TNA Talents Unhappy After Latest Incident, What WWE Told TNA Talents Looking For Work


Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

TNA talents have been told that the planned tour for China at the end of this month won’t be happening. Talents were unhappy because the tour was going to make them a significant amount of money and now they have to scramble to find work for those 10 days.

The tour being nixed was seen as another loss of faith within the company. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter notes that some talents have talked privately about how they believe the company is all but dead after getting the word about the tour. While the tour was not officially announced by TNA yet, talents were told it was happening until just a few days back.

Many TNA talents have sent feelers out to other promotions and ones that contacted WWE were reportedly told that WWE is not interested in anyone from TNA, even if they were willing to go through a tryout camp first.


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