WWE Main Event Results 1/6/15


Credit: Marc Middleton

– Tonight’s WWE Main Event opens up with a look at John Cena and The Authority on RAW.

– We’re live from Laredo, Texas with Michael Cole, JBL and Booker T on commentary. We go right to the ring.

Paige vs. Nikki Bella

Paige and Natalya make their way out first. WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella is out with Brie Bella next for this non-title match. They lock up and go at it. Nikki takes control first. They trade holds and Nikki hits a takedown for a 2 count. Nikki slams Paige into the mat and poses on top of her. Nikki goes on and hits a kick to the head out of the corner for another 2 count. Paige comes back and drops Nikki with a big shot to the head. Paige screams that this is her house and the crowd pops. Paige sends Nikki to the floor and Brie gives her a pep talk as we go back to commercial.

We come back and Paige hits Nikki with knees. Nikki tries to fight back and ends up yanking Paige from the apron to the floor. The referee comes out to check on Paige. Nikki does push-ups in the ring as the referee counts. Paige makes it back in and Nikki keeps up the attack. Nikki with another 2 count. Nikki keeps knocking Paige down and showing off. Nikki pins Paige with just her foot for a 1 count. Nikki works on the shoulder in the corner. Nikki with another pin attempt and a submission now. Nikki with another 2 count. Paige fights back but gets clotheslined for another 2 count. Nikki with more offense in the corner. Nikki slams Paige’s face into the mat and continues working on the arm. Another 2 count by Paige. Paige finally comes back with a Thesz Press but Nikki clotheslines her again. This has been one of the longest Diva matches in recent memory. Nikki drops back on the arm and goes for another pin attempt. Nikki with an armbar submission now but Paige tries to fight it off. They struggle with the submission and Paige won’t let it get locked. Nikki with a 2 count and another arm submission. Paige finally hits an arm drag and a pair of clotheslines. Paige drops Nikki again and screams. Paige with a dropkick. Nikki whips Paige but runs into an elbow. Paige goes to the top but Brie distracts her, allowing Nikki to slam Paige to the mat. Natalya levels Brie on the floor. Nikki kicks Natalya off the apron. Paige and Nikki trade holds. Paige misses a running knee. Nikki with a forearm. Paige with a superkick. Paige nails the Ram-Paige for the non-title win.
Winner: Paige

– After the match, Natalya comes in the ring to raise Paige’s arm as we go to replays. The Bella Twins recover at ringside and aren’t happy.

– We see Rusev and Lana walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes Lana with WWE United States Champion Rusev. Lana talks about Ryback being fired on RAW and says he would have felt more shame if he would have stayed and faced Rusev. Rusev rips on Ryback and says he would have mopped the floor with him if he was still here. Rusev announces he will be in the 30-man Royal Rumble match.

– The announcers talk about what happened on RAW and we see the Fallout interviews with Ryback, Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler. Still to come, Swagger vs. Titus. Back to commercial.

R-Truth vs. Fandango

Back from the break and out comes Rosa Mendes with Fandango. R-Truth is out next rapping to the crowd. Fandango controls the early part of the match but Truth makes a comeback. Truth hits his usual kicks but gets a 2 count. Fandango hits a big elbow and a big float-over suplex. Fandango goes to the top and hits big leg drop finisher for the win.
Winner: Fandango

– After the match, we get replays as Fandango and Rosa dance in the ring.

– Still to come, Titus vs. Swagger. Back to commercial.

Titus O’Neil vs. Jack Swagger

Back from the break and out comes Jack Swagger. Cole notes that Zeb Colter is still recovering from a broken leg. Titus O’Neil is out next with a microphone. He fumbles over his words some but says T-I-T-U-S is here to save us from it all. Fans boo as Titus smiles. They lock up and go to the corner. Swagger takes Titus down and goes for a Patriot Lock early on. Swagger gets some offense in but Titus turns it around and takes Swagger to the corner. Titus with uppercuts. Titus goes for a big slam but Swagger slides out, takes him down and goes for another Patriot Lock. Titus blocks that hold but gets clotheslined to the floor. Swagger does “we the people!” as we go to commercial.

We come back and Titus drops Swagger with a big boot for a 2 count. Titus keeps control and fights off a comeback, slamming Swagger by his head. Titus takes Swagger to the ropes and hits several big shots to the chest. Titus lifts Swagger high and drops him for another 2 count. Titus with an abdominal stretch now. Swagger comes back and dumps Titus on his head. They get up and trade shots now. Titus misses in the corner. Swagger with a big clothesline as fans pop. Swagger with a running knee in the corner and a big boot. Swagger with another clothesline. Swagger goes for a Swagger Bomb and nails it for a close 2 count. They tangle and Swagger dumps Titus over the top rope to the floor. Swagger follows and Titus rams him into the ring post. Swagger rolls back in and stumble around. Titus comes in and hits a big boot followed by the Clash of The Titus for the win.
Winner: Titus O’Neil

– After the match, Titus yells at the fans and camera as we go to replays. Titus continues talking trash and posing as Swagger heads to the back and Main Event goes off the air.


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