Update On Marc Mero Needing Heart Surgery


As noted a few days back on Crazymax.org, former WWE and WCW star Marc Mero believed he needed heart surgery. Mero posted the following update on Facebook and says he does not need surgery right now:

“Results are in!! I want to thank everyone that has prayed for me & Dar! I just left a meeting with Dr. Lars Svensson at the Cleveland Clinic. Darlene and I were waiting for 4 hours after my tests to hear the results on whether I would need surgery. NO Surgery at least not now! Dr Svensson said my enlarged heart has gotten smaller from 6.3 to 5.9! He also said he was not concerned about my Aorta, that also shrunk!! What??? Praise GOD!! He wants to see me again in 6 months to reevaluate. He did say that he thinks I will eventually need surgery but right now, we are celebrating Faith in God and the power of prayer!

I believe God showed up at the Cleveland Clinic. He does answer prayer! I was prepared to go through a major surgery but had Faith in the power of prayer! Praise GOD and I thank everyone that took the time to pray. I’m flying home tomorrow!!!”


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