WWE Main Event Results 10/14/14


Credit: Marc Middleton

– Tonight’s WWE Main Event opens up from the BJCC in Birmingham, Alabama. Michael Cole and Byron Saxton are on commentary.

– We go to the ring and out comes The Miz for a MizTV segment.. We get a look back at Sheamus vs. Miz on RAW last night. Cole hypes their rematch at Hell In a Cell.

The Miz talks about the United States Title and calls Sheamus to the ring. Damien Sandow comes out dressed as Sheamus instead. Sheamdow speaks with a bad accent and says Miz is a better fighter than him and everything else. He goes on with the act and says Miz deserves to be United States Champion. Sheamdow hands Miz a replica US Title belt and they pose with it. The music hits again and out comes the real Sheamus.

Miz and Sheamus have words while Sheamdow plays the stunt double for Sheamus, standing right beside him. Sheamus says he can be funny too and drops Sheamdow with some “slapstick” comedy. Sheamus goes after Miz but he escapes the ring. Sheamus ends up laying Sheamdow out with a Brogue Kick.

– Still to come, Big E vs. Rusev. Back to commercial.

Tyson Kidd vs. R-Truth

Back from the break and Tyson Kidd is in the ring with Natalya. Kidd says two things don’t lie – cats and facts. He’s going to prove he’s more than just Natalya’s husband tonight with his second week in a row. R-Truth is out next.

Back and forth to start the match. Kidd takes Truth down with a kick and dropkicks him in the face. Kidd with stomps and boots in the corner now. Kidd turns Truth upside down in the corner and pulls back on his neck. Kidd with a big kick now. Kidd catapults Truth under the bottom turnbuckle and covers for a 2 count. Kidd with more offense and a pin attempt before going to a headlock as Natalya looks on. Truth looks to make a comeback but Kidd takes the leg out and goes for the Sharpshooter. Natalya looks to be giving Kidd advice and accidentally distracts him. Kidd asks her what she’s doing and turns around to Truth’s finisher for the win.

Winner: R-Truth

– Still to come, Rusev vs. Big E. Back to commercials.

Cesaro vs. Justin Gabriel

Back from the break and out comes Cesaro. We get a sidebar video from earlier today with Cesaro promising he will be the next Intercontinental Champion. Justin Gabriel is out next.

Cesaro hits a big back body drop for a 2 count after several minutes of back and forth. Cesaro with a stomp to the gut. Cesaro kicks Gabriel around. Gabriel fights back but Cesaro takes him to the corner and drops him with a boot. Cesaro with another 2 count. Gabriel finally makes a comeback and goes to the top but misses a moonsault. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer for the win.

Winner: Cesaro

– We get commercials followed by a look at John Cena and Dean Ambrose.

Rusev vs. Big E

Back to the ring and out comes Rusev with Lana. Cole hypes the match against Big Show at Hell In a Cell. Rusev waves the Russian flag in the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back and Lana cuts a promo. She talks about Mark Henry and Big Show. Rusev takes the mic and says Big Show will be a stinking anus. Rusev says he is going to turn Show inside out and Show will speak through his anus. Big E is out next to interrupt. They go at it and Rusev beats Big E down with headbutts.

Big E catches Rusev in mid-air and drops him with a backbreaker for a 2 count. Rusev goes to the floor to regroup. Rusev drops Big E over the top rope and comes back in with more strikes. Big E makes a comeback but Rusev goes back to the floor. Big E follows and counters a move, sending Rusev into the ring post. Rusev sends Big E into the barrier. Rusev with a big overhead slam on the floor. Rusev rolls back in the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rusev has Big E down in the ring. Big E tries to fight back but Rusev beats him down and stomps away. Big E blocks a suplex and another. Big E hits a suplex of his own. Big E charges but Rusev moves and sends him into the ring post. Rusev with more offense in the corner and some trash talking. Rusev with another hold and more offense in the corner. Rusev hits a big splash and charges again but Big E catches him and hits a belly to belly. They get up and trade shots now. Rusev blocks a belly to belly with headbutts. Big E with clotheslines and a belly to belly for a 2 count. Rusev looks to turn it around again but Big E catches him with a big slam for another 2 count. Big E drop the straps and runs the ropes but Rusev nails a super kick to the face. Lana tells Rusev to crush and he stomps on Big E’s back. Rusev gets the win with The Accolade.

Winner: Rusev

– After the match, Rusev and Lana pose as the Russian flag drops down. We go to replays. Main Event goes off the air with Rusev and Lana continuing their celebration.


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