WWE NXT Takeover R Evolution Results 12/11/14


WWE NXT Takeover R Evolution Results
December 11th 2014

Credit: Bill Pritchard

Kevin Owens vs. CJ Parker
Owens charges the corner and hits two splashes and a somersault splash, then he tears Parker’s sign up and hits a somersault dive on the floor. The fans chant ‘holy shit’ as Owens says it’s just the beginning, then he whips Parker in the corner and throws a few punches before Parker kicks him in the face. Parker throws a few more strikes and connects with a kick, then Steen connects with a lariat and hits a pump handle slam and a pop up powerbomb for the win.

Winner – Kevin Owens

NXT Tag Team Championship
The Vaudevillians vs. The Lucha Dragons (c)

Cara breaks a wristlock by SImon and sends him into the ropes, then he kicks him before Aiden tries to interfere. Cara armdrags him outside and Calisto hits a senton for two, then he whips Simon and Cara kicks him in the face. Cara connects with a sitout slam for two, then Aiden gets the tag and slams him down before applying a headlock. Gotch assists with a double clothesline, then he applies a chinlock but Cara breaks it, so Gotch hits a side suplex for another near fall. Aiden comes back in and Cara takes him down and tags out, then Kalisto hits a corkscrew splash and a roll through kick before sending both men outside. Cara and Kalisto set up for a suicide dive, and Aiden shoves Gotch out of the way, getting hit himself before Kalisto hits the Salida del Sol for the win.

Winners – Lucha Dragons

Tye Dillinger vs. Baron Corbin
Corbin kicks Dillinger in the face and hits End of Days for the win.

Winner – Baron Corbin

The Ascension vs. Hideo Itami & Finn Balor
Itami snapmares Konnor and Balor chops him in the corner, then he holds him in the corner and Itami connects with some chops and kicks. Itami gets caught with a flapjack for two, then Viktor stomps him a few times and hits an uppercut for two. Konnor applies a chinlock and kicks the back of Itami’s head, then he goes back to a chinlock but Itami fights out and he sidesteps a shoulder tackle in the corner. Itami sends him into the ringpost and tries to make the tag, but Viktor knocks Balor off the apron and pulls him into the corner.

Itami kicks him in the face and finally makes the tag, and Balor connects with some forearm shots, then he sends Konnor to the floor and splashes both opponents with a somersault dive. Balor goes for a double stomp but Viktor sidesteps it, and Balor hits a Brainbuster but Konnor breaks it up the pin. Balor goes for a spinning enziguiri but Viktor ducks and takes him down, then Itami tries to assist but he gets knocked outside. Konnor and Viktor set up for Fall of Man but Itami pulls Konnor outside, then Balor connects with a Pele kick, and both Balor and Itami connect with top rope double footstomps and make the simultaneous covers.

Winners – Hideo Itami & Finn Balor

Roman Reigns tells Renee Young winning Superstar of the Year takes the cake, and he’s there to see an awesome main event. He says Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn will tear the house down because they are the future. Reigns says speaking of his future, he’s going to be the first NXT alum to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

NXT Women’s Championship
Sasha Banks vs Charlotte (c)

Banks chops Charlotte in the corner, then Charlotte chops her back a few times and kicks her before Banks rolls outside. Charlotte follows and throws her back in, but Banks kicks her in the head and taunts the crowd. Banks hits a running shoulder slam in the corner, then she knees her in the stomach and punches Charlotte in the back. Banks snapmares her and mocks Charlotte with a Ric Flair strut, then Charlotte blocks a slap and punches her before Banks hits Bankrupt for two. Banks applies a Figure Four headlock and slams Charlotte’s head into the mat, then Charlotte catches her with some forearm smashes and a few chops. Charlotte goes for a suplex but Banks reverses, so Charlotte follows with a neckbreaker and screams at Banks to get back up. She charges at Banks but Banks sidesteps her and shoves her outside, then hits a suicide dive before rolling Charlotte back in to get a near fall.

Banks knees her in the face and connects with a drop toe hold into the turnbuckles, then she calls for the Bank Statement but Charlotte blocks it. Charlotte goes for a Figure Four but Sasha blocks and slams her down on the mat. Banks gets a few quick near falls and punches the mat out of frustration, then Charlotte hits a reverse slam and stomps her before heading up top. Charlotte misses a moonsault but lands on her feet when Banks rolls away, and she immediately hits a somersault senton and follows with a crucifix powerbomb attempt. Banks floats over and slams her headfirst into the turnbuckles, then she sets up on the top rope but Charlotte slams her down and follows with Natural Selection off the ropes to retain.

Winner – Charlotte

NXT Championship
Sami Zayn vs Adrian Neville (c)

We get a few chain wrestling moves before Adrian blocks Sami and tells him no more, then Adrian applies a wristlock and Sami counters with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Adrian rolls outside and Sami splashes him on the floor, then he kicks Adrian in the face and slams him into the corner. Sami runs into a forearm shot, then Adrian applies a side headlock but Sami hiptosses him and Adrian catches him with an uppercut. Adrian kicks Sami a few times and mocks him a bit, telling him to get up before he hits the ropes. Sami fires back with a lariat, then connects with a second and dropkicks Adrian out of the ring. Sami hits the ropes but Adrian runs back in and takes him down with a spinning headscissors, then he tries to splash Sami on the floor but Sami backdrops him on the floor and hits a diving senton.

Sami rolls him back in and goes for an electric chair drop but Adrian counters by spinning around and hitting a powerbomb, then he connects with a running uppercut in the corner before hitting a German suplex off the ropes for two. Adrian hits some forearm shots before Sami clotheslines him, then he goes for a big boot in the corner but Adrian sidesteps him and slams him on the mat. Adrian sets up for Red Arrow but Sami gets his knees up, then he rolls over and applies the Koji Clutch, only to have Adrian get his foot on the bottom rope. Sami charges the corner and accidentally clips the ref when Adrian sidesteps him, and Sami checks on the ref before Adrian superkicks him and connects with an inverted headscissors slam.

Sami hits three German suplexes before Adrian lands outside, but Sami runs after him, diving through the turnbuckles to hit a tornado DDT on the floor. Sami rolls him in and connects with a Helluva Kick, but inadvertently hits the ref too when Adrian pulls the ref in the way. Adrian goes outside and gets his title to attempt to hit Sami, but Sami blocks him and knocks him down before picking up the title. Sami struggles whether he should hit Adrian with the title, then decides against it and goes to put it down. Adrian runs over and gets a roll up for two, but Sami kicks out and connects with a reverse STO into the turnbuckles, followed by a Helluva Kick for the win.

Winner and NEW NXT Champion – Sami Zayn


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