AWA Results: 1978



(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, Jim Zordani, Kenneth Dooley, and various news clippings) 

American Wrestling Association Results 1978

Promoting the Areas of: Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota, Iowa, and Manitoba, Canada
Promoter: Verne Gagne


1/5/78 – Peoria, IL
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Larry Hennig

1/6/78 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Bob Sabre & Chuck Sell
Rufus R Jones defeated Race Bannon
Super Destroyer defeated Gary Fargo
Bob Orton Jr defeated Kevin Clayton

1/6/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel no contest Greg Gagne
Crusher & George Gadaski defeated Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes
Angelo Mosca defeated Jim Brunzell
Rufus R Jones defeated Jan Nelson
Bob Orton Jr defeated Evan Johnson (sub Steve Olsonoski)

1/7/78 – Davenport TV
Roger Kirby defeated Tom Demarco

1/7/78 – Brainerd, MN @ the National Guard Armory
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca
Larry Hennig vs. Bobby Duncum
Rufus R. Jones vs. Jan Nelson
Evan Johnson vs. Bob Orton Jr

1/8/78 – Kenosha, WI
The Crusher won a 13 man battle royal
The Crusher & Billy Robinson defeated Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant
Jimmy Valiant defeated Larry Hennig

1/8/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher & George Gadaski defeated Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes
Jimmy Valiant defeated Larry Hennig via DQ in 9:48 when Hennig hit referee Larry Lisowski
Billy Robinson defeated Johnny Valiant via pin in 11:01
Bob Orton Jr defeated Evan Johnson via pin in 19:16
Rufus R Jones defeated Jan Nelson via pin in 15:27

1/8/78 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Stan Stasiak
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Dusty Rhodes defeated Waldo Von Erich
Jay Strongbow defeated Chris Tolos via DQ
Ken Patera defeated Jim Brunzell
Angelo Mosca double DQ against Peter Maivia
Dewey Robertson defeated Duncan MacTavish
Billy Red Lyons drew The Wildman

1/11/78 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
Indian Death Match: Tor Kamata defeated Billy Whitewolf
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Hawaiian Champion Steve Strong defeated Missing Link Pampero Firpo
Rick Martel defeated Rocky Tomayo
John Tolos & Bill Francis defeated Bruce Brown & Chris Markoff
Sam Steamboat defeated Lindy Cocker

1/11/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
Tuxedo Match:
The Crusher defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Super Destroyer no contest Larry Hennig
Bob Orton Jr drew Evan Johnson
Rufus R Jones defeated Jan Nelson

1/12/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Cage Match:
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens when Bockwinkel hit Stevens with brass knuckles after a ref bump
Special Referee:: Billy Robinson
Larry Hennig & The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca when Hennig pinned Mosca
Verne Gagne defeated Blackjack Lanza with a sleeper hold
Haiti Kid & Cowboy Lang defeated Little Tokyo & Billy The Kid
Bob Orton Jr drew Evan Johnson
Rufus R Jones defeated Jan Nelson
Pat Patterson defeated Chris Pepper (sub match for Steve Olsonoski vs. Paul Ellering)
Reported Attendance: “11,000 fans”

1/13/78 – St Paul, MN
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Handcuff Match with winner to meet AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel on 1/22/78
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer
Billy Robinson double DQ against Angelo Mosca
Evan Johnson drew Bob Orton Jr
Rufus R Jones defeated Jan Nelson
Reported Attendance: 4,675

1/14/78 – Davenport TV
Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant defeated Bob Backlund & Nacho Berrera
Jim Brunzell defeated Joe Guzman
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Nunez
Billy Robinson defeated Dan Redman
Super Destroyer defeated Steve Sybert

1/14/78 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Puppy Dog Peloquin & Dave Kochen
Bob Orton Jr defeated Frank Hill
Angelo Mosca defeated Harry Dragon
Rufus R Jones defeated Herman Schafer

1/14/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
The Crusher & George Gadaski defeated Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Wilbur Snyder & Red Bastien
Rufus R Jones defeated Bobby Duncum
Bob Orton Jr defeated Jan Nelson
Steve Regal drew Evan Johnson

1/18/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ
Tuxedo Match:
The Crusher defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Bob Orton Jr forfeit win Billy Robinson
Rufus R Jones defeated Blackjack Lanza
Jan Nelson (sub Bobby Heenan) drew Evan Johnson

1/20/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Tuxedo Match: The Crusher defeated Lord Alfred Hayes 9:53
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Duncum & Bobby Heenan & Buck Zumhofe when Brunzell forced Heenan to submit
Super Destroyer double DQ against Billy Robinson
Rufus R Jones defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Bob Orton Jr drew Evan Johnson
Reported Attendance: 6,361
Note: Zumhofe was obviously subbing for Bockwinkel or Lanza.

1/21/78 – Minneapolis TV
Ray Stevens defeated Jake Gusick
Rufus R Jones defeated Frank Hill
Bob Orton Jr defeated Max Blue
Jim Brunzell defeated Herman Schafer

1/21/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Bob Sabre & Chuck Sell
Super Destroyer defeated Gary Fargo

1/21/78 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Tuxedo Match:
The Crusher defeated Lord Alfred Hayes

1/22/78 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel double DQ with The Crusher
Angelo Mosca & Super Destroyer defeated Greg Gagne & Bob Orton Jr (sub Jim Brunzell)
Rufus R Jones defeated Blackjack Lanza
Bob Orton Jr. defeated Jan Nelson
Evan Johnson defeated Buck Zumhofe
Paul Ellering defeated Kenny Jay

1/25/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza
Bob Orton Jr no contest Billy Robinson
Rufus R Jones defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated George Gadaski
Super Destroyer defeated Jan Nelson

1/25/78 – Duluth, MN @ the Arena
The Crusher & George Gadaski defeated Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes

1/28/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Puppy Dog Peloquin & Dave Kochen
Bob Orton Jr defeated Frankie Hill
Angelo Mosca defeated Harry Dragon
Rufus R Jones defeated Herman Schafer
Jim Brunzell defeated Max Blue

1/28/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
George Gadaski handcuffed to Lord Alfred Hayes
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer via count out at the 11:00 mark
Larry Hennig & Billy Robinson no contest AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Rufus R. Jones defeated Blackjack Lanza
Bob Orton Jr. defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Evan Johnson defeated Frank Hill
Paul Ellering defeated Kenny Jay
Pat Patterson defeated Jan Nelson
Reported Attendance: 6,112 sellout

1/29/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Heenan
Tuxedo Match:
The Crusher defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Rufus R. Jones defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Frank Hill no contest Bob Orton Jr
Evan Johnson vs. Paul Ellering

2/2/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
The Crusher & George Gadaski defeated Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes when Crusher pinned Super Destroyer after a bolo punch
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza
Bob Orton Jr double count out with Greg Gagne
Angelo Mosca defeated Billy Robinson via pin in 18:00 after hitting Robinson with Brass Knuckles
Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Heenan via count out when Heenan walked back to the dressing room
Rufus R Jones defeated Buddy Wolff
Evan Johnson defeated Paul Ellering (sub Chris Pepper)
Reported Attendance: “About 6,000 fans”
Note: Bockwinkel was pinned in the semi main event tag bout. The newspaper did not make it clear which man pinned him.

2/3/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson
Ray Stevens defeated Bobby Heenan
Bob Orton Jr drew Angelo Mosca
Larry Hennig (sub Paul Ellering) defeated Pat Patterson via DQ
Jean Antone vs. Kay Noble

2/4/78 – Davenport TV
Jim Brunzell defeated Herman Schafer
Buck Zumhofe defeated Puppy Dog Peloquin

2/4/78 – Minneapolis TV
Rufus R Jones defeated Pat Patterson via DQ
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Kenny Jay & Peter Lee
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Caesar Pabon
The Crusher defeated Frank Hill

2/5/78 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jay Strongbow via submission in 3:04
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia via DQ in 10:19
Ken Patera double count out with Dusty Rhodes 11:36
Stan Stasiak drew Waldo Von Erich 15:00
Sweet Daddy Siki drew The Wildman 15:00
Billy Red Lyons & Dewey Robertson defeated Chris Tolos & Dan Johnston 8:19
Mil Mascaras defeated Terry Yorkston via pin after a suplex in 7:28
Butcher Vachon drew Duncan MacTavish 10:00
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Steve Bolus via pin in 10:31
Reported Attendance: 11,000

2/8/78 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated John Tolos
North American Champion Rick Martel defeated Tor Kamata via DQ
Hawaiian Tag Team Champions Steve Strong & Chris Markoff defeated Russ & Bill Francis
Rocky Tomayo defeated Tosh Togo via count out
Billy Whitewolf defeated Duke Savage
Sam Steamboat defeated Bruce Brown

2/10/78 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Handcuff Match:
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer via count out

2/10/78 – Atlanta, GA @ the Municipal Auditorium
Georgia Champion Stan Hansen drew Dick Slater
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Tommy Rich
Ole Anderson defeated Bob Armstrong
Dusty Rhodes defeated Abdullah The Butcher
Mr Wrestling II & Tony Atlas defeated Bounty Hunter & Jacques Goulet
Adrian Adonis defeated The Invader

2/11/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson defeated Kenny Jay
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Buddy Wolff & Buck Zumhofe
Rufus R Jones defeated Jake Gusick
Bob Orton Jr defeated Angel Rivera
Larry Hennig defeated Dan Redman

2/11/78 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson defeated Al Ringo
Greg Gagne defeated Dave Nevins
Angelo Mosca defeated Chuck Mendenhaul

2/11/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ at 17:42
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant
Rufus R Jones defeated Angelo Mosca
Evan Johnson defeated Buck Zumhofe
Bob Orton Jr. defeated Buddy Wolff
Reported Attendance: 6,112 sellout

2/12/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Lord Alfred Hayes handcuffed to George Scrap Iron Gadaski
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer via DQ 12:00
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza when Gagne pinned Lanza
Pat Patterson defeated Billy Robinson
Rufus R Jones defeated Angelo Mosca
Reported Attendance: 7,926
Note: Original lineup had Mosca vs. Bob Orton Jr and Patterson vs. Rufus R Jones

2/14/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel no contest Greg Gagne
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig & Billy Robinson
Rufus R Jones defeated Pat Patterson
Bob Orton Jr defeated Jim Brunzell

2/15/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Billy Robinson & Greg Gagne defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza
Lord Alfred Hayes handcuffed to George Gadaski
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer
Rufus R Jones defeated Angelo Mosca
Evan Johnson defeated Buck Zumhofe (sub Ray Stevens)
Bob Orton Jr drew Pat Patterson

2/17/78 – St Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated The Crusher
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Billy Robinson & Larry Hennig
Rufus R Jones no contest Pat Patterson
Jim Brunzell no contest Bob Orton Jr
Ray Stevens defeated Steve Regal
Kenny Jay drew Buck Zumhofe

2/18/78 – Davenport TV
Rufus R Jones defeated Pat Patterson via DQ
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Caesar Pabon

2/18/78 – Peoria, IL
The Crusher defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Super Destroyer defeated Larry Hennig

2/19/78 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
WWWF Champion Billy Graham defeated Edouard Carpentier
Dusty Rhodes defeated Ken Patera
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia via count out
Billy Robinson defeated Duncan McTavish
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
Dewey Robertson defeated The Wildman via DQ
Stan Stasiak defeated The Wolfman
Billy Red Lyons drew Chris Tolos

2/19/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Handcuff Match: The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer via pin
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Larry Hennig & Rufus R. Jones when Patterson pinned Rufus
Bob Orton Jr defeated Steve Regal via pin
Blackjack Lanza defeated Frank Hill via pin
Note: Another listing has Crusher beating Super Destroyer by countout

2/23/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Tuxedo Match: The Crusher defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via pin in 8:00
Referee: Al DeRusha
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca via DQ
Ray Stevens defeated Bobby Heenan via count out in 8:00 when Heenan walked back to the dressing room
British Empire Champion Billy Robinson defeated Blackjack Lanza via pin
Referee: Merv Unger
Pat Patterson double DQ against Rufus R. Jones
Bob Orton Jr defeated Larry Hennig
Evan Johnson defeated Chris Pepper
Reported Attendance: “crowd estimated at 7,000”

2/24/78 – Atlanta, GA @ the Municipal Auditorium
Mr. Wrestling II defeated Stan Hansen via DQ
Tony Atlas & Andre the Giant defeated Ole Anderson & Lars Anderson
No DQ Match, No Time Limit: Tommy Rich defeated Abdullah the Butcher
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Bob Armstrong
Adrian Adonis defeated Butch Malone
Raymond Rougeau defeated Jim Dalton
Mighty Zulu defeated the Invader

2/25/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson defeated Al Ringo
Greg Gagne defeated Dave Nevins
Angelo Mosca defeated Chuck Mendenhaul
Billy Robinson defeated ? Rose

2/25/78 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson defeated Peter Lee in a 2/3 falls match
Bob Orton Jr defeated Buck Zumhofe
Angelo Mosca defeated Kenny Jay
The Crusher defeated Frank Hill

2/25/78 – Burlington
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ
Rufus R Jones defeated Blackjack Lanza
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated George Gadaski
Steve Regal drew Evan Johnson

2/26/78 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca
Rufus R Jones defeated Ray Stevens via DQ
The Crusher & George Gadaski defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Heenan
Billy Robinson drew Pat Patterson
Bob Orton Jr defeated Steve Regal

3/1/78 – Stevens Point, WI @ the Quandt Field House
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca
Saloon Match:
The Crusher defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Rufus R Jones defeated Pat Patterson via DQ
Cowboy Bob Orton defeated Buck Zumhofe
Steve Regal defeated Evan Johnson

3/2/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Pat Patterson won a 16 man battle royal
Haystack Calhoun defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Bob Orton Jr drew Greg Gagne
Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Heenan
Rufus R Jones defeated Pat Patterson
Evan Johnson defeated Steve Regal
Also in Battle Royal: Billy Robinson, Super Destroyer, Blackjack Lanza, The Crusher, Larry Hennig and Ray Stevens

3/3/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ when Super Destroyer interfered
Verne Gagne defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via count out in 12:16
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Angelo Mosca & Super Destroyer in 16:23 when Brunzell pinned Mosca
Buddy Wolff defeated Buck Zumhofe via pin in 26:00
Reported Attendance: 4,829

3/4/78 – Minneapolis TV
Rerun of 11/12/77 show

3/4/78 – Davenport TV
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Bobby Jones

3/4/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
The Crusher & Rufus R Jones & Billy Robinson defeated Angelo Mosca & Super Destroyer & Nick Bockwinkel when Crusher pinned Bockwinkel at the 18:00 mark
Greg Gagne no contest Bob Orton Jr
Ray Stevens defeated Pat O’Connor
Pat Patterson defeated Jim Brunzell
Buddy Wolff drew Evan Johnson
Buck Zumhofe defeated Peter Lee
Reported Attendance: 6,112 sellout

3/5/78 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
Superstar Billy Graham double DQ against Dusty Rhodes 15:18
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Greg Gagne via pin
Ken Patera defeated Stan Stasiak via pin
Billy Robinson defeated Angelo Mosca
Super Destroyer defeated The Crusher via DQ
Jim Brunzell defeated Steve Bolus
Peter Maivia defeated Terry Yorkston
Billy Red Lyons & Dewey Robertson drew Chris Tolos & Waldo Von Erich

3/8/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens no contest Rufus R Jones & Billy Robinson
Super Destroyer defeated Jim Brunzell
Blackjack Lanza defeated Evan Johnson
Bob Orton Jr drew Greg Gagne

3/8/78 – Columbus, GA @ the Municipal Auditorium
Georgia Tag Team Champions Ole Anderson & Lars Anderson vs. Mr. Wrestling I & Mr. Wrestling II
Tony Atlas vs. Ric Flair
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Bob Armstrong
Tommy Rich & Adrian Adonis vs. Helmut Schmidt & Wolfgang Schmidt
Raymond Rougeau vs. The Invader

3/9/78 – Casper, WY
The Crusher & Billy Robinson defeated Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer
Ray Stevens defeated Rufus R Jones
Pat Patterson defeated Evan Johnson
Larry Hennig drew Blackjack Lanza

3/9/78 – Rome, GA @ the Memorial Gym
Stan Hansen vs. Mr. Wrestling II
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tommy Rich

3/10/78 – Peoria, IL
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer

3/10/78 – Atlanta, GA @ the Municipal Auditorium
Georgia Champion Stan Hansen defeated Thunderbolt Patterson
Ole Anderson & Lars Anderson defeated Mr. Wrestling II & Rocky Johnson
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Adrian Adonis
Helmut Schmidt & Wolfgang Schmidt defeated Zulu & Pierre Lefebvre
Jacques Goulet defeated Steve Regal

3/11/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson defeated Peter Lee in a 2/3 falls match
Bob Orton Jr defeated Buck Zumhofe
Angelo Mosca defeated Kenny Jay
The Crusher defeated Frank Hill
Billy Robinson defeated Jake Gusick

3/11/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Texas Death Match:
Dick The Bruiser defeated Ernie Ladd
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer via count out
Billy Robinson & Rufus R Jones defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Angelo Mosca defeated Wilbur Snyder via count out
Greg Gagne drew Bob Orton Jr
Jimmy Valiant defeated Spike Huber
Crusher Verdu defeated Luis Martinez
Reported Attendance: 11,500

3/12/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated The Crusher via DQ when Super Destroyer interfered
Rufus R Jones & Billy Robinson (sub Larry Hennig) defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via count out
Greg Gagne vs. Bob Orton Jr ruled a draw when Orton did not appear. Gagne would not accept a forfeit victory.
Super Destroyer defeated Jake Gusick via pin
Frank Hill defeated Vito Martino (sub Evan Johnson) by submission

3/13/78 – Augusta, GA @ the Bell Auditorium
Georgia TV Champion Ole Anderson defeated Mr. Wrestling II
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Mr. Wrestling Tim Woods
Thunderbolt Patterson defeated Lars Anderson
Tommy Rich & Adrian Adonis defeated Wolfgang Schmidt & Helmut Schmidt
Steve Regal drew Jacques Goulet

3/14/78 – Macon, GA @ the Coliseum
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Mr Wrestling II
Tommy Rich defeated Stan Hansen in a tournament final to win Macon Title
First Round matches were
Tony Atlas vs. Jacques Goulet
Stan Hansen vs. Raymond Rougeau
Pierre Lefebvre vs. Helmut Schmidt
Tommy Rich vs. Ole Anderson
Adrian Adonis vs. Bounty Hunter
Wolfgang Schmidt vs. Mr Wrestling I

3/15/78 – Columbus, GA @ the Municipal Auditorium
Georgia TV Champion Ole Anderson vs. Mr Wrestling II
Georgia Champion Stan Hansen vs. Mr Wrestling I
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tony Atlas
Tommy Rich & Raymond Rougeau vs. Wolfgang Schmidt & Helmut Schmidt
Adrian Adonis vs. Bounty Hunter
Jacques Goulet vs. Steve Regal

3/16/78 – Rome, GA @ the Memorial Gym
No DQ Match:
Stan Hansen vs. Mr Wrestling II
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Adrian Adonis
Wolfgang Schmidt & Helmut Schmidt vs. Paul Ellering & Mighty Zulu
Jacques Goulet vs. Pierre Lefebvre

3/16/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Manager Lord Alfred Hayes handcuffed to George Gadaski, Winner to meet AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel on 4/5/78
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer in 11:00
Angelo Mosca defeated Billy Robinson via pin to win British Empire title with help from Super Destroyer
Verne Gagne (sub Larry Hennig) & Rufus R Jones defeated Pat Patterson & Buddy Wolff (sub Ray Stevens)
Bob Orton Jr drew Jim Brunzell
Greg Gagne defeated Blackjack Lanza
Evan Johnson defeated Ivan Crankovic (sub Buddy Wolff)
Buck Zumhofe defeated Dave Kochen

3/17/78 – Atlanta, GA @ the Municipal Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Mr. Wrestling II
Thunderbolt Patterson & Tony Atlas defeated Ernie Ladd & Stan Hansen
Georgia TV Champion Ole Anderson defeated Mr. Wrestling I
Tommy Rich defeated Jacques Goulet
Adrian Adonis defeated Helmut Schmidt
Raymond Rougeau defeated Bounty Hunter

3/17/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Rufus R Jones & Billy Robinson
The Crusher defeated Angelo Mosca
Bob Orton Jr drew Greg Gagne
Super Destroyer defeated Buck Zumhofe (sub Larry Hennig)
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated George Gadaski

3/18/78 – Davenport TV
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Kenny Jay & Juan Valez
The Crusher defeated Herman Schafer
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Caesar Pabon
Greg Gagne defeated Fred Torres
Rodeo Jones defeated Jake Gusick

3/18/78 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Frankie Hill & Jake Gusick
Ray Stevens defeated Caesar Pabon
Buddy Wolff defeated Max Blue

3/19/78 – St Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
Non-Title Cage Match:
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Rufus R Jones & Pat O’Connor
Greg Gagne double DQ against Bob Orton Jr
Jean Antone defeated Kay Noble
Evan Johnson defeated Buck Zumhofe

3/24/78 – Houston, TX @ the Sam Houston Coliseum
NWA Champion Harley Race drew Wahoo McDaniel
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Rocky Johnson in a 2/3 falls match
Brass Knucks Title Match:
Killer Karl Krupp defeated Jose Lothario
Texas Title Match:
Dale Valentine defeated Al Madril
Texas Girl’s Title
Joyce Grable defeated Leilani Kai
Gino Hernandez vs. Leroy Brown
Barry Orton vs. Tiger Conway
Jay Youngblood vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Reported Attendance: sellout

3/25/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Puppy Dog Peloquin & Buck Zumhofe
Verne Gagne defeated Ivan Crankovic
Angelo Mosca defeated Dave Kochen
The Crusher defeated Harry Dragon
Bob Orton Jr defeated Kenny Jay

3/25/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Cage Match:
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer and unmasked him as Don Jardine
Rufus R Jones & Billy Robinson vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Greg Gagne vs. Bob Orton Jr
Angelo Mosca vs. Jim Brunzell
Blackjack Lanza vs. Evan Johnson

3/29/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated The Crusher via DQ
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Rufus R Jones & Billy Robinson
Greg Gagne defeated Blackjack Lanza
Bob Orton Jr defeated George Gadaski

3/31/78 – Atlanta, GA @ the Municipal Auditorium
Tony Atlas defeated Superstar Billy Graham via count out
Dusty Rhodes defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Tommy Rich & Thunderbolt Patterson defeated Ole Anderson & Lars Anderson to win Georgia Tag Title
Adrian Adonis defeated John Studd via DQ
Paul Ellering drew Jacques Goulet
Pez Whatley defeated Frankie Laine

3/31/78 – Knoxville, IL
The Crusher & Verne Gagne defeated Angelo Mosca & Lord Alfred Hayes
Rufus R Jones defeated Blackjack Lanza
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated George Gadaski
Max Blue drew Buck Zumhofe

4/1/78 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Frank Hill & Jake Gusick
Ray Stevens defeated Caesar Pabon
Ray Stevens defeated Peter Lee
Buddy Wolff defeated Max Blue
Blackjack Lanza defeated Kenny Jay

4/1/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Cage Match:
The Crusher defeated Angelo Mosca via pin at the 8:25 mark
Verne Gagne defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via count out
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens drew Pat O’Connor & Rufus R Jones
Bob Orton Jr defeated Greg Gagne
Blackjack Lanza drew Evan Johnson
Buddy Wolff defeated Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 12,308 sellout

4/2/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr & Lord Alfred Hayes (sub Super Destroyer)
Billy Robinson defeated Pat Patterson via DQ
Rufus R Jones no contest Ray Stevens
Evan Johnson defeated Buck Zumhofe via pin
Buddy Wolff defeated Bill Crouch (sub Frank Hill)

4/4/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Rufus R Jones & Billy Robinson
Greg Gagne drew Buddy Wolff
Bob Orton Jr defeated Jim Brunzell
Evan Johnson vs. Buck Zumhofe (sub Blackjack Lanza)

4/5/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Referee: Al DeRusha
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated The Crusher via DQ when Crusher tossed Bockwinkel over the top rope
Billy Robinson & Verne Gagne defeated Angelo Mosca & Super Destroyer Mark II when Robinson pinned Mosca
Bob Orton Jr double DQ against Greg Gagne
Rufus R Jones defeated Ray Stevens
Pat Patterson defeated Buck Zumhofe
Buddy Wolff defeated George Gadaski via pin
Chris Pepper drew Fred Peloquin
Reported Attendance: “near sellout crowd”

4/6/78 – Warren, MN
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer Mark II

4/7/78 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Verne Gagne defeated Bob Orton Jr & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Heenan
The Crusher & Rufus R Jones defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Billy Robinson double DQ against Angelo Mosca
Evan Johnson drew Buddy Wolff
Reported Attendance: 4,232

4/8/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Dave Kochen & Puppy Dog Peloquin
Bob Orton Jr defeated Frank Hill
Angelo Mosca defeated Harry Dragon
Rufus R Jones defeated Herman Scafer
Jim Brunzell defeated Max Blue

4/8/78 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Kenny Jay & Dick Young
Greg Gagne defeated Bob Orton Jr
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Gary Fargo
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Race Bannon

4/8/78 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ

4/8/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Angelo Mosca & Ernie Ladd defeated Dick The Bruiser & Rufus R Jones via count out
Bob Orton Jr. defeated Verne Gagne via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Ivan Koloff
Jimmy Valiant drew Dominic Denucci
Wilbur Snyder defeated Bounty Hunter Bobby Vann (sub Blackjack Lanza)
Killer Verdu defeated El Bracero
Spike Huber drew Evan Johnson

4/10/78 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
Andre the Giant defeated Ken Patera via count out in 10:06
Peter Maivia & Billy Robinson defeated Angelo Mosca & Super Destroyer via DQ in 13:59 when Lord Alfred Hayes interfered
Verne Gagne defeated Zimba Khan via pin in 10:41 after a series of drop kicks
The Crusher defeated Gary McLaughlin via pin in 4:24
Gorilla Monsoon defeated Tarzan Tyler via pin in 6:04
Dewey Robertson defeated Kim Chang via pin in 8:41 with a reverse shoulder stand
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Steve Bolus by submission in 8:02
Dominic Denucci defeated Terry Yorkston
Chris Tolos drew The Wildman
Note: The Toronto newspaper clippings list Super Destroyer teaming with Angelo Mosca against Maivia & Robinson. I doubt it was Don Jardine. It was most likely Super Destroyer Mark II aka Bob Remus and Sgt. Slaughter.

4/12/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Bob Orton Jr defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
Rufus R Jones defeated Buddy Wolff
Buddy Wolff drew Evan Johnson

4/14/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated The Crusher via pin at the 11:59 mark
Reported Attendance: 4,820

4/15/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson defeated Dave Nevins
Verne Gagne defeated Race Bannon
Bob Orton Jr & Blackjack Lanza defeated Kenny Jay & Al Ringo
Billy Robinson defeated Carl Fergie
Evan Johnson defeated Joe Palardy

4/15/78 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson defeated Juan Valez
Evan Johnson defeated Armando Rodriguez
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Fernando Torres

4/16/78 – Macon, GA @ the Coliseum
Dusty Rhodes defeated Stan Hansen
Mr Wrestling II defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Ole Anderson & Lars Anderson defeated Rocky Johnson & Adrian Adonis (sub Wahoo McDaniel)
Abdullah The Butcher defeated Tommy Rich
Jacques Goulet defeated Pierre Lefebvre
Paul Ellering defeated Ken Dillinger

4/16/78 – Atlanta, GA @ the Omni
Dusty Rhodes defeated Superstar Billy Graham
Thunderbolt Patterson & Rocky Johnson defeated Ole Anderson & Ernie Ladd
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Mr. Wrestling II
Georgia Champion Stan Hansen defeated Ric Flair
Abdullah The Butcher defeated Tommy Rich
Raymond Rougeau & Pez Whatley defeated Wolfgang Schmidt & Helmut Schmidt
Adrian Adonis defeated John Ruggers

4/17/78 – Augusta, GA @ the Bell Auditorium
Dusty Rhodes double DQ against Abdullah the Butcher
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Mr. Wrestling II
Stan Hansen defeated Tommy Rich
Helmut Schmidt & Wolfgang Schmidt defeated Raymond Rougeau & Pez Whatley
Paul Ellering defeated Ken Dillinger

4/18/78 – Warner Robins, GA @ the Civic Center
Mr Wrestling II defeated Georgia Champion Stan Hansen via DQ
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Tommy Rich
Rocky Johnson defeated Helmut Schmidt (sub Lars Anderson)
Wolfgang Schmidt & Helmut Schmidt defeated Adrian Adonis & Pierre Lefebvre
Paul Ellering defeated John Ruggers

4/19/78 – Columbus, GA @ the Municipal Auditorium
Dusty Rhodes vs. Abdullah The Butcher
Stan Hansen & Lars Anderson vs. Rocky Johnson & Mr. Wrestling II
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tommy Rich
Adrian Adonis & Raymond Rougeau vs. Wolfgang Schmidt & Helmut Schmidt
Jacques Goulet vs. Pez Whatley

4/20/78 – La Salle/Peru, IL
Jim Brunzell won a 12 Man Battle Royal
Super Destroyer Mark II no contest Billy Robinson
Bob Orton Jr drew Jim Brunzell
Rufus R Jones defeated Pat Patterson via DQ
Blackjack Lanza defeated Buck Zumhofe

4/21/78 – Burlington
Jim Brunzell & Rufus R Jones defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Bob Orton Jr drew Jim Brunzell
Angelo Mosca defeated Frank Hill
Frank Hill defeated Jake Gusick

4/22/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Kenny Jay & Dick Young
Greg Gagne defeated Bob Orton Jr
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Gary Fargo
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Race Bannon
Rufus R Jones defeated Herman Schafer

4/22/78 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Brunzell defeated Bill Kochian
Bob Orton Jr defeated Puppy Dog Peloquin
Rufus R Jones defeated Ivan Crankovic
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Angel Rivera

4/22/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr defeated Billy Robinson (sub Greg Gagne) & Jim Brunzell
Rufus R Jones defeated Ray Stevens
Billy Robinson defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Pat Patterson defeated Buck Zumhofe
Evan Johnson defeated Buddy Wolff
Reported Attendance: 8,246

4/23/78 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson 22:45 when the referee deemed Robinson too bloody to continue
Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Buck Zumhofe
Ray Stevens defeated Rufus R Jones
Pat Patterson drew Evan Johnson

4/26/78 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
Rick Martel defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Pier 9 Brawl, Ten 2:00 rounds
Ed Francis defeated Bobby Heenan via DQ
Indian Death Match:
Billy Whitewolf defeated Tor Kamata
Bill Francis & Russ Francis defeated Steve Strong & Chris Markoff
George Wells defeated John Anson to win Hawaiian title
Buddy Rose drew Russ Francis

4/27/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ when Gagne jumped off the top rope on Lanza’s knee
Non-Title Match:
Billy Robinson defeated British Empire Champion Angelo Mosca via pin
Referee: George Gadaski
The Crusher & Rufus R Jones no contest Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Frank Hill
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Buck Zumhofe
Evan Johnson defeated Dave Kochen

4/28/78 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Cage Match:
The Crusher defeated Lord Alfred Hayes

4/29/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson defeated Juan Valez
Evan Johnson defeated Armando Rodriguez
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Fernando Torres
Billy Robinson defeated Herman Schafer

4/29/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Billy Robinson
Verne Gagne defeated Super Destroyer Mark II

4/29/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Cage Match:
The Crusher defeated Angelo Mosca
Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ
Steve Olsonoski (sub Buddy Wolff) drew Evan Johnson
George Gadaski defeated Buck Zumhofe

4/30/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Non-Title Cage Match:
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Rufus R Jones defeated Angelo Mosca via pin
Billy Robinson drew Evan Johnson
Robinson originally won via injury countout, but refused the win and asked the ref to rule it a draw.
Bob Orton Jr defeated Buck Zumhofe via pin

5/5/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ
Pat Patterson defeated Billy Robinson 17:35
Ray Stevens drew Rufus R Jones 30:00
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated George Gadaski 13:27

5/6/78 – Davenport TV
Bob Orton Jr defeated Puppy Dog Peloquin
Rufus R Jones defeated Ivan Crankovic
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Angel Rivera
Ray Stevens defeated Dan Redman

5/6/78 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Olsonoski defeated George Gadaski
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Kenny Jay

5/10/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Super Destroyer Mark II (sub Ray Stevens) & Pat Patterson
Rufus R Jones defeated Super Destroyer Mark II via DQ
Bob Orton Jr defeated Billy Robinson
Evan Johnson defeated Steve Olsonoski

5/11/78 – Austin, MN @ the Riverside Arena
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Billy Robinson & Rufus R. Jones
Bob Orton Jr vs. Greg Gagne
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Jim Brunzell
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Evan Johnson

5/12/78 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Orton Jr & Bobby Heenan
Rufus R Jones no contest Angelo Mosca
Evan Johnson defeated Ray Stevens via DQ
Pat Patterson defeated Steve Olsonoski
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Kenny Jay
Reported Attendance: 4,001

5/13/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson defeated Chuck Pullins
Rufus R Jones defeated Dave Nevens
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Frank Hill
Greg Gagne defeated Vito Martino
Bob Orton Jr defeated Al Ringo

5/13/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson via pin in 27:19
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Rufus R Jones & Pat O’Connor in 24:32
Steve Olsonoski defeated Super Destroyer Mark II via DQ in 13:33
Lord Alfred Hayes drew Joe Scarpello
Kay Noble defeated Brenda Hoffman in 10:25
Reported Attendance: 2,336

5/13/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Chain Match:
The Crusher defeated Angelo Mosca in 11:47
Verne Gagne defeated Johnny Valiant in 17:21
Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ
Evan Johnson defeated Spike Huber in 15:33
Frank Hill defeated Vito Martino in 14:45
Reported Attendance: 6,878

5/14/78 – Beloit, WI @ the Memorial High School
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Greg Gagne defeated Bob Orton Jr
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Rufus R Jones & Billy Robinson
Evan Johnson defeated Frank Hill (sub Blackjack Lanza)

5/15/78 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
WWWF Champion Bob Backlund defeated Billy Graham via count out
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel double DQ against Jim Brunzell
Billy Robinson defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Billy Red Lyons & Rufus R. Jones (subs for Crusher & George Gadaski) defeated Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer Mark II
Kim Chang defeated Claude Dionne
Dewey Robertson defeated The Wildman via DQ
Billy Red Lyons drew Chris Tolos

5/17/78 – Honolulu, HI
Bobby Heenan Locked in a Cage
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Rick Martel
Joyce Grable & Vicki Williams defeated Pepper LeBlanco & Leilani Kai
Loser Leaves Town
Tor Kamata defeated Billy White Wolf
Buddy Rose & John Studd defeated Bill Francis & Russ Francis
John Tolos defeated Chris Markoff via DQ
George Wells defeated Rocky Tomayo

5/18/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr in 24:00 when Brunzell pinned Bockwinkel
Billy Robinson defeated Angelo Mosca to regain British Empire Title
Super Destroyer Mark II no contest Rufus R Jones
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated George Gadaski
Ray Stevens defeated Frank Hill
Pat Patterson drew Evan Johnson
Steve Olsonoski defeated Fred Puppy Dog Peloquin

5/20/78 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Buck Zumhofe & Rodeo Jones
Bob Orton Jr defeated Max Blue
Steve Olsonoski defeated George Gadaski
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Kenny Jay

5/20/78 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson & Frank Hill defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ

5/20/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Angelo Mosca defeated Dick The Bruiser via DQ
Rufus R Jones defeated Jimmy Valiant via DQ
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Wilbur Snyder & Steve Olsonoski
Dominic Denucci defeated Killer Verdu via DQ
Ivan Koloff drew Spike Huber
Evan Johnson defeated Super Destroyer Mark II

5/21/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Bob Orton Jr defeated Greg Gagne via pin
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Evan Johnson & Jim Brunzell when Stevens pinned Johnson
Rufus. R. Jones drew Super Destroyer Mark II

5/23/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr
Rufus R Jones defeated Ray Stevens via DQ when Pat Patterson interfered
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Steve Olsonoski via pin
Pat Patterson drew Evan Johnson
Reported Attendance: 2,081

5/25/78 – St. Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
Greg Gagne & Verne Gagne & Jim Brunzell no contest Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Steve Olsonoski & Evan Johnson
Rufus R Jones defeated Angela Mosca
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated George Gadaski

5/26/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Verne Gagne (sub Jim Brunzell) & Greg Gagne defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Angelo Mosca (sub Bob Orton Jr)
Rufus R Jones defeated Pat Patterson
Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Orton Jr
Ray Stevens defeated Steve Olsonoski

5/27/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated George Gadaski & Caesar Pabon
Steve Olsonoski defeated Fernando Torres
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Armando Rodriguez
Rufus R Jones defeated Jake Gusick
Angelo Mosca defeated Frank Hill

5/27/78 – Minneapolis TV
Bob Orton Jr defeated George Gadaski in a 2/3 falls match
Greg Gagne defeated Kenny Jay
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Angel Rivera
Steve Olsonoski defeated Armando Rodriguez

5/28/78 – Houston, TX
NWA Champion Harley Race defeated Wahoo McDaniel via DQ
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Jose Lothario
Bruiser Brody defeated Dale Valentine
Ivan Putski drew Superstar Billy Graham
Al Madril defeated Dick Slater via DQ
Fabulous Moolah defeated Wenona Little Heart
Kevin Von Erich & David Von Erich defeated Killer Brooks & Leroy Brown
Gino Hernandez drew Killer Krupp

6/3/78 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson & Frank Hill defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Bob Orton Jr defeated Dave Nevins
Nick Bockwinkel defeated ? Cunningham
Evan Johnson defeated Jake Gusick
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Chuck Mendenhall

6/3/78 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Frank Hill & Jake Gusick
Ray Stevens defeated Peter Lee
Rufus R Jones defeated Caesar Pabon
Buddy Wolff defeated Max Blue

6/4/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Rufus R Jones defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via pin in 22:00
Bob Orton Jr defeated Jim Brunzell 15:00
Evan Johnson & Steve Olsonoski defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Handicap Match:
George Gadaski & Frank Hill defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Pat O’Connor defeated Jake Guzick 8:00
Reported Attendance: 4,843
Note from George Lentz: Jones pinned Bockwinkel after Bockwinkel threw referee Larry Lisowski into a third Jones “Freight Train” attempt. Fans left the Arena thinking Jones was the new champ, but later Bockwinkel was via DQ’ed and retained the belt.

6/6/78 – Austin MN @ the Riverside Arena
Jim Brunzell & Steve Olsonoski vs. Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Rufus R. Jones
Pat Patterson vs. Evan Johnson
Ray Stevens vs. George Gadaski

6/7/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Rufus R Jones defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Orton Jr via count out
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Steve Olsonoski & Evan Johnson
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated George Gadaski & Frank Hill

6/8/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jim Brunzell via pin in 17:00 with some help from Bob Orton Jr
Bob Orton Jr defeated Verne Gagne via DQ when Gagne tossed Orton Jr over the top rope
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Mighty Igor Vodik & Pat O’Connor
Super Destroyer Mark II no contest Rufus R Jones
Evan Johnson defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via count out when Hayes walked back to the dressing room
Blackjack Lanza defeated Dave Kochen

6/10/78 – Davenport TV
Bob Orton Jr defeated George Gadaski in a 2/3 falls match
Greg Gagne defeated Kenny Jay
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Angel Rivera
Steve Olsonoski defeated Armando Rodriguez
Rufus R Jones defeated Race Bannon

6/10/78 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Carl Gray & Race Bannon

6/10/78 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Bob Orton Jr defeated Jim Brunzell via DQ when Brunzell tossed Orton Jr over the top rope
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Pat O’Connor & Rufus R Jones
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated George Gadaski (sub Evan Johnson)
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Juan Valez
Frank Hill defeated Armando Rodriguez

6/11/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Rufus R Jones (sub Greg Gagne) & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Rufus R. Jones via DQ in 9:58
Ray Stevens drew Pat O’Connor (sub Larry Hennig) 20:00
Pat Patterson defeated Evan Johnson via pin in 11:50
Blackjack Lanza defeated Juan Valez via pin in 12:28

6/14/78 – Duluth, MN @ the Arena
Verne Gagne & Rufus R Jones defeated Super Destroyer Mark II & Pat Patterson
Evan Johnson defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Bob Orton Jr defeated Jim Brunzell
Steve Olsonoski defeated Blackjack Lanza via DQ

6/14/78 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
Russ Francis defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Hawaiian Tag Title Match:
John Tolos & Steve Strong defeated Buddy Rose & John Studd to win tag title
Little John & Cowboy Lang defeated Little Tokyo & Lord Littlebrook
Don Muraco defeated Rocky Tomayo
Chris Markoff defeated Mickey Doyle
Bill Francis defeated Duke Savage
Note: Original lineup had Muraco vs. Baron Scicluna and Bill Francis vs. Tomayo

6/17/78 – Davenport TV
Ray Stevens defeated Peter Lee
Rufus R Jones defeated Caesar Pabon

6/17/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Chain Match:
Angelo Mosca defeated Dick The Bruiser
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Bobo Brazil & Rufus R Jones via DQ
Jimmy Valiant defeated Pat O’Connor via count out
Moose Cholak defeated Blackjack Lanza via DQ
Spike Huber defeated Raul Guzman
The Strangler defeated Paul Christy

6/17/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Greg Gagne

6/23/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Rufus R Jones in 19:23
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Evan Johnson & Steve Olsonoski
Joe Scarpello defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via DQ
Reported Attendance: 3,212

6/24/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Carl Gray & Race Bannon
Rufus R Jones defeated Blackie Guzman
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Julio Rodriguez
Pat O’Connor defeated Rodeo Jones
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Juan Zapata

6/24/78 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Jake Gusick & Herman Schafer
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Kenny Jay
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Fernando Torres
Evan Johnson defeated Vito Martino

6/24/78 – Milwuakee, WI @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Orton Jr & Bobby Heenan
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Steve Olsonoski & Mighty Igor Vodik
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Rufus R Jones via DQ
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Pat O’Connor in 23:09
Frank Hill defeated Doug Somers
Reported Attendance: 4,893

6/25/78 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
WWWF Champion Bob Backlund defeated Ken Patera via pin at 19:58
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Rufus R. Jones at 21:03
Andre the Giant & Gorilla Monsoon double DQ against Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson
Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Billy Red Lyons & Dewey Robertson
Tiger Jeet Singh defeated Kim Chang via submission with the Cobra Clutch
Jim Brunzell defeated Chris Tolos via count out
Smokey (wrestling bear) defeated 3 opponents

6/28/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Rufus R Jones
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Jim Brunzell & Steve Olsonoski (sub Greg Gagne)
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Vito Martino
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Frank Hill

6/30/78 – St Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
Verne Gagne defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Evan Johnson & Steve Olsonoski
Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Orton Jr
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Rufus R Jones
Blackjack Lanza defeated Frank Hill (sub Mighty Igor)
George Gadaski defeated Kenny Jay
Reported Attendance: 6,224

7/1/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Steve Regal & Puppy Dog Peloquin
Rufus R Jones defeated Ivan Crankovic
Blackjack Lanza defeated Dave Kochen
Toni Rose & Donna Christanello drew Vicki Williams & Joyce Grable
Evan Johnson defeated Joe Palardy

7/1/78 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Peter Lee & Kenny Jay
Steve Olsonoski defeated Herman Schafer
Bob Orton Jr defeated Carl Gray
Frank Hill defeated Race Bannon

7/1/78 – Peoria, IL
Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Heenan via DQ
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Rufus R Jones
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Evan Johnson & Steve Olsonoski
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated George Gadaski

7/4/78 – Freeport, IL
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Bob Orton Jr defeated Steve Olsonoski
Wee Willie Wilson defeated Mighty Cupid
Pat Patterson defeated Evan Johnson
George Gadaski defeated Steve Cooper

7/6/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Angelo Mosca via pin after using brass knucks which the ref did not see
Handicap Match:
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Bob Orton Jr defeated Steve Olsonoski (sub Jim Brunzell)
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Ivan Krankovic
Steve Olsonoski drew Lord Alfred Hayes
Puppy Dog Pelequin defeated Dave Kochen

7/7/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Wahoo McDaniel via DQ in 13:54
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Blackjack Lanza 10:54
Jim Brunzell drew Super Destroyer Mark II 20:00
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Steve Olsonoski & Evan Johnson when Stevens pinned Johnson at 20:14

7/8/78 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Jake Gusick & Herman Schafer
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Kenny Jay
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Fernando Torres
Evan Johnson defeated Vito Martino
Bob Orton Jr defeated Caesar Pabon

7/8/78 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Al Ringo & Dave Nevins
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Jake Gusick
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Fernando Torres

7/8/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Referee: Jack Pesek
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ when Greg hit referee Pesek
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Blackjack Lanza via pin in 15:48
Bob Orton Jr defeated Buddy Wolff (sub Pat O’Connor) via pin in 16:37
Joe Scarpello drew Buddy Wolff 20:00
Reported Attendance: 2,544

7/8/78 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Wahoo McDaniel via DQ

7/9/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Buddy Wolff with a bear hug submission
Wahoo McDaniel & Frank Hill defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Evan Johnson via pin

7/14/78 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated AWA Tag team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ
Bob Orton Jr defeated Mighty Igor Vodik via count out
Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Evan Johnson & Dr. X
Steve Olsonoski defeated Frank Hill

7/15/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Peter Lee & Kenny Jay
Steve Olsonoski defeated Herman Schafer
Bob Orton Jr defeated Carl Gray
Frank Hill defeated Race Bannon

7/15/78 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Bill Nixon & Carl Gray
Steve Olsonoski defeated Rodeo Jones
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Frank Hill
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Race Bannon

7/15/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Verne Gagne defeated Jimmy Valiant
Cage Match:
Dick The Bruiser defeated Angelo Mosca
Pepper Gomez drew Johnny Valiant
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Wilbur Snyder & Dominic Denucci
Sailor Art Thomas defeated Masked Strangler
Larry Hennig defeated Dr X

7/15/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Orton Jr & Nick Bockwinkel when Brunzell defeated Bockwinkel in 22:20
Mask At Stake
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Mighty Igor Vodik via count out in 14:04
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Blackjack Lanza via pin in 11:30
Evan Johnson defeated Kenny Jay via pin in 12:04
Spike Huber defeated Armando Rodriguez via pin in 15:49
Reported Attendance: 4868

7/16/78 – Denver TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Steve Regal & Puppy Dog Peloquin
Rufus R Jones defeated Ivan Crankovic
Blackjack Lanza defeated Dave Kochen
Toni Rose & Donna Christanello drew Vicki Williams & Joyce Grable
Evan Johnson defeated Joe Palardy

7/16/78 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
Superstar Billy Graham defeated WWWF Champion Bob Backlund via count out 15:42
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Angelo Mosca 16:48
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via count out 19:02
Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes drew Billy Red Lyons & Dewey Robertson 20:00
Gorilla Monsoon defeated Nick DeCarlo 4:21
Chris Tolos & The Wildman defeated Bob Marcus & Steve Bolus when Tolos pinned Marcus in 9:52

7/19/78 – Honolulu, HI
Tor Kamata defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Sam Steamboat drew Bill Francis
Ed Francis defeated Chris Markoff
King Curtis double DQ against Pampero Firpo
Don Muraco & John Tolos defeated Mr. Fuji & Randy Morse
Steve Strong double count out with John Studd
Mickey Doyle drew Malo Satoa

7/19/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Bob Orton Jr via DQ
Super Destroyer Mark II & Angelo Mosca defeated Evan Johnson & Steve Olsonoski
Blackjack Lanza defeated Max Blue

7/22/78 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Al Ringo & Dave Nevins
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Jake Gusick
Mighty Igor defeated Fernando Torres
Bob Orton Jr defeated Juan Valez
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Mike Cunningham

7/22/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via count out in 18:37
Bob Orton Jr defeated Mighty Igor Vodik
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Steve Olsonoski via pin
Evan Johnson defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Reported Attendance: 2,821

7/27/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Mighty Igor Vodik via count out
Blackjack Lanza defeated Steve Olsonoski via pin with help from Bob Orton Jr
Bob Orton Jr drew Evan Johnson

7/28/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Texas Death Match:
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr when Bockwinkel was unable to continue
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Blackjack Lanza
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Roger Kirby
Bobby Heenan defeated Steve Olsonoski via DQ
Reported Attendance: 7,561

7/28/78 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson via DQ
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Larry Hennig
Jean Antone defeated Kay Noble
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Juan Valez
Frankie Hill defeated Peter Lee

7/29/78 – Davenport TV
Steve Olsonoski defeated Rodeo Jones
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Frank Hill

7/29/78 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated George Gadaski & Juan Valez
Bob Orton Jr defeated Peter Lee
Billy Robinson defeated Jake Gusick
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Fernando Torres

7/29/78 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Wahoo McDaniel via DQ

7/30/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr defeated Wahoo McDaniel & Frank Hill at 21:04 when Bockwinkel pinned Hill
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Blackjack Lanza via pin in 10:04
Super Destroyer Mark II drew Steve Olsonoski 15:00

8/2/78 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
No DQ Match, 60:00 Time Limit: AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tor Kamata
World Light Heavyweight Title Match: Chavo Guerrero (c) vs. Tony Rocco
Hawaiian Tag Team Champions Steve Strong & John Tolos vs. Mr Fuji & Mystery Partner
John Studd vs. Don Muraco
Missing Link Pampero Firpo vs. Chris Markoff
Randy Morse vs. Sam Steamboat
Mickey Doyle vs. Special Opponent

8/4/78 – Peoria, IL
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr

8/5/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson defeated Caesar Pabon
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Armando Rodriguez
Larry Hennig defeated Fernando Torres

8/5/78 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Rodeo Jones & Buck Zumhofe
Bob Orton Jr defeated Max Blue

8/5/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Greg Gagne in 21:08
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Bob Orton Jr via DQ in 15:10
Ray Stevens defeated Billy Robinson in 17:56
Jim Brunzell defeated Pat Patterson in 12:05
Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer Mark II drew Evan Johnson & Steve Olsonoski
Reported Attendance: 3,624

8/6/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Billy Robinson & Verne Gagne when Patterson pinned Robinson in 20:00
Handicap Match:
Mighty Igor Vodik no contest Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes in 15:03
Greg Gagne defeated Bob Orton Jr via DQ when Orton hit referee Rod Luck, Milwaukee sportscaster, in 8:19
Evan Johnson defeated Frank Hill (sub Jim Brunzell) via pin in 15:31
Blackjack Lanza drew Steve Olsonoski 20:00
Reported Attendance: 4,955

8/11/78 – St. Paul, MN
Rufus R Jones defeated Super Destroyer Mark II via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Ray Stevens
Pat Patterson defeated Jim Brunzell
Larry Hennig defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via count out
Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr defeated Evan Johnson & Steve Olsonoski

8/12/78 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated George Gadaski & Juan Valez
Bob Orton Jr defeated Peter Lee
Billy Robinson defeated Jake Gusick
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Fernando Torres
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Frank Hill

8/12/78 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson defeated Fernando Torres
Jim Brunzell defeated Jake Gusick

8/12/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Verne Gagne via DQ

8/13/78 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
Cage Match:
WWWF Champion Bob Backlund defeated Superstar Billy Graham
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via count out
Gorilla Monsoon defeated Dominic Denucci
Waldo Von Erich defeated Steve Bolus
Super Destroyer defeated Verne Gagne
The Wildman drew Nick DeCarlo
Billy Red Lyons & Dewey Robertson defeated Mad Dog Vachon & Chris Tolos via DQ

8/17/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens when Brunell defeated Stevens by submission with a figure four leg lock
Bob Orton Jr drew British Empire Champion Billy Robinson
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Rufus R. Jones via DQ
Larry Hennig (sub Wahoo McDaniel) defeated Blackjack Lanza
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Early Dawn defeated Marie Laverne via pin
Steve Olsonoski defeated Fred Puppy Dog Peloquin

8/18/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Wahoo McDaniel via pin in 15:15
Billy Robinson defeated Ray Stevens via pin in 14:12
Rufus R Jones defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via count out in 11:07
Pat Patterson defeated Mighty Igor Vodik 9:40
Larry Hennig defeated Roger Kirby via pin in 13:14

8/19/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Bill Nixon & Dan Redman
Rufus R Jones defeated Race Bannon
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Karl Gray
Billy Robinson defeated Rodeo Jones
Bob Orton Jr defeated Buck Zumhofe

8/19/78 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Mighty Igor Vodik & Wahoo McDaniel defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan

8/20/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Wahoo McDaniel
Super Destroyer Mark II double DQ against Rufus R. Jones
Pat Patterson defeated Mighty Igor Vodik via DQ in 17:08
Bob Orton Jr (sub Blackjack Lanza) drew Billy Robinson
Steve Olsonoski defeated George Gadaski (sub Bob Orton Jr) in 14:44

8/21/78 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
Jerry Lawler defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Frankie Laine & Mike Bowyer
Verne Gagne defeated Eddie Sullivan
NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion Nelson Royal defeated Jackie Welch
Bill Dundee & Dick the Bruiser & Tommy Gilbert & Wayne Ferris no contest Jos LeDuc & Jean Louie & Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant
Beverly Shade & Natasha defeated Ann Casey & Sherri Lee
Porkchop Cash & Steve Kyle & Bearcat Brown defeated Hans Schroeder & Don Bass & Bounty Hunter

8/23/78 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
Andre The Giant defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Hawaiian Title Match:
Don Muraco drew Tor Kamata
Mike Cunningham & John Tolos & Steve Strong defeated Mr. Fuji & Prof Tanaka & Karl Von Steiger
Mr. Fuji defeated Missing Link Pampero Firpo
Reno Tuufuli double DQ against John Studd
Bill Francis defeated Randy Morse

8/24/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson
Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Orton Jr
Rufus R Jones defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Blackjack Lanza drew Joe Scarpello

8/25/78 – Minneapolis, MN
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Greg Gagne via count out
Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Larry Hennig & Rufus R Jones defeated Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes
Steve Olsonoski drew Bob Orton Jr
Frank Hill defeated Vito Martino

8/26/78 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Rodeo Jones & Buck Zumhofe
Bob Orton Jr defeated Max Blue
Steve Olsonoski defeated George Gadaski
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Kenny Jay
Rufus R Jones defeated Race Bannon

8/26/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens when Verne defeated Ray with the sleeper in 17:00
Bob Orton Jr defeated Greg Gagne via DQ 25:00
Mighty Igor Vodik & Rufus R Jones defeated Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes when Jones pinned Mark II in 18:19
Blackjack Lanza drew Steve Olsonoski 20:00
Juan Velez defeated George Gadaski via pin in 10:43
Reported Attendance: 5,870

8/30/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Rufus R Jones & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr & Super Destroyer Mark II
Pat Patterson defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Steve Olsonoski via DQ
Super Destroyer Mark II drew Rufus R Jones

8/31/78 – Austin, MN @ the Riverside Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Rufus R. Jones
Steve Olsonoski vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Buddy Wolff vs. Kenny Jay

8/31/78 – Pekin, IL
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Mighty Igor Vodik & Billy Robinson via count out
Spike Huber defeated Johnny Valiant via DQ
Cowboy Lang & Coconut Willie defeated Billy The Kid & Little Tokyo
Spike Huber defeated George Gadaski

9/2/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson defeated Fernando Torres
Jim Brunzell defeated Jake Gusick
Bob Orton Jr defeated Armando Rodriguez
Kay Noble drew Vivian Vachon
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Caesar Pabon
Larry Hennig defeated Harman Schafer

9/4/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr
Billy Robinson defeated Pat Patterson
Rufus R Jones defeated Super Destroyer Mark II via DQ
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Frank Hill
Steve Olsonoski defeated Juan Velez

9/5/78 – Council Bluffs, IA
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr

9/8/78 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Greg Gagne & Steve Olsonoski (sub Jim Brunzell)
Rufus R Jones defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Larry Hennig
Billy Robinson defeated Bob Orton Jr via DQ
Steve Olsonoski drew Blackjack Lanza
Reported Attendance: 3,099

9/9/78 – Minneapolis TV
Arm Wrestling
Larry Hennig no contest Super Destroyer Mark II
Verne Gagne defeated Rodeo Jones

9/10/78 – Green Bay @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Mighty Igor & Billy Robinson when Stevens pinned Robinson
Rufus R. Jones defeated Super Destroyer Mark II via DQ in 15:01
Greg Gagne defeated Bob Orton Jr via pin in 20:24
Steve Olsonoski drew Blackjack Lanza 20:00

9/10/78 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
Angelo Mosca defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via count out
WWWF Champion Bob Backlund defeated Gorilla Monsoon
Andre the Giant defeated Waldo Von Erich
Verne Gagne defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Sweet Daddy Siki defeated Kim Chang
Steve Bolus drew The Wildman
Billy Red Lyons & Nick DeCarlo defeated The Wolfman & Chris Tolos

9/14/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Referee: Larry Lisowski
Greg Gagne defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel to apparently win the AWA Title but the decision was reversed the next day when videotape evidence was presented that Bockwinkel’s legs were on the ropes during the winning pinfall.
Mighty Igor Vodik & Rufus R Jones defeated Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer Mark II when Igor defeated Hayes
Billy Robinson defeated Ray Stevens via pin in 17:00
Pat Patterson defeated Chris Pepper (sub Jim Brunzell)
Bob Orton Jr defeated Steve Olsonoski via pin after manager Bobby Heenan distracted Olsonoski
Larry Hennig defeated Blackjack Lanza via pin after an axe
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Dave Kochen via pin
Reported Attendance: “more than 8,000 professional wrestling fans”
Note: Brunzell said to be “injured”

9/16/78 – Minneapolis TV
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne defeated Tom Stone & Herman Schafer
Pat Patterson defeated Caesar Pabon
Rufus R Jones defeated Armando Rodriguez

9/17/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Verne Gagne (sub Jim Brunzell) & Greg Gagne defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens when Verne pinned Stevens at 18:47
Rufus R Jones defeated Super Destroyer Mark II via DQ when Lord Alfred Hayes hit Jones
Bob Orton Jr defeated Billy Robinson 24:45
Steve Olsonoski drew Cecil Dubois 20:00
Reported Attendance: 4,844

9/18/78 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
Jerry Lawler & Mongolian Stomper defeated Jos LeDuc & Jean Louie
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jimmy Valiant
Lou Thesz drew Tommy Gilbert
Terry Sawyer defeated NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion Nelson Royal via DQ
Jackie Welch defeated Mr. Wrestling
Tommy Gilbert & Wayne Ferris defeated Frankie Layne & Mike Bowyer

9/19/78 – Peoria, IL
Larry Hennig & Billy Robinson defeated Blackjack Lanza & Pat Patterson
Spike Huber defeated Johnny Valiant via DQ
Spike Huber defeated George Gadaski

9/20/78 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
Steel Cage Match, Loser Leaves Town for Hawaiian Title: Don Muraco defeated Tor Kamata
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Mr. Fuji & Karl Von Steiger
Bobo Johnson defeated Little John
Larry Sharpe defeated John Tolos
Missing Link Pampero Firpo drew John Studd
Steve Strong defeated Randy Alls
Bill Francis drew Sam Steamboat

9/21/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Larry Hennig defeated Bob Orton Jr via DQ
Mighty Igor Vodik & Rufus R Jones defeated Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer Mark II via count out
Steve Olsonoski defeated Cecil DuBois

Note: Jim Brunzell injures his ankle playing softball. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell are stripped of the AWA Tag Team Title for failure to defend. The AWA then awards Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson the AWA tag straps

9/22/78 – Minneapolis, MN
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Rufus R Jones
Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Jake Guzick
Steve Olsonoski defeated Bob Orton Jr via DQ
Frank Hill drew Cecil DuBois

9/23/78 – Minneapolis TV
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Vito Martino
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Paul Ellering & Kenny Jay in a 2/3 falls match
Steve Olsonoski defeated Armando Rodriguez
Cecil DuBois defeated Juan Valez

9/23/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens when Greg pinned Patterson in 24:00
Super Destroyer Mark II no contest Rufus R Jones in 17:00 when Lord Alfred Hayes interfered
Bob Orton Jr defeated Billy Robinson via pin in 19:56
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via count out in 15:39
Blackjack Lanza defeated George Gadaski with the brainbuster in 11:09
Cecil Dubois drew Steve Olsonoski 15:00
Reported Attendance: 5,509

9/24/78 – Davenport TV
Arm Wrestling
Larry Hennig no contest Super Destroyer Mark II
Verne Gagne defeated Rodeo Jones
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Frankie Hill & Kenny Jay
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Race Bannon
Rufus R Jones drew George Gadaski

9/25/78 – Memphis, TN @ the Cook Convention Center
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jimmy Valiant
Jerry Lawler defeated Jos Leduc
Nelson Royal defeated Bill Dundee
Tommy Gilbert defeated Frankie Laine
Terry Sawyer defeated Verlin Biggs

9/28/78 – LaSalle, IL
Steve Olsonoski & Greg Gagne defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr
Spike Huber defeated Bobby Heenan via count out
Brenda Hoffman defeated Maria LaVerne
Cecil DuBois defeated Frank Hill

9/28/78 – Austin, MN @ the Riverside Arena
Billy Robinson & Rufus R. Jones vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Larry Hennig
Black Jack Lanza vs. Steve Olsonoski
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. George Gadaski

9/30/78 – Minneapolis TV
Paul Ellering defeated Cecil Dubois via DQ

9/30/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick The Bruiser defeated The Sheik via count out
Non-Title Match:
Billy Robinson & Verne Gagne defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Bobo Brazil defeated Super Destroyer Mark II via DQ
Bob Orton Jr defeated Bobby Bold Eagle
Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant defeated Mighty Igor Vodik & Rufus R Jones
Steve Olsonoski drew Spike Huber
Mad Man Mitchell defeated Paul Christy

10/1/78 – Davenport TV
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne defeated Tom Stone & Herman Schafer
Pat Patterson defeated Caesar Pabon
Rufus R Jones defeated Armando Rodriguez
Bob Orton Jr defeated Kenny Jay
Steve Olsonoski defeated George Gadaski

10/2/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Mighty Igor Vodik & Rufus R Jones defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Bob Orton Jr defeated Greg Gagne
Cecil DuBois defeated Steve Olsonoski
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Max Blue

10/2/78 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
Jerry Lawler defeated Mongolian Stomper via DQ
Two Referees
NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion Nelson Royal defeated Bill Dundee
Loser of the Fall Leaves Town
Wayne Farris & Jimmy Valiant defeated Mike Bowyer & Frankie Laine
Jos LeDuc defeated Tommy Gilbert
Terry Sawyer won an 8-man elimination match
Terry Sawyer defeated Bounty Hunter
Reported Attendance: 4,000
Note: Lawler & Mongolian Stomper were originally scheduled to team against AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell. Brunzell injured his ankle playing softball and the AWA stripped Gagne & Brunzell of the AWA Tag Team Title for failure to defend because of Brunzell’s injury. The AWA Tag Team Title was then awarded tp Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson.

10/3/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Greg Gagne defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Mighty Igor Vodik & Rufus R Jones
Bob Orton Jr drew Paul Ellering
Steve Olsonoski defeated Cecil DuBois

10/5/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Greg Gagne defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Steve Olsonoski & Rufus R Jones
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Mighty Igor Vodik with help from manager Lord Alfred Hayes
Dave Kochen defeated Bob Orton Jr via DQ
Paul Ellering (sub Max Blue) drew Cecil Dubois
Blackjack Lanza defeated Frank Hill

10/6/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Rufus R Jones
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Bob Orton Jr defeated Mighty Igor Vodik via DQ
Steve Olsonoski defeated Cecil Dubois

10/7/78 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Mighty Igor Vodik & Rufus R Jones
Larry Hennig defeated Super Destroyer Mark II
Steve Olsonoski defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Cecil Dubois defeated Max Blue

10/8/78 – Davenport TV
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Vito Martino
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Paul Ellering & Kenny Jay in a 2/3 falls match
Steve Olsonoski defeated Armando Rodriguez
Cecil DuBois defeated Juan Valez
Bob Orton Jr defeated Frank Hill

10/8/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Larry Hennig defeated Super Destroyer Mark II and then unmasked him
Non-Title Match:
Rufus R. Jones & Mighty Igor defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens when Rufus pinned Patterson
Greg Gagne defeated Blackjack Lanza in 18:15
Cecil Dubois drew Steve Olsonoski 20:00

10/13/78 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Mighty Igor Vodik & Rufus R Jones
Larry Hennig no contest Super Destroyer Mark II
Bob Orton Jr defeated Greg Gagne
Steve Olsonoski defeated Blackjack Lanza via DQ
Paul Ellering drew Cecil Dubois

10/13/78 – Houston, TX
Andre The Giant double count out with NWA Champion Harley Race
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Dusty Rhodes
Brass Knuckles Match:
Bruiser Brody defeated Rocky Johnson
Gino Hernandez defeated David Von Erich
Al Madril defeated Bill White via DQ
Tiger Conway Jr drew White Knight
Coconut Willie & Cowboy Lang defeated Billy The Kid & Little Tokyo
Suzette Ferriara defeated Joyce Grable for Texas Women’s Title

10/14/78 – Minneapolis TV
Blackjack Lanza defeated Armando Rodriguez in a 2/3 falls match
Paul Ellering defeated Tom Stone
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Fernando Torres
Cecil Dubois defeated Caesar Pabon

10/14/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Mighty Igor Vodik & Rufus R Jones when Ray pinned Jones in 19:39
Super Destroyer Mark II no contest Larry Hennig in 15:56
Greg Gagne defeated Blackjack Lanza via pin in 16:59
Steve Olsonoski defeated Juan Velez via pin in 13:36
Cecil Dubois drew Frank Hill 15:00
Reported Attendance: 4,271

10/14/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Dick The Bruiser via DQ
Verne Gagne defeated Bob Orton Jr
Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant drew Wilbur Snyder & Pepper Gomez
Mad Man Mitchell defeated Dominic Denucci
Moose Cholak defeated The Bounty Hunter
Paul Ellering drew Spike Huber
El Bracero defeated La Pantera

10/15/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated George Gadaski & Kenny Jay
Greg Gagne defeated Armando Rodriguez
Paul Ellering defeated Cecil Dubois via DQ
Larry Hennig defeated Caesar Pabon
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Mike Cunningham

10/18/78 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Don Muraco
Billy McGuire & Benny McGuire defeated Mr. Fuji & Karl Von Steiger
Ripper Collins defeated Bill Francis
Larry Sharpe defeated Steve Strong
Pampero Firpo defeated Whipper Watson Jr
Tama Samoa (sub Billy White Wolf) defeated Randy Alls

10/22/78 – Davenport TV
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Vito Martino

10/22/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Andre the Giant won a $20,000.00 battle royal
Order of elimination: Larry Hennig, Steve Olsonoski, Frank Hill, Cecil Dubois, Paul Ellering, Mighty Igor, Jim Brunzell, Greg Gagne, Blackjack Lanza, Rufus R. Jones, Bob Orton Jr., Pat Patterson, Ray Stevens, Super Destroyer Mark II
Andre the Giant defeated Ray Stevens via pin in 5:41
Arm Wrestling
Larry Hennig no contest Super Destroyer Mark II
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Pat Patterson via DQ
Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza
Steve Olsonoski drew Paul Ellering

10/23/78 – Austin, MN @ the Riverside Arena
14 Man Battle Royal for $15,000
Andre the Giant vs. Pat Patterson
Jim Brunzell vs. Black Jack Lanza
Rufus R. Jones vs. Bob Orton Jr
Paul Ellering vs. Cecil DuBois

10/24/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Andre the Giant won a 15 Man battle royal
Arm Wrestling
Larry Hennig no contest Super Destroyer Mark II
Andre the Giant defeated Bob Orton Jr
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Ray Stevens via DQ
Blackjack Lanza drew Cecil Dubois
Jim Brunzell defeated Pat Patterson
Also in Battle Royal: Billy Robinson, Greg Gagne, Rufus R Jones, Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering

10/25/78 – Peoria, IL
Jim Brunzell won a battle royal

10/26/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Jim Brunzell won a 16 Man Battle Royal for $25,000 by eliminating Pat Patterson
Andre the Giant defeated Bob Orton Jr
Jim Brunzell defeated Pat Patterson
Arm Wrestling
Larry Hennig no contest Super Destroyer Mark II. Hennig was injured by Mark II & manager Lord Alfred Hayes and did not compete in the battle royal.
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Ray Stevens via DQ
Blackjack Lanza drew Paul Ellering
Iron Shiek defeated Rufus R. Jones via pin
Reported Attendance: “10,241 fans”

10/27/78 – Houston, TX
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Dusty Rhodes via DQ
Gino Hernandez defeated Al Madril
Tiger Conway Jr defeated Gama Singh
White Knight defeated Dave Patterson
Tiger Conway Jr defeated Colosso Colosetti
Bill White drew Mando Guerrero

10/27/78 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Andre the Giant won a 16 man battle royal to earn a title shot against AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel on 11/5/78
Andre the Giant defeated Ray Stevens
Arm wrestling
Super Destroyer Mark II no contest Larry Hennig
Greg Gagne defeated Bob Orton Jr
Jim Brunzell defeated Pat Patterson
Paul Ellering drew Blackjack Lanza

10/28/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Jim Brunzell won a 15 man battle royal for $20,000
Elimination Order, from first out to last: Iron Sheik, Olsonoski, Lanza, Wolff, Cecil DuBois, Rufus R. Jones, Orton Jr., Robinson, Igor, Greg Gagne, Patterson, SD II, Andre, Ray Stevens dropkicked over ropes by Brunzell)
Andre The Giant defeated Pat Patterson via pin in 9:35
Arm wrestling
Super Destroyer Mark II no contest Larry Hennig
(Hennig was injured and was not in the BR. He would’ve been the 16th man)
Billy Robinson defeated Bob Orton Jr via pin in 11:39
Jim Brunzell defeated Buddy Wolff with the figure four leg lock in 11:34
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Blackjack Lanza via DQ in 10:04
Iron Sheik drew Steve Olsonoski 15:00
Reported Attendance: an estimated 7,000

10/29/78 – Davenport TV
Blackjack Lanza defeated Armando Rodriguez in a 2/3 falls match
Paul Ellering defeated Tom Stone
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Fernando Torres
Cecil Dubois defeated Caesar Pabon
Jim Brunzell defeated Kenny Jay

10/29/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Jim Brunzell won a 14 man $20,000.00 battle royal
Andre The Giant defeated Ray Stevens
Pat Patterson defeated Rufus R Jones
Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza
Billy Robinson defeated Bob Orton Jr
Larry Hennig was attacked by Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes so he could not arm wrestle
Reported Attendance: 7,771

11/1/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Andre the Giant won a 12 man battle royal
Andre the Giant defeated Pat Patterson
Greg Gagne defeated Bob Orton Jr
Jim Brunzell defeated Ray Stevens
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Steve Olsonoski

11/2/78 – Burlington
Andre The Giant won a 12 Man Battle Royal
Andre the Giant defeated Ray Stevens
Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Orton Jr
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Rufus R Jones
Cecil DuBois drew Steve Olsonoski
Note: Also in the Battle Royal were Greg Gagne, Mighty Igor, Frank Hill & Pat Patterson.

11/3/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel no contest Andre the Giant
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Mighty Igor & Rufus R Jones
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Larry Hennig
Joe Scarpello (sub Paul Ellering) defeated Cecil DuBois via DQ
Steve Olsonoski drew Iron Sheik

11/4/78 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated George Gadaski & Kenny Jay
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Dan Redman
Larry Hennig defeated ? Thompson
Cecil Dubois defeated Angel Rivera

11/4/78 – Chicago, IL @ the Alumni Hall
Dick The Bruiser defeated Bobby Duncum via pin
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Larry Hennig via pin
Art Thomas & Bobo Brazil defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bob Orton Jr
Bobby Heenan defeated Steve O
Buddy Wolff drew Big Whiz
El Bracero defeated Steve Cooper
Moose Cholak defeated The Bounty Hunter Bobby Vann

11/5/78 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Rodeo Jones & Joe Guzman
Ray Stevens defeated George Gadaski
Steve Olsonoski defeated Kenny Jay
Cecil Dubois defeated Bill Nixon
Larry Hennig defeated Juan Zapata

11/5/78 – St. Paul, MN
Andre The Giant no contest Nick Bockwinkel
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Larry Hennig via DQ
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Orton Jr & Blackjack Lanza
Steve Olsonoski defeated Pat Patterson via DQ
Paul Ellering drew Iron Sheik
Cecil Dubois defeated Rufus R Jones

11/6/78 – Boise, ID
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Rufus R Jones
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Billy Robinson & Greg Gagne
Mighty Igor Vodik defeated Blackjack Lanza
Cecil Dubois defeated George Gadaski
Vito Martino defeated Frank Hill

11/10/78 – Peoria, IL
Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Larry Hennig no contest Super Destroyer Mark II

11/11/78 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Juan Valez & Caesar Pabon
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Armando Rodriguez
Verne Gagne defeated Vito Martino
Billy Robinson defeated Fernando Torres

11/11/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jim Brunzell via pin in 24:00
Arm Wrestling
Super Destroyer Mark II no decision Larry Hennig (Hennig won but the referee didn’t see it.)
Greg Gagne no contest Bob Orton Jr 28:30
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Paul Ellering & Steve Olsonoski when Pat pinned Ellering in 23:41
Billy Robinson defeated Cecil Dubois via pin in 11:44
Iron Sheik defeated Frank Hill via pin in 10:58
Reported Attendance: 4,800

11/12/78 – Davenport TV
Paul Ellering & Steve Olsonoski defeated Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Frankie Hill
Jim Brunzell defeated Tom Stone
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Peter Lee
Cowboy Lang & Haiti Kid defeated Little Tokyo & Sonny Boy Hayes

11/15/78 – Jackson, MS @ the Coliseum
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Pork Chop Cash
Two referees
Plowboy Frazier & Great Mephisto & Tom Jones vs. Percy Pringle & the Mongolians
Strap Match:
Johnny Mantell vs. Oki Shikina
10 Rounds of Boxing
Tom “Boogaloo” Shaft vs. Ugly Bear Harris
Dr. X vs. Ben Alexander

11/16/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson when Patterson pinned Robinson
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Heenan when Brunzell defeated Lanza by submission with a figure four leg lock
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Larry Hennig via count out
Cecil Dubois drew Steve Olsonoski 20:00
Iron Sheik defeated Paul Ellering
Dave Kochen defeated Fred Peloquin via pin
Reported Attendance: “5,222 fans”

11/17/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ when Nick came off the top rope
Arm Wrestling
Larry Hennig defeated Super Destroyer Mark II at 1:45
Greg Gagne defeated Pat Patterson 20:55
Cecil Dubois defeated Paul Ellering
Iron Sheik drew Steve Olsonoski 20:00

11/19/78 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated George Gadaski & Kenny Jay
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Dan Redman
Larry Hennig defeated ? Thompson
Cecil Dubois defeated Angel Rivera

11/19/78 – Beloit, WI
Billy Robinson defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Arm Wrestling
Larry Hennig defeated Super Destroyer Mark II
Cecil Dubois & Iron Sheik defeated Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering
Cowboy Lang & Coconut Willie defeated Billy The Kid & Little Tokyo
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Frank Hill

11/19/78 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
US Champion Ric Flair defeated Ricky Steamboat
Tony Atlas defeated Ken Patera
Bob Backlund & Dino Bravo defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Jay Youngblood defeated Geoff Portz
Johnny Weaver defeated Steve Muslin
Steve Bolus defeated Joe Marcus
Dewey Robertson defeated Kim Chang
Reported Attendance: 9,000

11/20/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Billy Robinson defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Arm Wrestling
Super Destroyer Mark II no contest Larry Hennig
Cowboy Lang & Coconut Willie defeated Billy The Kid & Little Tokyo
Steve Olsonoski defeated Iron Sheik
Paul Ellering defeated Cecil DuBois via DQ

11/21/78 – Lincoln
Larry Hennig defeated Cecil Dubois

11/22/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Death Match:
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bob Orton Jr in 11 falls
Billy Robinson defeated Bobby Duncum 24:55
Coconut Kid & Cowboy Lang defeated Billy the Kid & Little Tokyo 20:37
Steve Olsonoski drew Iron Sheik

11/23/78 – Minneapolis, MN
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Billy Robinson
Bobby Duncum defeated Paul Ellering
Steve Olsonoski defeated Cecil DuBois via DQ
Iron Sheik defeated Kenny Jay
Cowboy Lang & Coconut Willie defeated Little Tokyo & Billy The Kid

11/24/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Paul Ellering (sub Super Destroyer Mark II)
Coconut Willie & Cowboy Lang defeated Billy The Kid & Little Tokyo
Larry Hennig defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via count out
Steve Olsonoski defeated Iron Sheik

11/25/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Dick The Bruiser via DQ
Non-Title Match:
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Bobo Brazil defeated Super Destroyer Mark II via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Iron Sheik
Wilbur Snyder & Pepper Gomez defeated Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant
King Kong Brody defeated Pat O’Connor
Moose Cholak defeated Mad Man Mitchell via DQ
Spike Huber drew Paul Christy

11/26/78 – Davenport TV
Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Juan Valez & Caesar Pabon
Verne Gagne defeated Vito Martino
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Armando Rodriguez
Billy Robinson defeated Fred Torres
Cecil Dubois defeated Peter Lee

11/26/78 – Austin, MN @ the Riverside Arena
Billy Robinson & Rufus R. Jones vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Larry Hennig
Blackjack Lanza vs. Steve Olsonoski
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. George Gadaski

11/27/78 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Larry Hennig
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell beat AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens – wrong man pinned, no title change
Bobby Duncum beat Paul Ellering
Steve Olsonoski beat Cecil Dubois

11/30/78 – Galesburg, IL
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Duncum & Bobby Heenan
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Steve Olsonoski via DQ
Cowboy Lang & Coconut Willie defeated Billy The Kid & Lord Littlebrook
Spike Huber defeated George Gadaski

12/2/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Texas Death Match:
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Duncum (sub Nick Bockwinkel) & Bob Orton Jr in 20:52 when Orton Jr could not continue after the 10th fall
1. Duncum pinned Brunzell
2. Duncum pinned Brunzell
3. Greg pinned Duncum
4. Orton pinned Greg
5. Orton via DQ’ed for flipping Greg over top rope
6. Brunzell pinned Orton
7. Brunzell pinned Orton
8. Greg pinned Orton
9) Brunzell via DQ’ed for posting Orton
10. Greg over Orton with figure-4 leg lock; Orton CNC
Mask At Stake
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Larry Hennig via pin in 11:36
Cowboy Lang & Coconut Willie defeated Lord Littlebrook & Billy The Kid when Willie pinned Kid in 18:36
Bobby Duncum defeated Frank Hill via pin in 8:22
Steve Olsonoski defeated Iron Sheik via DQ in 14:42
Reported Attendance: 5,670

12/3/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Carl & Mike Gray
Steve Olsonoski defeated Dick Young
Bobby Duncum defeated Bill Nixon
Iron Sheik defeated Dan Redman
Greg Gagne defeated Rodeo Jones

12/5/78 – Duluth, MN @ the Arena
Larry Hennig defeated Super Destroyer Mark II

12/7/78 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via count out
Bobby Duncum defeated Jim Brunzell after Stan “Hangman” Hansen interfered
Greg Gagne defeated Stan Hansen via DQ when Hansen’s rammed Greg’s head into the ring post
Larry Hennig defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Iron Sheik defeated Chris Pepper
Cowboy Lang & Coconut Willie defeated Billy The Kid & Lord Littlebrook
Reported Attendance: 7,000

12/8/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Larry Hennig
Cowboy Lang & Coconut Willie defeated Billy The Kid & Lord Littlebrook
Steve Olsonoski defeated Iron Sheik

12/9/78 – Albert Lea, MN @ the National Guard Armory
Jim Brunzell vs. Ray Stevens
Bobby Duncum & Cecil DuBois vs. Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering in a 2/3 falls match
Iron Sheik vs. Kenny Jay

12/10/78 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Peter Lee & Juan Valez
Bobby Duncum defeated Frankie Hill
Steve Olsonoski defeated Angel Rivera
Verne Gagne defeated Fernando Torres
Iron Sheik defeated Armando Rodriguez

12/10/78 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ when Bobby Duncum interfered
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Doug Somers (sub Larry Hennig) 14:46
Bobby Duncum defeated Steve Olsonoski in 17:05
Frank Hill drew Cecil Dubois 20:00

12/13/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Bobby Duncum defeated Steve Olsonoski
Iron Sheik defeated Paul Ellering
Cecil DuBois defeated Frankie Hill

12/15/78 – St. Paul, MN
Verne Gagne defeated Ray Stevens
Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Duncum via DQ
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Paul Ellering
Pat Patterson defeated Red Bastien
Paul Ellering & Steve Olsonoski defeated Cecil Dubois & Iron Sheik

12/16/78 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Special Referee:: Pat O’Connor
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Steve Olsonoski (sub Larry Hennig) defeated Super Destroyer Mark II
Steve Olsonoski defeated Bobby Duncum via DQ
Iron Sheik defeated Paul Ellering
Joe Scarpello defeated Cecil DuBois

12/17/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson defeated Greg Gagne
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Vito Martino & Tom Stone
Larry Hennig defeated Jake Gusick
Bobby Duncum defeated Caesar Pabon
Cecil Dubois defeated Kenny Jay

12/20/78 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
Non-Title Cage Match:
Andre The Giant defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Hawaiian Tag Title Match:
Ripper Collins & Whipper Watson Jr defeated Mando Guerrero & Tama Samoa
Don Leo Jonathan defeated Tor Kamata
Billy Robinson vs. Mr Fuji
Don Muraco drew Larry Sharpe
Steve Strong defeated Karl Von Steiger

12/24/78 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Rodeo Jones & Blackie Guzman
Ray Stevens defeated George Gadaski
Steve Olsonoski defeated Kenny Jay
Cecil Dubois defeated Bill Nixon
Larry Hennig defeated Juan Zapata

12/26/78 – Lincoln, NE @ the Pershing Auditorium
Doug Gilbert vs. Joe Scarpello
Steve Olsonoski vs. The Iron Sheik
Reggie Parks vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Billy Robinson vs. Pat Patterson
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Bob Duncum & Blackjack Lanza


12/27/78 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Billy Robinson defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Iron Sheik defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via count out
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Roger Kirby
Bobby Duncum vs. Reggie Parks
Iron Sheik defeated Paul Ellering
Cecil DuBois defeated Frank Hill

12/29/78 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Verne Gagne defeated Super Destroyer Mark II via count out
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens drew Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell when Gagne and Patterson were simultaneously pinned at the 20:00 mark
Bobby Duncum defeated Steve Olsonoski 14:57
Reggie Parks drew Cecil DuBois 20:00

12/30/78 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Non-Title Match:
Dick The Bruiser defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Pepper Gomez & Wilbur Snyder defeated Lord Alfred Hayes & Bobby Heenan
Iron Sheik drew Spike Huber
Bobo Brazil defeated Mad Man Mitchell via DQ
Steve Olsonoski defeated Paul Christy via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Cecil Dubois
Arm Wrestling
Billy Robinson no contest Super Destroyer Mark II

12/30/78 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Bobby Duncum defeated Verne Gagne
Moose Cholak defeated Blackjack Lanza via count out
Frank Hill defeated Doug Somers
Doug Gilbert drew Roger Kirby
Sailor Art Thomas defeated George Gadaski
Reported Attendance: 5,218
Note from George Lentz: Originally Kirby was to challenge Bob Backlund for the WWWF title, but on TV the night of the show, it was announced that Backlund was injured and could not appear. (He actually was wrestling elsewhere).

12/31/78 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens defeated Kenny Jay & Buck Zumhofe
Verne Gagne defeated Tom Stone
Super Destroyer Mark II defeated Armando Rodriguez
Bobby Duncum defeated Jake Gusick


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