The WWE Raw Report 1-20-14: Batista Returns!!!


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Here we go with this week’s edition of WWE Monday Night Raw, January 20th, 2014 from The Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio

– As per usual on this holiday, we open with a video package on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

– Live in the ring stands the Authority, HHH & Stephanie McMahon. HHH reminds us that the winner of the Rumble will meet the Champion at WrestleMania. Just as it appears Trips is going to bring out Batista, Randy Orton’s music hits, to the groans of many… Orton blames the Authority for spending more time on the new Network than paying attention to him. Stephanie shows a video from last week where Kofi Kingston pinned Orton, and Randy then attacked John Cena’s father. Stephanie is appalled of Orton’s actions last week and threatens to strip him of the title is he doesn’t start listening to the Authority. Orton blames the Authority for his actions last week, forcing him to wrestle Cena at the Rumble, and bringing back names like Brock Lesnar & Batista who want his belt.

HHH tells Orton he needs to fix some things starting tonight. Trips tells Orton he has a rematch with Kofi Kingston tonight, and then after the match Orton will meet with John Cena tonight and “make right” with him. HHH tells Orton he’s going to have to start doing some things on his own. CUE BATISTA’S MUSIC! Out comes “THE ANIMAL”. After Batista plays to the crowd, HHH hands him the mike and leaves the ring. Orton wants a handshake but Batista walks away. Orton tries again and Batista begins to speak. Batista says that Orton was worried about WHY Batista was back. Well Batista clears that up, informing Orton that he’s back for the WWE World Title. Batista says he plans to win the Royal Rumble, and headline WrestleMania to take on whoever the WWE World Champion is at that time. Batista leaves Orton in the ring as we take a break.

-Commercial Break-

It wouldn’t be Raw without the token 6-Man tag of the week!!!

1. IC Champion Big E Langston & WWE Tag Team Champions Goldust & Cody Rhodes vs. The Shield. Big E and Dean Ambrose start this match out. Rollins tags in early but Big E with a gorilla press slam and a tag to Goldust. The Rhodes brothers work over Rollins, including a nice delayed gourd buster by Cody Rhodes. The Brotherhood continue on the offense until Rollins hits a back elbow to gain control. Rollins lands some big stomps to Cody in the corner. Cody gets whipped into the corner, but counters into a roll up for a 2 count. Cody goes for the disaster kick, but Rollins rolls out of the ring. Cody comes off the top with a crossbody to the outside onto Rollins!!!! The Shield regroup as we go to commercial break…

Back from break, Roman Reigns is in control of Cody Rhodes. Cody fights back, but eats a punch by Reigns. Reigns hooks Cody into the ropes and tags in Ambrose. Ambrose lands a stiff dropkick, followed by Rollins who gets a 2 count on Cody. Rollins with more stiff shots to Cody in the corner. Rollins tries to dive onto Cody in the corner, but Cody moves. Rollins gets to Reigns, and Reigns cuts off Cody from making a tag. Cody comes off the ropes and connects with the DISASTER KICK ON REIGNS. Both men are now down. Reigns gets to Ambrose, and Cody HOT TAG TO BIG E.. And it’s Langston on fire with clotheslines and a belly to belly suplex on Ambrose. Big E knocks Reigns to the floor and hits his big tackle to Ambrose. Big E lifts Ambrose on his shoulder for the BIG ENDING, but Rollins saves him. Rollins gets tossed to the outside. Ambrose with a boot to the face of Big E. Ambrose comes off the top, but Big E catches him and hits a belly to belly suplex!!! Big E with his BIG SPLASH and a cover for another 2 count on Ambrose. All the men are now in the ring. Reigns with the SUPERMAN PUNCH to Cody, and a SPEAR to Goldust. Ambrose tags in Rollins now, and Rollins connects with the CURB STOMP and covers Big E for the 3 count! The Shield gets the win!!!!

– We have a look at last week’s main event between Bryan & Wyatt vs. The Usos. Bryan makes his big face turn! HOORAY! Up next, we’ll hear from Daniel Bryan!

-Commercial Break-

Back from break, Daniel Bryan is already in the ring. “Yes!” chants galore from the WWE Universe. Very loud “Daniel Bryan” chants from the crowd before he can even speak. Bryan says that after Raw last week, a lot of people asked Bryan if he had a plan for joining The Wyatt Family. Bryan said he had to take down Bray Wyatt mentally. He says he had to do some things he wasn’t very proud of and keep some friends in the dark. He said he had to stand side by side with 3 men who he despises. He waited for the perfect time, and it was last week. Daniel Bryan doesn’t follow the buzzards or anyone else. Bryan tells Wyatt the he exposed him. Bryan says that Harper and Rowan are in the rumble match, so that leaves Bray Wyatt one and one with him at the PPV. The lights go out, and Bray Wyatt appears on the big screen. Bray says where he comes from, being a traitor is a sin. Bryan didn’t expose him, he only exposed himself as a coward. Bray tells Bryan that the fans cheered for him as he attacked him, but he is a traitor. People only look up to him because they choose to kneel to a traitor. Bray tells Bryan to go home and hug his mother, tell her he loves her, and that he is sorry. Bray says everything that happens to Bryan from now on, is his fault. The screen goes black as we go to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

2. Fandango (w/Summer Rae) vs. Xavier Woods. R-Truth on commentary for this one. Fandango starts off on the offense, Xavier counters with a flying headscissors and a sit-out style dropkick. Woods lunges at Fandango, but misses and Fandango returns with a nice looking twisting Falcon Arrow. Fandango goes up and lands the big legdrop for the easy win in LESS THAN 2 MINUTES. Wow, can we say squash? Who did Woods piss off??? Fandango with the win heading into the Rumble.

– Backstage, Kane & Brad Maddox chat. Maddox claims he brought Batista back. Stephanie comes into the office and excuses Maddox. Stephanie asks Kane what he was thinking when he choke slammed CM Punk on Smackdown. Stephanie tells Kane that they both knew it was a risk making Kane a part of The Authority. Stephanie tells Kane that he can’t put his hands on a WWE Superstar. Kane says he understands, and he apologizes. Stephanie says she accepts his apology, but he needs to apologize to CM Punk. Kane reluctantly agrees and leaves the office for the ring.

-Commercial Break-

– Corporate Kane makes his way down to the ring and politely asks CM Punk to join him. Punk obliges… Kane tells Punk that he overstepped his boundaries, and he apologizes for choke slamming him on Smackdown. Punk says he didn’t hear what he said, and that he should say it again. Kane says again that he apologizes. Loud “one more time” chants from the crowd, but Punk kindly informs Kane he doesn’t need to apologize again. HOWEVER, Punk says he is sorry too, and attacks Kane with the microphone!! Punk knocks Kane out of the ring and Kane is livid. Brad Maddox makes his way to the stage. Brad says he is going to give Punk what he wants, and that’s a fight. Maddox says Punk will fight one-half of The New Age Outlaws. The outlaws then make their way to the ring. Billy Gunn wins a hand of rock, paper, scissors, what a shocker….

3. CM Punk vs. “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn. The Road Dogg on commentary… Punk starts off with some quick offense, Billy tries hiding on the floor but Puk follows out. CM continues the offense until he allows himself to be distracted by the Road Dogg and Gunn attacks Punk from the back. Punk gets rammed into the apron as we take a break…

Back from break, Punk is back in control with a sleeper, but Gunn counters with a back suplex. Gunn goes with a chinlock on Punk, CM counters with a GTS attempt but Gunn counters with a nice dropkick. Gunn tells Punk to “SUCK IT”, and Punk replies by nearly kicking Billy’s head off!!!! Gunn rolls to the floor and Punk follows. This time PUNK ATTACKS ROAD DOGG!!!! Back inside, Punk is all over Gunn with a calf kick, some cotheslines and a swinging neckbreaker for 2. Now PUNK DOES THE CROTCH CHOP TO GUNN!!! SUCK THAT!!!! Punk with the knee in the corner. Road Dogg distracts on the apron and Billy takes back over with a tilt-a-whirl slam on CM. Gunn tries a charge in the corner, Punk moves, and Billy hits the post!!! CM Punk goes up top, but Road Dogg pulls Gunn out of the ring!!!! PUNK DIVES ONTO ROAD DOGG!!! Back inside, Gunn nails Punk and goes for the Fame-Asser, but Punk dodges and lifts Gunn up in the GTS for the 1……..2………3!!! PUNK WINS THE MATCH in 9:00! Fun match for a Billy Gunn match.

– Following the match, Brad Maddox & Kane walk out to the stage. Kane congratulates Punk. He says he sees why he calls himself the best in the world. Kane says this Sunday, Punk will be able to prove himself. Every number is random, except for his. Kane says that CM Punk will be the #1 entrant in the Royal Rumble match. I called this 2 weeks ago, I’m all for Punk being #1, I just hate that this is leading to HHH vs. Punk at Mania. What a waste of Punk…

– In the back, a camera is waiting for John Cena to arrive… Late Arrivals? We must be back in 2000 again…

-Commercial Break-

Back from break, we see a video package highlighting the history of the Royal Rumble by the numbers. It’s a short video and doesn’t cover half the “numbers” the video package used to… We go back to the announcers, and they all talk about the passing of Mae Young. The announcers then show us a video package highlighting the life of the late Mae Young. RIP

– Here comes Rey Mysterio… He’s going one on one with Alberto Del Rio… For the third time in a row… Joy….

-Commercial Break-

4. Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio. This match wasn’t over the first two times, I don’t know why do it again. I assume this is just leading to a Batista run in. Lots of the basics from both men to start. Some chain wrestling, some tackle spots. Del Rio goes for a monkey flip, but Rey connects with a dropkick to the face for a 2 count. Del Rio lifts up Rey and connects with snake eyes on the top rope. Del Rio gets hung up on the top rope, and Rey connects with a kick to the face!!! Del Rio goes to the outside where Rey connects with an Asai Moonsault!!!! Back in the ring, Rey connects with stomps to Del Rio in the corner, and then hits a baseball slide to the mid section. Rey connects with the 10 mounted punches. Rey gets whipped into the corner, and Del Rio charges and hits a big stomp to Mysterio. Del Rio hangs Mysterio on the side of the apron and hits a running boot to the head. Rey is thrown back in the ring, and Del Rio goes up top. Del Rio comes off with a double axe handle and covers for a 2 count. Del Rio applies a chinlock, Rey fights back to his feet, but Del Rio connects with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a 2. Del Rio works over Rey in the corner, but Rey back to his feet and starts to fight back, but Del Rio grabs Rey and slides him face first out of the ring as we go to commercial!!!!

Back from break, Del Rio is in control of Mysterio. Del Rio throws Mysterio back first into the steel steps. Both men now back Del Rio lifts Rey onto the top rope and tries to take his mask off. Rey gets hung upside down in a tree of woe and hit with some big stomps. Rey bails from the ring and Del Rio gives chase. Del Rio bends Rey around the ring post and then covers for a 1 count. Rey fights back with some punches. Rey charges Del Rio in the corner, but Del Rio moves and Rey hits hard into the corner. Del Rio lifts Rey back on the top rope again and hangs him upside down. Del Rio charges, but Rey moves and Del Rio goes shoulder first into the ring post. Rey is on the top rope, and comes off with corkscrew tackle. The ref starts the 10 count. Both men back to their feet and Mysterio his a head scissor. Rey lands on the apron and goes up top. he connects with the seated senton. Del Rio goes for a sunset flip, but Mysterio counters with a kick to the face. Mysterio covers for a close 2 count. Del Rio lifts Rey up for a spine buster, but Rey reverses into the 619, but Del rio catches him and catapults him into the corner. Del Rio connects with the kick to the head for another close 2 count. Del Rio calls for the cross arm breaker. he goes for it, but Rey gets out. Del Rio lifts Rey on his shoulder, but Rey again counters and this time connects with the 619!!!!!!! Rey “drops the dime” with the splash off the top, but Del Rio grabs the bottom rope to break the 3 count. Rey goes back up top. Rey jumps off, but Del Rio catches him into a FACEBUSTER… Del Rio then locks in the CROSS ARMBREAKER AND MYSTERIO TAPS OUT!!!! Del Rio Wins in 15:00!!!!

– After the match, Del Rio starts to celebrate when Batista makes his way to the ring… Del Rio starts talking trash to Batista and tells him to leave. Batista stares a hole through him. Del Rio tries to attack him, but Batista connects with a spinebuster. Batista lifts Del Rio up and connects with A STANDING BATISTA BOMB!!!! Nice…  Batista poses for the WWE Universe with a prone Del Rio still in the ring.

-Commercial Break-


Back from break, The Big Show makes his way to the ring. He and Brock Lesnar will have a “face to face” confrontation. Big Show says that at the rumble, he will be in one of the biggest fights of his career. Then he does a pretty damn good impersonation of Paul Heyman, lol… Big Show calls Lesnar one of the toughest guys in the WWE but he just doesn’t like Lesnar. Big Show tells Brock to come out to the ring and meet him. Paul Heyman makes his way onto the stage, but doesn’t say a word. Brock Lesnar‘s music hits… Brock and Heyman make their way down the ramp, but stop short of the ring. Brock and Heyman start making their way back up the ramp and then go to the back. Big Show tells Brock to come back down to the ring and get in his face. Brock and Heyman make their way back out and back down the ramp. Brock and Heyman stop short of the ring again and stand there looking at Big Show. Lesnar walks up the stairs and gets in the ring. Brock and Big Show get face to face. Brock makes a quick movement at Big Show, and Big Show flinches. They finally lock up, and Big Show moves Lesnar once, and then dumps Lesnar out of the ring. Lesnar is furious and starts destroying the announce table with a chair… Lesnar tries to slide in the ring, but Big Show steps on the chair. Lesnar retreats out of the ring again…. Heyman runs to Lesnar and tells him not to get back in the ring. Lesnar thinks about it, and then he and Heyman walk back up the ramp. Lesnar tells Big Show that he will see him on Sunday….

Lesnar’s bumps were over the top, and not really in a good way. They almost came off goofy to me… Like Shawn Michaels selling for Hogan… Okay, maybe not THAT goofy, but they just seemed too over the top. If this was supposed to make me want to see the match… It didn’t… How about reminding us of the time the two broke the ring??? Sell us on their past… IMO, this segment fell flat…

-Commercial Break-

5. AJ Lee and Tamina vs. Cameron & Naomi. Prior to the match, we see that nobody would celebrate AJ’s “longest reigning divas champion” part with her. Bad News Barrett informs AJ that it’s because nobody likes her. AJ scream, Josh Matthews question AJ. Lee tries to throw a cake in Matthews face, but he ducks and AJ nails Tamina with the cake… Okay… Whatever… Here we go with “action”… Cameron and Tamina start the match off. Tamina starts off using her power, knocking Cameron around the ring. Snuka drags Cameron over to the corner and tags in AJ. AJ connects with a swinging neck breaker and covers for a 2 count. AJ & Tamina continue their offense on Cameron… Cameron catches Tamina charging at her with a pair of boots… TAG TO NAOMI… Naomi comes in on fire… Tamina takes some bumps, but comes back with a boot to the face of Naomi… AJ tags in, leans down to scoop up naomi, but Naomi counters with an INSIDE CRADLE ON THE CHAMP!! 1……..2………3!!! The Funkadactyls pick up the win in around 2:00…. Naomi pins the champ! I’m looking for this to get added to the Rumble PPV…


-Commercial Break-

– Back from break, we see a SECOND Royal Rumble “by the numbers” video, covering the numbers they left out of the first one… I think they need to go back to having just one video for this…

– Some more comments and video honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

– And here come the Usos, ready for tag team action against the Wyatts… NEXT!!!

-Commercial Break-

6. The Usos vs. Eric Rowan and Luke Harper (w/Bray Wyatt). Jey Uso and Harper start… Harper & Rowan dominate Jey early… Rowan tosses Jey to the outside. Harper tries to chop Jey against the ring post, but Jey moves… Jey tags Jimmy!!!!  Jimmy comes off the apron onto Harper and tosses him back in the ring. Jimmy on top of Harper… Jimmy and Harper now trade blows. Jey gets a blind tag. Jey comes off the top with a cross body on Harper, but Rowan breaks up the pinfall. Harper hits Jey with a big boot to the face and covers for a 2 count. Rowan & Harper again on the offense… Rowan squeezes the temple of Jey, the announcers compare it to Sgt. Slaughters drilling temple hold, and for any moron who has ever mocked that move over the years, why don’t you let someone try that move on you… I guarantee it hurts more than most other gimmick holds(see Claw, Iron). Jey fights back to his feet, but Rowan tosses him back down. Rowan locks in the temple squeeze again. Rowan transitions into a neck crank. Jey back to his feet again, and tries to break, but Rowan connects with a forearm to the face and tags in Harper. Luke Harper with a cover for a 2 count. Harper charges Jey in the corner, but Jey gets the boot up. Jey goes up top, but Harper pushes him off face first into the barricade as we go to commercial!!!

Back from break… Rowan & Harper dominate Jimmy Uso… Harper connects with a catapult on the middle rope as Bray Wyatt starts talking. Bray asks the WWE Universe if this is what they want to see. He then says that hell is what Bryan has to look forward too. Back in the ring, Harper has a rear chin lock locked in. Jimmy starts fighting back and connects with a Whisper in the Wind type move. Both men are now down trying to make a tag. Jimmy gets the tag to Jey. Jey is on fire attacking Rowan and Harper. Jey with a kick to the gut and a uppercut. Harper charges in and Jey connects with a Samoan drop. Jey connects with a superkick to Rowan on the apron. Jimmy Uso comes over the top onto Rowan on the outside. Jey Uso tries a suicide dive, but Harper nails him before he can even come through the ropes… Harper charges and eats a boot in the corner by Jey. Harper connects with a MICHINOKU DRIVER to Jey Uso.

But here comes Daniel Bryan down the ramp and he attacks Bray Wyatt!!!! This gets Harper’s attention, and Jey Uso rolls up Harper for the 3 count!!!! The Usos get a big win in 12:00…

– The Usos theme plays briefly before it morphs into Daniel Bryan’s music and the fans chant along with Daniel & the Usos… The Wyatt Family sits at ringside with Bray laughing…

– We’re STILL waiting on John Cena…

-Commercial Break-

7. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston. Non-Title rematch from last week… Since Kofi won last week, shouldn’t this be a title match??? Orton starts with control, questioning where John Cena is. Kingston retaliates and Orton takes a powder to the floor… Kofi comes chasing after Randy and throws Orton face first into the safety barricade. Orton tries to escape and lures Kingston near the announce table where Randy rams Kofi into the table repeatedly before the two head back in the ring. Orton with a cover, but Kingston out and trying to fight back. Kofi with a flying forearm for 2… Orton grabs Kingston by the trunks and yanks him face first into the corner buckle… Orton on the offense, but keeps looking for Cena and it allows Kingston some offense here and there… Randy tries a European Uppercut but Kofi counters with a BACKSLIDE for 2… Orton back on top, tries for the suspended DDT, but KINGSTON COUNTERS AGAIN WITH THE S.O.S.!!!!! 1……….2………..ORTON KICKS OUT THIS WEEK!!!! Orton back on the offense when we go to the cameras in the back… JOHN CENA HAS ARRIVED!!!! Cena comes trucking into the building… You see, he’s so pissed off, he waited until now to get to the arena…

And to quote Lance Storm via Twitter… “John Cena’s lucky this isn’t a Bill Watts show. Arriving 2:59 minutes late to a 3 hour show.” …

Orton is looking up the ramp waiting for John Cena. Kofi has a hold of Orton’s leg as John Cena makes his way to the ring. Orton rolls out of the ring but Kofi cuts Randy off so Cena can get to him…. Cena attacks Orton, throwing him into the ring post and then into the crowd…. RANDY ORTON WINS BY DQ IN 5:00…..

Cena and Orton are fighting in the crowd and up the stairs of the Nutter Center…. Cena picks Orton up on his shoulders, but Orton fights out with elbows… Orton starts walking way and Cena gives chase… Cena catches up to him and lands some big punches…. Orton fights back with an elbow to the face…. Orton and Cena are now in the main lobby. Cena chases Orton out of the arena…. As Cena starts to catch up, Orton jumps into the passenger side of a car and takes off. Apparently, Orton and this driver just happened to know exactly when and where this fight would escalate….

Cena makes his way back into the arena and through the crowd as his music starts to play… This was done with a very Stone Cold-esque feel to it, but the crowd wasn’t particularly hot for this.. Not saying they didn’t make noise, they just weren’t going nuts… I can’t blame them… Not only have I seen enough of Cena, Orton, Cena vs. Orton, but the angle behind this is soooo boring… Out of all the matches at the Rumble, I’m looking forward to this one the least, though I’m not saying it’ll be a total dud… If this was supposed to sell the PPV… Well, they better thank God for the WWE Network… Cena celebrates in the ring with the WWE Universe as we go off the air.


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