Ultimate Warrior’s Rep Blasts Jake Roberts Apology


For those who haven’t been following the saga of the Ultimate Warrior vs. Jake Roberts War of Word, here’s a quick recap… Jake Roberts was recently interviewed about his recent return to Raw and current well being. During the interview he was asked on his thoughts about the Warrior being inducted, and being inducted before him. Roberts response was something along the lines of “I guess they let assholes in before good workers”. You can read the original comments/interview here.

Warrior being Warrior, couldn’t sit back and let it go. UW responded fairly quickly with comments “Question for former talents now ‘hypocrite’ born-again Christians. Where do we go to find you practicing the beliefs of Christianity? Hell?” Warrior tweeted. “One a-hole instills honor and pride, The other horror and pity. One grows wise on great stories. One reads bathroom stalls and still grovels.”.  After the Warriors comments, Jake replied with an apology, claiming that his comments were mean as entertainment and nothing more. You can view the original post here.

Warrior’s rep has now fired back at the Snake man’s so called apology. Steve Wilton, Warrior’s official rep, tweeted the following in regards to Jake’s apology… “@JakeSnakeDDT More likely you let your guard down and the real Jake surfaced. Smart business move as usual. Your whole act is a scam.”

We’ll keep you posted if anything further comes of this. If you ask me, both guys should know better than this type of negative publicity after their recent resurgence in the public’s eye. Jake speaks before he thinks, and Warrior loves nothing more than to defend himself by belittling others. It’s not a good combo. Some kids just need to stay off Twitter.


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