WWE @ MSG Results for 12/26/13


Thanks to John E. from NYC for the results…

As already mentioned on other sites, December 26th marked the 30th Anniversary of the night Bob Backlund lost the WWF Title to the Iron Sheik. Mr. Backlund was at the event taking pictures with fans to the the tune of $30 a pop. The arena appeared to near full, if not completely sold out for the annual holiday visit from the WWE. I have to give the company credit, they take this “interactive” thing very seriously, going so far as to ask fans to tweet and text messages to be shown on the big screen on the wall of the Garden. There was also a text voting session to decide how the Divas segment would be handled. Being MSG, was a little depressed to see Justin Roberts announcing the show rather than the Fink, but it was expected.

1. Card opened with Rey Mysterio over the returning Alberto Del Rio. Alberto had recently sustained a concussion from Sin Cara V2.0. Mysterio sporting the singlet to cover the extra weight. Rey didn’t look at 100%, which doesn’t say much for his future. A 619 and falling splash from the top ended this one with a win for Mysterio. A fine opener, nothing great, but certainly solid.

2. Brodus Clay vs. Zack Ryder. Clay was heel from the start, demanding the sound guy to cut his music as he taunted fans by wearing a Boston Celtics jersey. Clay gets on the mike and demands to be called the “Main Event Player”. Fans seemed to lose interest the minute the match started. Ryder got the surprise win with a school boy rollup in just a couple of minutes. Short and painless for the most part. It’s sad to see how far Ryder has fallen simply by the doings of the “higher ups”.

– Something new, at least for me. A VIDEO promo from backstage… AT A HOUSE SHOW. Randy Orton trashes NYC fans and the Garden.

3. Booker T acts as referee for the next match. Originally scheduled to referee the WWE World Title match, we were shocked when we got the Big Show vs. Kane match next. I guess Booker got demoted. If anyone is wondering, Kane wore his usual ring gear, just without a mask. Slow and plodding, but they tried and crowd loved Show. Really weird to see Show go from serious main eventer to New Years Baby and smiling baby face here. Big pop for Kane choke slamming Show off the ropes. The chokeslam only got 2 and Kane began to argue with Booker. Kane tried to hit T, but Booker blocked and nailed Kane, then hit the pump kick which sent Kane spinning right into the big KO punch from the Show, and Big Show gets the win.

4. The fans voted, and we end up with a Divas “Dance Off” featuring the Bella Twins & The Funkadactyls vs. Kaitlyn, Aksana, Alicia Fox, and Rosa Mendes. Naturally, the Total Divas were able to dance well, while the non-E! stars put on a horrible performance. Those evil non-Divas attacked the Bellas and the Funks, which led to Brad Maddox announcing an 8-Woman Tag Match. Fox does the job to Bella’s facebuster.

5. Curtis Axel vs. Sin “Hunico” Cara. Axel cuts a promo before the match about being the son of Mr. Perfect. Oh, if only that’s all it took. Cara comes out, fairly slow, crowd lost interest. Several “boring” chants throughout. Cara 2.0 wins with the somersault senton.

6. As if the last match wasn’t satisfaction enough, we’re treated to ANOTHER Curtis Axel match. Axel says he refuses to go out a loser heading into the new year, and lays out the open challenge. Out comes THE GREAT KHALI. Khali disposes of Axel with the big overhand chop in short fashion.

7. STEEL CAGE MATCH with WWE Tag Team Champions Goldust & Cody Rhodes vs. The Real Americans. Zeb Colter was at ringside. Great tag team formula, Goldust took the heat. Crowd ate this match up. Hot tag to Cody saw the Garden erupt. Cesaro Swing on Goldie, Cody hits a body block on Antonio right after for a near fall. Crowd going nuts. Cody climbs to THE TOP OF THE CAGE AND HITS A MOONSAULT on Cesaro for the win.

Watch Cody Moonsault off the top of the Cage!

8. Los Matadores & El Torito over the 3MB. Ricardo Rodriguez was out subbing for Heath Slater who is off the road for “personal reasons”. Torito shows why he’s the star of the team, getting the hot tag and busting out lots of luchador spots before pinning Ricardo in a fun little match.

There was a segment where Booker T brought Michael Hayes out to the ring. Booker claimed Michael had sold out MSG several times. I’m not sure if the Freebirds worked the Garden more than once or twice, but I do know they never sold it out. Hayes comes out in a pimp suit, does an odd comedy spot where he trips getting in the ring. Booker wants to see the old Moonwalk, and Hayes doesn’t miss a beat, he’s still got it. Knowing Hayes, he probably practices it every day, just for this such occasion. Spinnaroonies all around, fun spot for the fans.

9. WWE World Champion Randy Orton vs. John Cena. Probably the best match I’ve seen between the two. They let it all out, trying out some new moves in the mix. Don’t be surprised to see Cena and Orton bust out some new moves at the Rumble or Mania. I’m not a big fan of either, but this one was quite good. Some serious near falls at the end had everyone believing there may just be a title change. Orton pulls a low blow on Cena out of nowhere for the DQ, just like the finish with Bryan on TV. Cena gets the DQ win, Orton tries to punt kick his head after the match but Cena jumps up and counters with an AA.

A fun night and the announcement of Batista returning on March 9th to MSG!!!

Watch out for flying moonsaults!



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