchnick declared that the referee did not understand what a Death Match was and that the bout should not have been stopped when it was)
Cowboy Bob Ellis and Pat O’Connor draw Hans Schmidt and Big Bill Miller with no falls scored within the 30-minute limit
The Stomper defeated Von Raschke via DQ
Betty Niccoli defeated Belle Starr
Ronnie Etchison and Steve Bolus defeated Dan Miller and Juan Sebastian. 1-Miller beat Bolus. 2-Bolus defeated Miller. 3-Etchison defeated Sebastian.

9/23/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
The Stomper defeated Billy Howard
Gene Kiniski defeated Steve Bolus
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Yaso Fuji
Rufus R. Jones defeated Chati Yokouchi

9/30/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
The Stomper defeated Chati Yokouchi
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. no contest Steve Bolus because Funk refused to accept victory after Bolus was injured
Gene Kiniski defeated Billy Howard
Yaso Fuji draw Hank James

10/7/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Harley Race defeated Chati Yokouchi
Gene Kiniski defeated Hank James
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Juan Sebastian
The Stomper defeated Yaso Fuji

10/13/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 10,881)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. won 2/3 falls over Gene Kiniski
Missouri Champion Harley Race won 2/3 falls over Pat O’Connor
Hans Schmidt and Big Bill Miller defeated Cowboy Bob Ellis and Jack Brisco when Miller defeated Ellis
The Stomper defeated George Hultz
Steve Bolus defeated Juan Sebastian
Al Costello and Don Kent, billed as The Kangaroos, defeated Guy Mitchell and Ronnie Etchison. 1-Kent defeated Etchison. 2-Mitchell defeated Kent. 3-Kent beat Mitchell

10/14/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Steve Bolus defeated George Amell
Big Bill Miller and Harley Race defeated Bobby Whitlock and Rufus R. Jones when Miller defeated Whitlock. Brief skirmish between Race and The Stomper after the bout.
The Stomper defeated Armando Rodriguez

10/21/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
The Stomper defeated Carlos Colon
Big Bill Miller defeated Caesar Bavan
Steve Bolus and Pat O’Connor defeated Harley Race and Armando Rodriguez. 1-Race beat Bolus. 2-Bolus defeated Rodriguez. 3-O’Connor defeated Rodriguez.
Rufus R. Jones defeated George Amell

10/28/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
The Stomper defeated Rocky Montana
Big Bill Miller defeated Steve Hagan
Harley Race defeated Billy Howard
Rufus R. Jones defeated Frank Martinez

11/3/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6644)
Missouri Champion Harley Race won 2/3 falls over The Stomper
Rufus R. Jones defeated Big Bill Miller
Jack Brisco and Pat O’Connor defeated Dan Miller and Hans Schmidt when Brisco beat Schmidt
Ethel Johnson defeated Marva Scott
Guy Mitchell draw George Hultz
Steve Bolus and Ben Justice defeated Al Costello and Don Kent, The Kangaroos. 1-Kent defeated Bolus. 2-Justice defeated Kent. 3-Bolus defeated Costello.

11/4/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Steve Bolus defeated Rocky Montana
Harley Race defeated Frank Martinez
Pat O’Connor defeated Yaso Fuji
The Stomper defeated Juan Sebastian

11/11/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Big Bill Miller defeated Billy Howard
Rufus R. Jones and Pat O’Connor defeated Yaso Fuji and Chati Yokouchi. 1-O’Connor beat Yokouchi. 2-Jones defeated Fuji.
Harley Race defeated Steve Bolus

11/17/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 5515)
Johnny Valentine and Jack Brisco won a non-title handicap match over Missouri Champion Harley Race. Valentine and Race went for the full one-hour limit, Brisco never entered the ring, and Race had to forfeit the decision.
Little Bobo Johnson won a midget Wrestle Royal over in order out Farmer Pete, Cowboy Lang, Billy the Kid and Little Tokyo
Rufus R. Jones and Pat O’Connor defeated Hans Schmidt and Dan Miller when Jones beat Miller
Big Bill Miller defeated Steve Bolus
Guy Mitchell defeated Hank James via DQ
Jim Steele (later to be George Steele) defeated Ben Justice

11/18/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Rufus R. Jones defeated Juan Sebastian
Big Bill Miller draw Pat O’Connor
The Stomper, Steve Hagan and Steve Bolus defeated Frank Martinez, Yaso Fuji and Chati Yokouchi. 1-Bolus defeated Martinez. 2-Fuji defeated Hagan. 3-Stomper defeated Yokouchi.

11/25/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Billy Howard and Omar Atlas draw
Rufus R. Jones defeated Armando Rodriguez
Pat O’Connor defeated Chati Yokouchi
Harley Race defeated Caesar Bavan

12/1/72 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 8702)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. draw Rufus R. Jones, as each man won one fall within the one-hour limit
Jack and Jerry Brisco defeated Dan and Big Bill Miller when Jerry defeated Dan Missouri Champion Harley Race defeated Guy Mitchell
Johnny Valentine defeated Hans Schmidt
Jim Steele defeated Billy Howard
Juan Sebastian and Bennie Ramirez defeated Ben Justice and Steve Bolus. 1-Sebastian beat Bolus. 2-Bolus defeated Ramirez. 3-Ramirez defeated Justice.

12/2/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Steve Bolus defeated Billy Howard
Harley Race defeated Bob Hamil (originally George Amell)
Omar Atlas and Bobby Whitlock defeated Chati Yokouchi and Yaso Fuji. 1-Fuji beat Whitlock. 2-Whitlock defeated Yokouchi. 3-Atlas defeated Fuji.

12/9/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Billy Howard defeated Armando Rodriguez
Harley Race defeated Bobby Whitlock
Pat O’Connor, Omar Atlas and Steve Bolus won a tag elimination bout as all three survived against Juan Sebastian, Chati Yokouchi and Yaso Fuji. 1-Bolus defeated Yokouchi. 2-Atlas defeated Sebastian. 3-O’Connor defeated Fuji.

12/16/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Omar Atlas defeated Billy Howard
Harley Race double DQ Johnny Valentine. Sam Muchnick held up the Missouri title and belt after the brawl.
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Carl Cox (likely Karl Kox)
The Invader defeated Jim Padaruski

12/23/72 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Hans Schmidt draw Omar Atlas
Harley Race defeated Bob Seitz
Johnny Valentine defeated Juan Sebastian
The Invader defeated Frank Diamond

12/30/72- “Wrestling at the Chase”
The Invader defeated Steve Bolus
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Les Thornton
Harley Race defeated Jim Reeves
Johnny Valentine, Billy Howard and Omar Atlas defeated Bennie Ramirez, Carl Cox and Hans Schmidt when Valentine defeated Cox


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