WWE SmackDown Moving To USA Network, Tough Enough Premiere Announced, Springer


WWE released a statement today, announcing the return of WWE Tough Enough, and that SmackDown would be moving to the USA Network next year.

Tough Enough will debut on Tuesday, June 23 at 8 pm Eastern on the USA Network as well. SmackDown will move to the USA Network during the “first quarter of 2016.”

“WWE is proud to have SmackDown join Raw as part of our expanded partnership with USA Network,” WWE Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Vince McMahon said. “The combination of the No. 1 cable network and two ratings juggernauts provides a destination for our viewers and an extraordinary platform for our partners.”

The press release also touted WWE’s new “For The Hero In All Of Us” ad campaign.

– The release date for Jerry Springer’s “Too Hot For TV” on the WWE Network is Monday, April 27th. This is the night after Extreme Rules.


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