WWE News: Why Vince Fired Head Writer, Second MITB Ladder Match Update, Tons More


Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

– WWE’s website points out that Triple H hasn’t revealed who else will be in the second Money In the Bank ladder match but intimated in his recent Michael Cole interview that the other participants will not necessarily need to qualify for a spot.

The Wrestling Observer reports that the match should be finalized on Monday’s RAW from Washington, DC. The match wasn’t announced on Monday’s RAW because they had the battle royal and apparently a lot of the battle royal participants are in the ladder match. Dean Ambrose is expected to be in the match as well.

– As noted, Vince McMahon recently cut RAW head writer Jay Gibson. This release was not believed to have been budgetary like the other releases. Even though WWE cut their head writer, it’s not as significant as it sounds and there likely won’t be a major change in TV direction.

The Wrestling Observer noted that Gibson had been with WWE for about 5 months and basically organized writers to work on different angles and different Superstars, as opposed to actually writing himself. It was said that Gibson had very little knowledge of the WWE product and that was made apparent when he was asked his opinion on some things.

– Regarding Aksana’s WWE departure, The Wrestling Observer reports that she had been a favorite of Kevin Dunn’s, but no longer was and didn’t have much support backstage. With more Divas being called up from NXT soon, most notably Charlotte and Sasha Banks, they made the decision to cut her. It’s said that Rosa Mendes was saved when Total Divas producers wanted her on the show.

– There had been some talk of splitting up Cameron and Naomi as part of an angle for the next season of Total Divas and then at this week’s tapings, WWE started to go more in that direction. Based on the way it’s been booked so far, it could be that Cameron is the one that goes heel if they do the split.

– Daniel Bryan will be filming an anti-smoking commercial in New York City soon. Casting information is available here. The description reads:
“This spot is very similar to the ‘cigarette-as-bully’ PSA that is currently running. We find ‘Dave’ being bullied by his cigarette by way of text message. He is attending a WWE match a super-fan of his idol Daniel Bryan. When Daniel gives a public shout-out to ‘Dave’ in the audience he is no where to be found. The camera finds ‘Dave’ alone in the parking lot bullied by his cigarette to go out and smoke missing what would have been the greatest moment of his life thus far.”

– Dusty Rhodes tweeted the following about Alex Riley after promo class at the WWE Performance Center last night:
“#WWE last night in class Alex Riley showed he has great skills , should b main roster break out star ! @NXT”

– Scott Hall managed his son Cody Hall at a June 7th Northeast Wrestling event in Ansonia, Connecticut. Apparently there were problems and The Halls aren’t welcome back. NEW promoter Mike O’Brien said the following:

“Scott Hall was his old self (he worked for the group a week ago). Not his physical condition, but a real cocky asshole. You give everyone a shot. Safe to say you won’t be seeing me book him or his dangerous, green son again.”


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