WWE Bringing In Veterans To NXT, WrestleMania Ticket Sales, Top WWE Exec Released?


Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

– Regarding WWE bringing veterans like Rhyno and The Brian Kendrick to NXT, the idea is that new talents will improve faster by working with the more experienced guys. This is similar to what Jim Ross did with Ohio Valley Wrestling years ago when it was a developmental territory. WWE may be bringing more veterans to NXT soon.

– Lilian Garcia has launched a new website for her new band LTV at LTVMusic.com. They will be performing at Dodgers Stadium this weekend for the Susan G. Komen event that Lilian is representing WWE at.

– Ticket sales for WrestleMania 31 have picked up since the Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar main event was made official after Fastlane. Comped tickets are well down from 2014 and the pace of ticket sales is said to be slightly ahead of WrestleMania XXX at this time.

– Jane Geddes, who you’ve seen on Total Divas and was the head of WWE Talent Relations before being moved to running Triple H’s office, is no longer with WWE. Geddes actually quietly left the company on a Friday somewhere between 1 month and 6 weeks ago. The circumstances surrounding her departure are unknown. There’s speculation within WWE that she was released.


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