WWE Confirms; Fernando of Los Matadores Suffers Injury


WWE’s website has confirmed that Fernando of Los Matadores suffered an ankle and knee injury at this weekend’s WWE live event in Newark, Delaware.
Fernando was splinted and taken to a local emergency room for precautionary reasons, according to WWE trainer Larry Heck. He underwent X-rays to determine the nature of his injuries and after reviewing the X-rays on Monday, WWE physician Dr. Chris Amann was able to confirm a diagnosis. Amann said:

“Fortunately there are no fractures. However, he has a pretty significant left ankle sprain, as well as a sprain of one of the ligaments of the knee. We put him in a boot, he’s on crutches, and we expect him to be back in three to four weeks.”

Amann added that Fernando would be undergoing rehab at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando.


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