WWE Retired World Heavyweight Championship On Raw?


There’s speculation that WWE retired the World Heavyweight Title belt or the “big gold belt” on Monday’s RAW.

As seen before the main event, WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena met Ric Flair on the stage and let him raise the “big gold belt” in the air. Cena then told Flair to keep the belt and Flair left with it.

Several fans pointed out that JBL made a reference to there only being one title earlier in the show.

For what it’s worth, F4Wonline.com recently reported that WWE was planning on keeping both belts around because it’s two pieces of merchandise that can be sold, among other reasons.

In somewhat of an update, it’s been noted that Ric Flair handed the title belt back over to WWE after he came back through the curtains, and there was no discussion of the belt being retired. I personally didn’t get the interpretation that the belt was retired on Raw, there was no mention of it during the commentary, but some people can make something out of nothing. Then again with WWE, it very well could be true. We’ll have to wait and see.


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