Update April 8th: Crazy Max Forums New URL!


Crazy Max Forums are now back open for business!

Please note the NEW URL in order to access the forums is http://forums.crazymax.org

Please change your bookmarks to point to the new url and alert any other members of the forum who may not be keeping up with our updates here.

There’s a lot of board themes and plugins/apps that still need to be added / re-added to the forums, which I’m already working on… But in the mean time I figured everyone would like to get back to posting and sending messages.

I’ll be posting one or two major posts over the next 24 hours in the forums to help you get acclimated with the new site and explain what’s been going on. Please refrain from sending questions during that time unless you feel it is important.

Welcome back to the forums, now get to posting!


After nine days of hard work, seven on my end, and the last two days with the help of our Forums company, I can proudly announce that the Crazy Max Forums have been safely and securely moved over to the new server and is working perfectly fine. Please don’t worry, all topics, posts, messages, etc, are still in tact. Expect the board to be available for all users by late tonight or tomorrow.

I will be posting the NEW Forums URL here when it’s time. Everyone will need to update their bookmarks with the new Forums URL once the board is indeed back up shortly.

Keep in mind, our forums received a major upgrade from the customary 3.4 version of the board we were running on, to the newer more modern look of the 4.1 version. Once the board does return, please take the time to look around at all the new functions and get acclimated with how the new board works.

KEEP IN MIND… When the board returns it will be a “bare bones” version of the board. None of the bells and whistles of the old forums will already be attached, it will appear as a basic forum. Rather than make you wait until I restructure the site with all the games, plugins and board skins, I felt the community would much rather have access to the board while I continue to work behind the scenes to get the board looking “pretty” again.

The Shoutbox, side panel, “recent online users” list, arcade games, feedback plugin, etc… Will return over the next several days. With the board upgrading to a new version, all of these features need to be upgraded or re-added as well. And I will continue to work on these daily until everything is back to normal…. Whatever that is. 😛

There will be a MUCH more detailed post inside the forums that you can read when the board is back up for the public either tonight or tomorrow. I will go into GREAT detail about what happened, what steps were taken over the last week and a half, and updates on how to use the new board and things that are being re-added.

Thanks again for your patience and support as we moved servers.


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