WWE Main Event Spoilers for 1-15-14


Dark Match

* Alexander Rusev beat Tyson Kidd by submission with the Camel Clutch. Prior to the start of the match, Rusev cut a heel promo in his native Bulgarian. The promo got a lot of heel heat in response.


WWE Main Event Taping for 1-15-14

* Kofi Kingston defeated Curtis Axel with a rollup. After the match, Ryback’s music hit and he comes out, walks around the ring, and then just leaves. Clearly they’re beginning to build on the “nut job” Ryback gimmick.

* Damien Sandow defeated Sin Cara with the “You’re Welcome” Full Nelson Slam. Sandow was in his hometown so he got a positive reaction from many of the fans. During the match, Ryback came out AGAIN and walked around the ring, messing with the fans.

– Bad News Barrett promo announcing that he will be in the Royal Rumble.

– Ryback came out to his music yet again and did a lap around the ring before the next match.

* The Prime Time Players beat The 3MB (Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, and Drew McIntyre)  in a 3 vs. 2 handicap match.

– Following the match, 3MB demanded that the match be restarted but Brad Maddox came out and denied their request. Instead Maddox gave them a 6-man tag match against Los Matadores, up next. Apparently, Maddox has free reign over every show now?

* Los Matadores and El Torito defeated The 3MB with their double team finisher. El Torito got a hot tag during the match and cleaned house.

After the main event, Ryback came out for the FOURTH TIME and walked around ringside, AGAIN.


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