Wrestling News 4/24/14: CM Punk Active Online, New News On The Streak Ending, Lots More


Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Dave Meltzer noted in the most recent issue of The Wrestling Observer that a major misconception regarding The Undertaker’s Streak ending has been that it was Taker’s call to end it. It is almost surely true that if he didn’t want to have it ended, he could have put up a fight and it most likely would not have happened, so to an extent, that is true.

However, Taker was scheduled to win until some point a few days before the match when Vince McMahon changed his mind, based on Taker’s physical condition and the feeling that there was a good chance this was his last match.

As far as Undertaker’s reaction when Vince suggested it, only he and McMahon know for sure. One friend of Taker’s said he was talked into it while another person very close to the situation said that Taker didn’t argue the decision.


– WWE has partnered with the NOH8 Campaign, which promotes equal rights and marriage equality through visual silent protest.

“Our mission at WWE is to put smiles on people’s faces and we do that, in part, by participating in initiatives that help fight bullying of all kinds,” said Stephanie McMahon. “We are proud to support the LBGT community by taking part in the WWE NOH8 Campaign.”


– WWE stock was down 2.17% today, closing at $22.10.


Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

– It’s now confirmed that Sting will be involved in the WWE DVD and Blu-ray they are releasing on him later this year.


– Bad News Barrett is expected to defeat Rob Van Dam on Monday’s RAW, likely due to interference from Cesaro, and go on to face Big E for the WWE Intercontinental Title at Extreme Rules. This will lead to Cesaro vs. Van Dam vs. Jack Swagger in a three-way at Extreme Rules.

Another match scheduled for Extreme Rules but not announced yet is Ryback and Curtis Axel vs. The Usos for the WWE Tag Team Titles.


– The Motley Fool has an article at this link about the stock. The author of the article advised investors to watch the stock “from the sidelines,” given the recent business risks with the Network and the company possibly cannibalizing their pay-per-view business.


– Happy birthday to John Cena, who turned 37 years old today. Cena commented on turning another year older, writing on his Twitter, “Time,some wish 4 more,some wish 2 stop it,but we all only have so much of it. NEVER take that for granted. Work hard, but take TIME 2 enjoy”
– Jim Ross noted on his Twitter that he will be writing the bios for the new WWE Topps cards.


– Linda McMahon kicked off her “Women Can Have It All” business series at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT today by interviewing her daughter Stephanie about women in business.


– Longtime WWE referee Jimmy Korderas is the latest guest on Steve Austin’s podcast. You can listen at this link.


– Jim Ross noted on Twitter that he did narration yesterday for a FOX Sports feature that airs Monday night on the boxing son of the late Tommy Morrison.


– Darren Young tweeted the following injury update on Wednesday:”Therapy is going well. I’m walking and I’m able to bend my knee more and more everyday. I’m kickin rehab’s ass! #nodaysoff #recovery”


– Blitz.Bg and other media outlets report that WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan will play a role in the upcoming Hollywood blockbuster, The Expendables 4. Hogan was a favorite to appear in The Expendables 3 but back in October of 2013 he told his fans that he will appear in the fourth installment of the film.


– Longtime TNA star Christopher Daniels noted on Twitter today that he is officially a free agent. He wrote: “I became a free agent & a published comic book writer on the same day!”


– WWE announced yesterday that Hulk Hogan will be appearing at the live event in Tokyo, Japan on July 11th and the July 12th live event in Osaka, Japan. Hogan commented in a press release: “Words cannot express how excited I am to be back in the WWE family. I only have one question for the WWE Universe in Japan: ‘whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild in Tokyo and Osaka, brother?'”


– WWE will tape another set of NXT tapings tonight from Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. The special guest is Intercontinental Champion Big E. We will have live spoilers later this evening.


– This wasn’t mentioned in yesterday’s “Where Are They Now?” recap on former WWE star Trevor Murdoch but Murdoch is currently working for a heavy equipment company in Missouri, installing fiber optic cable.


Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

– Chris Sabin’s TNA contract doesn’t officially expire for a few more weeks but word is that he won’t be re-signed and his last booking was the One Night Only pay-per-view tapings two weeks ago.


– TNA had stronger than usual attendance for last weekend’s shows in the Carolinas. The live event on April 17th in Florence, SC drew 1,000 fans. The April 18th live event in Concord, NC drew 1,000 fans and the April 19th show in Winston Salem, NC drew 900 fans.


– We noted before that Tom Latimer, formerly known as Kenneth Cameron in WWE NXT, worked a tryout match with TNA recently. Latimer was either offered a TNA deal or is under the impression that he will be getting one. Latimer is actually married to NXT Diva Charlotte, Ric Flair’s daughter.


– Matches taped for tonight’s WWE NXT include Emma and a mystery partner vs. Sasha Banks and Charlotte, Tyson Kidd vs. Mason Ryan, The Usos & Sami Zayn vs. Corey Graves & The Ascension, Tyler Breeze vs. Angelo Dawkins and Travis Tyler vs. Alexander Rusev.


Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

– We noted yesterday that John Cena has been selling 5 times the merchandise of the #2 seller in WWE lately. With CM Punk gone, that #2 seller is Daniel Bryan.


– A correction on Rey Mysterio, his knee is actually fine and hasn’t been giving him problems lately. He’s out of action with a hand injury. WWE is still expected to sign Rey to a new deal soon but for the first time in years, his merchandise numbers aren’t near the top.


– Former WWE star Ezekiel Jackson has been announced for the Legends of the Ring convention in June from Monroe, New Jersey.


– Mick Foley tweeted the following in response to feedback on his Facebook blog where he says he’s not signing a new WWE Legends deal.

“Thanks for the support. Personally, I’ll lose money and further strain my relationship with #WWE – but I hope that other talent benefits.”


– WWE pay-per-view advances are looking strong right now. Extreme Rules on May 4th is set up for 14,000 fans and is almost sold out. Payback on June 1st is set up for 11,000 and is almost sold out as well. Money in the Bank on June 29th has sold 10,000 tickets with just 2,000 still available.


Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

– There is still no internal timetable for AJ Lee’s return.


Source: PWInsider

WWE will announce on tonight’s NXT that NXT General Manager JBL will strip Paige of her NXT Women’s Title because she can’t hold that title and the WWE Divas Title at the same time. The segment will feature Paige initially refusing but finally agreeing.
The segment will be released online today and inserted into tonight’s broadcast. It was likely produced at Monday’s RAW.

A storyline that will crown a new NXT Women’s Champion will kick off at tonight’s tapings at Full Sail University.


– Many higher-ups in WWE were very upset with Mick Foley for what he wrote on Facebook after the Royal Rumble about Daniel Bryan’s push.


– WWE scout Gerald Brisco’s blue chip recruit this year is University of Minnesota heavyweight Tony Nelson, who won NCAA titles in 2012 and 2013, but lost in the finals this year. Nelson also has some offers from NFL teams. Brisco praised Nelson and said he could be in the main event of WrestleMania in four years. Apparently WWE needed an answer from Nelson on Wednesday of this week.


– Garrett passed along a photo of The Ultimate Warrior on the cover of the new National Enquirer, a supermarket tabloid that’s rarely taken seriously.

Warrior Enquirer


– Reader Brad sent word that CM Punk was shown on the big screen before yesterday’s Chicago Cubs game, wishing a happy birthday to Wrigley Field.


– CM Punk’s Twitter account showed some signs of life today. He favorited the tweet below, which is the first activity on the account since his departure from WWE in January:

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