WWE Live Event Results from Phoenix 2/15/14 featuring Batista & Steel Cage Action


Thanks to reader Paul B. for sending in these results from last night’s WWE live event in Phoenix, AZ.

* WWE Intercontinental Championship: Big E.(c) defeated Ryback. Pretty mediocre match. Wasn’t good. There were no botches, but I wasn’t entertained. Big E. won clean. Big E had good support behind him and the heat was on Ryback throughout. After Big E won, the titantron started to have Ryback’s titantron play, but they fixed it and no one noticed.

* The Bella Twins defeated Tamina and Summer Rae. Bellas got an ovation because they were in their hometown.

* WWE Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws defeated The Usos & The Real Americans in a triple threat match. The Rhodes brothers were not there. Before their match, The New Age Outlaws did their usual promo hyping the fans which did work. Even though they are heels, most of the fans loved the New Age Outlaws. This was a real interesting match and the crowd was into it.

Del Rio cuts a promo backstage on facing Batista later in the night.

* Daniel Bryan, Sheamus & Christian defeated The Shield. Daniel got the biggest reaction of the night. 95% of the crowd were on their feet doing the he’s chant. Even though I’m not a critic, I award this match of the night. It was one of the only matches which had my attention the entire time. The match went about 25 minutes and I think that each performer in this match gave it their all.

After the match, Kane comes out to the ring after the match and Daniel Bryan asks Kane to hug it out, but Kane wanted an apology for what happened on Raw last week. Bryan attacks Kane, who then attempts to go for the chokeslam before being countered and beaten out the ring. Bryan leaves the ring to “Yes!” chants.

* Bray Wyatt defeated Dolph Ziggler with Sister Abigail. Ziggler was billed from Arizona as opposed to Hollywood, Florida. However, it does make sense because Ziggler lives in Arizona. After the match, fans cheered for Ziggler as he (Kayfabe) struggled out of the ring.

* Batista defeated Alberto Del Rio via DQ. Entertaining match and the crowd was behind Batista throughout. At one point, Batista moved out of the way right as Del Rio was about to deliver a dropkick. This caused Del Rio to dive between the second and third rope. Del Rio was DQ’d and attempted to hit Batista with a chair, but Batista countered with a Batista Bomb. Del Rio exited the ring and went into the first few rows. Because I had floor seats, he was five feet away. On his way out, Batista slapped hands with all the fans ringside and up and down the ramp.

* WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton defeated John Cena in a steel cage match. Throughout the match Orton played to the crowd as the heel he is. Orton attempted the punt kick right as Cena moved out of the way so that he could deliver the AA. As Cena put Orton in the STF, Orton was able to crawl to the cage door and almost escape, but Cena stopped him. Cena was pushed into the ref and this allowed Orton to low blow Cena and leave the cage, via the door to win the match. If this match had anyone else, they would have been booed out of the arena. It wasn’t that good. My friend who went with me, was able to guess some of the spots before they happened. And I was able to predict the ending.

After the match, Orton told the fans not to leave yet, because he deserved respect. Eventually Cena got up and slammed the door in Orton, causing him to fall back and Cena gave him an AA. Cena then climbed to the top of the cage to celebrate.

This was a good house show. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible. My favorite moment was the whole crowd doing the yes chant with Daniel. Overall I give this show a 3.5 stars out of 5.


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