WWE Main Event Results 2/19/14


WWE Main Event Results for 2/19/14 from Colorado Springs, CO

Dark Match
* Alexander Rusev defeated Zack Ryder by pinfall. Rusev won with a side slam finisher. A decent match, not just a total squash.

WWE Main Event TV Taping

* The Shield vs. Sin Cara and Los Matadores. Sin Cara takes the heat. Reigns is the highlight of the match with a DOUBLE SPEAR on Sin Cara and one of Los Matadores. Reigns also lands a Superman Punch “Hart Attack” style. Rollins scores the pin.

* Cameron defeated Aksana with a roll-up.

– There was a Bad News Barrett segment. He said for once the crowd is as “high” as he is. He ripped on the Olympic training center, and how the U.S. is going to have the lowest medal count since 1988. This concluded the Main Event taping.

* Kofi Kingston defeated Curtis Axel via DQ after interference from Ryback. Mark Henry makes the save for Kofi, and he and Kingston clear the ring to end the show.


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