What Did Roddy Piper Say To Mr. T After The WWE Hall Of Fame?


WWE Hall of Famer “Rowdy” Roddy Piper recently discussed running into Mr. T after the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony earlier this month. Piper and T have a lot of real heat, and Piper talked about once wanting to back suplex him in the ring and take him out.

Piper talked about about leaving the ceremony after it was over and seeing Mr. T, who was with his son, about ten feet in front of him. Mr. T had discussed his rough childhood during his Hall of Fame speech, and noted that his son earned his Master’s degree. Piper said that the dad in him kicked in, and he turned to his son Colt and said, “I’m going to show you what a man does.”

Piper said that he then walked up to Mr. T, whose back was to him, and gently put his hand on him. Mr. T turned around, and Piper said that it was the first time in 30 years that they had looked each other in the eye. Piper then put his hands on Mr. T’s arms and said, “I’m proud with what you’ve done for your son.” Mr. T thanked him, and Piper told Mr. T that his Hall of Fame speech was very brave, and “very giving.” Piper and Mr. T then talked about grabbing dinner sometime in the future before they hugged.

Mr. T later commented on Piper’s gesture on his Twitter, writing, “Thank you @R_Roddy_Piper! Your words after my speech meant a lot to me. Much love and respect.”

Piper replied, “@MrT I saw the love you have for your son! I have the same love for my son @ColtToombs! Time to set a positive example for everyone! Respect”


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