Vince Russo Thinks Heat Existed Between Steve Austin And WWE, Talks Austin’s Attitude


With the recent announcement that Stone Cold Steve Austin’s podcast would be returning to the WWE Network next month, talk of heat between Austin and the WWE has calmed. However, shortly before the announcement WrestleTalkTV spoke to Vince Russo, who thought there was actual heat between the two sides.

Russo pointed at Austin’s brutally honest demeanor and unwillingness to succumb to pressure by the WWE as potential things that could have caused friction between Austin and WWE CEO Vince McMahon.

“I do (think it’s true). I don’t have any insight. Austin does not need Vince McMahon by any stretch of the imagination. Austin’s not the kind of guy who is going to fall in line to Vince McMahon, wait for the phone to ring. If there’s some type of disagreement when it comes to money, Steve Austin isn’t the kind of person who’s going to fall in line. When I worked with him he wasn’t that type of guy.”

It was speculated that WWE also wasn’t happy with guests Austin had on his show. Russo didn’t see that as a possibility, as it’s not WWE’s problem to handle. Notably, Steve Austin had TNA President Dixie Carter on last week.

“I don’t think so. Steve had me on his show and I’m sure Vince wouldn’t like that, but it’s Steve Austin’s podcast. At the end of the day, Steve Austin’s going to have who he wants on his podcast. There’s a lot of those things Vince doesn’t like, but he’s not going to control a guy like Steve Austin. He’s a straight shooter, and I can easily see heat between he and Vince McMahon because he won’t fall in line,” Russo said.


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