TNA Live Event Results 2/23/14 – Title Changes Hands!!!


TNA house show results
February 23, 2014
Morgantown, W. Va.
Report by Jared Wharram

(1) Eric Young beat D.J. Zema (Ion) with a Macho Man flying elbow.

(2) Velvet Sky beat Gail Kim thanks to EY preventing Gail Kim from cheating. This led to Spud having EY removed from the building.

(3) Gunner beat James Storm in a Street Fight. Before the match, Gunner saluted local veterans and had everyone stand up and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

(4) The Wolves (Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards) beat Bro-Mans (Robbie E. & Jessie) to win the TNA Tag Titles. Borash made an effort to have everyone in the crowd tweet about the result. They also hinted that footage from the match would air on Impact this Thursday.

(5) Mr. Anderson beat Bobby Roode in a two-out-of-three falls match.

Earl Hebner was spotlighted for “ref’fing his 100,000th match.” To commemorate, fans could have their picture taken with him and receive an autographed t-shirt for $10.00.

(6) TNA World Hvt. champion Magnus beat Samoa Joe in a steel cage match to retain the TNA World Title. Magnus won due to a ref bump and a interference from Spud. After the match, EY returned to grab Spud and toss him into the cage. Joe his a Musclebuster from the second rope on Spud to send the crowd home happy.

Below is footage of the Wolves winning the tag team titles, along with further explanation for the title change.

Above is video of The Wolves defeating BroMans for the TNA Tag Team Titles at tonight’s live event in West Virginia. The reason for the title change is because BroMans aren’t advertised for the TNA vs. Wrestle-1 pay-per-view taping in Japan on March 2nd. With the title change, it will now be The Wolves defending the belts against Shuji Kondo and Kaz Hayashi.


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